The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, September 20, 1915, Image 3

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    Did You Ever
Think Of It?
Tlio huccchh of tho prc
ficrlptlon depends entirely whkjh It
YoufflSH bolt reaultBl
whmty your picrififloiiH
itro onfff5undcr In thin
store, because of our wife,
huio um accurate methods
Wo use nothing hut thq
finest drugs and chemicals,!
and follow tho doctor's ,ill
rootlona with exactness." '
j'i. ,. A
rnndlNfght $ono 31.
m fa t 8 '.
I Tales o&hWWi
MM. F(4lrv Allon Pf Eugene;
WIIK UlUgUCBl Ol iulHi JJ, hhiui
Miss IlubftUoofoii of Cobur
spent SuudayV ,fth friends in
Bnriniiflclfl.Ji! 8
uoiit snout Sunday with Mujb
Avis Thompson. .i,, ;!
Ii Kestorfwcnt toMfortland
Sunday on albuHliifcMtrlp aifil
wllltroturn tomorrow, m pi
Having rented the cafeter
ia, JiHVo inovou my 'onice
stairs In tho front roqniB.
TYlLnrmi-li) "tMulm flindBlinriii
Kline, niTiyou iiumtragiuuuuiiy
wi rnufntivti. ,
Mrs. II. J, Cox has b en aulte
t aUV tap; at; m.4m.1
streets, , ,
The Orcgonlan quartette,, an
oxtrk'Wfe'Curb 6n tho Doll theatre
bhTfifilnday evening, vaS pa'rtlc-
1 MrVaWilrsj; X tfry&Wtf&VG
to Philomath this morning to at
tend' the fair thdro. They will
isatill located at the Plymouth;
'Houbo,' 303 Willamette' street,
, 'A," C .tM&t planmaiat
tliaJJootH-Kelly niilMs suffering
from an attack of rheumatism
No assessments; no membership
jfecj 1 lfay,.6ncp,anVy6uVara'bj)Q,
II. . Walker at-the-City Halt-.
n . - i
fnr n vlfllt Ofi
.r-w ,( m it
M19B I Ioln?liarkniftiwJafBmo,
to Urownnv lie. wherdshe w III
teach tho primary grauo In tho'"
public BCllOOlB
, ' .... i i i ii.
if ftaLMr8, J-1- 9rn .tflustalued a-few dayk dgp wlillo
ramiiyor uonna wore n apniiK- vftlkinff ori thc trefiUc' irtar tllb
j.-jl' iv-t't r- i'i u. 'i' i' i- '
neld Sunday to attend the Hol-
rvcfion-l'rntt wedding. .,
Mi 8. O
i . - .11....
. . . . Ill.r III 1 I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 '
! VV ..? v. tr - ifilher, Albert B.,yayccr.ui ,
fe -illnll for ehfeaper-BOlea fand lk " v 1
flieela. . Born On Sunday. September
a t ..v. . - jJDi-lftir), to Mr. nd Mrsr John
U Ubb Anna Ho(lbum Bnent thQ.Shafer, who.Hvo, on A.strqet bi-
vweejiyUbjXrloijdB CorAween SIxthund. Seventh,, a on.
Pom Bidwell Bpent- Saturday
and Sunday nt Junction City and
Lburg wore In Springfield Siitur JiarrlBburg. He vltedth Pun
way. V itjn show at the formewjdace.f
lfng the ftuieral pLhcr 'Hi'W
Oriftyfe.tijty tafafc C(junty fair
At All JEujgeri(6i Stores
UKo-youe DQLIAR-that i&-lankcil a,way and
Mftc, 1 j,,?nKj ffit , DQ1LAY 13A Y-
of mltitdjyi 49 tfi? Lnno County fair.
mi i
H ii i.i i , n-M'i ;;u.L, tSii LUX! J. (1,11
t.. fl f'l
22, 23, '-f a-nd
horse uc&mmm.WE'.
Steele m
ii .von 'f
rv -irr m
'01 J Si
Frank Skinner and wife of Co-
jiiiil po'tfa,
While .they last,"Will selltho fz
n un jura, mm kuiiuiii
5, 8UC (a .UOZeiU P'HVf;
05c a dozen. E-Z nuarLa. Sbc
SNEI3D & SONS ' ' ' Itpday,
(life . Dtoam FOW61". dOiiititfllV-B
plant, tid' that tlVe ddbw ua'beri Gciirgv WjnOri
left open nnd. t fi, 'Art- OroVtf -as '
4, . a a tZT 1 mail nil
REDPCEi)-RATE'S.'djN ALL l;AfiliA'Sl
,. ' C. J. Sftohaubr tff WalterViUof -VVbrk "of spreading rock on f'
. Svas- In -'Springfield on busthess'east Maltt Street was resuniedr' - ' ' '"'' "l
ifoflnv. i'"' .thiamornlncr. ' t' SOCIAL NOTES " '.
j The iWirffi-WlnzenriSi butuK? duy Stth7an
Ing Is Jielugl KlViifTiowUflE 'Mac StultWretu
VooflniT V? Friday n'ftffr affti
Itoy Calms returned Friday
froTtgirffijfteiBco, (vlicrj he
had oeeiPvlBlung the fair.
1 I ' ' i,r. 'i'IIJI ij ( I .. , w W I i
, , I - . . M ... ..... ... . I
r' C. P ' Holdrldife or'CresweJr ' Jijs.a; ji.'JtaHer anu ner oro-i
;,Kate3 laye'waB In SnrlnKfield on bzsIn&Js ther;iGjdi'Burnetk, leave in the
of in few days, n : , . , if M
-. .
miitminn" one itn .mi mvooii i
111. I Will'
business Saturday''; 'too
)Spr3ngfifekl on JinSVrbetycar'feervlco-to JEugene" "
iibyreilsdn of br.eakd
1 M. Jlnrtln of nrownsvllle was vjtua luilkllng,. moving t
7ln-"Springflcld 'Friday "of WBtSdSy
t ' '.T. TL OoodwIn:rtf 5urohe"yaxBorH-OIl.MPdayl;eptemur 1Bv ,iro Jnoari nine's (nlacd. t U: .v. fif 4 i
I.irSTmL f,, !-8Wl0i )s mptoroycle ,and..HpeJU .aM; si" ".V 0fv' ?L,,'lrV,f5i' turnBdJastiwekfromSaii Fran
m,"bl"V.'""fc fcfrftf 1ir.r.o U.rtllll,,.! fnr. rrf I iHlH JLSCbS l-aiIIIUIl,i,MM,UfMI !no K.hnro h.v Orion f,,n
w,v .'"ivy . . 5 .DH rs. ":'." . FW wjiHawjstiff ;days;at.the fa!m' uih t.I.
been HvliiK In tlte Hill building, : MmI!rv..rutnetLliiQttict and XiIs;t)orol
, lea-6sHtpm;oi,roW 'foV.JvJ Mnl :vfllP"tavWa rn' tSflnitua,V5voric onr)neT qa,wni,U MyiiMIHBStMWvW'Pian? m
AlUuhyrariU Dal as nio" '.Vxd.l at ihat.Wa.qe ispjrogrsing.rap- Mgenejasi,. .upsua anq,taa)yp
"'..''.;''3L'.l.t.'..Vi'.. ... ,-..'..Ii f-.T Irl1f, nrUU.wn-rlr-.frw oil rlir .Trriori tflKGrKlltl thPir TPjddPJIRfl in ithfilT
int thncn nlnpoo: M(.,,,i..,' fl...i, ""i-.rt'W -WW, Vl:i'fft WJWttC w " ' ! "KMBW W IMIBUCU;. iuhv
. -j i.'i dare . niovinc. ..lrom,...iiijorxu,.'.aini i
E. .Ptferf.jaijid lRlrBfl(t'Vy.
prJngiiraiSaferday ,pn
eir,:way tpHayden Bridgo-ior
. pi7adamoraHedutwice;Sonday an pver bunqay mt a&uiaqpe
a&thelu at,(the
Z Cla.do1igr
havo taken
nrot'iim..'U 111
(hnrn rttl lskiiihh'ij
i-,v, ' tL..i . .... .1,...
, . mm ' tir.'nnuUMwyAieorgo'vpccnjnp 1 V , ,,r 1 are iiiovTric from " nortli 'IIU
Dr.and1 Mis'. .-J. It.; Bart Hd- lBjfa 6V the , , , , ffietMV
ifMl Iftst'.evejilbl; frttni a. visit, Siih&in . phow,,kl unjqUon. , city Irs. W.'$ V, .tojrU' ftift (fiKC9Kitflonac.
of several weeks In eaatrn Ore-(Friday aftornoom . making the Mayghter. Blaucl,0, ,Uio ihaye Jfc & chariec sfcott,
gon..... .v.u.. ... Itrip-by uomobne. : - ltinBh dauglt
- h -mriv jor ineir new nomo at
day evening.
: Corn oryfce Cob : B
t IliM aninfhe RoaLsting Ear
,.. , Is not more delicious thanUheA
clfi ".r. -1 't, r 1
i, .,!.. I Mo,.!.!
,1 t
I .1 ,1 I ,
f 4
In th.Q.igr.owthlvOfi.corr there is a period" when the
kernels are plumped out with a vegetable fhllk, most
nutritious (roasting ears). . Aa it slowly ripens, this
linV'fnriti "mid (innllv !iorninpf4 nlmr flliiiv
.w.v. j V i-VJKI J ' )
Oa:hl8WnW(ja JiarUlbJtlifl-Sni' is. cooked, seain
soncd, rolled thin, and toasted by a newprocess which
enhances the true corn' flavor.1 ' - v
Different frd'nv" (hS Ordinary corn llakes the New
Post Toastles havq a distinctive form and flavdWJfaMl'jf i
they keep their appetizing crlspness even' after cfe&hy br i Ft
milk Is added. v mjj
These Superior-Porn Flakes come oven-fresh in tight .
igesvanu uiey cost no more- ymn orum- .,
wax-sealed nacka
ary J'.coru .flaKfisfl ilnslatjippnihaving
New Post Toasties
hi i-.Hi.Ay.' ,tviiOfT .noil JAf
M T l1. ...I. Ji. ' 1ULU Ullll IXltll UU1UUC1 I.JT V
ortlandin bBlnes3rfdrffSre&
Sr nWre.fea. eTto tb W anMrs,,,. A-
5kBteeaecQrd ng,ip,woril 11,--! allu Mrs"! J W.' Coffin left
sent Mrs. Jfcnwick. S.ujiday .IflgBt.'for )?ali 'Francisco
,r , - . ... and 'other California points, to
iAV ?tt-SS"la,fi be gone for two weeks.
Sn JYtC tfeym,Si. I Hiffoltt fery ariflEdi Tlbbetts
-havinB-spent tho Bummer at- ie expected home this evening
coast at Newport. They vlsltfcd or,in,the monxing, from ia hunt
In Portand on their way hpni.e. bbv 1
Ber PvOse of Crawfordsvilje, i v fW "'" VnlJ.,-
Oregon, is in Springfield.Jooklng : Mr. and. Mrs, George Jowns-
Mce9ntan(relbslba end spent Sunday
Ml fortis'faWr.Nvhbs trail- 'wjh Jtf. and Mrs, Charles
.ina.hls.ranch CrawfordsviUo ,WwnSend, of :,pnngfield. , .
ite81"6"!1 I .Giidia.Brya,vwho.felland
u ..... . t l"Wlri'i 'tiPT ' htn' a iniiVihfir' h
av woums, . an: t employe oi"' r r . T i i"f ait
ho Booth-Kelly mill, was struck Wa.,ftfeft, now able o s t
.. .i'-.i..! ii.. t....m mi. nnd is oniovlnc fine, Jiealth.
VI fl,iiWiH eKl f 1,?f-iliftl .st't'
oe taken to rtho tit r - TtnipnnniWKay
fs djKWtKT todhy a much M,t -SKfl0 at"d;
'Manraretat Xi-of bv
"rahceFrhtt fr.iUnlvef sii'y
students and nieces of Mr. ntftl
Mrs. George Catching, and Mil's
)MnrioDdPu accompanied thu
John Swanson. a membef
a Southern Pacific bridge tircjvv
stationed heror was "takeirto'-ah
Francisco bn -the' 1:80 train Sufi'-
d.ay ,jnprning fpr. treatment in
the company hospital. Ho was
.uttering from pleurisy.
i y '.ivy
J. A.' Poster
and son Earl
make hr home with Mrs. Rose
?Iarbit. , .. , ,
MrifonftMrk BUdrCintklay an
family! returned yeatejday.froi i
Athonak Qregpi, They, reeentlv
pur'cYmsc?(i the ,Snpok plage an 1
wiimskie dh it: : ' "
George Griffith' Und faniily oi
Brownsville were l Springfielf
Saturday and Sunday visiting
Mrs. Griffith's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. G. Moshler.;
L F. Hen'iclc.. Mectriclalfiat
thcJJodft plant? xf heA'Oregb(i
Power company,
Arrsr.jTniin iTramhui-hnio icU-.-were at the Scavev. ,hon;vard Springfield iWhen, it came, knoyvn jtheyjhad
ftviajtimetpJift.-wOl 5h9.rtlKPP iuskpep-n; .marr4ed,,,andf;tlie0p
AIbajjyoWhere.Mr,Mmbjehas '!pMeTs gaflerpd itp.seranade
aqfieptfid po.sitiQu,w1 th, fie Ore- Apem. w , r . , m ; :! . t
goni produce; .PQ-f; ,,. i,f!i4 ?;,:, T ; t..m im,.
i.'im.: , u , rr LnA pstenfeyqble timq.was
Mr. and Mrs. Robert gtrode .pen when jMrSy p.,,J..warts
.mdt son'rand, (Mr. and . Alrs, JiShn entertairfied the Jfenslngton .club
;lnTrlV8r xinr-pTlngfieMstl5Sfeetexnooir
I 1 f ",l ,B . fcMni.' H. WyWhitney; Mrs.'O.
! ur w. - goes m assey, Mrs: a Eugene Kestf,
Roseburg We3nda,yJisM deleft Hrrfe 'A. MidriWon. Mrs. T,. Mav.
ate totheeltdracphference; MrRQ. E. .!Weaton, Mrs. J. E.
.vhich names Oreson's'deldgatgs- Browning, 'Mrer F. B. LenhaH,
o uie, quwneiiiiiai cok Mr3,,. Q.. E.i-Swarts. MissrEdna
)fthe Methodist churph of the sartR, jrs. Mae' Ccabwan
RGVJi T. Moore leaves tomor next nipetliigll be held at the
mv fmrRnfcPhiirP-,tn.nttPhrt thfi home of Mrs; Eugene Kester pn
r. :"Y "rzr-?-r .z-i v;c ist
wayto earnrmney.orK aLtne cioae pmcn
uuun jj-ipr w --i-rf . - 1 j i X i l j i
i 1 1 ? tuHtl ed , Members preset "were:
innual .conference, .of the MeUi
dit(cjmr$i. The SDrijigfild,
or another year here.
has tn-ired the eon-; A very wetty wedding w&8
ferhce o' reta ReT?. Mri.Moore soTemni2edfBunday, September
returned to
Portland wore in Snrincflcld' forhvork this mornlnfiftev.a.Yaca,-
)a th ttJTrittaytd iviiiBihbir itutt tiSW oiioKveeia-' W 1!r '
repalred'and visiting with E. If Mrar-NvJ; Harbit expects-to -phi , .friend, eaVe (tomorrow for Roaehurg .to
M6ssrs.'Fo3terWero on their way attond,the Methodist conference,
to Summer Lake, wheiotb She will also stop At)Wilburon
younger man will take charge business before returning.
of his father's stock farm. J ft ! . . ,.
t ivjirii' " ! .fliu:i:i . i' ..Miss' Bosk MefJ'ish of .Po'naka.
turned, sat.ur-
j four . Jno'nths .in Ohjoi.
o V.roSV Ampri(,vanaaa rturfleq (aftur
Wn wlS W Pgk after BDflndtag
,il.0 W111 wnoir TirlVfiTini. nnrit Mra T W
lnnntn nil n t lnin iinnK Cnrlnh. ' . '
field. While in Ohio Mr. Ganhg 0 '."'h
ian i auto icampMgrounu, ctrqg,
J'PSpU -r8 bPing;,w.oll clrcu-
LiWIlppi fSi' p'f .nosebur
brauierrlnrlawiof iGhief of polii
Staniger,hVitu.i in"(Hprlngfl
Sunday. ''JHnha-Hcomo to.5E
Kiaflartwitir' tiia-'ioonaiRnm'ent
I WVl BIViO VlTt .- i, A4-VI &u i
iiSnt,iiar3Mng tiiiufent
either place lo make a carlo
0re U tndre Catnrrihn hla sectfoa of
tlier. aila until the last fisw
nil cards' Uicountry1(l!inn a)l qther, (lU8aea,put
. t" , lommer. una until lite isi ten j
ta llicurnBlo1.1 "Fo
of s
dies, and by
fireat many years uqetprironpunoeii
ochl dlseuse und presirluofl lodul eme-
les. and by constantly runintr to cure
uentprpninmoedlt livcur-
ft'linVi proVenHJatarrli ttf bo h
&,Co Toltdnhjojls Ihfljpnly.
uioea a
1X0, nil o'clock at tlie home pf
Boilbi-a5 NOS, l:.and 2' at: the. Ida. Piatt eeame the' wife of Mr.
preonTPoweiPrCQflipanY'Rlnt Pratt HolversonvJlev. E. G.
v1 W britre; Wore a brwat
ihmjb iHiiiiK twut, rona oi j?iik r.rcne ue enme ann
bouquet of
sweet peril.
'ifHiiif.u;' VALiIii;-' '! JShe-was accomnariied bv Winb-
t-Aitw-vM. o iir 0i i pa Piatt and MariePIatt anil
KrgTflferikoh .afTilaKi, SSS Holvenon and Walail
brcwpKito harSpringupd'hos. f ereAaJ? L'SriS32
bitalFrMav for treatment "f or an KffJy Aplendid Wedding din
PlWl&SLtt er 6em at 2 o'clocki Tib
pliaW rfcdldentiy kicked him in newly wed qoimlewpi maSp
he crdinj ' . their nome t Eighthi.and 0
ne groin. t . streets. Asidtj from theeinberfi
Mr. ttd1 Mrti. Harold Hockett of the immediate families! tlife
nnd8bhbv'of Gervais. Oreiron. euests were' Mr. and-MrsrMT. tt.
re (VIM ting Mrai Hockett s nxptli-
ert jvirg. n., jiHarpit here and
Mr. Hockctt's father; Jesse
Hopkett at Deadmond's ferry.,;
rm.ii;.i.:.i..-ti:'':.ii. -i . " V
ii lie uiiuy uus ucii qiuitj SICK.
pekahs at
and the
licit" WeeflfiVSr
is Wcanbsday, nieht
will each elect a delegare,"'46, a
Green and family Of Donn;Misa
Marianr Harper and Miss Ella
gpong. Opal Holverson and
Ifsirie Piatt servedvht thp hrfdps-
f&ble. K h
The Springfield Feed Coni
pany is m position to supply you
Mi5H'3 winter supply of ChickeM
HcthHPT'ifiTnV iteiM tieea w tne-lowest -prices. If
SXitmS, in a supply &
plans for next y
ear 8 V,dr S M supply.fou. It will cost yo.
rn V A::J.-.J' -i ..... ! btttnfitlAi fAVi'o thnt-htftn'v- iln
t iM- J.v"wwuy m; &pnng- '"r - x"" v"
uvimk Miumis, ana iAirsi iiays(iv,Y ;"""
pi iacoma, wasmngtoit, ' sisters uir wt
bf . Mrs,." Bi- m Duryee:. ''are in !WiHs iffl A!1 H
Rnrin-floiri.vnit.' " w'1 -Mo 4sit that .Von ciVcua a chano
palipway irPsidWrru BhWrigfleid , WuAWBS XOii A. Rripe ; Qn :wbit
19 yearl nb M owned what you neen and we Q"06 f
Flow nnri Rnve money;
Jll. ni "tJini -jo ..Joi i
isri y pm, comvt;Springfildi Ore' 4ry U16 ?
.oisi4 t. Wrfeiproofbi&llding. OarWte'fi'absmd the
bulldiri';ifiolferttrha up-to-date.. Goodarp? ofc and
o io lit
a narlor for i
for the Ynn rpilwv lr . . .rpuAa
an thb siijpiU'erit werecpi
Xi.fc t
t Yofgro:eVhaBemioy