The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, October 11, 1915, Image 4

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    -4L -
(Continued from pngo 1)
ve veterans were servedsup
pcr at G o'clock from the supply
left from dinner, and still there
wtjs food to spare.
Just before adjournment the
following resolutions were read
and adopted: $
Springfield, Oregon. OctS.A1915.
Sir. President. Lane County Veterans'
Association, and Comrades:
We. your committee on resolutions,
submit the following:
Kesolved. That the thanks ot tho
members of this Association in re
anion assembled, be and aro hereby
extended to the citizens of Springfield
for the courtesies shown and assist
ance rendered In making Cut reunion
a success. Wo wish to thank tho
comrades of luka post nnd Jadlcs, of
luka Circle for their generous treat
ment while here; also Iludrauff broth
ers for entertainment at their thoatro:
to Miss Edna Uertsch aim the school
children we wish to thus express our
appreciation ot their contributions.
We extend to Rev. W. S. Gilbort of
Astoria and Ilev. A. M. Spangler our
-warmest thanks for their very able
and Interesting addresses. We would
be pleased to thank every one. Indi
vidually, for their valuable assistance,
but feel that time will not permit.
The following registered for
the reunion:
Civil War Veterans.
C. M. Doritv. 71. Co. K. 19th
Haine Inf.. SDrinufield.
Z. T. Kintzlev. 69. Co. B. 7th
Iowa cav.. Swinefield.
d: M. McCradv. 71. Co. D. 7th II. 11. Godnrd, 7G, Co. D, 30th
Minn. Inr.. Eugene. Ind. Inf., Cottnge Grove.
.las. OITuU. 79. Co..l0tfLU.bhjniuge88. 72fc(vJ'YlRt
Pa. inf.. Eucene. J UWi?Wn?friJrntntod lnf. SfcliKold
Ed. A. Kronmcr. 70. Co. 13.. I W. .l.'Gardner, 70, Co. A, 7Gth
lGth la. Inf., Eugene. , ! 111. Inf. Cottage GVovo.
. O. StooUGth Vls..diuhl' art.. I Samuel Taylor. (9.Co, 11, 8th
i Eimene. , ! i a".
i A. L. BaKer".7lT Co. A; Slhul
111. inf.. Montrose. Colo
I A. S. Matteson. 73. Co. G 10th
Mo. inf. and Co. F, 1st Mo. cav..
Pall Creek.
tD Spencer, 70, Co. C, 17th
W inf. Springfield,
Ym. A. Vinccntj?5, COi GTSth
Mass. inf. Springfield.
Xjohn W. Kitchen, 8G, Ca. C,
3Gth 111. inf. and Co. I, 50th 111.
inf., Coburg.
C. V. Marquis, 75, Co. I, 9th
Ohio cav., Fairmou(it. ,
Win. C. Horton. 72, Co. I, 1st
Wis. cav., Springfield.
' . a Jf. Dodd. 7.4.vCo. IlSrd la.
ilnf, Springfield.
L SinltljrCa.rr, 74, Co, I, S4th Ind.
inf., Dexter.
t T.WGreen, 73. Co, E, 12th
Iirtl'ca'v., Springfield
J. B. Rand, 71, Co. 13, 2nd Wis.
inf. Eugene.
Ohio inf.. Eugene.
II. P. Endlcott, GG, Co. D, 51st
Mo. Inf., Eugene.
J. P. Jenkins, 70, Co. E, 37th
Bys Inft. Springfield.
ftt E. Kress, SO, Co. C, Sth
MlchVtnf., Eugene.
W. G. D. Mercer, 9, Co. L, 3rd
Jowa Cav., Eugono.
C. M. Elchler, G9, Co. D, 1st
Minn, heavy art., Eugene.
B. P. Cmm, 73, Co. B, 32nd
Iowavln, Eugene.
Geo. W. McReynolds, 72, Co.
C, ISth Iowa Inf., Cottago Grove
J. P. Gates,- 76, C?. G&7th la.
Ing., Eugetio. 1
M. J. Moshcr, 75,.Co. P. 5th
N. V.. Vol. tiff. Eugone:- ' 1
Thos. Allslmw, 72, Co. II, lGth
Conn. Inf., Eugene. .
C. Dotson, SI, Co. G," 37th 111.
I. IVll&VHVl'- I lilt. Ufcviiiu. . 1
John Wilkinson, 72, Co. K, 116 I J. P. Deytieu. 71. Co. 1, 1st
;Ohio inf. and Co. I, G2nd Ohio! Minn. II. art., Eugene.
inf. Coburg. Wm. Ahl, 74, Co. A, 30th Wls-
L. W. Clark', GS, Co. G, 152nd inf.. Jasper.
Ill inf., Springfield. Z. T. Collins, 72, Cos. G and C,
i O. T. Langdon, 73, Co. F, Slst 99th 111. inf. West Springffleld.
tlnd. Inf., West Springfield. 1 II. C. Flick, 71, Co. P, 112nd
I G. W. Weider. 79. Co. C, 2nd Penn. heavy art., Creswell.
Kan. cav., Walterville. .Wis. cav. Cottage Grove.
P. H. Jeffers, G9, Co. A, 162d M. R. McCauley, 74, co. c,
Ohio inf., Eugene. '24th Iowa inf., Eugene.
t . r ivnnjn. t.i --. t-i t n rtf.ia no rv. 1 1 ko,,,i
1st Minn, mounted rangers, Cot- Ind. inf., Eugene,
'tage Grove. . Robt. Mears, 77, Co. M, 3rd
4 S. K. Busick, 72, Co. E, ISth Ohio cav. Fulerton Calif.
Ind. inf. Cottage Grove. L. Phcttyplace, SO. Co. H.. 19
Mich inf., Eugene.
T. N. Plank, 71, Co. G, 0th N.
V. heavy art., Eugene.
Inf., Eugono.
J. W. Huff man, 06, Co. II, 11th
Mich, ouv., Eugono.
dvW Dotinoy, 75, CofnMfwiB.mDIcliorsionTd. C,)t-Urt
Ohio, Infantry, Springfield.
t K. Tngo. 65, XT. S. S. Poif
sncoln, Springfield. t.. .
S. V. Pnxtdn, 77, Co. G. 101
Ohio Inf.. Eugene.
G. II. Courtwrlght, 82, Co. O,
,4th Wis. criv,, Eugono.
P. E. Keycs. 74, Co. A, 1st Nob.
Inr., Eugono.'
Henry Wolf, 67, Co. K, 60th
liul, inf., Sprlnglluld.
Jbhn E. Kuul, 77, Co. J., 2nd
Minn. pin'.jCroawell.
I M. 'Shelley, 72,' Co. A, IsH
Ore. Inf., Eugone.
A. J. J-'rico, 67, Co. D, 30th 111.
inf., Mnrcola.
C. Moacham, GS, Co. Fji'l42
N. Y.' hf. Springfield. A
Y. W. Perkins, 70 Co. II., 10th
N. Y. heavy nrt., Springfield.
.1. h. Martin, 76, Co. n., -isni
Mo. Inf., Eugene,
G. II. Blnkoloy; 7l, CO. K, 20th
Ohio Inf.. Mnrcola.
U.ll. Stlllwoll; 7S, Co. u, 7th
Bill Boards
Offer one of the big means of advertising,
but they lack the ability to get into the
homes of the buyers. That is where the
Lane County News goes twice each week
with its big budget of Springfield News. Tell ,
your story of bargains in The News and get
Job Printing
' . ' i
The law requires that all butter offered for
sale shall bear the name and address of the
makea and weight of the package. Writing
these by hand is too slow; get them printed
on vegetable parchment with special non-oil
ink. , 100 for $1; 200 for $1.35; 500 $2.40.
The letter head, envelope and statement are
the means by which the business man visits
his customers. Neat printing raises the esti-
mate the recipient has of the business house
Let the News Printery work out" a catchy
letter head design for you.
The News has just designed an envelope with
a concise resume of Springfield's advantages.
There is ample space for the address and for
the return card, and the extra cost is nominal
Linotyping for the Trade
The Lane
County News
opringneld, Oregon
3 1st Iowa Inf., Eugono.
Chas. Shcrbondjv 7JJ, Co. 13,
29th Ohio Inf.. Eugene.
Win.fofurrtHay, 74, Co. K, 62nd
N. Y. Inf., Eugono.
Lybort Simmons, 75, Co. 11.,
17th Itnva Inf., Eugono.
H. E. Eastland, 71, Co. I, SSth
Iowa Inf.. Eugono.
K. S. Bargar, 67, Co. A, 4lHt
Wis. Inf., Brownsville. ,
Capt. E. C. Bakor, 91, Co. D,
19th Ky. Inf.. JiiHpor. .i
II. M. McKusIck, ,70, Co. II.,
Gth Maine inf., Eugcuu.
Spanloh-Amor(cnn Votorana
C, P. Egglnmnji, 40, Co. K, 160
Ind. Inf., Springfield.
1. D. Larimer, 40. Co. C, 2nd
Oro. Inf.. Springfield.
Wm. S. Gilbort, 51, chaplain
third Oregon Infantry, Astoria.
J. T. Pouter, 43, Co. P, 3rd U.
S. cav., Springfield.
S. II. Richmond. 43, Co. It 12
Minn. inf.. Springfield. f
W. O. Whlto. 43. Co. C. 2nd.
Wis. inf. and Battery B, U. S. A. Oro. vol. inf., Eugono.
Eugene. ! M. G. Uuntloy. U, Co. C,-2nd
L. Gllstrap. 70. Co. B, 17th Ore. vol. Inf., Eugene.
Kan. Inf., Eugone. j
John Warring, 72, Co. II, 2Sth A list of the ladles of tho G. A.
I'enu. inf., Pleasant Hill. ,, u,lnf ropna .,.,.n nU
lr.n T....M... 1f rn T- Ktlnim'o J "
utio., I vr. v.
wookly nt HprliiKdold, OntRon, for
Octnlior 1, lOtn.
Killlor, W. A. lllll. HprlnrcfloM, On).
Kon. IIiirIiiohh MiiiiiiKor. V. A. 1)111,
. Owiuy-H; J. R Hniltli, J. II. Jlowor,
It. W. Aiullli. M. Wnwlck. VlmrfdH I
Krott, W. II. I'ollanl, It. I.. Kirk, II.
10. I.nimtiorry, 10, 10. llrntlnln, J, II. .
(I rot) ii, .loliu MitHoii, J 10. ltlclimnnil,
Jonnlo W. 1)111, W. A. 1)111, nil of
HtrliiK(lilil, OroKoit nml MnrRitrnt
lloril, Alton, Kiui.
Known liomllioldorn, morlnftuM, nml
othor mtourlty lioltlorH, IioIiIIiik 1 lur v
cont or nioro of total nniouii of Imnili, ;
inortiiKtm, or othor HoourltluNi O, U. I
Hcolt, Flrt Nfttlonnl llnnk.
AvoniKo mimhor of copluii of ouch ft
iRHtio of IIiIh publication Mohl or din
trllnitvd, tlirotiRli tho iiiiiIIh or othor-
wlno, to pnltl Htibncrlhorn uurltiK tho
Hlx niontlm iiruccilltiK tho (Into hIiowii j
nbovo. W. A. 1)1 Mi
Ilimlnonn MnnnKor,
Hworn to nml nuliHCrlbotl boforo mo
thin 4th dny or Oct. 101C.
V ' Nutnry I'ubllc.
Penn. battery, West Springfield.
Wm. Smith. 71, Co. L., 3rd
Ohio cav. Eugene.
Geo. J. Wlnchell, 71, Co. D,
86th 111. inf., Eugene.
Wm. Ruth, 84, Co. D, 35th la.
inf., Eugene.
John T. Martin, 85, Co. K, S I
III. Inf., Eugene.
P. A. Thlenbcand, 74, Co. D,
19th Mich. Inf., Eugene.
S.' Stickles, 70, Co. C, Sth N.
Y. cav., Eugene.
A. Whltcmarsh, 77, Co. C, 46th
Wis. inf., Eugene.
David Dler. G8, Co. E,-49th N.
Y. Inf.. Eugene.
G. E. King. 73, Co. II., 24th
Ind. Inf., Eugene.
Chns. Drew, 73. Co. D., UStli
tended tho reunion here I-riday
will bo published In tho Thurs
day Issue of tho News.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Lnml Otllco nt ltoaoburK. Oro
Ron. Sontotnbnr 14, 1915.
Notlco la horoby given that Hlclntnl
Q. Hall of Illuo Hlvor, OroKon. who, an
Octobor H, 1910, nmilo Homonteiul Kn
try. Sorlal No. 0t1G70. for tho of
SHU, SKU or SK',i. nnd NI04 of
SWVi or Section 1. townHhln 1C S,
ItanRO 4 10. Wlllnniotto Morlillnn. has
(Hod notlco or intention to lnuko l'ltml
Klvoyoar proof, to ostnbllHh clnlm to
tho hind nbovo doscrlbcd, before I. P.
Howltt, 17. S. Comtnlniiloner, nt IiIh of
nce, nt KiiKuno, Oregon, on tho 2Sth
dny of Octobor. 1915.
Claimant itamoa as vltnonwoH:
Stovon A. IinUors, of llluo Utvnr, Oro
gon; Albort I). Ausninn, of llluo HIv
t Y Inf Eticeno or Vrogon; wininni Neiotn. or muo
iS?.'n."!,l'"''- . Itlvor. Orocon: I'enrv O'llrlcn. of l)luo
u. i'. laumau, u, to. u, jbi ,,: n,m
a .... m-m M.0'
Mien, iigut uru, mugene. j. m. upton,
I Edwin Wh'eeler, 77, Co. M., 1st Inw-OcSt Iteglnter.
Wis. cav., Eugene. 1 -i-r-r. r ,.
At q V llnvrnck 77 Co A Stntwnont of tho Ownorahlp. Mnn
rti. 63. . iiajcocK, , to. a, nKOinct. Clrcuhitlon. otc. nxmlred by
dU lowa, Kitigcne. . thu Act of August 24, 1912, of tho
J. D. Moon. 80. Co. A. 15th la. 1-nno County Newn published Boml-'
. Dopurtinonj; of tho Interior.
'f. H. I.nnd Olllcd nt llonoburg, Oro
(ton, Boptotnber 20.491Q.'
Notlco Is hereby given that ltobort
H. Nosbltl. of It. 1. I). No. Jf ('reswoll,
Oro., who. on NovoiulMir 4, 10in. nmdo
Adjoining l-'urin llomestend ICntry, No.
09170. ror Lot 5. Hoctlon 20, Township
18 8. Ilnngo 2 W, Wlllnniotto Morldlitn,
hntt lllcd aiotko of Intention to nmko
Kliml Commutntlon. Proof, to eHtuhllsh
claim lo tho hind nbovo described,
before I. P. Howltt U. S. Coiuiuts
iilonor, nt his otllco. nt lOugono, Ore
gon, on tho 1st dny or November, 101C.
Clnlmnnt names as witnesses: Thomas
J. Elliott, or 11. K. D. No. 1. Creswell.
Oregon; Lovl Cuslomnu, or It. P. I).
No. 1, Creswell, Oregon; Fred Cook,
or It. P. I). No. 1, Creswoll, Oregon;
Henry Nesblt. or It. P. I). No. 1, Cres
woll, Oregon. taw to Oct 23
Notlco Is hereby given that tho un
dorslgned hns been nppolntod by tho
County Court or Uino County, Oregon,
administratrix with tho will nnnoxed
of tho estuto or James A. lObbert, do
censed. All persons having claims
ngnlnst said estnto nro hereby noti
fied to present tho samo duly verified
nnd with tho proper vouchors to tho
administratrix tit tho First National
llnnk or Hprlngllold, Oregon, within
six months from tho ditto or tho first
publication of this notlco,
Date of the first publication ot this
notlco September 27, 1015.
Administratrix with tho will nnnox
ed of tho osfnto ot Jnnicii'A. lObbert,
decensod. M 025
Made in Springfield
Patronize the Payroll of Your Home Town
The ;
House of Quality
We serve lunches and hot
drinks, Egglmann's Cnndy Kit
chen. Best by Test.
Eggimann's Candy Kitchen
s 4.4. ( f
: Springfield Bakery
Broad, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, etc.
Wedding and Party Cakes a
S. Young, - Proprietor
The Springfield Creamery
The Lane County News divided its
expenditures last year, thus:
Supplies bought outside 6t Spring- ,
field, Including paper nnd now
machinery 20,4 p. C.
Supplies bought In Sprlngflold, In-
eluding rent, etc ..,....,..,....19,1 p. c.
Payroll, entirely In Springfield 60.5 p. C. 4-
80 Spent at Home
i Try is and be, convinced that It pays to
patronize home Industries.
BALED HAY $10.00
For good values,
Kor good bread,
Use Dakoro and Knoxnll Flour.
All kinds ot Feed cheap.
Will do food chopping for fl.GO a ton.
' The
Springfield Planing Mill
Manufacturers of
Kxtenslon Tnblou, Drop Loaf Tables. Illlraalc
fast Tabloa, Kltchon Cablnots, Cupboards,
Safes, Stop Ladders, Fruit Hoxos
ferry Crntoa, Folding Clothes Ituchs.
For light, heat and power.
"Mado in Springfield."
Oregon Power Co.
i . .i i 'i i
p V -, i .'
Another Springfield Industry to '
place their card in this space.