7TZ It See' Our Window , of Honeycotnbe Chocolate 5 and fO cents a Bag , Day and Night Phono 31 :; Ttffefe' 61 the i . ... . .. . mi -Hall for cheaper boIcb and heels. Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Volgamoro of Marcola were In Sprlnglleld on biiBlncBB Saturday, (ij no conumon oi mib. n. a. Aahworth Bame. romaius about the Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ilealy of' Coburc are In SnrlnKfleld visit- In ir frinmlu MIbb Lena Newton, Instructor In Mm SiirliiiTit'ni,! ll,rl, ,n,nni was too 111 to teach Thursday nftornoon. The Gleaners will hold their regular meeting nt the homo of Mrs. W. F. Walker on Wednes day, October, 14. Tho little son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Knnpp, who recently moved to Springfield, underwent a min or operation Friday on account or an Injury received playing at school. whllo The Judge Says- Put a Package of these New Post Toasties oii trial besides a package of any other corn flakes on tho market. Tho jury will bring a vordict of "guilty" guilty of boing the finest ever mado. Tho Now Post Toasties .are crisp and appetizing, " with a truo corn flavor; and milk or cream is addo'd. But hero's the real test. Take a handful, fjeslV from tho package, hnd qat thorn without cream or milk. Mighty "good, aron'tthoy? Notico tho little "puffs" op oach flakea distin- guishing characteristic rosultlng from the now method of cooking and toasting, which also brings out and en hancos the wpndorful, true corn flavor. s Your Orocor has the Now Post Toasties. jTry them and.brlng in your vordict "Delicious" 'James McPhorBon Iiiih nc conlud a noBillon In tho local yards of tho S. P. Co. . w Davo England wont to Port land laHt evening to take tho pharmacy examinations. Dalo TuHHhiK of tho Sprlug- i fluid Food Htorc, spent Sunday In UrowiiBvlllo, vJBltlng hlB parcntB. Having rented tho cafeter ia, have moved my 'ofllco up nlalrs In tho front rooms. J. P. Fry. Snndford "Leach of VIda was In Sprlnglleld Friday making ar rangements to prove ui) on his homestead. A crow of Booth-Kelly meij went to the head of tho mill race Saturday to make repairs to tho hcadgatcs. Z. T. Klntzloy returned to his homo at Jasper Friday after at tending the a. A. II. convention In Springfield. No Jobbers' profit ,qn BooBt cr Flour, mado for and sold ex clusively by Cox & COx. $1.25 per sack, $4.85 bbl. J. II. Larson of St. Louis, Mo., a former resident of Springfield, arrived hero Sunday evening nnd may locate hero again. N. A. Bilker, nrlnelnal of tho Marcola public flchools. was In Springfield Friday visiting rela tives and transacting business. Mrs. Charles Klngwcll and. Jant daughter leave today for hIv wnnltA' vlttlf with Mrt. Klncr. well's sister In eastern Wash-i Ington. Mr. Klngwcll will nc- nmnnnnv Minm nn fnr Porl- .land. Mrs. Bert Cox of Landax Is In Springfield a guest at tho J. P. Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Cox have resided at Landax for the past year, but, are now mov ing to their former home at Marcola. A. Middleton and Riley ,, , IleySnpd-' a hunting crass left Friday for trip In tho mountains above uuuriue. i.r.i... real corn flakes these they don't, mush down whon H I l 1 a. .'v "ftsa-r-A1; -Aim H MIbb' Mabel Brabham Ib lll'aC I I .... Kill ' ' IlL'I JIUJIIU Oil iVIJU BlIUUl. ' 1 , .. Mra. J, 13. Fox of Mablc was) In Springfield Saturday on busi ness. Fred TltUB, a merchant Of Marcola, was in Springnold to day on business. Ask your neighbor about Booster Flour, $1.25 per sack, $4.85 bbl. COX & COX. ! O noom for rent to gentleman in private family. Well ventilated nnd nicely furnished. Call at this of lice. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Knott of West Springfield , were dinner gucBts of Mrs. and Mrs. C. F. Eggimnn Sunday. a,tn,yn nni.mini nt the monorail car at the Booth. Kelly mill, spent Sunday with'K" cunbumurs, our umcc win his pnrcnts In Coburg. James Seavey shipped a Car load of hops to the eastern mar ket Friday,, and, Wolf & Co. sent out a carload bound for London. Good reliable fire Insurance, ... i. i.t o assessment, iu n.u.uuu fee. Pay onco and you are. done, M. E. Walker at the City Hall. .irs. ueorgc aeiiius oi j'jiiuirii, formerly of SprliJgfleld, arrived Saturday to visit until tomorrow with her daughter, Airs. j. r. ',arrel UUA 6i JUA. 1 order to be Or more con venlencc to water, electric and. iras consumers:, our office will remain open until 9:30 P. M., m ajTw m m m . JT.,-J.. t 'fair last Wednesday In nOnor of gave a piano recuai at me lue- rryasacicoi uoosicrriour. ' ur. mm ur. rruiiK a. lash- pifljvo t OI4uv a rioiininne tliodist church Fridav evenine in-!" .you are not satisfied, we vi!l hart returned Friday ttmj ffieM'TS a can lorit anu give your money uuys v,b. v u. m. wh e the time was snent in nlav- number of friends. The work . 0.1CK. $1.20 per sacK, i.bo u lmienus, iur. unu mis. u. a. ot tu CQf ' - nf fllp nunUs showed careful Tuesday, October 12, 1915. 'uaKnage. ianuax anu uurgess, charleg Sylvester spent Sun 0 REG ON POWER CO'. jlast week to inspect cars in use d , juncUon City. along the branch. He also made 3 i Mr. and Mrs. George -Griffith of Brownsville who have been, , visiting In Harrlsburg airlvcd In i c.rnni,i cjmwinv tIipv will visit friends here until Friday visit rrienUB nere unin ivnuay u w,n leave for theIr old home'ln KanBa8 for an ex-! tontletl visit The W. R. C. and the Ladles nf the fi. A. R. of Encene will w- --- i A grass nre on uie inn souui present an American flag and a f t ( noQn .picture, of Abraham "SJIday was the cause of another! the Eugene High school Wed-j TllR ...! ncsday afternoon, October 13. Lauies unu cuimuuua ui lunu,.., orost nhnve the Rnnth-Kell" post and circle, Springfield, are Q?nc anu. iSop rfffehters ,i . r t twirl jmiu, anu a numoer oi ugnters invited to attend. C. J. Dodd, Patriatic instructor. Members and friends of the First Baptist church please note, tne ionowing-cnangu ui iuc unu- mpuriuiicu iu Uu ing Thursday. Let every mem ber bo nresent. Do not forge the date and hour, Thursday S P. M. Rev. Ferris. I ' . t T . i ha c v 1 1 n nr i iui. ami .mill wu... ceived a .letter yesterday telling ceiveu a ue&ier yesieumy icmue them their sons, Sam. Young, week Sprayer senTc8:66 o'clock ?t SllliirTil Thursda evening and. not We-. nesday evening as hither o l repalred. Twenty-five or mOre Tyo engaged gleaning : bark jr., ana wunani, wno reeenuy iv as he was riding down the in- , , went to Seattle to work at their jnc Int0 the mili, and he wasi S1""1? today the Eugene '..n.ia no hnirnrc hnfV fmio tn tt ' RnrinErfield automobile staKe i Vancouver, B. C, and had en- l listed In the . Canadian army, Thev wrote they were to he . i i. sent to Victoria, but had recelv-. The Hamilton, Mont., Republi ed no intimation ns 'to how soon can of recent date contains the they might be sent to England following in regard to a former to join the army of the allies. I Springfield citizen: "Jack Bur- bonia, who conducted a moving Many calls as to the location picture show in Hamilton about of a fire come in to the power 8ix years ag0 js jn town. His plant after overy alarm, states wjfe dled at Portland recently Chief Engineer McCulloch, but and the remains were taken to men on duty have no informa- Misoula for interment, the fun tlon to give. They are notified, era ijemg iieid there last Fri slmply that the fire fs In a given day ward, and they blow the signal o accordingly, Too frequently The BOoth-Kelly pile, driving the one turning In the alarm , prew ias completed work on the does not give even this much north side of the race at. the information, and hangs up as , dam and i,as oeeu ,uoved to the soon ns he has told the plant sduth side "where a row of piling there is a fire. All the power, will be put In to prevent the men can do under such clrcnm ; water washing out the bank stances is to blow a long blast 1 0f tho race near the mill, and let-tho fire boys hunt for the ) William Beals, cashier of the blaze. . Bank of Shcdds, and brother of ,D. S. Beals, cashier of the First A carload of vails for cmer INatlonal of Springfield, is hero goncy itBe was , received in for a viBit of a few days. Springfield today, and gave rise j to a report among rauronu men that preparations were being made to move tho tie-plckllng plant, now at Latham, to this place. Roadmaster F. W. Schultz, In ohargo of this divi sion, stated that he had had no instruction to prepare a track for this purpose. Tho company, it is stated by railroad mon, lias been planning for a long time to bring tho Latham plant to this place, but there Js. no authorHjV for statements .that it is beings: uroughthere at this time: , II. 13, Walker lias completed, tne improvements to the large verandah at Jilu homo af Mill and 13 streets. Ilound-Up Flour, $1.20 per aack, or $4.00 bbl. This flour is nn eastern Oregon flour and. Is guaranteed. Spuds 75c cwt. SNEED & SONS. M. Fenwlck of Sprlngflekl has been selected an- one of tho members of the receiving line when the new armory is dedicat ed In Eugcno next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Day and Mr. and Mrs, J. V. Day of Cor Vallls hnvo come to Springfield to leslde, and have taken the Powers house on C street and .the Gilkey house on D. I In order .to be of more con- venience to water, eiectnc ana remain onen until 9:30 P. M.. Tuesday, October 12, 1915; OREGON POWER CO. An extra train was" sent out Sunday rtoon to take empty cars io points on the WOridllrtg line. The demand' for cars Is so great that the time calned was suffl- wnrrant the BnecIal trln i , . James Cox of Co & Cox, and; ;ucen uuiiuucu w uibh ucuo uj reason of Illness for the past several days. Norwood is coa-j sweraoiy improveu at tnis time, i -vw hwav thev vlRlted friends it Cor- 3J?nYnal to aiJIS anu JJaiiaS. si o o F. R. Russell, car inspector for the g. p. Co., made a trip to an Inspection trip out on the Willamette-Pacific. Mrs. N. J. Harblt. Mrs. Rose Harblt and J. S. McKay visited J ""j i E. D. Johnson who Is in the Mer- hospUaJ .Eugene suffering .wuii u iiuuLureu iiiiui. in i 191 years of age and is an old! friend of. the HarblUamilles. I . ... . tended for some distance along! went out. The flames did no damage. A dozen or fifteen men were at work yesterday erecting a scaff0i(iinK inside the ,ai .uoiuiiouui, yregun. wuiibi,.? - . ... D ' T ftout oi tne ponu. a great qeai,rr , 6f bark comes off the Iocs that"." "l uc UBlu" 11 nre helnir hmimht from Pohurir tcerns business, social or do- aie being brought from Loburg. jmesUc affairs ARE you IN, t.i, n ,m wrfwy, nt I TROUBLE? Are you in doubt? UheBooth - Kelly mill, suffered a u. ...... ....c-i. . . . . 1 uiiuiy uiuiaeu uutxu liuutiuuji afternoon when the brake on his , afternoon when tne oraite on ms bIcycie took hold too sudden- u.town t0-a doctor's office for,""e win operate cars once an, the necessary treatment. Tfcere la more Catarrh In this eoctlea ef the country tlmn all other dUeasea put together, nnd until tho last few yean wai BUDDoaed to bo Incurable, tor a preat many yenra doctors pronounced 11 o local disease and prescribed locnl reme with Inrnl trtfiitinent. nionouiiceil It Incur dies, and by constancy rniune w cure nble; Kcleneo hns proven Cutnrrli to bo a constitutional disease, and therefore j nulres constitutional treatment, llalPa Culurrh Cure, inanufnrtureil by V. J. CJieney A .Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only Constitutional euro on the innrket. It Is tiilion Internally, .It nets directly on the blood and nuicoui aurfnrt-s of tho system, Tliey offer one hundred dollars for uny rnBe It falls to cure. Bond for circulars und tpHtlnimilnlfl. ' Address) K. J. CIinNBT CO., Tolado. O, , Tsk null's Family I'lH-i fur coBiCjftjv ... -x Social cHptes Mrs. M. J. McKHn was, tho hostess of a delightful session of tlie Priscllla club at her home at Sixth nnd D streets Friday afternoon'. Needlework and so cial conversation made the hours pass all too quickly, and men tne Hostess served a most:esung program was appetizing luncheon. The mem-; and refreshments were served, bers of the club present were: '. Guests of the organization were Mrs. W. L. Donaldson, Mrs. W. Mrs. Nat McKlnney, Mrs. Rag M. Rouse, Mrs. Dan Gore, Mrs. I. land and Mrs. Hedburg, and the D. Larimer, Mrs. A, P. McKinzey. members present were Mrs. J. Mrs. N. Howard, Mrs. McKIin. J. Browning, Mrs. Flora Luther Guests of the club were: Mrs. (Eugene), Mrs. Isabel Lambert, H. E. McGowari, MrB. Henry Mrs. Ellen Knott, Mrs. A. Knott, Korf , Mrs. James T. Moore, Mrs. Miss Knott, Miss Ellen Lambert, Milton Bally, Mrs. W. A. Dill, Mrs. Jennie Smith. Mrs. Pearl Mrs. J. O. Root, Mrs. John Dill- Drury, Mrs. E. M. Allen, Mrs, Ed. ard (Eugene), Mrs. R. H. Pierce (Eugene) , Mrs. John Parker and Mrs. Paul Brattain. Mab.0 and Edna Duryce e- and" E stfeets. The guests of ".j ,. . tins evening were Misses jcxina . . . f . . KerA',5f l&I3"?? Sadie Allen, JSVa Br Sadie Allen, J3Va Brown, LeotajMrs M airs 0 BKessey, iMcCracken, and Oscar Fioyd Bartlett, Ray Bally, -Glen "CViM Woolley, Will Rodenbaugh and iwcie oci vcu aim me uauai Buuu . time spent with games. Mrtf. James Davis gave a very . mi . ,v . 'SSes KUth .Parson, KUUl Lans- Nellie Copenh&ver, Eliza . T.TTt i .uijuunuvetv juauiiu mi;rviuiicj, Gladys Lepley. ranch ,at Waltervllle Saturday. 000,000 across ties annually. f,Last year approximately 43,850,- ADVERT ISED LETTERS 000 of these ties were treated or Springfield, Ore., Oct. 7, 1915. ' creosoted. This qualityof treat Mr. Ross Peterson. ed material would construct a Mrs. Laura Mizee double track about 8,700 miles O. H. Haugann in length. Mrs. Edith Cox. I If all of the 7,730,000 Dduglas Mrs. Thomas Cain. fir cross ties,-treated in 1914 Mrs. M. C. Bpthers. One cent due on all advertised Mrs. M. C. Buthers. HARRY M. STEWART Postmaster. . Keppner Work on new ma ,, hniiriincr Binrteri CLAIRVOYANT MEDIUM T.n'Thelmn the Noted Medium has arrived in Snrincfield and is t ftbe XXotlSprtoSneld. 2 and 3, upstairs, where fTie can be consulted from 9 A g. to . P. M. She :ve . never j .:t ie you ueeeu.: 1 timet oadh j ,r'2". ... Eugene-Spr.ngf. eld Automobile hour during the forenoon and evervhalf hour In the atternoon. Time of departure has been put five minutes earlier than hereto fore. Following is the timecard: Lv Eugene at 6:50 A. M. 7:50 A. M S50 A. nr. 9:50 A. M. 10:50 A. M. 11:50 A. M. 12:50 P. M. 1:20 P, M. 1:50 P. M. 2:20 P M. 2:50 P. M 3:20 P. M. 3:50 P. M. - 4:20 P. M. 4:50 P. M. 5:20 P. M. 0:50 P. M. 6:20 P. M. fi-BO P. M. 8:20 A. M. rt.nsv A r inn a' at ll-:20.-A. M. 12:20 P. M. 1:20 P. M. 1:50-P.-M, 2:20 P. M- 2:50. P. M.t a:au"f. iu. 3:50, P. M, 4:2QP;-M. 4:50 P. M. 5:2Q P, M. 5:50 P. M. G:20 P. M. 6;50 P. M. 7:20 P. M. FOR SALE At a bargain, 80 acres, io acres cieuruu, uaiunca easily cleared. Some" viae maple and' hazel brush, no big trees, out- Tange. 40 acres adjoining can bo nomesteaded. house. Price , $700 J. P. FRY. When you come to Springfield, Ore.,, try tliot v Ji ELITE ROOMING HOUSE ' " Fire-proof juilding. Our, rates are modest and the building li modern 'and up-to-dafe. Good warm office and a parlor for the-ladles. You are always welcome. Try us, The Springfield Auxiliary of the Christian Women's (.Board of Missions met last week la Eugene at the home of Mrs. E. C. Wigmore, who Is president of tho state board, and, of tho ' Springfield auxiliary. An inter- rendered Solelm, and Mrs. Elldn Fallons- by (Fall Creek). j 1 Mrs. A. Middleton entertained SSTJSSi .--..uiuaaaiuiy swum, wim iaiicjcr ' work aftJr wfiIch daInt nuinv aiici riiii i,,rtT1 ,aft. DtraAj on,, xfi lowing members were present, Z'Z' w w ' whiYnn, Mrs. C. B. Wheaton. IMi-v- i,. : jf" q Brownine VEuEene) ton, The club will meet again on October 14 with Mrs. C. EL Wheaton as hostess. Pupils of Guy Knap fmlnlnrr Arr Knnnn -ilan ren- training, aire, ruiu uiau mr dered several selections, and she ,,.OCJ occfctorl lw ATIa T?ernlp "j Ingalls, soprano. i FOREST NOTES The railroads of this country purchase approximately 13o,- double track passenger service and a single track freight line could be run between Seattle and San Francisco. It has ben determined that in. the Rocky Mountains and Pa cific Coast region ninty per cent of the damage to Douglas fir, commonly Known as gum check or pitch. seam, is caused by the work of the Douglas fir pitch moth. Last year 2,525,000 linear reec of pole (telephone and tele- S?i?8cSe SeS- P0Sveqhffid Xse trea1& m SbjuW feje., iOTOni0 -1 nnri miles nf wire could iV0 eTrtXpd be stretciieu. According to a recent report of the Department of Agricul- tiiT-n thn rnat nf ctnre nifrnWAVK. C " w.. ri - - - varies in anrerent sections or t.0 rmiT1trv frnm S1 no to S15 - the country from ?1,500 to ?15, 000 per mile. About 1,000 men are now working on the Oregon Eaatera railway from Rivers'de toi Har- nman. Notice Stamp Co. expires Oct. 29.-,We continue the Fidelity stamps. 'See about your premiums. COX & COX Trespass Notice. All persons are hereby warn ed not to hunt or otherwise tres pass, on the Thomas Brattain estat'e. ; t i 4PAUL BRATTAIN. " .; , Trespass Notice 'w . jAll . persons are forbidden to hunt or otherwise trespass on my premises. H. E. WILLARD, Springfield, R. D. No. 1 v TVP LOTS AND THREE-ROOM iipuse, itico $jou ?J)f.VOLOTS AND A FIVE-ROOM house. Price , ..$650 TWQ.LOTS WITH A TWO-STORY I J. P. FRY, Proprietc