The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, October 04, 1915, Image 3

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J Let us f show you:
the very latest ;tif-
Jul Received a Shipment of
Enlon Crime' Celebrated
Writing Papers
Dny and Night Phono 31
Tales of the Town I
Hnll for cheaper soles and
" -
Tho front of Nico & Miller's
grocery Is receiving a new cout
of paint. ,
Miss Eunice Parker has
copied a position as pianist at
the Bell theatre.
Room for rent to gentleman
in private family. Well ventilated
and nicely furnished. Call at this
Cecil Wilmot moved from the
Stevens-Perklns building to a
nouBC on bevemn near .Mam last ;
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Knapp,
who.. have been living at Mid
way park, arc moving to a house '
In Springfield.
M. M. Mackey is advertising
a masquerade on roller skates
at tho 'Rlvcrvlew rink on Fri
day, October 15.
Mrs. J, M. Wlthrow went to
Portland Friday to visit her
daughter, Mrs. C. II. Williams
for a short line.
A gravel train went out to the
pit- at Natron yesterday, nmUit
is expected that the hauling of
gravel will begin Wednesday.
Are the
S tt Y "good
' Try some fresh from
XV'.l flavour vastly different from
Notice the little pearl -
- also that when cream or
an1 nnnoliTinrr rmnnM.
i ; -
, Mru.r N A. Ashworth, Hying
on Fourth ulroot, Ih qtlIto II). i
. Mr. nnd Mrs, Orourlc of .'Ijh'ura
ton were In' Springfield Saturday
-Ilavlngji runted tho cafeter
ia, - liavo inovim my 'ctlU'co up
HtnlrH In tho front roojhs. J. P.
Pry. .
15. D. Hooves of Seattlo arrived
In Springfield ThurBday to ac
cept apoBlllon at tho Hooth-Kolly
, MrB. L. ID. Durrin, .who has
been confined to her homo with
a, severe cold, Ih nhlo to bo out
j Madam Tholma, clairvoyant
of Albany, will bo In Springfield
next week and will locate at tho
Elite hotel.
. 0
I Rudolph Wcngor returned to
:1iIh home at Salem Sunday after
ia vlHlt of a few days with the
Lamborly brothers.
Miss Kate Lnnsbcry, who Is
teaching a 'term of school at
Noti; spent tho week end at
homo in Springfield.
Mrs. A, 1). Mauley and Mrs. Dr.
Croddy of Portland have been
visiting at the Orourjc home neat
Thurston the past week.
J. P. Fry, George Carson, A.
E. Bean and II. W. Ronnie went
ac-!!.0," W tor
a hunt of a few days.
m w
Registration at the Marcola
High school reached 31 with
the enrollment of two students
from Wendllng last week.
MIbs Edna Swarts, Miss Grace
Ilammitt, Mrs. Fred Beau and
Ben Hammlt motored to the
Estate fair at Salem, leaving at
nu et
early hour Friday morning.
m m 9
Forty cordB of wood wore de
stroyed Wednesday near Donna
when a slashing fire set by Jo
seph Betting got beyond con-
nurning grass around the
reservoir above the Booth-Kelly
mill attracted considerable at
tention from the streets Thurs
day evening. No damage was
Mr. and Msr. Robert Drury
and little son leave today for
Ilinton, Oklahoma, to spend the
winter with Mrs. Drury's peo
ple' there. Sho-hopes tho'chnnge
of climate will bo a benefit to
her health.
first and only corn
to eat" without milk,
the package, and once at you get
that of the ordinary "corn flakes" you may have had.
like "puffs" on each flake a characteristic tliat is distinctive;
milk is added they don t mush down,
1 .
II ' ;;r--.
Hubert Tnfvls has accepted-a
position In Eugeno. -
-i-Watch for tho Jacket fetorc
ad telling about tho $1 -specials.
Z. T. Klntzloy, of Jasper was
In Springfield on- bualncB Frl
day. , .
. i
Tho Racket Store will, ad
vertise $1.00 specials at an early
dnti. ,
Oliver Johnson returned Sat
urday night from a motor trip I
. ....... j it. '
io ijuiiub norm.
Miss Mabel Duryeo spent sov-
oral days tho last of the week
with her sister, Mrs, Elgin Hnd
loyj near Thurston.
w a v t
There will be a nubile danco
given by Gilbert Davis and Joo
Ncal at ,tho Reapers Hall, Fri
day, October 8th.
Miss Barbara Boiler, who Is
teaching school at Natron,' vis-1 Madam LaMar, Clanvoyant,
ited her parents hero Saturday is still located at the Plymouth
and Sunday. j House, 303 Willamette street,
Eugene. Rooms 14-15.
Miss Maude Mooro left Sun-i
day forCoIdson, in the western! Dr. W. II. Pollard returned on
part of the county, to begin a 'Sunday afternoon from Oregon
term of school today. I City where he had been visiting
'for a few days. Mrs. Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sidwell of will return later in the week.
Coburg spent Saturday with his fc
parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Sid- j Wc 0j)cn our Il0me Restau
wcll and family, of Springfield. rant and Lunch Room with, a
. Mi....n. c.wUw n.iA
Spuds, 85c a hundred; eight-
boxes matches this week for 26c
Eastern Oregon Flour $1.25 per
sack, $1.80 a barrel. MRS. E.
r o iVi i. n,i
Mrs. D. S. Beals and children
leave this afternoon for Pasa
, Vi, Jiii
dena, California
-ttf J - I A. 1
visit ior auoui inree uionins ixi f
ivr llA TrUIU11'
mr. uuu iurs. riuuiu.
Astoria real estate, left Friday
T. L. Campbell, who has been ; ' i " a ""ru near,
tin Springfield and vicinity for, !!3' returned Friday, and will re-
lamrnrnl rnnla In 1n Intnrnct of SUine his WOrk at the BOOth-
for California. He will return , r
to Springfield again shortly. ! Dr-,l12S1Mr8; X , Br r?"
1 S ! turned Friday night from Grants
Miss Southwick and her bio- Pass, where they had becn-vis-ther
of Marcola, were In Eu- iting relatives of Mrs. Barr be
gone Staurday to visit Arthur fore leaving for their new loca
Ham, who Is In the hospital tlon In eastern Baker county,
there as the result of Injuries;
received at the Booth-Kelly mill 1 The home of David hill, near
her a we'ek ago. JMarcola. was burned to the
f around Thursday morning, hav-
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Young ing caught fire from an oil
returned Thursday evening from Stove, air. Hill's invalid fnoth
Baltlmore, where Mrs. Young cr was carried out just In time,
had been taken for medical ' ,
treatment. She received sonYe"", Roy Jenkins and" Ronald. Rob
benefit from tho treatment, and orts of Springfield and J. W.
enjoyed tho return trip greatly. , Bouy and Mr. McFarland of Eu
mmm,mmmmmmmammimmmammmmmmammm gene went to the Bouy ranch
flakes that are
cream or sugar.
a wonderful true corn
but keep their body -and
...... ....
" i 'n jit i 1 '
i. . ti i' m i,'. , i .
i i.i'f' tit.'1 . ill J.i
;: fMr6rri yoUrgr,di'erj, ;v
The Racket Store will ad
vertise $1.00 specials at an early
date.; ' i
Atty. J. C-Mullen made a bus
iness trip to Marcola this after
noon. Mrs. ThorwaldNystcn, who
has been quite ill, is somewhat
Improved today. '
. Mias AvIb Thompson went to
Waltcrvllle todays fojvlsKfMr. and
Mrs. Ernest Conley. ,,
Mrs. S. Snooks caino down
from Fall CreeKyfistcfflay, re
tunilng homo tlilff afternoon.
Born On Sunday, October 3,
1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Ole Solclm,
a son. They live in.Pruncville, j
Mrs. W. J. Hill of Eugene was
in Springfield today on business
connected with the Racket store.
, lh F' buildIne Mr
ana 3irs. u. u. uano.
The annual meeting of the
Baptist church and election of
onicers will take place Weclnes
avan,n nt' o.nn -ioM,
:00 o'clock.
Every member is earnestly
Magnus Premier,
who has
aau ,imvtn f
"i . . . i i . r 2 si . l
i"' min
near Creswell Saturday noon,
to spend a day hunting, and are
expected back Joday.
The State convention of Ore
gon Baptists convenes with the
Baptist church of Eugene, Oct.
19-23. A strong and interesting
program Is being prepared by
the committee. Representative
men of the denomination will
I speak.
I Tom Gorrle and friend, James
Patten of Portland, came In
Thursday for a visit of ten days
at the home of the former's par
ents, Mr. and rMs. C. I. Gorrie.
The Portland men want to get
their share of the pheasants.
; Eight thousand feet of car
'siding were hauled to Eugene
at a single load Thursday morn-.
ing by Oliver Johnspn, driver
of the Booth-Kelly truck. The
truck was out of commission
Friday afternoon and Saturday
for lack of cars to load.
The new jitney made its first
'run from Eugene Friday even
ing, and began riming regularly
, Saturday morning. At noon the
I old jitney was also put in service
,and a half-hour service is now
maintained, leaving Springfield
'5 minutes before the hour and
25 minutes after the hour,
I The gravel trucks, which had
been hauling crushed rock from
the plant in Eugene to the road
being Improved east of Spring
field, were taken off temporarily
Saturday aftern&on on account
of the slippery condition of the
i-oads, but were running again
Sunday night.
' Rev. W.. N. Ferris concluded
a ' series -ot sermons on "The
.King's Business and Its Require-.
ments" -svitn tne morning ser
vice of yesterday, speaking for
four' Sundays consecutively
froni the words, "The King's
Business ftfeqiUred- Haste."
Many are the expressions of ap
preciation oh the part of inter
ested and hioreaslng audience.
The readings'- 'given by Dr.
Keeney Ferris and special music
by different members of the
choir 'have cbptrlbuted greatly
to the'very Interesting evenltig,
services." ' '' ''
A. C. Knight of Wendllng was
registered at the Elite Saturday.
Dr. O. IL Palmer of Mabel was
In Springfield today On business.
Watch for tH6 Racket Store
ad telling about the $1 specials.
Dr. W. C. Rebhan went to
Wendllng today on a business
Mrs. Ashworth who has been
very 111 at her home Is some im- j
proved today. j
J. W, Gibson of Coleman,'
Texas, Is visiting at the home of
Mrs. Orourk on the Jix Billys
farm near Thurston. j
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Walker
went to Salem Thursday to at-
tend the state fair. They re-i
turned home Sunday.
Eugene Martin, formerly In
business in Springfield, was
down from Marcola today. He
returned this'afternoon.
Miss Mable Fandrem went to
Marcola Saturday for a visit at
the home of Mrs. Walter Fischer.
She returned this morning.
R. Random and wife and Bert
Conrad and wife left Friday for
Paisley, eastern Oregon, going
by the southern route by auto.
Good reliable fire insurance.
No assessments; no membership ,
fee. Pay once and you are done, i
H. E. Walker at the City Hall, j
Thurman Riggs has accepted
a position with the Southern Pa
cific and is working in the local
yards. He goes to Oakridge to
night to take care of some work
Mrs. Dr. Eugene Kester re-i
turned Thursday night from J
Portland, whither she had been 1
U..1 1 . 1. Ill 1 I
I'uueu uy i lie iimtibs ui uw
daughter. She expects to re
turn again to Portland tonlor
r,ov. Linn W, Nesmlth, deputy In
ternal revenue collector, came
up from Portland yesterday and !
was a guest at the B, A. wash
burne home. He went to the N.
SI Huron home on the Coast fork
last night.
Mrs. Alice Bal?h of Coburg has
heen in Springfield visiting her
sister Mrs. Emily Stevens and
Mrs. Vin Williams. Mrs. Balch
and Mrs. Stevens went to Wend-
ling this afternoon to visit their
sister Mrs. Bert Reimenshenider.
Ed Thayer, formerly in the
milk business in Springfield, is
here for a short visit before go
ing to New Orleans. He has
been employed on the Shasta
freight division of the Southern
Pacific, and now goes to. the
south where cotton movements
are heavy.
Under the authorization of the
county court, which had desig
nated banks of the county as
depositories for tax funds, the t
Springfield banks received a '
considerable amount of tax'
money, especially the last few i
days before the close of the tax- j
While hunting in the neigh
borhood of Springfield last week
Postmaster Harry Stewart saw
two coveys of Bob White quail.
These birds were only recently
released'by the state game com
mission, but they have already
increased to a considerable
number. There "were a dozen
or more in each covey that Mr.
Stewart saw.
Officer J. W. Perkins Informs
The News that he can use a
quantity of clothing and other
supplies for a number of desti
tute families who have come to
his notice in connection with his
work. He i can well dispose of
clothing for persons from three
years up. Anything of this na
ture may be left at the Nice &
Miller grocery, and will be used
to' the beat advantage by Sir.
FOR SALE At u bargain, 80 acres,
15 aqres cleared, balanco easily
cleared. Some vine maple and
hazel brush, no big trees, out-'
range. 40 acres adjoining can be
When you come to Springfield, Ore., try the " "
v " ' "! . Ftrebrpprjullding. bur rates are modest and tho
'building s .mddern'und up-to-date. Good ftarm oflipe and
v a jgarlpr fcir tttsMdJUes. You are always eomQ, Try us.
: ,v -.dt V. . .!.. J.P. FRV,'Wophtor 4
A number fo little girl friends
of Dorthy Mastorson and Helenc
Richmond went to the iRIch
mond home Saturday afternoon
and gave them such a complete
surprise that for once they were
rendered speechless. The occa
sion was the anniversary of
their eighth birthday. Thd
weather being'' favorable tho
little folks enjoyed outdoor
games to their hearts content
and when lunch was announced
at 4 o'clock a party of happier
children could not have been
found anywhere. The little hos
tesses each received a number
of useful presents as a remind
er of the happy occasion. Those
present were: Heleno Rich
mond, Dorthy Mastorson, Ruth
Sales, Marceda Sales, Junla
Boeson, Minnie Boeson, Doris
Meyers, Delia Clark, Ester Kau
rin, Lola Lybarber, Constance
Rebhan, Ardls Cox, Artis Flan
nigan, Mabel Roof, Luclle Rich
mond, Marjorie Ruddiman.
The fifty-second birthday r
nlversary of R. W. Smith ws
pleasantly remembered by n
number of friends who gathered
at the Smith home Friday even
ing for a social time. The guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Smith were: Dr.
and Mrs. N. W. Emery, Mayor
and Mrs. C. L. Scott, Rev. and
Mrs. J. T. Moore, Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. McCrackenf Mr. and Mrs.
P. A. Woolley, Mrs. Van Valzah,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bishop, Mr.
and Mrs. M. M. Male, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Sikes, Mr. and
Mrs. S. H. Baker.
A most delightful birthday
party was held in honor of the
anniversary of Mrs. A. R. Mc
Munn, at the McMunn home on
Wednesday evening. Cards fur
nished the amusement of the
evening, and a dainty luncheon
was served. The guests of Mr.
and Mrs. McMunn were Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Jenkins, Miss Lillian
Gorrie, Miss Margaret Gorrie,
Miss Anna Gorrie, Miss Maude
Gorrie, Mr. David England, and
Mr. George England.
Mrs. Frank DePue was the
delightful hostess of the N. G. O.
club at its social meeting last
Tuesday. The hostess served a
delicious two-course luncheon,
assisted by her daughter, Miss
Marie DePue. Members of the
club present were jMrs. DePue,
Mrs. Howard Woods (Eugene),
Mrs. J. E; Stewart, Mrs. Welby
Stevens, Mrs; J. A. Seavey, Mrs.
A. J. Perkins, Mrs. J. J. Bryan,
Mrs. W. L. McCulloch The next
meeting of the club -will be held
at the home of Mrs. Bryan.
Word has been received in
Springfield of the,, niarriage of
Mr. Delbert Peerytand Miss Cecil
M. Snyder at thS'home of the
bride's sister, Mrs. Hansen, in
Portland, on last Saturday. Mr.
Peery is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
D. M. Peery of near Coburg and
well known in Springfield.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gano en
tertained a large number of citi
zens Saturday 'evening at tne
formal opening of the Home
restaurant and lunch counter.
Coffee and cake were served to
the guests, who came and went
between the hours of 7 and 10.
Trespass Notice
All persons are forbidden to.
hunt or otherwise trespass on
mv TirfmiKes.
Springflgki, R. D. No. 1
Tfaere U more Catarrh In this aectloa of
tiM country than all other diseases put
together, and until the last few year
una Ktmnnseil to bo Incurable. For S
! preat many years doctors pronounced It a
local disease anu prescrioeu iocui rciuo
dles, and by constantly falling to euro
with local treatment, pronounced IC Incur
able. Science has proven Catarrh to cm A
constitutional disease, and therefore re
quires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Clientfy & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only
Constitutional euro on the market. It Is
taken Internally. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for any
case It fails to cure. Send for circulars
and testimonials.
Aadrew: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Drusclats. 78r.
Take Hall's Family I'll! for consfoatlon.
house. Price , $350
house. Price ,$650
house.. Price ,$700