The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, November 08, 1915, Image 3

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    Aro you willing to buy
v a package of blndca?
Wo Qlvo You
tho Razor?
Our Window.
Day and Night Phone 31
Tales of the Town
Go to tho Pnlnco of Sweets
to buy peanuts, B centB a quart.
Will Kotchum was down today
from Fall Creek on business.
II. F. CreiiBlmw. of Mohawk
was In SPrlngllcld today on busi
ness. Ilonry Korf went to Thurston
Friday ovnlng to attend the
dance given there that evening.
Prof. F. S. Dunn of tho Univer
sity of Oregon, occupied tho pul
pit at tho Methodist church last
a a
Mrs. Ewing of Ileppnor, Orc-
K0I1. Bister of Hud Kinr'lnv
came today for a visit with her
parents and other relatives.
Do you want dry feet. Como
hco Hall tho Shoo Doctor, Fifth
and Main.
m m
David Kby left Sunday for a
Hovoral months visit at tho homo
of his daughter Mm T. L. Mor
row in Cottage Grove
M t
Miss Monro, wlm In fonrOilmr
the school at Dexter, epent tho
week-end with or parents in
A Thanksgiving masquerade
dance will bo given at tho Fall
Creek hall on Thursday cvnlng,
November 25.
-No lobhorn' nrnJH nn Hnn(-
er Flour, mado for and sold ex
clusively by Cox & Cox. $1.20
per sack, $4.70 bbl.
Frank Sldwell of Sixth and
F streets, ratchet setter at the
iJootn-Kciiy mm, was confined
to his homo today by reason of
Tho sou of C. G. Coe, living
playful horse last week, is Im
on tho Coburg road, who was
kicked In the face and arm by a
proving nicely.
, A Mr. Sullivan of Marcola
was operated on at tho Spring
bold hospltul yesterday for tho
I removal of the middle finger of
his left hand. Ills finger was so
I badly crushed under a wheel of
'the monorail car that the opera
tion was necessary.
m m m
A long, narrow window Is be
ing put In the retail office room
nt tho Booth-Kelly yard, so that j
Engineer Martin may httvo a
! suitable light, for hla drafting;
board. lie Dad Had room In the
mill superintendent's private of
fice, but the space was needed.
The Booth-Kelly pllo driver
was brought around from near
the burner, 'to a point near the
ofilco, and will be put to work
driving piling nlong the north
side of the race, nlong by tho
power plant, to put In a bulk-
I head that will prevent washing
jof the banks.
Earl Moore of Springfield w
In Goshen today on business '
Itaymon Hugh of Eugene w
a guest at the Sldwell homo on
Homo made Hot Tamalcs
IB cents 2 for 25 cc.ito, al.Wto
Palace of Sweets.
AbIc your neighbor about
Booster Flour, $1.20 per sack,
$4.70 bbl. COX & COX.
Persons who mild taxes
through tho First National bank, 0f Waltervllle were shoppers in
can now get their receipts by Springfield Saturday,
calling nt tho bank. i
i n, .1 . iV ' Mr flnd Mr8 J P Fry were
Miss Myrtle Conenhavcr. tho dinner nt m xt.
principal of the Wendllng Public I3ud KIntzley yesterday.
schools, spent tho week-end at, u
home- In Springfield. j Claud Washburne of Junction
City spent Sunday In Springfield
Carl Fischer of the Fischer- with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. B.
Boutin Lumber Co., went to A. Washburne.
Portland Saturday, to bo gone
for a week on business. j Miss Hortense Whltacre of
. 'lflugene spent Saturday and
Itov Lovo nnd fnmllv nre Sunday at the home of Mr. and
moving to tho James Cox ranch w re. an xuoore.
Charles Sylvester of Jasper
was In Springfield today on a
business trip.
J S McKay, who works on tho
Woodburn-Lcbanon run, spent
Sunday at homo,
Ilcv. J. T. Moore went to Sa
lem last Wednesday, to bo gone
ior a week or more
Snow appeared on tho bills
north of Springfield this morn
ing, but It soon disappeared.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Conlcy
near Goshen, from their former
residence on north G street
John Bell, formerly connected
with th First National Bank of
C I n i i r ,
Good reliable fire Insurance, j 2',"nS"e,u' ,s. u.cre louay rrom
x'luiuviue on ousmess.
No assessments; no membership
fee. Pay once nnjl you arc done.
II. E. Walker at the City Hall.
NOTICE Beginning No
vember 8th, our last delivery in
the afternoon will leave the store
NOTICE BeslnnliiB No-.
vcmoer atn, our last delivery m
tho aftrnoon will leave oho storo 1 J"1? I""?1 JIml fas P""-
proivawtfo. coxacox. $SEfr3fZ
Nothing Stops
This Man
Tho man with vigorous, yirilo health, and a clear
mind, Who brushes away obstacles, and rejoices in over
coming difficulties, is bound to succeed. His is tho Joy
ous outlook on lifo.
Physical and mental conditions like these como
largely through proper oating "Food makes the man."
Now it is a fact attested by food experts that the
modern diotary is woefully lacking in tho vory elements
that put success into a man. .They are the mineral salts
Phosphate of Potash, etc. .White bread is almost
Wholly lacking In them ..Butthoro is ono food that richly
supplies those vital olemonts, and that food is
Made from whole wheat and barley, Grnpo-Nuts con
tains all the nutriment of the grain, including tho valu
ablo mineral salts. .It is easily digested, Is concentrated
and has doltcious taste. A daily ration of Grapo-Nuts
along with other foods helps build vigorous bodios and
keon brains.
L. E. Durrln went to Dallas UP 0,1 tne wncoin school lot. i
this morning to dp some repair J ......
work on Mm firnirnn Pnwp.r Notice Is given that we will
company's plant there. He will Prosecute to the limit of the law .
he away for several days. u caugni ueiacing or
tearing our posters In front
Miss Martha Stroda of Harris- the Theatre and on Main street
bur spent Sunday as the puest hi Springfield.
of Miss Grace Sldwell, and left RUDRAUFF BROS
this morning for Noti to spend
a week with friends there.
Tuesday, November 16th
Albert Edward Wlggans, Scientific
The Apollo Concert Company Vocal
and Instrumental
3 DECEMBER 1: The Orford Company, in Song and U
4 JANUARY 17: The Wells Entertainers Musical and
Dramatic Sketches.
5 JANUARY 27: Judge Alden, Lecturer.
6 MARCH 6: The Schumann Quintet Symphonic Con
Reserved Seats will Be Assigned at the Eugene Y. M. C. A.
November 13.. Season Tickets, Adults,; $1.50.
An exchange of professors between South American states to Oregon trade
m. r 1 si -a ai nsiecftlif Iff I as
THE FARMER'S AUTO dciiuui 01 towmerce 01 uie um -m"
Chicago Journal: Several hundred 1 versity of Oregon and some of the ' J ' cfA ""d3r
i,n,rDn, , ..i..i a , .v. the ProductB of the South American
JUy WillKUr WUI1L tO iVIUUIiy VMlfl nr will nvo nr(i , , ,T ., M c,aMJ kyj "u 6 copeumuy
Saturday to spend Sunday with IX L? 1' 11 ",.a."?"!! r,an of B' MU,er' dIrector of the that may be imported into the
EvangcllBt Bruce Evans, Who win aa t0 Tt " ttZL nt dopapent of industrial and commer- Northwest; and also to familiarize
1 .wi...t 1 . wl" aU(I ,0 11,0 attractiveness of rural ... r,.uu .... .i
..., i u. -'-. mm uo us sna.e in Keeping dojs , ... hnnut. nn,i itninDo r, th-
iur:ng anout a closer commercial reia-
inure ui. law uiiiu. inr. and B(rls on tho fnrn,x
ivaus was m sprmgiiem eany, Wlth an automobne, the neighbor- lion between Oregon and South Am
III L11U JtUl .
butions of vegetabls, etc., . fprtnti Is -likewise a most enormous !sj:d losf opportunities. Knowledge is 1
these people. Supplies may; be 'iucreaso of interest in good roads. I., 1 ..a J ,
left nil. D. Larimer's or at Nice B J firmer So buys an amo be-1 h.e 0 utrade as wf ?! "hL
which business is likely to be devel-
hood is ijuadrupled In size. Visits to jerican countries through the medium, m 'other words he becomes the com-
nmrw PArlflnn rnnrte Mint ' ., . . , , . B " ! r education. It will be. presented to rnercial agent of the School of Com-
Several cases Of destitution have stimulated and made more f rennet itha University regenfs by President merce to develop and improve Oregon
jCOnie to hte attention, and he There is a better exchange of ideas . P- Campbell. SJTTi.r L"i .
woum ue giau 10 recive coniriri easier co-operation, pleasanter life. "Ignorance always means prejudice " 4 : "2"
instructor in Spanish who will
here will be asked to meet the
President various representatives of trade in
Oregon through the Chamber of Com
merce of Portland, and will become an
adviser to the Bureau of Trade and
merce is to further the prosperity of Commerce of that Chamber In matters
tho state In every w-ay that is within pertaining to trade in the territory
the province of an educational insti-lfrom which he comes.
Hon of this kind. After tho r6turn ot th(? representa-
, . , , 'tive from Oregon he will be asked to
Tho intention is Umt the man who meet th(J bus,ness men of toQ M
will come hero from South America ! through the Portland Chamber of Com-
wui be conversant wun tne commer- nierce, to give them tho benefit of his
& Miller's.
friendship," is the way
George Perkins writes from stalled in tho mud when out for a
Rend that lie has just finished pleasure drive is enough to convert the
the construction of 12 houses .rcost stubborn opponent ot "new-fan-and
has the contract to build 4S elcd notions."
more in the Spring. He says.
there are larce number ofi
KiirhifrfiGlfl nnnnln tlinro. Polrl'Cnly a dad with a tired face..
1 (j I' 1' " T - n 1 '.mil
.comes forthwith a champion of better 1
highways. One experience of getting 'Campbell puts it. realizing that one
weather is now intcrferin
construction work.
Harry Caldwell came up fromM
Salem and spent Sunday at thef?ut g,?d, ln hIa lM:art that h,s own ro"
' nt a o iirn 4" JOlCO
iiiuiiic ui iuio. iv, o. tvuiuui, it;
turning home today with hisi
.mother, Mrs. Alice Caldwell,.
,vho has been visiting the pastj
(week with M:-3. Walker. Mrs
Susie Smith, sister of Mrs
.Walker, who also has been vis-
;ltlng here, returned with Airs
"There's a Reason"
I i'L iii sSold by Grocers Evorywhera
Springfield, Ore., Nov. 8, 1915.
Mr. Wesley Ward.
Mrs. Myrtle Johnson.
Mr. C. W. Bragg. v
Mrs. Delilah Adams.
One cent due on all advertised
letters. '
Coming home from tho daily race,
Bringing little of gold or fame
rTp show how well he has played the
of tho duties of the School of Com-
To see him como and to hear his voice.
Only dad of a brood of four.
One of ten million men or more,
Plodding along in the daily strife,
JDearing the whips and scars of life
, with never a whimper or pain or hate
IPor the sake of those who at home
Cnly a dad, neither rich nor proud,
Merely one of tho surging crowd,
Tolling, striving from day to day.
Facing whatever may come his way;
Silent, whenever the harsh condemn.
cial trade and possibilities of trade and
Uie natural resources and manufac
tured product of his part of the world,
with special reference to the demands
Try a sack of Booster Flour.
Tf vnn nr nnf sntisfiprl wa will
of the Pacific Northwest and Parttcu-U,, for ,t and yQur money
larly of Oregon, and that be shall In
struct the students of the School of
Commerce along the lines of commer
cial development of Uie relations be
tween -Oregon and South America. In
addition he will teach business Span
ish, the more or less technical phrase
ology of trade and trading.
Conversely, the man who will go
from the School of Commerce of the
i University of Oregon will have made a
detailed study of all those products ot
Anil linnHlnn 1. nil tny , r. n f ilmni t
, j , , , " ,, - Oregon for which a South American
Onlv a dud. hut ho trives his all !. ... . . .
To smooth the way for his children
'trade can be developed. This know-
Doing with courage set and grim,
The deeds that his father did for him.
This, is a line for him, I pea.
Only a dad, but Uie best of men.
i ledge he will transmit to the unlver
j sity to which he Is credited, as well as
Social cJptes
The first mask ball of tho
Springfield Fire Department,
held at the Reapers hall Satur
day evening, was a most pleas
ant social affair. Tho hall was
crowded, and all enjoyed the oc
casion to the utmost. PHzcb
were awarded to Mr. and Mrs,
Paul McKeyvfor the best sustain
ed characters and to Mr. J. J.
Bryan and Mrs. Ronald Roberts
for the most comical characters.
Tho judges were Mrs. S. Young,
Harry Stewart and B. A. Wash
burne. Arrangements for tho
dance were made by Dale Mum
mey, Milton Bally and Harry
Kelfer while the door committee
Mrs. H. W. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs.
M. M. Peery, Mr. and Mrs. J: E.
Stewart, Mr. and Mrs H. W.
Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Wheaton, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Mc-
Kinzey, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Bally,
Mrs. Thurlow (Portland), Mrs,
Eddesse Cox, Miss Edna Swarts,
Mrs. C. E. Fischer and Mr. A . D.
The Priscilla club held a most
enjoyable session Friday after
noon at the bom of Mrs, W. C.
Rebhon. Chrysanthemums and
autumn leaves were used freely
in decorations. All members of
tho club were present, together
teach commercial English there,
j The School of Commerce believes
(this exchange of instructors to be one
'of tho most practical and efficient
methods of .developing commercial re
lations with other countries. The
man sent from the School of Com
merce to South America first will go
on a trip throughout the, state to make
a detailed study ot the lumber, paper,
box-making and furniture factories
fruit canneries and dryers, flour mills,
moat packing plants and other ot the
leading industries, that he may be
prepared to call the attention ot the
Importers nnd business men of tho
was composed of J. C, Mullen, tho club wor present, together
Harry Keifer, and P. S. Chase, with these guests: Mrs. B. A.
Washburne, Mrs. W. L. McCul-
Members of the Five Hundred loch, Mrs, A. M. Beaver, Mrs.
clpb and their husbands wore falter Hern don, Mrs. N. W. Em
entertained Thursday evening cry, Mrs. W. II. Pollard, Mrs. J.
by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Woods S."Holbrook and Mrs. S. H. Bak
atJSugono. Those who attended or. The hostess served a dainty
from Springfield were; Mr, and to-course luncheon. The ......
Springfield Garage
Repairing a Specialty
Main, hot. Fourth and Fifth. Phone
hack. Sl.zu per sacK, ?4.70 a
barrel. COX & COX;'
Get your re-cleaned seed
grain at the Springfield Feed
Store. Cheat, Winter Oats,
Vetch and Field grasses. Prices
lowest possible.
The Youth's Companion Calen
dar for 1916
The publishers of The Youth's
Companion will, as always at
this season, present to every
subscriber whose subscription
is paid for 1916, a Calendar for
the new year. . It. is a gem-p
calendar-making. The decora
tive mounting is rich but the
main purpose -has-been tot pro
duce a calendar that is useful,
and that purpose has beenfea
chieved. 7
Card of Thanks j
We wish to thank our neigh
bors and friends that wereso
3dnd during the sickness and
death of our dear one. 7
S. W. CRANMER, . ,?
O. R. Gullion, M.D.
Practice Limited tl
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Graduate Nurse Attending
306, White Temple, Eugene.
Ofllre Ninth and Pearl Su. TelepnonefM
Suite 8. Phone 888, EUGENE, OllE
Residence oyer Dodge's Store
Tbe aUrles oId bv Untie Stm
to CiTll Service tmployciequtliad
etca tbo pIt In dv btmctk
Mmda cil appoistiurat) nra taadt
o0llr. Ciumr M tipi.i. lo putt
tr riila .uiioi).
VT.IIc M.yKr lico Civil . vie,
li!rrt'",' w-Y 1jIh1
09x433, Cuon, Ora g