The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, November 11, 1915, Image 3

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    a jjox or tho
;40c and 75c
A BOX ; '
Exclusive Agonta for
Springfield. '
Dny and Night Phone 31
TA now Colgate -Boap at
Kerry. .
. , . .V
,JIoaf tlio new Edison DIbc
Phonographs hi Pcory'n4
Mrs. .1. P. Fry vIhIIccI Tuesday
with Mrs, A. Ti Drum In Eugene.
Do you want dry feet. Como
Hcullnll the Shoo Doctor, Fifth
Mid Warn.
Mrs. Snook is dp wn; from Iall
Creek to upend. a few days In
Home mndo Hot Tnmalcs
1G cents 2 for 2fi cunts, nt tho
Palace of SweetB.
Mrs. J. T. Volgnmoro of Mar
cola was In Springfield toduy for
medical treatment.
Rev. II. J. Blair went to Port
land this morning to visit his
son ror several uays.
-rSavot 1-3 ,by(buyIng,,Rexftll
School Tablets at Peory'a. . , ; .
0. E. Brattain and family have
returned from a ton days' visit
at the San Francisco fair.
tr tt v
The Oregon Power Cofl of-
flco will rcmuln open until 1) p.
M. Friday, November 12.
Mrs. J. W. Collin and daughter
Floronco iipcnt tho day last Sun
day In Salem, visiting Ralph W.
Collin and Dr. Ray J. Pombcrtoh.
'.JohiirTomBeth, for many years.
superintendent pi uio juooin
Keily mill here, has resigned to
accpt a position at Weed, Cali
fornia, and gocB to that place
about the first of December.
R. L. Kirk, superintendent of
tho Springfield schools, will de
liver one of tho opening talks at
tho Lane County Teachers' In
stitute, which Is to bo held In
Eugeno tho first three days of
Thanksgiving week. Ho will al
so conduct a Round Table dis
cussion for a High school section
I TaleS Of the TOWn Jl'cat from Coburg yesterday.
Bruce Ncalandn, Miss Allle
? aA'a. " -,?T: IT "1 Dr. W. II. Pollard returned
Aiuuny wuro iii oiiiiiikiiuiu uhl8 momlne from Portland whl
Sri IOr a vuw ihor he had been called, a wlt-
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Young 'pgalnut the 'Southern Pacific Co.
returned last night from Port- to recover $10,000 damages. La
land, where Mra. Young lmd v'gno was injured In a fight at
been taking treatment from a the Natron gravel pits last fall,
specialist for tho past month. "d lie, claimed that the com
' pany physicians failed to give
m i r rrit. t 'film nronor treatment. The de-
Born-On Tuesday. November 'rived from Can by to make their 5
mir . .ui ivfo win home In Snrinirfield. and are Hv- uiBtuarfcLU uuure ujc uiicrca
j v m I vw mi uuu ..tin. if in . '
my uii u hn uuu uubwuuii ouvuuiu
and Eighth. Their daughter,
WHctta haa entered tho High
Gott of Springfield, a son.
w w w
Tho Springfield Flour Mills re
ceived a carload or first grauo
Tho Infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. Ole Soleim of tho Pruno
vlllc neighborhood, Is sick with
Have discontinued giving
nut Fidelity Stnmns. Brim in
your books and sea about pre
miums, uux, & uux.
Boutin lumber comnanv re
turned Wednesday morning
from a business trip to Portland.
Get your re-cleaned, seed
urnln at the Springfield Feed
Store. Cheat. Winter Oats.
Vetch and Field grassds. Prices
lowest possible.
Colgate's Talcums lCc at
Go to the Palace of Sweets
to buy peanuts, 5 cents a quart.
Mrs. I. Cllnc, of Prunevllle,
who haa been quite sick, Is able
to be out.
William Ilickox of Near Port
land, has moved on to his place
at Prunevllle.
m o n
A Mr. Kcenon has just moved
onto tho Captain Dodd place
west of town, coming from the
town of Drain.
a m m I
Clarenco Illll, member of tho' Dr. Eugene Kcs or went to
High school football team, suf- Portland Tuesday, night to be a
fcred a broken collar bono at witness In the case of J. B. La
practlco last night. v,c nBnlnat tho S. P. Co. Ho
1 0 is expected home tonight.
Thomas Soleim, who recently I .
purchased a ISO-acre ranch on' Mrs. Gilbert Davis, who has
Camp Creek near Woltervllle, been in the Springfield hospital
has moved to the farm. . lor treatment, ahs been removed
i o her homo, but Is not yet able
Good reliable fire Insurance, to recivo cahcrs.
No asscBsmonts; no membership , MIgs MInu" Rondanf who was
fee. Pay once and you are done, operated on ten days ago at tho
II. E. Walker at tho City Hall. I Springfield hospital, for nppendl-
'cllls. will bo able to bo taken to
Rev. II. C. Ethell coes to Don- her home tomorrow.
... . o w
na aJid wemning bunuay io; ITnol cn
omnium, nreaen nir services mi . . ...
0,0 mo,i,Vn,. tho ovclng. . tJSS.T&i
t i m- rpi,-i,i x'o. Eutrene lodtre of Odd Fellows.
liir. uuu iuin. iiui vim njn- vV ,. . n i
ten expect to move tho first of land for years its secretary, died
Dr. Joseph Schafer of tho Uni
versity of Oregon will make the
address before the Methodist
Brotherhood at Its dinner next
Monday evening. His subject
will be "Tho United States and
the World's War."
Miss Graco Collins, operator
at the telephone central' office
Ir 111. thrpntrmnd with an attack
C. E. Fischer of the Fischer- ,ol apendlcltis. Her mother, Mrs.
. 'ti iir niiir. ...t. A- i w H f til
E. W. CollinB, who went to Mill
City last week to attend another
daughter who Is 111, was recalled
by telephone.
Harvey Knowles and V. C.
Lane of Stockport, Iowa, Is here
lor a few days' visit with his sister-in-law,
Miss aMrgaret Mor
ris at the Ebbert place. Mr.
Knowles, who Is on his way to
the Fair at aSn Francisco, was
In Springfield six years ago and
he notices the market Improve
ments that have been made In
that time.
tlon took place.
Card of Thanks.
I wish to thank mv friends
for their kindness and thought
fulness at the death of my hus
band, W. H. McGllvray. Espe
cially would I thank the order of
18 lb Ca. Small White beans. $1
If? lh f!n. Umro white beans. SI
101b Cal. Lima beans $1
15 lb Ca. Mexican red beans. $l
181b Speckled Bayo $1
181b Fancy Jap rice $1
171b Fancv Head Rice $1
1001b Potatoes 65c
I A1
i . '.aw
A Hat Free
With a Suit of Clothes
We have just received shipments of the latest
styles of men's and youths' All Wool Suits, which
we have priced at
$12.50 $15.00 $17.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00
With each one of these suits bought before No- .
vember 24, we will give your choice of any $2.50
or $3.00 hat in the houae.
C E. SALES' Toggery
School District No. 19 of Springfield
Oregon, hereby calls for payment of
warrants of said district up to and
Including warrant No. 580. Interest
ceases on date of this notice. Dated
this 2Cth day of October, 1915.
7S 9 A. P. McKINZEY. Clerk.
Umbrellas were first used in London
by a person named Hanway In 17S6.
Social cHptes
tho week from O street between
Seventh and Eighth to thc S. W.
Cranmer house on E street.
m m m
Mrs. Fannie Grlflln was elect
suddenly nt his olllce In Eugene
this morning
The Emanon club hcldJts reg
ular meeting Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. J. E.
Fox on Willamette heights. The
afternoon was snout at ncedle-
Dorris, one of work, and the hostess served
dainty rerresnments. i ne guests
of the club were Mrs. John Tom
seth, and Mrs. Holbrook, and the
members present were Mrs. Fox,
f.nmhort W R. AlnKlnnev. D. M.
Core, LA. JUasterson', Etta Sha-
han, N. Thompson.
1- T T
The N. G. O. club met Tues
lav afternoon with Mrs. W. L.
AinPnllnrh. The house was
beautifully decorated with yel
Tuesday, November 18th
1 NOVEMBER 16: Albert Edward Wiggans, Scientific
Lecturer. ,
2 NOVEMBER 25: The Apollo Concert Company Vocal
and Instrumental.
3 DECEMBER 1: The Orford Company, in Song and in
4 JANUARY 17: The Wells Entertainers Musical and
Dramatic Sketches.
5 JANUARY 27: Judge A'den, Lecturer.
6 MARCH 6: The Schumenn Quintet Symphonic Con
cert. .
Reserved Seats will Be Assigned at the Eugene Y.M. C. A.
November 13.. Season Tickets, Adults,, $1.50.
Mn T Tt) Ulwnnlii Mra T A.
mi n u. xj. uuiiu.ou, w. ... ----
rrl !.. Tfo T.Tnnnr ATnPlll. fllPSt lf thft PlllU
VaiUllllllU, iHO. tioillj O" - - . , .
nun, iurs. ii. j. uinijf, no. . ,
imsltlnn at San Francisco took
IILUIIJ UtV.Vll-k ...V.. J . ;t. . ,
.i..nn.,i.imnnc on.'i tiin nvmnv nrizp.s and ribbons In com-
i. . o .iaii.nnc iimnii. Iiintltinn with stock from all parts
ivTr w n RoMinn wns Hip nf the United States. The iol-
VUll. i.l.D. II. v. . i . - ' .. . ,
Corvallis, Nov. 1. tne aairy months Rth nlace: Hol-
stock sent by O. A. U. to tne ex-r-" -'- 1
Wnnl wnn rorolvnil trwhiv hv I.Tnnksoil. Mrs. J. B. Nice. Mrs.
M mwl Atro 1 P l?rv nf thn CMIns fjnv. MISS Vlll McPlierSOll.
cd and Installed as Vice-Grand ! birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. J. j Miss Lulu McPherson, Miss
.ii- rt mi I r fnnnii11 rf n'nwl Tclniwl .TTMinl Pnnlnv.
4. 4
The thirty-sixth wedding an-
of Juanlta Rebekah lodge to fill
tho vacancy caused oy ine
death of Mrs. Lucy Cranmer.
Rev. and Dr. W. N. Ferris,
who have been at The Dalles for
tho past week or more, are ex
pected to return this afternoon.
Rov. Mr. Ferris will conduct
services at the Baptist church
O v
Mrs. Vina McLean of Spring
field and Mrs. S. E. Patterson of
EmreiiQ returned yesterday af
ternoon from a four weeks' trip
n MftRP.mnll of Grand Island.
Nebraska. The Mesoraulls for-
inni.l llt.n.1 In Cll.-lmrflilll mill
uiuiij .iiv;w i u) ..itj.... i 1 iiu till .v.v....e5
Mr. Meprrnull was a clerk for Itiivurenrv nf Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
v. , xt" , v ,i 'proprlately celebrated Tuesday
Otto Nelson of North Yakima, , ' lnri?n ,mmber of friends
Washington, left for homo Sat- 8ur,)riseu them at their home for .
urdny after being here to attend ovenlnc's social diversion.
the funeral of W. II. McGllvray. The RUests brought a fine
Mr. Nelson is a brother of Mrs. aml jttrdtnlere as a rer
McGllvray and of Arnc Nelson hrn,1Pft nf thir visit. Lunc
of Springfield
Lloyd McKay arrived in
CiirlnfTfinlrl Tnnsrlnv frnni Mn.r-
to the fairs at San Francisco and rill, Oregon, and will make his
San Diego, and a trip Into old homo with his father, J. S. Mc
Mexlco. Thov cxnerlonced a !Kny, while attending the High
heavy rain at Pasadenn, and 'school here. The river was Mr nnd Mrs. B, m. Young, Mr.
came throuch two snow storms ! frozen over and it was snowing nMll Mr8 H B- w.vlle. Mr. and
on the. way home. when he left Morrill. Mrg j CMn0 Mr. and . Mrs C.
brance of their visit. Luncheon
was provided by the guests.
Thnso Kvho comnllmented Mr.
and Mrs. Kellogg on this occa
sion were Mr. anu Mrs. j. w.
Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Truman
Phase, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Chase,
Grocery Buying
Doesn 't Require
the time and thought and attention
that it used to.
Nowadays, at this modern store,
we take care of the "worry pa'rtjtof
- 1 "Lir:
your grocery Buying we wim
iween vou and impure foods, and un-
- ... ifl.: .""wnsm
desirable ffoods,-and .the cost is,no?
more than for inferior goods.
Get the Habit of Trading
Here. t , w; ; ,
Larimer s
r4 W. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Eugeno
MrElhnney, Mrs. Juaie. mi.
John Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Tinriio Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Max
well. Mr. and Mrs. H, Neal. Mr. 1
nnd Mrs. E. Robinson, jMaud
Clarence. Homar. Marvin Chose,!
Waldo Hardio. Frank Hardlo.l
Clifford nnd Lloyd Young, Vorl ,
Young. Lois Mnlo, Alelne Cook, I
Helen Bryan, Edna and Melvln
Patterson. ,
4- '
On Wednesday afternoon tho
high Bchool was at homo to the
mothers and menus, i wumy
soven came to visit the pupils In
vini.. tWninr HnsR work. After
hieh school had adjourned tho
visitors anu teaooors assomuiuu
and several short talks wero
given after which light refresh
ments were served by Ethelyn
Powers, Ruth Scott and Maydon
Trlplett. The visitors Included
tho following: Mrs. Ada McPher
son. Mrs. M. M, Male, Mrs. S. L.
Walker. Mrs. P. M. Gosslor, Mrs.
Ole Holverson, Mrs. W. H. Sha
han, John B. CamnbeuCarrio,
Boesen. J. JohnBonARSDlgm,
Milton Bnily, L. May? P'!.r,"
vee, Hattie SpencerJ.uO.Hlll,
V. Williains. E. E. Brattaln, F.
B. Chase, E. M'. Young, W. A.
Preparations are beins: made
for the entertainment of the ex
tension team of the University
nfi Oretron Youne Men's Chris
tian Association, Saturday even
ing in the Baptist cnurcn, uncier
the auspices of the Christian
Endeavor, the Baptist Young
Peoples Union, and the Epworth
League or springtieiu.
sunuay evening at o:io m me
.ueuiouisi cuurcii iuu visnuia
will conduct a devotional meet
ing for the young people of the
town, and will also have charge
of the evening service at the M.
E. church following.
These Rnrvlees are a nart of
the winter's department for the
associates work In the near-by
towns anu win oe or great inter
est to the young people as well
as the older members of the
community. A cordial Invitation
is extended to all.
stein bull, one year and under
2 years, 5th place; Holstein cow,
4 years old and under 5 years,
2nd place; Hoistem cow, yeany
Ave ysars, 1st
various classes: ji ' lpnnrment rei:
Ayersmre cow, i years anu - - - $380.00
under four-years, 4th place, cash ifSthreSosItion: S70.00 from
nHes S40.00: Avreshire hull. 6
months and under 12 months,
4th 25.00; Ayreshire neiier can,
under G months 4th, $15.00;
Ayreshire cow, advanced regist- T
ry record, btn piace, ?io.uu;jf
Ai.rnalitra nnlf herrl (A ealvesl.lM
bred by exhibitor, 4th place,
$30.00; Ayreshire bull, 2 years
old and under 3 years, 3rd place,
50.00; Ayrshire heifer, G
months old -and under 12 months
the Holstein-Visitian Breeders'
Association special prize; and
$1.00 from the Ayreshire Club.
The par If good, the votk coElil. ud pro
mclion rapid 1 tbe U. S. Cl U S.i.lce. II yoo
s. AnerU.o m unmuom II you r cllrlbU
lot r rnTttmet pollMon II you put tbe
Service EitmUiiloa. To leu bow yc o
ou.illy u yoDt ipaie time, wille let eat tree uvu
frvlce booklet.
I. C. S. Box 463, Eugene, Ore.
Chas. Barkman, Manager.
Try us and be convinced that it pays to patronize home
Oregon Power Co.
Springfield, Oregon
Phone 58