The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, November 08, 1915, Image 1

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    tup I ANF
Continuing the Springfield News and Lane County Star, Which Were Consolidated February 10, 1914.
XiiUrixi ribriurr2l,IM1,Mtrlii,leM ,Orcon, miecoiul
lmiltf uniiorolul.0oii(r oIH riii,lS79
VOL. XIV. NO. ttr '
Portland, Nov. C. Everything
points today to un ndvanco of $1
per lliotiHtind In lumber prices in
tho Pacific Northwest. Whllo
it Ih hold by nouio that tho thuo
lb not quite rip for nu Increase
to bo mndo olTcctlvo, tho market
Ih showing such a burst of
strength tho prediction is mado
that tho advnnco Ih not very far
4i way.
Two factora aro rcBponslblo
for this fooling, aaido from tho
firm tone exhibited throughout
tho Pacific NorthwcBt. Ono Is
tho action of certain railroads
In placing heavy orders In this
section and tho other Is tho tre
mendous Influx of business com
ing to the mills in the South.
Whllo It Is admitted that trade
conditions In tho South will have
only an indirect effect hero at
present, it is certain that In tho
course of tlmo thoy will aid In
tho lifting of prices In this ter
ritory. One of tho leading bankers
of the city, who Is In close touch
-with tho lumber situation hero,
declares tho trouble with tho lo
cal business has been a lack of
confidence upon tho part of
many of tho lumbcrmn. lie was
emphatic In tho duclaratloit that
thoro is no reason for tho tak
ing" of a pessimistic vlewwhllc.
on the other hand thoro Is an
abundance of reason for being
"Business Is built up on opti
mism and confidence," he said,
"whllo pessimism leads to cer
tain bankruptcy. Tho outlook
is most encouraging and, In my
opinion, it will not bo long be
fore wo witness a revival hero
In tho lumber business which
will do everybody good. Prices
are certain to rlso am tho time
Is near at hand, I believe, when
another $1 must bo added to go
ing prices."
That thoro is a very strong
feeling of increased optimism
for tho future and a strohg bo
llcf that when Spring buylngxbo
glns, it will bo unusually heavy,
is (tho statement of Hugh Bab-j
cock, secretary of tho West
Const Lumber company. He says
that at tho present time no great
amount of yard buying Is being
done, but this condition is more
normal than otherwise, as ord
ers placed now, if shipped within
a reasonable' time, would reach
tho destination in the heart of
tho wlntor, which Is undesirable
from tho retailer's standpoint.
Furthermore, tho mills aro will
ing to pile up stocks for a whllo
in order to replenish broken
stocks In various Items and bo
ready to take satisfactory care
of tho spring demand when it
Enthusiastic Meeting Held In
Eugene Dairy Herd Produc
ing contost rrojuciea.
Publicity Mans were dlBcussed
ata meeting of the Lane County
Jersoy Cattle club, hold In tho
olllco of R. B, Coglon, county
agriculturist, Thursday. Thoro
was a full attendance of breedors
and owners of Jersey cattlo and
dofinlto action was taken look
ing to tho exploiting of this breed
in Lano county hereafter. Plans
for tho building up of tho herds
,woro discussed and it was, tho
consensus of opinion that, .pub
licity will count more, than nny-
thing qlso'to accomplish (this
Tho farm sections, of tho local
papers will bo utilized partially
in tho plan adopted. Tho far
mers will ho mado acquainted
with tho desirability of this brcod
over many others as a dairy pro
position. Tho cllmato of this
valloy is especially well adapted
tp tho raising of this bred, and
results obtained by thoso who
bavo raised the cattle for years
past Indicate that there is Per
haps no other section of tho
county whore they can be raised i
more successfully.
Tho project of building up a
dairy herd producing contest Is
assuming form, it Is expected
that about GO Jersey owners will
compete at tho county fair next
year and tho members of tho
club present at Thursday's meet -
ing pledged thcmsolves to niako
every possible effort to have a
herd in tho contest.
League to Talk
Lumber Rates
J. IT. McKlbbon of the Flscher-
I Boutin Lumber company will bo
jut tho meeting of tho Springfield
Development leaguo tomorrow
evening to present facts and
figures relatlvo to tho present
; lumber freight rate controversy.
Mr. Fischer was to have present
ed paper on this subject, but ho
was called to Portland and Mr.
McKibben will take his place.
S. J. Seancy of Eugen, a soil
expert, is expected tp attend, tho
meeting1 and talk on the subject
of improving the productivity of
Willamette valloy farms. All
persons Interested in cither of
these subjects are invited to at
tend the meeting.
Washlngton, Nov. 4. The
federal trado commission today
announced a supplemental hear
ing will be hid hero onDcomber
13 in the commission's investi
gation of tho lumber industry.
Hearings already have been held
at Chicago, Spokane, Tacoma,
San Francisco and other lumber
Tho investigation' was under
taken by tho commission follow
ing complaints that both the
domestic and export trade In
lumber were In bad condition.
Springfield back alloys re
ceived an unusually good clean
ing up very early on Saturday
morning when 150 Freshmen of
tho University of Oregon Invad
ed the town In quest of fuel for
the big bonfiro of next week.
Crates and packing boxes and
other materials were quickly
gathered and loaded onto tho
streota car which they had
The principal business, how
ever, was tho loading of two car
loads of slab wood from the re
sorvo piles at tho Booth-Kelly
mill. Manager A. C. Dixon, a
regent of the University, had
glvon permislson to take tho
wood, and Superintendent Tow
ner of the P. E. & E. had per
sonal supervision of tho loading
and hauling of tho cars. Lum
b6r trucks hauled by dozens of
sturdy Frosh quickly brought
tho necessary loads from the
mill yards to tho car, stopped on
tho corner of Fifth and Main.
Seven counties reduced school
taxes averagp of 12 per cent.
Twenty-three counties reduced
county and road levy $370,255.
Valley Lumbermen Urged to Wake to
Own Interesti-i-Portland not
Independant of State
Tho now lumber freight rates, idustrles of interior western Ore
and Portland's protest at thcjgqn have, while Portland has
'rates, were the principal theme
for discussion of the Business,
Men at their club meeting last
Thursday evening. As a result
of tho discussion the following
'resolutions were unanimously
j Whereas, realizing the great
necessity of Incouraglng in
every possible way tho manufac
turing industries of tho Willa
mette valley and,
Whreas, lumber manufactur
ing is the chief industry of
Springfield which is handicap
ped by lack of adequato access
to market and transportation
and 1b now threatened "with .de
struction by the selfishness of
the Portland lumbermen and ad
vocated by tho Evening Tele
gram; We tho Business Men's
Club of Springfield vigorously
protest against tho unfair de
mands of the aforesaid Port
fully request that tho dlfferen-
Ual not he changed from its
present rate unless It is restored
to its former prof rential of seven
and' one-half centsu1per "100
pounds for the following rea
What would happen to Spring
field if the mills were closed as!
thoy were at Sheridan, Fall City,
Carlton, Lebanon, Newberg,
Medford and Grants Pass. Would
tho merchants, home-builders,
farmers and mill workers, feel i
any effect if the mills at Sliver
ton, Dallas, Wendllng, Salem,
Cottage Grove and Springfield
were compelled to cease opera
lions. While we have no quarrel
with Portland in general and can
not believe that ono two or
three of the big mill operators
of tho metropolis or the Portland
Evening Telegram represent the
sentiment of Portland either
commercially or individually yet
wo must insist that Portland
either commercially or individu
ally yet we must insist that Port
land without Oregon at hoc
back would not occupy tho pro
minent position she does and
that what interests us and tends
to our well being only serves to
hnake Portland greator, therefor
Portland must recognize that
handicapped as we are under the
best of conditions, she must as-
slst In relieving that handicap
in every way possible. We ask,
no favors, but wo demand just
treatment and that Portland's
wealth and Influence shall not
be used to our disadvantage.
Tho Southern Pacific railroad
io the only outlet which tllo In
Tfc tt i ft
ueaver-nernaon nar aware company
yio mane ucean, rour dircercnt
transcontinental railroads and
enjoys unlimited distributing
territory. She has lower rates
than the Willamette valley to
points In Washington, Idaho
and Montana, and up until a
short time ago enjoyed a prefer
ential rate to Utah. It is only In
the territory east of Utah that
mills south of Portland are on
a equal basis and that territory
Is open to all the mills In Ore
gon, Washington and Pudget
Spund, consequently our mills
miistr meet the severest kind of
There 4is only a littje stretch
of territory in California north
of San Francisco and Oakland to
which the rate from Western
Oregon is lower by four cents
thin Is the rate from Portland,
but the Portland mills and the
Portland' Evening Telgram in
their great efforts to show that
IPortland has been discriminated
ag&inst fail to point out to the
pufijlc hatjtho
tweeii thePortland rate and the
western Oregon rate o San
Francisco, Oakland and San
Francisc bay points was orginal
ly nine cents per 100 pounds, yet
as pointed out in the decision of
tho inter-state commerce com
mission the Portland mills suc
cess!ully competed for that busi
ness through their ability to ship
by water. This dlffernce was re
duced' to eight cents per 100
pounds, was again reduced to
seven and one-half cents per 100
pounds and in a recent adjust
ment made was further reduced
to four cents per 100 pounds.
The process of narrowing the
differential between Portland
and tho Willamette valley and
Southern Oreeon mills has
steadily been progressing in fa
vor of tho Portland manufac
turer, yet not being satisfied
with having the differential re
duced five cents per 100 pounds
within the past eight years,
Portland mills supported by the
Portland Evening Telegram now
want it eliminated altogether.
It is time that the Interior of
Oregon awaken to the fact that
if they are going to represent
anything, if they are going to
grow and develop they must take
joquioooa uo aaaq pui oq was. Suj
steps to protect their interests
Why is it that factories cannot
bo established In Oregon.
Like New York City has dictat
ed to the state of Now York,
Portland has dictated to the
et ate of Oregon politically and
yourself against inferior
sporting goods, by making
all your Purchases at this
store. Wo carry everything
necessary for the proper
enjoyment of all kinds of
sports. Everything Is of
the best quality and tho
prices .arc no higher than
you; , expect to
where. 1
pay else-
k 1:
otherwise. Every move that has
been made has been to secure
tho advantage for Portland, and
11 the Portland lumber manufac
turers had their way the timber
located in Western Oregon south
of Portland would not be manu
factured at any place but at
Portland. They would insist on
its being hauled In the log to
Portland for manufacture Into
lumber products. What would
this condition mean to the Wil
lamette valley?
There Isa great deal more to
bo said on this subject, but if
ther is any advantage whatever
held by anyone it certainly is
held by the Portland lumber in
terests and the people in West
ern Oregon must wake up and
take notice of the fact that there
will be no lumber manufactured
south of Portland if the intersts
of Portland have their way. As
self preservation is the first law
of nature, so must the wage
earner, the merchant and every
interest situated within the tim
ber district of the Willamette,
Umpqua and Rogue River vallles
prepce himself to protect
against absolute ruin.
J. A. SEAVEY, Secfy.
Leases Farm for
Mint Growers
Dr. W. H. Pollard went to Sa
lem Saturday morning to sign
up a lease of his 40-acre farm
near there to W. J. Turnridge of
XJrabtreej-who islasing" lands
in that part of the valley for his
mint growing operations. Mr.
Turnridge declares the Willam
ette valley mint produces an oil
superior to that of the east, and
he is confident that the bulk of
the peppermint oil will come
from the Willamette Valley. Mr.
Turnridge represents eastern
capital which -will invest large
sums in the peppermint industry
in western Oregon.
All mothers of High school
students are cordially invited to
visit the High school classes
Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 10.
Refreshments will be served at
You should make yourself ac
quainted with the surroundings
in which the young people of
your community spend one-sixth
of their time.
Packing Plant is
Again Operating
Messrs. Swarts & Washburne
last week resumed their pork,
packing operations. They have
leased space In the plant of the
Springfield Ice & Storage Co.,
and they aro now putting up
largo quantities of hams, bacons,
cottage rolls and lard, They
bought at one time, from J. N.
Laird of Pleasant Hill, 20 head
of hogs that averaged over 200
pounds apiece dressed.
Springfield camp, Woodmen
of tho World, last week decided
to inaugurate a membership
contest, which should culminate
in a big "Home-coming event
on February 2, Harry Bird and
Tom Abene were chosen cap
tains and they have chosen
sides and are getting down to
k; N.orth .tBend Guy Lombard,
Portland capitalist, planning
electric line to Sunset Bay,
(8,000 TODAY
The farm of 180 acres located
on Camp Creek and owned .by
(the Henry Begerow state, has
ioeen purcnaseu oy Tnomas so
lim of Springfield, consideration,
158000. In exchange for this farm,
the heirs of the state receive of
Mr. Solelm the house and lots
locatd on the corner of G and.
Fifth streets In Springfield, and
C 1-2 acres of fruit land and res
idence one mile west of Spring
field, and $4400 in cash. These
two properties are favorably, lo
cated and bid faIrto enhance in
The Camp Creek farm which
Mr. Solcim secures is a very de
sirable proprty and is well adapt
ed for general farming purposes
This deal was brought about
through the efforts of J. J.
Browning and E. E. Morrison of
the Browning Realty Co.
Mr. Fields, a music instructor
of Eugene, favored the West
Springfield school with a most,
interesting lecture Thursday af-
'ternoon. Mr. Fields told of the
life of Mendelssohn, andf playeaj " y
his famous- ntins6figi'on ' "
the piano. He explained to the
children that if they kept their
hearts pure and strove to be
come something noble that they
too, might someday be as great ,
as this wonderful composer. He
then played the piano accbin-
paniment for Miss Ingalls to sing
a very pretty boIo.
The children then sang "Am
erica," and marched to their
various rooms where they re
sumed thir school work.
The Literary society rendered
their first Program Friday even
ing. It was as follows:
Piano solo Mr. Collins
Solo ; . . Basil Signor
Reading Mrs. Beaman
Violin solo Miss Weller
Reading Royal Collins
Solo Miss McGee
Piano solo Mr. Collins
Duet . . Basil and George Signor
Dialogue, "A Premature Propose
The spelling team chosen to
go to Goshen next Friday even
ins is as follows: Eighth grade,
Lucile and Opal Spurgeon; sev
enth grade, Tomniie Nixon and
Arthur Baugh; sixth grade,
Richard Collins and Paul Nix,
on; fifth grade, Esther Lee. and
The lowest average for any of
these children for the 'six weeks
is 97 pr cent.
Florenc E. B. Miller shipped
first carload of cattle from Tsil-
tcoos Lake over Willamette Pa
cific. Siuslaw salmon are being,
shipped to all parts of Pacific
Toledo Lumber steamer, Fir
field left her with 550,000 feet
of lumber and steamer Bandon
is expeted in a few days for a
similar load.
Baker Prospects aro bright
for the opening of tho old Con
ner Creek mine. t -1
Baker Contract for three
mile irrigation ditch' let.
Pendleton-rMa'cadam road ttf
Washington state line to be.
saved from destruction by being
hard-surfaced with Wurronite: