The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, November 01, 1915, Image 1

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Continuing tho Springfield Nowo and Lano County Star, Which Woro Consolidated February 10, 1914.
ntrffl I'lthninryVI.I' 4tirln(.1 I .'IreiriHi.
lit" nullir iniilnr nnlof Coiikio ( M rfh, IMV
nil hoi oikI-
VOL. XIV. NO.m ?
Institutes. He Ih arranging for
many moro such meetings
among tliu farmers during the
full and winter. Register.
Mrs. Lucy M. Craniner, wife
of Sain W. Cranmor, died mai
denly at It: in this morning at
hor home on 13 street, aged -IS)
yours, 7 months and 7 dayH. She
had boon sick for only a few
week, and no BorlotiH results
wore anllelpated.
.MrH. Cranmor died while loft
alono for JiihI a moment HiIh
uiorning. and wan found dead
by .MIhh Maggie lthlnevault, who
wan attending her. MIhh lthlne
vault Immediately called usslst
aneo and notllled Mr. Craniner.
Acute Htoniach trouble Ih giv
en as the caiiHo of death. The
funeral KorvlcoH will be hold at
tho Methodist church at 2:30
o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and
Interment will be made In the
Laurel Hill cemetery. The Re
bokuhs will have charge of the
Korvieou at the grave.
Mra. Craniner was active in
uIho proHldont. of the circle here.
A deal waB completed last
week whrcby P. A. Woolley of
ens Main Htreet, tradoB a Iiouho
and lot on Eighth and .1 streets
and three loin on E Htreet to
.lohn IIoho of CrawfordHvIlle,
for a farm of KiO aeroH nar the
Killing Frost one
September Night
A killing frost occurred on the
morning of September 11, ac
cording to the record kept by II.
M. Mayo, valunteer observer,
the boys served apple cider and
pop-corn. All reported a good
The Literary society with give
a short program Friday evening
Nov. C. All are Invited to attend.
A spelling contest has been
arranged with Goshen for Nov.
12. Two representatives are to
be chosen from the four unner
He states togra(C8 These elgnt w11 Bpel,
at Klncaid station
The News thro were light frosLs nga,n8t a Goshen eght chosen
William II. McGilvray, for 20
Springfield's annual city elec
tion will be held tomorrow ' m, vu,.v a. ,... . '"""' -
1(lir . i " in tne same way. no pupil snail J"a vunwyv ui uiu ooum
Z, 1J10, at!n,onih. Iiiif not at thi Htntlmi. , r.. ....
Tuesdoy, November
latter nlaco. Even cxclmni;.. W..M'(ll(J ,ll,rT ooin
17 'At 1 4 t . 1 rti. . n
made by . "u c,iy "a"' ' 1,0 ,,01IS
Gore &
The deal was
Mrs. Hill Resign
If month, but not at the station J,)e ailowC(1 to beiong to thIa team ern Pacific company,
Is w U be1 1,,7ro112clff8'1K;t J unless their daily average in the past year a farr
s win do partiy cloiI(iy anU n cloudy , roilf,,lpa n ,.,, nvor .' . .
..v w.wv ,ine nionin, and tne precipitation !a,,0 soL ljv ti10.r io.lPlprt, Ti.
ng and continue open until 8:00 waB j r, incllCH Thi ls 1 M 1 ? , tcachere. The
M Tu-n i.i.f.iinn im..,fi iw.vo'. , , '"cuts, mis is i. i ,,umbr in teams will be increas'
.M. I wo election bo.uds hae ,ucncg lefH5 than the Sontmber no nioinw ,imn,i w...
!.., i u. ",,v""-n "-7 oiuii!Cd as eniciency demands. West
f , .,. . . .. .i.. , V".. . . average for tlio past 21 years. snrimrtinW will en tn finsl.nn
. ueiay in securing uanois auu n i mm.,, .,irnwi(il .iv . fl, 7,j, " " -
as Candidate eastmg ba.lot. "uesuHs of the wli nZlnrv IZ 7 ' st then Goshen will come here
, '"'110X1111011111.
I .it.... 111 I t I . ll.llk
.uuiiuii mil mu niiuNvn uy j.ou ui ,an( t ,0 coldost w:m 32 nn (tin
morning of the 11th. The av-
:10 o'clock.
Mrs. Hannah 1 1111, who was Any citizen of the United
Z, ?J:?",iWVl;. "a,,"l,,,alC;!: S!UiCS w,,. h!,S. bucn a. reB,denL tu.B was 42.8 and of the niaxi
v.. j in.i.min.1, un oaiimmy nidi 01 uregon 1 or six mourns auu or
with City Recorder II. 13. Walker! the town for !)0 days is eligible
I no roiiowing notice:
Springfield, Oregon, Oct.
wore put in place today in read!
ness for the lection
Siiringllold, Oregon,
Oct. 21), 15) IB.
To II. 13. Walker, City Kocorder,
Dear Sir:
I hereby request that my name
(Hannah Hill, Candidate for
City Treasurer) bo withdrawn
tho Ladles of the G. A. It., being ;''0 " ballot to be voted upon
Junior Vlco-Conunander of the t the City election to be held
!, 191 fi.
Department of Oregon. She was .Tuesday, Nov
.crage of tho minimum tempera
mum temperatures the average
was:C5.'L Tim averace mean
to VOle. f urn wns S4.1. whlrli Ih
The election tables and desks ( pracUcalIy nonnal for the sea.
son of the year.
Oregon Mills May Close Down
Unless Cars Are Secured
Salem, Ore., Oct. 29. A com
plete tie-up of mills of western
Oregon will result unless quick
relief is brought to the lumber
Industry in
News Notes From
West Springfield
A ' very Interesting musical
program was given the four up
per grades of the West Spring
field school last Thursday
Mr. Peterson, the well driller,
found water at the school after
drilling eighty-five feet. The
new fountain has been installed.
As this water comes from bed
rock, there is an abundant sup
ply of good quality. A new fea
ture of playground apparatus,
will be In readiness for use In a
but for
farmer near
Waltcrviile, was found dead on
his doorsetp this morning by F.
E. Meyers, a neighbor, who was
passing the house. Mr. McGil
vray, had been ailing of diabetes
for some tim, and had died of a
When Mr. Meyers found him
lying in a pool of blood he fear
ed foul play, and without touch
ing the body hastened to a
neighbors and notified the sher
iff and the coroner. The two
then returned to watch until the
officers arrived. Examination
..t.t.l.. t- 1 it A. 11 t 1
few days. Large pictures for W11 nuuweu umi mere aaa
framing have been sent for and been n0 crime committed,
the school will soon be In condi-1 Mrs' McGvray, who was in
tion for standardization. ' Springfield, was notified shortly
All pupils above the third before 8 'clock and sne left at
grade are striving for the certi- "ce for the farm' and returned
. .... . tnia nffornnnn wlfVi iVa l-.rrlv KTr.
ucates offered by the Palmer Co.
for efficiency in Palmer muscu
lar movement writing.
A banner is awarded the room
, whose pupils have had to be re-
this afternoon with the body. No
arrangements have as yet been
made for the funeral.
Mr. McGilvray was employed
on the Springfield switch engine
for four or five years, and had
secretary and treasurer of the
W. C. T. U. and was vice-grand
of .luanita lodge of llebekahs
of Springfield, and was aSuuday
school teacher in the Methodist
She was one of tho prime
movers m tne organization ot Sllverton, Ore., Oct. 29. The
tho Pennsylvania society of following resolutions were unan-
i.uuu iiuumj, iuiu wu an si:i:j-,imouBiy iidoiiteu atu mass meet- .k.i t... . frvJT,i nnnHnna t i,nfi . . - - I nt WnifprvtiiP
i .....i.... ,.i ... , . . . .iiiuuna, i iiu uui biiuiuiKU was x'-v JV-'-1'"""- "" k..v,p(. nn1 n nrncrrnm nrmncprt fnr
i n ami ucm.t, piuHiuum lor a ing ot blivortou business men, .,... ,lf.r.milim limr mnpIf4M, lonera on the school irrafanola. , , ' f. He was bora near Pittsburg.
he records were verj- kindly iKinpWpii w.-kj nhnn ndvnr fnr 1 ennsvlvanla' aout o2 years
. . . 1 1 . 1 ! . 0 5 1. .1
ii... r e iiinrninp liv thoJr mucin tonnlior . , .
cars. Tins was the Information "'iti'- me uiugraimy oiment in alI written work the UUL Ul Di'""Bwu w
received today by the Oregon VerdI an(i a list of hls most fi-! least number of times. Good re- nine or ten years' ne resigned
Public Service commission. Re-:nus operas were given by three SIltR nr1 ,,pInfr nhtn,nofi from the road two years ago;
1 i. f ' . i . ... i .1 r x :
iinu iui u iium ran
Miss !
A. Boys' and Girls' Industrial
an express
'porta received from all portions members of the school.
of Western Oregon showed that ' "'galls then told the story of club was organized Thursday waS" between bpnngneld and
instead of a betterment of con- ''I'll Travatore." after whir she;after schooi officers were elect- EuSenev later buying the farm
her husba
loaves a sister, .Mrs
Cracken, and a son in Penn-
Iworklng In conjuctlon with the Is ,lm, beon force(, to c,0Be;T
mm she, Commercial club, held Wednes-:,, (IlHC,mrB0 theIr meil( lhe!lo
I. J. Me- day evening: ..,.,.. , M
ilay evening
Rates have been
Dairying, Drainngo and Market
ing Discussed
Kvlvanla. She came to Spring- irninteil to tin mlllH nr tiw vn
Hold from Oklahoma seven years lamotte valley on lumber ship-aK-
lineuts to the East and South
'which place our mills on a more
FARMERS' INSTITUTES HELD equitable basis with our com-
petitoi-H in Portland, and
"Whereas, Certain mills in
Portland and the Portland Tel
egram are endeavoring to have
the interstate comjuerce com
mission establish differentials in
rates in favor of Portland, as
against tho Willamette valley;
therefore, be it
"Resolved, That we protest
against this action by these
Portland mills and The Evening
Telegram. We believe that the
lumber business is one of the
most important industries of this
commission announced, and
! other Industries were declared
to be feeling tho ill effects of no
! Southern Pacific officials with
whom the commission has been
conferring for several weeks, as-
loaned the school by the Roach
Music store,
Miss Ingalls will entertain the
primary grade pupils with some ;
choice lullabyes in the near fut-.
ure. The children display a great
deal of interest in the better i
class of music when presented in '
the club.
It is rumored that the Smith
ago, and bad lived In a number
of states before coming to Orer
gon. Nearly thre years ago he
Pulp Mill at Marshfield will run married Miss Nettie Nelson, who
Dairying, soil drainage and co
operative marketing woro dis
cussed at a successful farmers'
Institute at Crow Friday. Re
tweon -in and GO farmers gath
ered at the Grange hall at the
village and listened to very In
Htructivo talks by Professor E.
U. Pitts and Professor 13. .1. Lar
son, of tho Oregon Agricultural
college, and C. .1. Uurd, of this
Hallowe'en was observed by
all departments of the school.
Mrs. Knhler had a peanut hunt
.............. ii i i.. ,i
Professor Pitts talked upon , V VV ' 1 ' duiring capital of ?f00,000 being appropriate refreshments. T
. ii hum iiiiii iiiiiiLTi!! in Minipr irmu . -
(lie subject of "Dairying," Pro- - --o planned. .visitors were irs. iay,
i.Hm- Larsm, unon "(mltlvatmi. u,,JUiil 10 lI1BcnMimiUU,n e. t , Helen Pay of Emreue. Miss
I ll'lt lltin llll.ll lM IMItlllOlll . , .....I.V.. t.I.I.UWl VUl. ji null" ...
Hhods of Soil Drainage," and " "'Y "'''T.r " . nmwl mn.l,. tin lnnrnxi m, from Wendllng, Mrs. Adams
. Uurd upon co-operative J , record in Soptembia Nriii Mrs. Pensolin.
market ing.
Mr. Uurd discussed such mar-
serted that tho shortage was this manner.
general all over the Pacific coast
and the problem of giving Ore
gon industries their needed
quota of cars was causing them
great anxiety.
In an urgent telegram to Pres
ident Snroule tonitrht. the com-
.,iuoi o.r..i., ifn,i r attire, with brownies, Jack
the need of more cars. The lanterns, corn and apples,
shortage today was reported as , Miss Weller's room had a pro
;500. gram in the afternoon. Ilallo-
iwe'en exercises were rendered
linker Dredging operations and Hallowe'en games played
in Sumpter Valley for mining re- after which Miss Weller served
It is expected through train
service from Coos Bay to Eu
gene will be given the public by
May 1, 191G.
The largest carload of apples
ever sent from Hood River has
just been shipped to Petrograd.
Allen & Lewis of Portland ex-
is the only known relative.
in her room which afforded the pect to build warehouse in Eu
babies much pleasure. Their! gene.
room was decked in Hallowe'en
Reports say new plaining mill
is to be built in Roseburg this
A milk condenser plaiit is talk
ed of for Cottage Grove.
Brother Killed in
European War.:
' (Special to the Lano County News)
: Wendllng, Ore., Oct. 30. Mrs;
Ruche, who has been visiting at
the home of Mrs. Faye Abrams,
left last week for a short visit
in Crawsfordsville.
i Mrs. B. E. Harris drove to Eu
gene Saturday, returning with
,Miss Sherman, who was a guest
'of honor at dinner that evening.
,11. A. Barnes was an additional
; Mrs. Horace Stanley with '
' Mrs. Nels Nielson and Mrs. H. B.
I Taylor motored to Eugene Mon
ant Industry
Rend mill, 3,415,(550 feet.
keting, talking along tho lino of I
what the Grange of tho county1
Las been
That copies of this ; Vonotn will have a saw
. i the near future.
resolution be sent to tho Port
Oronon Citv has n nnw hnnlr.
Ii-vlmr In fw.f.nmiiltuh " """" 1111111.-11.1,, uju .----- -
tiymg to accomplish , r , ,' snn nnn nnnitni
.iviiiiiiiii mill -I--..--
I .. ... -. . I ! 1' ... . TT....
olur'lin " I uruguii, aiuorniu auu iwisi-
1 ern men arucies oi incor)orauon
INDUSTRIAL NOTES 'and plans to construct 400 miles
Salem, Oct. 24. In regard to of railroad i" Eastern Oregon.
for some time and which In all' , h ' ',
, ..... Evening Tolgni
inuimmiii win uu wiMivvu uui.
in the near future. Mr. Uurd
stated that with the establish
ment of tho Eugene public mar
ket tho butchers of this city are
not. buying much pork of the
farmers, and some plan to co
operate In the marketing of tills
product will havo to bo devised.
Tho Grange is working upon a
plan the nature of which will bo
announced later on.
A similar institute was held at
Donna on Thursday. Owing to
tho short notice, there was not
at largo an attendance as there
was at tho institute nt Crow, but
(ho interest in tho subjects dis
cussed whs just iis godp.
R. B. Coglon, county agricul
turist, was in attendance he both
The boys of the four upper
mill in wades gave their girl classmates , ler
a Hallowe'en party Friday even
ing. The invitations as well as
decorations for the room were
made by the boys. Three boys
in ghost garb composed tho re
ception committee. Games were
enjoyed until
devlopiug kelp bods off tho Ore-1
gon Coast on a large senhvfor;
the purpose of obtaining potash,
Now York capitalists inquire of
Secretary of State, Olcott if it
would bo posible for the state to
contract with the corporation on
a basis that would permit a largo
Finnish Brotherhood society
of Astoria will erect $10,000 gar
afc'o. Milwaukee will soon advertise
for bids for extension of water
system. 1
Sumpter North Pole and Co
lumbia mines now working
steadily with good prospects.
to let you know that we are
handling Kwiklite flash
lights and our stock is
complete. It is to our mu
tual interest to get togeth
er. Everything in hard
ware, including our famous
plows. Lots of business
sees us through all right.'
Considerable interest has
been aroused in Wendllng by the
Percy Tyson, employed at the work done by the upper grade
Booth-Kelly mill, last week re- school boys in clearing off the
ceive information that his bro- ogs, stumps and brush from tho
Lieut. Jack Tyson, had land adjoining the school yard.
been killed during the British from early morning until a late
and French drive against the hour at night tho boys have been
Germans on September 2G. ; industriously cutting and burn
Lientcnant Tyson was an offi- When the land is cleared
cer in the third Ghurka regiment and levelled it will serve as play
from India, and had been in the ground, tho greater part of it
ten-thirty when I service only a year. He was a,ueI"S sed for a base ball dia-
toa planter in India, where ho mond.
had lived all his life, and volun-1 The ladies of the Needle Club
teered sodn after the war began are planning a big Halowe'en
to serve his country, having been ; dinner for their husbands at
given a lieutenancy from the Mrs-Horace Stanley's. Further
I start. He was aged 41 years and entertainment will then bo held
was married only last April. Ho at the home of Mrs. J. E. Stout,
was wounded in one hand last j The young men of Wendllng
August, but was off duty only a 'recently met and decided to or
short time as a result of tholganizo a baskot ball team, styl
wound. Ins themselves tho "B-K" team.
Lieutenant Tyson was killed, Tliey nave equipped tne kqu-
Beaver-Herntlon Hardware Company
by a German bullet in tho cap
ture of Loos by tho British. His
ding hall for practice.
Dr. Patterson and wife enterr
regiment made a brilliant charge 'tniped tho Misses Coponhaver
-against tho German. ,trenches,-jat their home last Sunday. A
P tho nfllnnrfs nnrl-mnn vorw eiliovnble tilllQ WttS rCTJOrtr
were killed. . ,'ed by th guests. - '