The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, November 11, 1915, Image 1

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9m, lM
Continuing the Springfield News and Lane County Star, Which Wero Consolidated February 10, 1914.
ii to roil Kohftur'JI.I'Ml.nHtHlMf Inl I ,f)reroit, moooncl
cUh nmttor unilor otof Congro ot M rb, WI9
BRINGS $17,500
Property valued ut $29,000 lar"$
nliml In n triulii wlilh wiih lceu or"'
comploted today whoroby C. E.
Swartfl disposes of his 319-acro
farm in tho Mohawk valley, near
Donna to A. Luthrop of near Na
tron, talcing in exchange Mr.
Lathrop's farm of 70 acres, a
houso and lot In Eugeno and a
money consideration.
Possession is to lie given at
enco In both cases, and farm im-,
plcmcutK, hay, etc. aro being
ixchangcd. Mr. Swnrts' son, a ' w " ,ato
i. SwartH, who has been nuui-1'10;,0,, , arfH 'V,
.'Intr tlm hnn,,., fnrni will fnWn,No' PUP' HCltllCP abSCIlt
aging tho Donna farm, will take
charge of tho Natron farm.
Tho Mohawk farm went into
the deal at $17,500, tho Natron
farm at $9,750, or $125 an aero,
and the Eugeno property at
Tho deal wus made through
the Browning and Morrison
District Attornoy and
Enjoined from Enforcing
sunday Closing Law
District Attorney JJI, Dovers:
and Sheriff J. C. Parker wore Mrs. Alford, one night last
both served with Injunction .Tune, alighted from a Eugene
papers yesterday, restraining . Springfield car and stepping on
them temporarily from enforc-tho rear fender, she was thrown
lug Oregon's Sunday closing to tho track as the car started
law. A caso was instituted In, up and dragged for a distance
tho federal court by tho Bruns-'of about 100 feet. She claimed
wlck-Bnlko-ColIander .company .that .she suffered permanent In
to enjoin tho district attorneys 'juries us a result of tho accident,
and sheriffs In 25 counties of tho, Tho jury went out at 3 o'clock
state from enforcing this law. (in tho afternoon and returned a
Final hearing In tho caso will bo j verdict In less than three hours'
held In Portland November 15. time.
and a temporary injunction Is
iHsued to bo in force in tho mean
time. To Glvo Enturtalnment.
An entertainment, consisting
of a program by tho High school
literary society and an address
by a man of "national promi
nence," will bo given at tho High
school building Friday evening,
November 12. Every one is cor
dially Invited. There will bo
games, dramatics, eloquence
and all sorts of merriment.
Tho football improv
ing wonderfully. Tho boys put
up a good fight last Saturday
and wero successful in keeping
tho score lower than It was tho
time boforc when they played
Junction City. Springfield scor
ed In tho first five minutes of tbe
game and during tho first quar
tor tho score was G to 3. Tho
final score was 30 to 3, in June
City. Springfield scored in the
first flvp minutes of tho game
and during the first quartor tho
score was G to 3.
Several of tho team wore crip
pled a little, but none very ser
iously, Bally being tho worst.
Fogels. took his place.
Springfield Is going to Cot
tage Grovo Saturday and thoro
is .not any reason why wo cannot
boat them.
Aboht a dozen rooters accom
panied tho team to Junction
City. Let moro than that go to
Cottage Grovo. You aro need
ed. Every ono who can, please
go. It encourages the team.
Bill hill.
University of Oregon, Eugeno,
Nov. 10. Springfield has 17
studonts enrolled in the Stato
University this year, Thoy aro:
Walter L. Balloy, Lola Barr, Amy
Carson, Clinton Conley, Mario
DoPuo, Eileen Dill, Ester Fur
usott, Doll HlnBon, Opal Ilolvor
son, Francis Lamborty, Marjorio
Machon, Vera Perkins, Earl Po
well, Mary Putnam, Gladys Ro
berts, Paul Scott and Randall
, Scott.
Ths year's registration shows
an Increase of 0 por cent ovor
tho enrollment at tho corres-
ponding lnio last fccar. Tho
growth 1b duo to tho spread of
higher education throughout tho
state and to tho development of
tho University Itself.
It is believed that tho second
cemester'B registration in Febru
ary will add another 100 stu
dents. Tho mid-year class will
be largely composed of. Fresh
men but will also contain a num
ber of old students returning to
collogo to complete their ndvan-
Principal P. M. Stroud makes
tho following report of the High
School for the month ending on
November 5:
I'otal enrollment 131
w , ? No'
mice 2571 Ms
77 Mi
nor lato
Per cent of attendance
No. visits by parents . .
Rendored U $50,000
Damage Caso
Suing for $50,00 damages for
injuries sustained when she waB
(Irnirired bv a Eiieeno Btroet car.
Mrs. Alice Alford was given a
verdict against the P., E. & E.
Hallway company by a Jury in
tho circuit court Tuseday for
The trial lasted three days and
was hard fought by both sides.
Tho caso attracted more than
tho ordinary amount of atten
tion on account of the unusual
ly largo amount of damages ask
ed for. Fred E. Smith and C. A.
Hardy were attorneys for Mrs.
Alford and John F. Rollly for tho
railway company-.
From an authoritative source
The News has secured tho fol
lowing statement of the lumber
frleght rate caso as viewed by
tho valley lumbermen:
California Rate Situation
Prior to 1898 there was very
little milling in the Willamette
Vallov south of Portland. The
entire cut of tho Valley was
practically all consumed locally.
The San Francisco territory se
cured Its supply of lumber from
tho Columbia River and Puget
Saund by water. In order that
mills could bo located and oper
ated successfully In the Willam
ette Vnlloy It was necessaiy that
permit those mills In tho Interior
to Bhlp lumber in competition
with mills located on tide water.
In ordor to encourage tho milling
industry In tho Willamette Val
ley, the Southern Pacific Com
pnny established a rate of $3.10
nor ton on rough green fir lum
ber and lath for shipment from
nolnts on their East sido lino
south of Portland, and $3,35 per I
ton from points on their West
side lino to San Francisco, Oak-,
land and other tide water points
at San Francisco Bay. tho rail
rate from Portland bolng $5.00!
por ton. I
As a result of this rate thoi
MilliiiiK iimuouj in uiu tyiimui-
etto Valloy was encouraged to
such an oxtont that sovornl largo
milling operations wero estab
lished, in ndldtion to many
smallor mills. This development
continued to such an oxtont that
In 1907 the railroad company
found they wero hauling empty
cars North to tako care of tho
South bound lumber shipments
! originating In tho Willamette,
Valley, nhd claiming that it was
Affairs of tho present muni
cipal administration were
brought to a closo at the regular
monthly session Monday oven
ing. Bills for the month wero
audited and ordered paid, and
tho 'Judges and clerks c(' tho
recent election wero allotted $5
each. ,
Tho monthly reports of tho
recorder and tho treasurer wero
read and filed.
Councilman Fenwick of the
Street committee reported that
repairs needed for Main street
had been deferred for a time.
J. E. Stauigcr presented his
resignation as marshal, to take
effect upon the appointment and
confirmation of Ills successor.
The question of whether there
Is any ordinance governing the
throwing and breaking of glass
on the streets was referred to
the attornoy for Investigation.
Ho was Instructed to present an
ordlnaco on the matter if ne
Now Mayor to Call Meeting
Mayor-elect Morrison stated
this morning that he expects to
call a meeting of the council
for Monday or Tuesday night,
following his induction into of
fice at noon next Monday.
By proclamation of Mayor C.
L. Scott, tho ordinance licensing
and regulating all carriers of
passengers In SpringfieJ.ilUiG
so-called Jitney ordinance), will
go Into effect December 3, 1913,
30 dajjs after tho measure was
approved by tho people at the
County Judge II. L. Bown will
speak to the Civics class of the
Springfield High school on Mon
day afternoon at 2:30 in room 3,
on the subject, "What the Lane
County Court is Doing." The
public is invited to attend.
unprofitable to do this they can
celled these low rates, advanc
ing the Valley rate to $5.00 per
ton, the same as applied from
Portland. Tho lumber manufac
turers south of Portland, finding
themselves again unable to com
pete with Portland and Puget
Sound mills who shipped by
water, filed complaint with the
Interstate Commerce Commis
sion asking that the Southern
Pacific Company be required to
restore the low rates. In that
suit tho lumber manufacturers
( Portlantl intervened and asked
the Commission to give Portland
the samo rate as Willamette Val
ley. The Commission in its de
cision, (Gl ICC 14 June 1st,
19081. IiiBtoad of ordfirlncr tho
restoration of tho $3.10 rnto
from tho Willamette Valley pre
scribed a rate of $3.40 per ton
on rough fgreen lumber from
points on the West side lines of
the Southern Paolflc Company
south of Portland to San Fran
oIbco and other Bay points, but
denied the request of the Port
Beaver-Herndon Hardware Company
The new lumber freight rates
to California formed the princi
pal theme for discussion at the
meeting of the Springfield De
velopment league which was
held Tuesday evening at the
League rooms. J. E. McKibben
lo'l tho Fischer-Boutin Lumber
company presented a large mass
of figures pertinent to tho ques
tion under discfission, and at the
conclusion a committee consist
ing of Thos. Slices and D. S.
Bcals was appointed to draft
suitable resolutions and to pre
sent the claims of the communi
ty before the Interstate C6nw
merce commission when it
meets this month. The commit
tee presented the following reso
lutions, which were unanimous
ly adopted:
Whereas, the country around
,and tributary to Springfield is
tlargely dependent upon the lum
jbering and saw mill industry,
j Whereas, the new rate of 17
I cents made from all Willamette
("Valley points into interior north
ern California points will great
ly encourage and put new life
I Into the lumber business in the
I Willamette Valley.
Therefore be it resolved, That
we?most emphatically commend
the. Southern Pacific Co., in
granting and giving this small
differential in favor of the Will
amette Valley lumber mills as
equitable and just and that we
: believe-that the Portland Cham
ber' ot Commerce, other civic
bodies of Portland, manufactur
ers, Associations, wholesale
business interests and other re
sidents of Portland who believe
in the square deal, should make
whatever move is necessary to
draw the Portland mill men from
their, course which would work
great hardships to the Willam
ette Valley mill men and those
dependent upon them, would
render hundreds of thousands of
dollars of investment useless
land mills and the $5.00 per ton
rate from Portland continued in
effect. The following language
of the Commissioners' decision
is quite pertinent on this sub
ject: "It was not denied that in the
past Portland lumber had suc
cessfully met lumber from the
Willamette Valley in San Fran
cisco upon the former rates of
traffic There
can be but one result: lumber
reaching San Francisco by wa
ter must supplant that from the
Willamette Valley in the San
dltions which induce us to apply
this low rate from imlls in the
Willamette Valley do not obtain
in the case. This rate cannot
affect manufacturers having the
benefit of the water rate and are
not therefore dependant at all
upon the Southern Pacific com
pany for reaching the San Fran
cisco market. It Is of no espec
ial importance to the manufac
turers at Portland and no injus
tice is done by withdrawing
same. The distance from Port-
We carry a complete line of
sporting goods. We also
carry the best In Flash
Lights'. They sure shine.
Lot a Kwiklito light you on
your way.
and greatly retard the growth of
rural Oregon.
We know that in the past the
lumber industry of Western Ore
gon has been made to suffer
greatly because of its heavy
handicap In ,'ratcj3, which has
kept it from fairly competing
with the Portland mills In the
markets of California, Eastern
Oregon, Idoho, Utah and Mon
tana. We, therefore, ask that the
public mind of Portland be not
'swayed by the contention ot a
few saw mill men in Portland but
:that they will grant the many
i milsl of Western Oregon as well
!as Western Oregon herself their
'Just rights.
j Prosperity of this section
means more prosperity to Port
land and a greater Oregon as
j well.
j (Special to the News.) The va
icancy left by Mr. Jarrett, the
Booth-Kelly Superintendent who
was transferred to Springfield
as superintendent pt the Booth
Kelly mill there has been filled
by Nels Neilson, the former yard
boss. H. A. Barnes was promoted
to the position formerly held by
Mr. Nielson.
The second team of the Wend
ling Athletic Club played an in
teresting game of basket ball
with the Marcola High school
team last Saturday evening de
feating them by the score of 24
to 17.
j Earl Bennett who has been at
the Eugene hospital as the result
of an accident with his gun. in.
which the right arm was shatter
ed, is expected home Thursday.
I The Parent-Teacher Associa
tion will meet Friday evening at
the school house. Professor Earl
Killpatrick will deliver the ad
dress of the evening,
i Ray Redding made a business
trip to Eugene Tuesday.
Several inches of snow fell on
the hills above Wendlin'g last
Sunday, The logs from the
catnp were covered with several
inches of snow when they reach
ed Wendling.
I A. C. Dixon of Eugene made a
tour of inspection at the mill
land is considerably greater
than the average distance from
,the Willamette Valley mills and
on the whole we think the de
fendants (S. P. Co.) should be
(left to their option in meeting
ior declining to meet water rates
at Jortland. The claim of the
facturers) is therefore declined.
At the expiration of two years
when the Commission's decision
expired, the railroad company
again advanced the rates from
the Willamette Valley to basis
of $5.00 per ton, and the issue
was again the subject of com
plaint to the Interstate Com
merce Commission. The Com
mission again fixed a rate of
$3.50 per ton on rough green
lumber from East side points
: and 3.75 per ton from West side
! points on the Southern Pacific
, lines south of Portland to San
(Francisco Bay points. In this
later decision (21 ICC reference
page 389-39G June 22, 1911),
the Commission makes the fol
lowing statement:
"The average distance from
Willamette VaVlley mills to San
Francisco is 622 miles and the
distance from Portland to San
rates should therefore be higher
from Portland than tho Willam
ette Valley. In our opinion a
rate of $3.50 upon rough green
fir lumber and $5.00 upon other
kinds of fir lumber from Willam
ette Valley points lp view of tho
shorter distance, Is higher than
a uniform rate of $5.00 from
lumber. Our decision If it dis
criminates either way is against
the Willamette Valley and not
against the Portland mills."
Early this year the Interstate
Commerce Commission ruled
that tho lbng ahd short haul
clauso of tho Interstate Com
A timber crane to make easier
loading of timbers is being con
structed at the Booth-Kelly mill.
The new crane will be of the
a span of &0 feet, extending from
south of the long line of live rolls
across the rolls, the adjacent
loading spur and the dpek along,
the mill race. In length, the
crane tracks will extend from
near the big stick planer to the
western end of the dock, a dis
tance of 500 or 600 feet. The
track on which the crane will
run will be 30 feet above the
The pile driving crew is now
at work putting a line of piling
on the south side of the race on
which the north rail structure
will stand. Braces will be ex
tended diagonally across the
race so as to make the crack
perfectly rigid.
By means of the crane,, big
limbers, weighing from 1000 to
2000 pounds and more can be
picked from the rolls as they
come from the mill, and be car
ried and deposited on a car any
where along the spur, as far as
the end of the dock. The" load
ing: of bridge timbers was the
only heavy hand-work remain
ine; at the mill, as machines did
all the other heavy work-
merce act should apply in the
anplication of this Willamette
Valley rate, and issued an order
prescribing that this rate of
$3.50 per ton must be applied 16
Intermediate points. In cbmi
pliance with this, order therefore
the Southern Pacific Company
were obliged to reduce the rate
on rough preen lumber to Sac
ramento, Marysville and similar
points intermediate to San
Francisco from the "Willamette
Vallev to $3.50 and $3.75 per
ton. Subsequently however, ow
ine: to "the decided deoressidn
existing in the lumber business
the (railroad company decided
to make these rates apply not
only on rough green lumber but
on all kinds of lumber, and at
the same time reduqe the rate
from their eWst side mills to the
same rate as that from their
East side mills, or $3.50 per ton.
Also Instead of the rate from
Portland being maintained at
!$5.00 per ton, it was reduced to
S4.30 per ton. Therefore the
differential instead of being iys
cents per hundred pounds as
established by the Interstate
Comnierce Commission was re
duced to 4 cents per hundred
pounds, and this reduced rate
made to apply on intermediate
points, giving the Portland mills
as well as the Willamette Valley
mills, the benefit of1 the rediic-
i.tion to intermediate territory.
This reduction became effective
October 22, 1915."
Utah and Idaho Rate Situation
At the conclusion of the big
Eastern rate case in 1908, when
the several railroad companies
were making up their tariffs to
conform with jthe decision of
the Interstate Commerce Com
mission, advantage was taken
of a technicality in the decision
which made it possible for the
railroad lines to establish a rate
to Utah points that was 2y2 less
per hundred pounds from Port
land than from points North and
South of Portland. This eaVe
Portland a rate of 37 cents to
Utah common points as com
pared with Wilamette Valley
rate of 40 cents to these same
points. This same differential
mining districts of Utah taking
rates higher than 37 cents and
40 cents. Although the Willam
ette Valley manufacturers wero
assured by the Commission that
it was .ot their Intention to
thus discriminate against the
Willamette Valley, intimating
that if suit were brought they
would equalize these rates, tfye
Willamette Valloy manufactur
ers in order to avoid antagoniz
ing thci Portland manufacturers
did not file auclij8inXperf
(Continued oa P 4)