The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, November 04, 1915, Image 1

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    Oio Illutorlal Soe X
Continuing tho Sprlngfiold Nowo nnd Lnno County Star, Which Wero Con3olidatod February 10, 1914.
Ailli'ri"! runtllNrv l. I'lM.iU 4nriiii( I1 1 rpynti, nn ociiihI
l,ns ninllor uirinr rtuf t'miKNi ot M r'i, IMU
With hourly 700 votes cast in
an orderly election, 13. 13. Morri
son. Independent, waH elected as
mayor of Springfield TneHday
over Charlefl L. Scott, the pros
( nt Incumbent, with a vote of
:f)t to HIM. The majority for
Mr. Morrison Ih 27 votes, in the
count. Morrison lead from the
Pii. noiiuMiiiicH uh mtich hh 50
Mr. and Mrs. Charllo Ward
were vlnfloiv at tlio (5. F. Hart
ley home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. MorlPiiaon and
family spent Sunday hero.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur .lack
were ICuguno visitors Saturday.
.J. K. Piatt wain a Springfield
visitor Saturday.
Otto tioHHlar and Port Libby
wont to Thurston Tuesday to
play banket bull.
Myron C'alg wuh In ICugono on
business Monday.
105,400 Less Idle Freight Cars all of the people in tills district I
' ...111 iiwkiI unltrtfil liniiaA
County Assessor It. F. Keen
ey today nave out the figure
ahead of the present mayor, hut 01)7,4 2f as the total assessed
the l arller votes out down the value of property in Springfield j
kail to 11. school district No. Hi. exclusive!
Tin- ordinance requiring a II- of the public service corpora-
1 1, .. if. and otherwise regulnl- tions. These will add approxl-
. . it.t i .1.1. ..I t .. ...111!-.. ... I
i;n .irniTH or pnBwnKerw iiiiujmaiuiy one- uimu ui u immuu tw
or bus lines and stages) was ; mo touu. rue ngures ior mo
t a referendum vote 'town, of Springfield have not yet
:::r, id ::'H, The count on the jbeeu totaled.
was very close unui i
. . ... , . 1 1 i i
last. BueeoHSlve re-: ,f eacnorc innmrc to e nma
tiuj cunt progressed
Commenting upon the railroad situation in
It bearing upon the general business outlook, the
monthly review from November J. of the National
Hank of the Republic of Chicago, says:
-"The one thing needed to complete the pres
ent optimistic outlook In business is a betterment
of railroad revenues. And to a small degree at
least, recent, earning statements meet the require
ment. With the exception of the roads of the
Northwest every section of the.'ountry Is contrib
uting toward this better showing. Gross revenues
of the principal roads for September show a small
increase over the same month of last year, during
which latter month those roads reached the high
Ht, total for any month of 1914, notwithstanding
tho fact that genral business at that time was at
low ebb. Tile recent Improvement in railroad re
venues Is due to an almost uniform enlargement
In the tonnage movement of all classifications of
freight except lumber. As a slight hint of the
complexion of forthcoming statements of earn
ings the idle-car report, of October 1 is of interest.
On that date the net surplus stood at 78,299, in
dicating an increase in the nuiHber of cars in
active employment during September of 105,400,
one of the largest changes ver recorded for a
single month."
I t
will meet at the school house
land eat Thanksgiving dinner to
gether. - !
Wendling is another district'
that has a very active parent
teachers' association which Is !
doing many good things for their
school. This school has fouri
teachers and lias recently added p r methods of fcrtnizing
a full equipment for high school th(J goU descril)ed by s J
courses, aim unuer uiu i-,Seaney of Eugene and a dis.
ship of Miss Copenhaver is doing CUM,on Qf thc d, contro.
excellent work. Booth-Kelly oyer lumber fre M
gave the district an additional ,)y Car, p,gcher wJ ,)e featureg
acre of ground. The teachers Qf th(J meet, Qf the g rfn
and pupils arc busy putting it In Deveopnient League Qt Us
shape and will soon have creel- iroomg nexfc TueS(ay evening.
lent playgrounds j Mr ge cam(J tQ Lane
Warner school where Miss jc rec from Florida.
Nina Byers is teaching is doing G fce wag an extensIve fniit
excellent work in Palmer writing er and ffl and h(j hag
Several of the PupHs Jn this , - , . , f th
school are working for Palmer ,,nae a f5"1 ly c tne,
certificates. The school board matter of fertHizing the sol , and
arc planning on changing the he .win brillS a story of his ex"
light and becoming standard. !pe"en,c . . , . 4U
Union High school No. 1 near Cfrl Flfcher 1,as been In tKe
Pleasant Hill will have the best lumber bus,nef or,a 0
Tk i,u, 4f fln. ma"y years and & familiar with
1. 1
!! ml
17 t :.
i s ami no vote thus:
v.i, i. i:y-15L',
uid th aiiirniatlvo
of U.
Collin. Citl.riiK' (undl
.M. M. I' ery, indepnnd-
ic returned to thc coun-
I i, -nn of two years with
ml Will votes respectively.
. l v
The annual Iano county tea
chers institute will be i;?IU In
Kugeuo November 22. 23 and 21.
Thin Is during Thanknglvlng
week and the entire week will
lie observed by all the schoolg
ot the county as a vacation. A 1
number of teachers of note will
be In attendance this year.
. . - ... j . iiiis laica uiA l iiarc uuuii ill.
Gpunmc m nnnn pnunumy ."rir r
the best gymnasiums in the
League members are urged to
Th- ,. in (irtpri attend and t0 brin non-mem-
comptete equipment for teaching bf wb "V 1 interested in
.nhvsipf.aTld Physical GeozraDhv U1 luc uimB-
s. bool in the east su- thed to become standard. taa.a ',nintr ,a before the league
The nvem-re number of pupils FaiOfeHoldredge is teaching was
iwrvisorv district which includes TnW Bistrict has one of t ne best iU . . M,,J
inni.'ivuwm.i, wimii uiumim , under the supervision Of MIBSqaqkpT BALL LEAOliF
78 districts in the Eastern and S? Kbyte and the'students are do- BASKf IhurcHFOI
""l J T" ''Tnn vnt!r,H' New Books at the
an:i'...;'- received .517 votes. i
Springfield Library
Southern parts of Lane county
for the second month was 3177
according to the report Super
"- J l,1r
menjfed for their excellent dis-.
For i.M-onler. II. IS. Walker re- j
t I'lVed VOIUH, iiuu toi uc-
urer Miss Lillltiu Clorrle received votes.
N oting wK steady throughout
the day. but at no time were the ,)0()tH
visor O'Reilly furnishes the Lane clplin and condition they keep ph , r c,
County News. Or this number their .grounds and building in. J '
there were only Ml pupils who . MtS Vernon, whore Ida Carson ; '
their practice teaching at
Pleasant Hill.
Some excellent training
only 3'M pupils
failed to be on time in the morn
The Springfield Sunday
in 'School Basket Ball league, with
Culture is being given -teams representing the Baptist,
alker school where , Christian and Methodist Sun-
nin cM.nni,irr ! tonnhiim ai uav sciioois was organized at
is locking was the third to be-; .u the schoQl where;the Christian church Monday
. I Paul Louchs is teaching.
evening. Herbert Hansen was. -
i nt 1 1..
i.r f.n.i ntnvn wr, ''OM wtin comut stauuaru. ine uoaru in
Mrs. Hannah 1H11, City Lil).rar7 oro ,,0ither absent- or tardy UtltMhatrlot, by-a gonerous sup-i ,,: Afr ll6mnorary chairman and Clar
Ian. reports the following new during the month. The average ! I'0'"1 Mrs. Gustin is becoming ;ence Hill secretary. C.W.Cook
books recent v added to the ,.,. r nif,.,win.,. fn,- i.n jacuei, aim ciuuiu ui ugui, . , t ,Wn ,nfi
two election boards unduely llllrtrinta ,,,., , ,m,M, have transformed their budding " i' " ,.,',,, nBI,
.ivj fiiii i. it) tiiiiniH iiv itiviii.11 , . rj ccnpin Tirili 1 Jl I if ill i 1(1 HP I lirili t:ll 1 1 vjiuvih utiu xAvtvtAiu
1 n tme I ve bSrSs In the 'there and a move is on for build- jFarsotw secretary-treasurer. A
and attract! e buildings in the, 'schedule will soon be made out
COUnty. LlHllber is on the ground. mnatrr of the nifTerent
shed and this school bids;'- y b " : ZTI 7
orowue... uepo. u. , Tll(! ,.rIgoner of Zenda, Straw- Was 95. 13(5 patrons visited the
ing of the candidates as the ,)ClTy Ac,cs, Buggies of Jted-Gap sci100i8, ,J7 schooi board mem
count progressed, were made ly K...( nf i,h..H niunnu )f i u ...i ,...,.!,. ,.i.
- ----- - - . - - 1 1 1 1 n IL1III L1IL. IIIIIMV
Green Van. Joyce of the North . so visits. 71 of the 7S districts
.Woods. The Wall of Partition, ilv0 Uoen nlacod on the Roll of
The Story of Wailstill Baxter. nI10r for bavins made an at- 5ty center. I
Over the Pass. Pierre and Ills ,PIianee record of !)S ner cent Tlie u,lity st'ho1 wliere lrs-ih. F. Wotlll rolltlCS
The News, and the little slips
giving the totals were much In
d( mand.
The dual result was known sit
1 1 o'clock and was announced
bv The News at that time.
for a
fair to become an excellent com- standard.
teams elected.
People, The Right of Way, Good or more
Alice Callison of Fall Creek is j
Indian. Storv of Oreuon and Its .-'ri, r.i,r,r,i wnr, atnrtPil teaching, has added new walks, '
The town council mei in 1(Jf () on mrwt (j,K.on),' ff , 0Xl.t.,Ipnt shae ti,is fall," ' "'iglo uosks nnu a new siove
ciai session .am " Story of Oregon. A Young Girl's 8ayB Supervisor O'Reilly. Prac- Mrs- aiuson is uoinB &u... .y
Says Manager
canvassed the vote finding U as Wooingi The Ka. Goili A ciroult UcuHy e teacher in
was first reported by he News. RI(ler,8 w,fC( Ruth P,te,d,K of kcn hoU, Qf
Iiivnr-(!lect MoniSOll Will ,., r n ..... ......
this sec-
the work'Rcho1
nrnnarv worK in
Teachers in rural
this .
That the Southern
IUS" company is not interested in lo
Mayor-elect Morrison will . Crewes Career. .hi, vim mwi lotormiiintinn to .tricts who arc having dlmculty cal pontics in the conduct of its
take his oath of oillce at noon, vlh, Kowo,.s or California, Polly nmUe hl8 or her school the best th,s win (1 weU to write Mrs' ; affairs, and is glad to have the
Monday, November 15, and as
sume the duties of his office
Anne, Polly Anno Grown Up, i the county. With the co-oper- damson ior ner pian. people know of Its neutrality m
T.nne RflO' Ulinirer. Liirllt of tllfi nllm. rf lir nnfvnnc cehnnl
! Lowell, where Vera Kimball is ,-olitics is the tenor of a letter
. " CT -" - il I i V 1 1 VJ1 1 11 v lHV. krvaawvi . . . I
The other olllcers win icnew WcH(er1 stal.t Thci,nm The;l)oards and pupils, which the . teaching her third term is prou- received yesterday by M. Fen
t beir oaths at the same time. rQm Highway( The Way Ilom0f su.,crvisor ls 8ntSned is coming, ably the most active school com- wick from Asslstant General
City Attorney Bower is hives- u Conduct of Belinda, thoRe districts will have the best munity in the county. About superintendent D. W. Campbell.
tigatlng the juatter ol tne tune (J,he Naer Qf Qld Church A Con gdu)ol (h huvc eyer had four years ago this district held j Mr Campbell was addressed
the jitney ordinance goes Into ecticut Yankee, House of Whls- Mnnv districts have made most school in a tent, from there they aL Portland, but replies from San
ffect, and Is of be opinion uuu p,n0t ThQ Mi(I,amlers, 'excellent Improvements and the ."wved to the wood-shed and last
it becomes the law of the town AloIinlill nirl. anhnny i,nv,ia i,v nvidenned year they moved into a strictly
Juvenile books; Uobbsy Twins' thdr interests by putting their modern and up-to-date two room
Bobbsy Twins at thc Sea Shore, buildings in excellent condition ,bunglow. This district has a
Loami In Tusayan, Loam! the for the school opening. .very active parent-teacher s as-
I.tftli. P.Uff Hwoller Otlllflwinl . I Tl.n onnnrvlenr la iilnmilni' nil SOCiailOU WHICH lb UUllib im.i."
l Oregon City The Oswego,
, Dallas & Roseburg railroad, a
subsidiary of the Portland Ce
ment Co., has begun operations
preparatory to the opening of
the Oswego plant of the cement
Pacific concern.
! All wheat warehouses in St.
Johns filled to overflowing, first
time in years.
The Willamette Valley Electric
from Mt. Angel to Portland
starts first train service Sunday
October 17.
on December Ii, 30 days after the
election. There are decisions of
the Oregon supreme court, how
ever, which hold that referred
measures approved by the poo- ' . ,,-',.,. ,nnv ,,,,,. for the school and community.
nie become effective from tho i " .. .. . m. .... .v ,iiotta ,i,.i,,r i,r. Twlee one.h month, on Friday1 .. rip"2K.
wceau whxiubs uuya, ihu iikc 'ih ," "i1 iv-i vn. ....(-, Liu , - i ucin on
nlo. become effect iv
i it... onllcl tlUfl Mil Ollr
momem. u.u i .u.. - ; Dwellers,
tiOll lllgllt. wnuiuur am;" " uu-
elslon would have a bearing In
this case Is tho matter being In
vestigated by Mr. Bower.
Upon the announcement of
the result, Mayor Scott stated
ho wished to thank his friends
for their loyal support, not only
In tho election, but during the
two years past.
Mr. Morrison had no plans to
announce, further than tho out
line of a purpose to work for
harmony of Springfield, as pub
lished In Ids pre-election literature.
Lone- .year. The purpose of these meet- j afternoon, the patrons taue
some, The Early Cave Dweller, j lugs will be to discuss topics that ! charge of the school witn tne
Tim Plnnt Bnhv mid its Friend .'are of local Interest to each dis- teacher assisting the children in
Flowers and Their Friends, First i trict and to learn of tho desires ; industrial work
Book on Birds of Oregon and . of the boards and patrons in
the mothers
Francisco, in a letter mailed on
November 1. Following is Mr.
Campbell's letter:
Olllco of Assistant General Manager
At San Francisco,
October 2S, 1915.
Mr. Melvin Fenwick,
Springfield, Oregon,
ear Sir: I havo your letter ot
tho 25th In referenco to political stt
uutlou at Springfield, etc.
Ileg to advise that our Company
can not and do not tako sides In poll
tics. Our omployes may vote as their
Judgment dictates. The feature ot who
S. P. Earnings are
Showing Gain
(Snorlnl to tho Uuio County Nows)
Camp Creek, Ore., Nov. 1, 1915.
Rov. Etholl hold services hero
Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baker woro
visitors hero Sunday.
Mr. Johnson of Marcola was
hero Monday.
Washington, Short Stories of order that help tliem in tne woric
nnv Riiv Nelirhlmrs. Mother ithcv want done in their school.
West Wind, When Patty Went to i The Cloverdalo school, whore much hiterest for it is very
College, Hoosler School Boy, i
teaching sewing, cooking, etc., U Mayor of Springfield, or whether
... i that city tvoes "Dry" or "Wet" would
and the fathers manual work
This plan will be watched with
Tho Young Pitcher.
It is announced that construc
tion will begin at once on stand
ard gauge railroad from Carnes
Station (5 miles south of Rose
burg to the big quarries of tho
Portland Cement Co., on Roberts
Tho Dalles Fill for O. W. R.
& N. terminal flushed and track
laying will begin in a few days.
Tho tnio way to help bring
prosperity Is to lighten the bur
don of tho taxpayer and take
some of tho shackes off business
and Industry.
gs -
you will find our plows when it
comes to comparison with oth
ers. Wo hollovo that tho Hluo
lllrd, Orogon, Mollno nnd Scotch
Clippor nro tho best plows mado.
nnd moro than that, our custom
ers think so too. Como In, look
thorn ovor, and lot us discuss
with you tholr good points. Wo
can show you how it is to your
advantage to own one. we also
handle the famous Economy
Beaver-fierndon Hardware Company
not influence us for or against making
shop or yard improvements there, nor
havo any influenco with us in other
rosnects. Wo aro a public service
facility and absolutely neutral in pol
itical situations.
Wo aro glad to havo tho public know
our position.
Thank you for your letter.
Very truly yours.
(Signed) D. W. CAMPBELL,
In common with all the lead
ing central stations of the Uni
ted States, the Oregon Power
Company is planning to observe
"Electrical Week" from Novem
ber 29 to December 4. The big
plant here will bo open for In
spection all week, nnd tho. sub
station at certain hours, when
an 'attendant isat band.
Railroads serving the Pacific
Northwest, particularly the
Southern Pacific system,, con
tinue to show greater earnings,
says the Telegram. The enor
mous travel to the Pacific coast
set in early in the summer, and
although not in such large vol
ume as during the summer
months, passenger traffic is still
holding up well, and probably
will until the close of the Cali
fornia expositions. Freight traf
fic began to pick up during tho
summer and has been incheas
ing in volume steadily on nearly
all rail lines. Lumber shipments
are greater, and the bulk of the
wheat from the interior lias not
yet commenced to move.
According to tho Railway Age
Gazette, the operating revenues
of the Southern Pacific for July
and August was $14,595,497;
gain in net operating revenues
over July and August of last
year, .SOSIS.
"Weak mon waft for opportunities;
strong men
make them."
-Orison 8