The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, November 04, 1915, Image 3

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    Aro you willing (o buy
it paokiigo of l)!aduH?
Wo Clvo You
tho Razor?
Our Window.
Dny and Night Phono 31
t Mrs. .1. I Fry H reported on
Ihu Hick llHt.
Siivo J-.'J ly buying llcxul)
Bchool 'I'ublotH at 1'ocry'H.
Do you want dry foot. Como
Ko Hall tho Shoo Doctor, Fifth
and Main.
Dr. It, I MotleiiHon niado a
hunluoHH trip to Marcola this
Homo made Hot TanialoH
1H cents 2 for 'IT, uentH, at tho
Palace or Sweets.
CIuih. 13, llurfili, a HaleHinan
from Portland wh roulHterod at
the Elite hint night.
Don Wheat of Mora, Ore., la
visiting at tho homo of hie. slstcr-
In-iaw.Mrs. J. 12. Richmond.
Mrs. W. J. Mill of Eiurene. wuh
id springliold this morning at
Social cJptes
MIhh Helen McKlbbcn delight-1 Anew dancing clilb, to he
fully entertained tho rrcHhmau called tho "Fortnightly" was or
chiHH of tho Sprlnyleld High ganlzcd at the Reapers hall last
iichool at hor homj on Fifth evening by the election of I. V.
Htroct hint Saturday evening. .Inchson as president and II. W.
Tho young people wore arrayed Stewart as secretary-treasurer.
In appropriate Hallowe'en-cos- An Invitation committee conslst
tumoH which afforded much Ing of J. J. Hryan, I. D. Larimer
merriment. Various games and and .1. I'. Fry was named, and
hallowc'en pranks wejw Indulged the next dance was set for Sat
in till a lato hour when refresh- urday, November J 3.
incuts were served In genuine j
hallowe'cn style. They , wcro A n)ost cnJoyal)I(J Ume was
chaperoned by Miss Efilo Rhodes t ,a8t Krld , .
and Miss Lena Newton, two ' ,,.,. nf L ,, y,a
teachers of the local high school. ,larry s,ialian HlIrpri8e(i hei.f ,
iutlng her birthday anniversary.
Airs. U. II. Park and Mrp. A., Tho evening was spent In play
L. JohiiHou, who live on north Ing games and music after
Mill street, gave a birthday din- which light refreshments were
nor Tuesday in honor of, the served. Mrs. Shahan received
birthday anniversaries of Wlno- a number of useful gifts. Those
tending to business matters at na Park and Velma Johnson, present were Florence and Ida
own cousins, who were each j Shahan, Mrs. Ida Park and dau
thrco years old on that day. The ghtcr Goldle Park, Mr. and Mrs.
afternoon was passed pleasant-!S. M. Goddard, Frank Goddard,
ly with games, after which re-Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goddard, Mr.
Ircshments were served. Those and Mrs. Leslie Johnson, Oren
presort were Velma Johnson, 'Shahan, Mack Cogil.
Winona Park, Erma and Llla I
1011, Vcriieta iiiitiilirr nf ihn tnnmliprn nf
the Springfield lodge of Knights
the I tucket store
Miss Helen Roberts who has
been confined to her bed forsev
ral weeks with hart trouble Is
able to sit up a little each day.
lood reliable fire Insurance.
- 4 t 4
: Tales of the Town h
No assessments; no membership j Pratt, Audrey and Nelda Pratt.
a ..,., Ifufi- !'' nce and you aro done.
iv vwimuv nwtii; 111
Longmire, Fay Johnson,
-Go to the Palace of Sweets
H. 12. Walker at the City Hall.
Mrs. Geo. Vallior. daughter
The Eugene
and Ladies of Security attended
the meeting of the Eugene lodge
wmo out aoout Tut.
which has a number of Spring-1 of the order Monday evening
Held ineinners, nem a nusmess ri ne nan was decorated for a
to buy peanuts It cents ii ouart I2lta ', 0,,)C1'1 Valller expect meeting yesterday and decided j Hallowe'en affair, and the same
1 ' to leave in the morning for San i upon tno winter's program of .Plan was carried out In the re-
MIhs Ilrilla ingrain of near I'ninclsco, Oakland, Potaluma entertainment on the afternoon . ireslimcnts. Those who went
Monroe Ik visiting at the D. S ml other California points. of the first and third Wednsedav fiom Springfield were Mr. and
Jordau homo, j " ! of ach month. Tho Springfield Mrs. L. 12. Durrin, Mr. and Mrs.
j Try a sack of Booster Flour, members Present were Mrs. J. J. Ed. Reynolds, Mrs. M. J. Mc-
Mrs. W. L. McFarland mother ,f vou ,uo " Hulisfled wo will Bryan, Mrs. A. M. Beaver, Mrs. j Klin, Mrs. Ed. Collins, Mrs. Jes
of Mrs. Roy Jenkins is reported ('al1 for 11 a,H' K,vo '(,ur money M. M. Peery. Mrs. I. J"). F.urlmer, sle Newman, Mrs. Wayne Calk
on the slclt list, buck. $1.20 per sack, $1.70 a and Mrs. W. L. McCulloch ins.
: barrel. COX & COX
Ask your neighbor about
Booster Flour, $ 1 .liO per sack,
$1.70 bbl. COX & COX.
Get your re-cleaned seed
A SK your dealer for W-B Gut
Chewing Tobacco. It is the
new "Real Tobacco Chew" cut long
shred or send 10c in stamps to us.
WEYMAN.BRUTON COMPANY, 5a Union Square, New York Gty
Hear the new Edison Disc
Talcums 15c at !
grain at "the SpHngneh Fee ;,rn,,!,I8 ? r
Store. Cheat. Winter Oats. D. Wm. Hatch teacher of tl
Vetch and Field grasses. Prices 'school at Green Mountain, w
lnwi.Ki nnHHllilii. lm Springfield over Sunday.
Mrs. L. E. Durrin, Mrs. II. E.
0. W. Johnson of tho linn of
Ilolbrook t Johnson, wont to lowest possible.
Portland tho first of tlte week
to purchase stock for the store.! Miss Helen Roberta, who has talker and Mrs M L France
heon confined to her bed with!jlavo j0inod the women's gym
Mrs. Roy JenkliiB and daugh- Ijonrl troubltv is able to sit up a jcasse8 of u,e KUKene Y. M. C. A.
tor Elaine expect to leave Satur- little each day now. . j
day morning U- a visit with- , Mrs. Alice Colwald, of Salem,
relatives and friends in Portland. ' f-harles 13. Hirsh a Portland ,g v,BltInB nt the home of her
. . . ' I !llllc !''-t!''s rCKlslorc(1 ut tno .cousin Mrs. A. S. Walker. She
io jonnerB prom on noosi
or Flour, made for and sold ex-
Elite last night.
cluslvely by Cox &. Cox.
per sack. $1.70 bill.
Henry Volstedl, nlirhtwatch-j
man at the BoothKelly mill,'
left Tuesday noon for Omaha,
Nebraska, to visit his father,
who is SO years of ago. He
experts to bring the old gentle
man back witli him.
oxnects to return home Sunday.
Peerys. Oregon Building, Panama-Pa-
Dr. R. P. Mortensen has cific Exposition, Nov. 4. Seventy
moved liis office into he room five Oregon, Washington and
formerly occupied by Dr. Barr. California exhibitors of stock at
the recent Stock Show, together
Mrs. J. C. Mullen, who under- o.r,i,.e
went an operation at the local ,, . , . . , i
imCnini Jvmi ,..t,e o ., banqueted at the Oregon build-
now able to bo ud and about, ing, Wednesday evening through j Baker city power plant cannot
and made her first venture out the thoughtfulness of Commis- i supply current for needed lights
doors today. - sioner R. A. Booth. He proposed i' 1 '
tured the big money and all the
blue ribbons.
Oregon made a magnificent
showing in the Jersey class and
did splendidly all up and down
the line. The Oregon Jerseys
captured all the first prizes but
three, all the seconds but two
or three and all of the Grand
, to banquet the Oregon men who !
Funeral services for the late , have brought fame to the state!
W. II. McGilvray were held at , . . .
Ocorre Lamar, formerly a Walker's chancl yesterday after- capturing bo many prieb, ana
Springfield business man. re-i"-" -md intorment was made the Commisisoners of the other
ccntly of Wendllng, has moved in the Laurel Grove cemetery, two states asked the privilege of
to Lebanon where he Ins nc- A large number of friends from joining and making a, large
coptcd a Position in a clothing Eugene also attended the ser-j ff r TJlis an s carrie(
store vices
' ' out and the occasion proved a
1 :-
happy one. After the serving of
A n nvnnllnnt ninol it Tin T5ilil1
eWS r rom Opnngheld High School ing's convention hall, there was
4-n.-!-t-s- speech making and much jollity.
i In behalf of the Oregon Corn
Personals a new place to put our selves. mission, B. C. Sheldon, welcom-
Mrs. 13. W. Collins left Mon
day evening for Mill City in re
upoiiMc to a telegram saying hor
daughter Mrs. W. A. Bourgels,
was very sick. i
! Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dority of
Frank Moore of Thurston, who 'Tonopa. Nevada, are in Spring
was so badly injured in an au-'field for a visit witli Mrs. Dority's
tomoblle accident near -vlng mother. Mrs. Alice Holcomb.
aovral months ago. sustaining and her sister. Mrs. Cecil Wil
li broken back, is able to sit up,mout. Mr. and .Mrs. ikirity will
m T.moiie .UM'isit ! Air l,ritvN mother ! Wc d to "1!irch arouml Goorse Carson got into the e(1 the guests and the winners
b ' ' I ' the room tho seventh period this wrong pew in English III class and Oregon men in particular on
Friends of Miss Ethel Moore' John Brady of Portland, head afternoon. Most every body was Monday. itheir success. Col. Heffner of
aro In receipt of cards announc- electrician for tho Southern Pa- asleel) .The football team Is In fine 1 Washington and , Guy Miller of
Ing her marriage to Carl (5. Ros- cillc company, was in Springfield aau--l'- r n T . PoHfnrnin nnriP tnikq md then
berg, of Bandon. on October U. this morning to install an olec- Rev. Bailey was with us last trim for the game with Junction 'California made talks, and then
Miss Moore was formerly a utu-' H ie headlight on the lender of Friday. City Saturday. Every man is in N. C. Mans, of the Oregon Dairy-
dent in the University' and a engine 2203, which is to lie used Many students are going to good shape and Junction needs man's Association, presented
teacher in the Springfield on a Willamette-Pacific work Iul,cUon cit y to see tho foot ball to fear them all. New men have Col. Jack Splawn, of Yakima,
schools. m m ''nJA -V Vchm 'SoctlS 6iio. been added and the signals drill-1 with a gold headed cane as a
A. II. Harris, special ropresen- lighs iin tlie Springfield yards. , There will be less noise in the ed and hammered into them. !"iark of appreciation for his ef
tatlvo of tho Portland Telegram, i study hall during study period. With good steady playing there f forts in gathering the Oregon
was in Springfield today gamer- W. L. McCullocn of the ore- jiereafter. 'ls no reason why Springfield ana wasnmgton neras mat cap
ing material lor an article in nm gon Power Co, and ms menu, A. i n.1.oaiin,n t-iriv wnq a
j'iijiui. nil, i iiuiin imn juoi. vum- t, iiiuillin, luminal niunviii i . .,,1,,
evening from a hunting trip of a b--"1- 1
few days down tho Siuslaw. four police.
They secured 54 fine silvorsido I Nort Pengra is able to wear
salmon and a number of ducks. ut siU)0 acain.
Let 'er Rain!
"3 ', t If you've a
tSy ''-, work to do,
croftX.'' -rfrsl Tower's Fish
Tower's Fish Brand
The coat that keeps
out all the rain. Re
flex Edges stop every
drop from running
in at the front
Protector Hat. 75 cents
" Satisfaction Guaranteed
Send for fret catalog
nt nosTox
Tbe siliries fall by Uncle Sua
to CiTtl StffTice enployet equalaad
ex eel tbose paid la ay buses ol
fmw:e coionietcial life. ThOQ
no is o( apnoiBtmeots are made
b-taail! Qualify at home to pat
a Ctvd Serv.e xamliatloa.
Wr 'e today tf liee Clvtl Service
li'.rmL'(jl''fr:iMFiectr SthiiU
Box 483, Euaene, Ore.
jiletod a trip from eastern Ore
gon down the Columbia to Port
land, giving sketches of tho dif
ferent communities and their
needs, and will shortly havo ar
ticles on southern Oregon,
which ho has just been visiting.
Others who went out with them,
secured four bear near Tsiltcoos
Grocery Baying
Doesn 't Require
the time and thought and attention
that it used to.
Nowadays, at this modern store,
we take care of the "worry part" of
your grocery buying we stand be
tween you and impure foods and un
desirable goods, -and the cost is no
more than for inferior goods.
Get the Habit of Trading
his shoo again.
I Some body tool; down our 1S
on the hill after it had been there
a week.
There were many absent from
school Monday.
Eugene has nothing over
Springfield, They got beaten 41
to 0 last Staturday.
Wo all-, received our report
cards Monday.
Tho honored students in His
tory III aro as follows: Lynn
Grandy, Hazel Dean, Uessle
Spencer and Winifred May.
Wo have much confidence in
our team's winning next Satur-
Algebra three class got a bath
Tuesday morning while in room j
nine. If tho roof is not fixed
thoy will get one quite often dur
ing the rainy season.
I Tho cyclist find great pleasure
in putting their bicycles in the
, new shed.
The Staff of the S. II. S. an
nual had a meeting Tuesday
night. Each one was instructed
what to do by tho jrc.ldont,
Orson Vaughn.
j Wo are thankful to got a new
.place to put our bicycles but
should not win. Members of the I
Jv,oivi .Will, ijiuu KVl
back; C. Hill, right half; C. Brat
tain, fullback; R. Bally, left half;
L. Fegles, right end; W. Cook,
loft end; Myiie Hill, right tackle;
Bill Hill, left; Glen Woolley, right
guard; John Soleim, left guard,
Lynn Grandy, center, Subs,
Chas. Barkman, Manager.
Try us and be convinced that it pays to patronize home
Oregon Power Co,
e 58
Springfield, Oregon
b,' would bo more thankful to get