The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, October 14, 1915, Image 4

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    Water for irrigating and sprinkling purposes can
be used only during tho HOURS specified 6:00 to
S:00 a. in. and 5:00 to 9:00 p. m. Therefore if the
water is used for such purposes at other, intervals;
h ft v.
during the day the company will install meters whero
this abuse is being practiced! It is a duty involved
upon the company to protect tho city from flro and
furnish an adequate supply of -water to all. therefore,
we will thank our patrons it they will assist us In try
ing, to protect the interest of themselves as well ..
as the city at large.
Oregon Power Co.
Victor Innes and wife, who
were arrested while staying at
a house on the McKenzie river
east of Eugene more than a year
ago, charged with the murder of
Eloise. Nelnis Dennis and Bea
trice Nelms, of Atlanta, Ga., are
still in jail at San Antonio, Tex.,
Their case will come up in the
TJ. S. supreme court in the near
future. A press dispatch from
Atlanta says:
'Another celebrated Georgia
case will soon take its place on
the calendar of the supreme
Bill Boards
Job Printing
''VV -&
VS V -'' J"
i . , f ?
'court of the United States. This
lis the famous Innes-Nclms mys
tery. Solicitor-General Dorsoy
will figure in the case, which in
volves the baffling disappear
ance more than a year ago of
(the two sisters, Eloise Nelms
Dennis and Beatrice Nelms.
No case, perhaps, in the court
annals of Georgia, with the pos
sible exception of the Frank
case? has attracted as much at
tention. The two sisters have
disappeared so completely from
the face of the earth as if the
ground had opened and swal
lowed them. Whether they were
murdered is a question that de
Offer one of the big: means of advertising,
but they lack the ability to get into the
homes of the buyers. That is where the
Lane County News goes twice, each week
with its big budget of Springfield News. Tell
your story of bargains in The News and get
The law requires that all butter offered for
sale shall bear the name and address of the
makea and weight of the package. Writing
these by hand is too slow; get them printed
on vegetable parchment with special non-oil
ink. 100 for $1; 200 for $1.35; 500 $2.40.
The letter head, envelope and statement are
the means by which the business man visits
his customers. Neat printing raises the esti-
mate the recipient has of the business house
Let the News Printery work out a catchy
letter head design for you.
The News has just designed an envelope with
a concise resume of Springfield's advantages.
There is ample space for the address and for
the return card, and the extra cost is nominal
Linotyping for the Trade
The Lane
County News
Springfield, Oregon
tectives tho country ovor have
never been able to decide.
Victor Innes, formerly of
Portland, Ore., with whom one
of the 'sisters had business re
lations and who appeared to
have received largo sums of
'money in handling property
transactions, is under charges
I in connection with the case.
Both he and his wife were in
j dieted in Atlanta for larceny
: after trust. It is charged that
Mrs. Dennis, one of the missing
i sisters, turned over to them
,' practically her entire fortune for
investment in western and Mex
'ican lands, which investments
never materialized.
Rr. and Mrs. Innes aV6' thill in
thb county jail at San Antonio,
Tex., whqro1 thby lmvo boon
since tholr lirrcHt near, Eugene,
Oregon. No actual proof of tho
deaths of tho girls could bo
uiund and murder Indictments
In Texas were dismissed. Tho
Inucses are now lighting
through habeas corpus proceed
ings to prevent their extradition
1 to Georgia on the charges of lar
ceny. Tho appeal to thu United
States supromo court was taken
whon the Texas courts refused
to grant the writs and release
SolIcltor-CJoneral Dorsoy will
go to. Washington to appeal' bu
foro the supremo court. ' Ho will
nsk..'tp havo tho caso advanced
on tho calendar for an immed
iate hearing. The outcome will
dotermlno whether tho Inncses
will be brought' to Atlanta. It Is
understood that If the hearing
Is not advanced it probably will
not bo reached for another yoar.
The Nelniir-f jlstors, so long
missing wore tho daughters of
many years sheriff of this coun
ty. Ho left a considerable for-
( tunc, which his widow, his two
! daughters, and his son Inherited.
Tho mother of tho inls3lngglrls
'and their brothers are now living
In Atlanta. Register.
Not satisfied with tho great
success she has mode with her
original creations of Oriental
dances, Ruth St. Denis, the fam-!
tons dance artiste, spends her
between seasons studying out
now dance plays for her already1
extensive repertoire. She not
only originates all her dances,
but designs all the costuming,
'directs the staging of tho pro
duction as well as tho light ef
fects, draws tho designs for the
j scenery and selects the musical
j aqcompanlmeut for each new
Tho latest of her dance plays
which sho will offer this season
is "The Garden of Kama," a bea- ,
utlful legendary pantomime '
from the Indian lyrics of Law
rence IIopo's poems. The "Gar
den of Kama" is perhaps tho
most pretentious of all the dan
pob Miss St. Denis has vet nro-
jduced, as it not only calls for a
very large cast of assisting danc
ers, including a numocr or
Nautch girls and native Hindoo
assitants, but scenically it is of
unusual proportions, requiring
several compluetac sets, while
the costuming carries out the
lavish In its richness of coloring
and beieweled adornment.
Denis Vompany will embrace all
the important cities of America
and Canada, with a short sea
son in Central America and tho
Canal Zone. Tho company is
booked for 'an appearance In
Eugene Saturday night, Oct. 10,
at the Eugene theatre. Seats on
sale Friday morning 10 o'clock.
First Baptist Church.
Bible School at 10:00 A. M.
Gilbert Miller, Supt. ,
Divine Worship at 11:00 A. M.
Sermon by Rev. Will N. Ferris.
Theme, "Why Does God Hate
Sin," A plain, pointed, practi
cal and pleasing message. All
our young people should hear It.
Senior and Junior meetings
will be held at G.30 P. M.
Evening Evangelistic service
of song and sermon at 7 :30 P. M.
Choice reading by Dr. Kcenoy
Sermon by Rev. Ferris. Topic,
"Where Art Thou?"
Music by male quartette.
A most cordial Invitation ex
tended to all.
Strangers always welcome.
Church of Christ
9:45 Sundav School
11:00 a. m. Communion and
sermon. Text, "Gift of Holy
11:00 a. m. Junior u. m.
G:30 P. M. Senior Endeavor.
7:30 P. M. Evening Services.
Text, "The Great Detective."
Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Prayer
. Meeting.
Thursday 7:30 Choir Rehearsal.
Methodist Church.
Corner Second and B streets
James T. Moore, pastor, phone
Next Sunday 10 A, M. Sun
day School.
11 A. M. Sermon,
Subject "The Triumphal Entry
of the Glorious King."
G:30 P. M. Epworth League.
Thq League is alive and full of
interest as well as profit to all.
Miss Laura Hefty of China will
bo present to address the meet-
' -
7:30 P. M. Miss Laura1 Ildfty
of CVhina will givo the evening
TiTTri TPTsTTT1 rpTTTi A rpT? T?
Ji.H.fRAZEE Presents
With OSCAR PIGMAN and New York Cast
Prlcos 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Soata on Salo Monday
message. Come and near one
iwho has spent five years In
China and who will soon return,
, tell of that great field,
i 6:30 Monday evening, Hro
therhood. A feast of fat things
is assured. Come and share the
pleasure and profit of the even
Wednesday, 2:30, Ladies Aid.
Vednesdny 7:30 Choir rcher
sal. Thursday 7:30 P. M. Prayer
Free Methodist Church.
Sabbath School at 10 n. m.
Prcachhig services nt 11 a.m.
Prayer and praise service at
7:30 p. m., preaching at 8 p. m.
Tuesday, 8 p. in., Young peo
ple's prayer meeting.
Midweek prayer meeting on
Thursday at 8:00 p. m.
A cordial invitation is extend
ed to all.
78, A. M. P.a Ancient nnd
Accepted Scottish Rlto Unl-
vorsal and Symbolic Free
Masons moots first and third ,
hall. Visiting brothers wol-'
P. A. Johnson L. IC. Page,
Secretary. II. W. M.
(Department of tho Interior,)
U. S. Land Olllco at lloseburg, Ore
gon, October 11, 1010,
Notlco Is horoby given that Sandford ,
Loach, of Vlda, Oregon, who, on July
r, 1010, made Homestead Kntry, Sorlal
No. 00430, for tho 8Mi of NB'4 of
Section 3. Townshln 178, Rnpn '.
Willamotto Morldan, lias filed notlco
of Intention to make Final Klve-yottr
Proof, to establish claim to the lunu
abovo descrlbod, beforo I. P, Hewitt,
U. S. Commissioner, at his oince, at
Kugono, Oregon, on tho 20th duy of
November, l'JU.
Claimant names as witnesses: Wil
liam A. CoxaoI Eugene, Oregon, Isubol
Jolly, ofjfBuBono, Oregon, Mllo Thomp
son, ofJWda, Oregon, Joseph Waltfleld,
Vlda, Oregon.
taw to N18. J. M. UPTON
Notlco Is hereby givon thtit the un
dorslgnod has been appointed by tho
County Court of Lane County, Oregon,
administratrix with tho will annexed
of tho ostato of, JamoH A. Ebbort, do
couscd. All poruonH having claims
ugalRHt said ostato are hereby notl
Hod, to present tho oamo duly veriflod
and with tho proper vouchers to tho
administratrix ut tho First National
Hank of Sprlngdold, Oregon, within
six months from tho duto of tho llrst
publication of this notice.
Date of tho first publication of this
notlco Soptombor 27, 191fv
Administratrix with tho will annex
cd'ot tho ostnto of 'James A. Ebbert,
deceusqd, j j M 02G
Department of tho Interior.
October, 20 th
U. 8. lintl Olllco nt llosoburjf, Ore
gon, S!itonil)or 14, 101G.
Notice In horoby Rlvon that Itlclmnl
O. Hull of Illuo Hlvor. Oregon, who, on
Octobar U, 1010, Hindu lloinestuntl En
try, Sorlal No. 00070, for tho of
SBi of 8Bi, nuil NKW of
8 WW of Soctlon 1, township 10' S,
ItiwiKO 4 B. Wlllnniuttu Mcrldltin. hits
tiled notlco or Intention to nmko I-'limt
I-'lvoyoar proof, to establish claim to
tho lund nbovo described, before I, P.
HowKt, U. 8. Commissioner, at his of
fice, ut BiiKone, Oregon, on thu UGth
day of October, 1016.
Clulmant minion us witnesses:
Steven A. lenders, of Dluo Itlvor, Oro
Kon; Albert If. Ausnmn, of Illuo Hir
er, Oregon; William Nesbeth, of Illuo
Illver. uroKon; I'cury O'llrien, of Uluo
Klver, Oregon,
taw-Oc21 Uoglstor.
Stalement of thu Ownership, Man
agement, Circulation, etc., required by
tho Act of August 24, 1012, of tho
Lane County News published semi
weekly at Springfield, Orogon, for
October 1, 1010.
Editor, W. A. Dill, Springfield, Oro
gan. Business Mnnagor, W. A. Dill,
Springfield, Oregon. Publlshor, Lnnn
County Publishing Association.
Owners: (If a corporation .gives Its
namo and names and addresses of
stockholders holding 1 per cent or
more of total amount of stock. If not
a corporation, glvo names and addross
08 of Individual owners.) J. F. Smith,
J. H. Bower, IL W. Smith, M. Fonwlclc,
Charles L. Srott, W. H. Pollard, It. L,
Kirk, B, E. Lansborry, E. B. Brattalu,
J. B. Groen, John Mason, J. E. Rich
mond, Jennie W. Dill, W. A. Dill, all ot
Springfield, Oregon and Margaret
Herd, Alton, Kan.
Known bondholders, mortngos, and
othor security holdors, holding 1 per
cont or more of totul nnioun of bonds,
tnortages, or other socurltlos: C. L.
Scott, First Nntlonul Bank,
Averago numbor of copies of each
issue of this publication sold or dis
tributed, through tho malls or othor
wiso, to paid subscribers during tho
six months preceding tho dato shown
nbove. (This Information Is required
from dally papers only.) t
, BubIiiohs Mnnagor,
Sworn to and subscribed beforo mo
thjs 12 day of Oct. 1010.'
Notary Public
Department of tho interior.
U. 8. 'Land 6mcu at Roseburg, Oro
gon, September 20,-1016.
Notlco Is horoby given that Robort
II, Nosbltt, of XI. F, DvNil, Croswoll,
Oro,, who, on November,',, 1013, mndo
Adjoining Farm Homestead Entry, No.
00170, for Lot 6, Sdctlon 20, .Township
IS S. Range 2 W, AVlHamottoi Morld.Ian,
has filed notlco of Intention to nmlio
Final Commutation Proof, to establish
claim to tho land abovo doscrlbed,
boforo I. P. Hqwltt U. S. Commis
sioner, ut his office, at Kugono, Oro
gon, on tho 1st dny ot Novembor, 1015.
Claimant names us wltnossos; Thomas
J. Elliott, of R. F; D. No. 1, Creswoll,
Oregon; LqI Casloman, ot R. F, I),
No. 1, CroHwoi!, Oregon j'Frod Cook,
of IL V. 1 No, 1, CroBwoll, Orogon;
Henry NoSblt', of R?FfD. Noi.-Cres.
wellOregoHiri - taw to Oct 2S