THE LANE COUNTY NEWS SUPPLEMENT TO THE ISSUE OF SEPTEMBER 16, 1915. Mainly For QETTINQ THE MOST FROM THE QRANOE RALLY. ' Tlio Orange Hally In un old ns tho Ordor undur whoiio nusplcos It Ih hold, MohI of uh think of It as uu opportun ity for u i;oud tlmd, n chanco to moot neighborhoods. This It should bo nnd wo can hardly magnify tho nodal priv ilege of Bitch a mooting. It la a groat lulafortiinu tp bu bo engrossed In hual noss, no weighed down With cnro, or oven so much In earnest about tho wolfaro of a partlculur organization thut wo forgot our frlcmls. Tho Grange Rally uliould afford a chanco to moot old friends, and to make now ones, and wo uliould enjoy to tho fullosC extent Its nodal privi leges, nut nt tlus flame time, It should bo productlvo of other' and possibly oven greater results than thoso. It should strengthen tho Ornngo whoro It Is hold. It should Rlvo now life to tli a nearby Oranges wIioho mombors attend, and tho program and tho ad. dross nt tho nicotine should bo such as to enthuso nil who listen or take part, with a greater iutorcst in Ornnno work. Not bocauso It la Orango work, but bocauso'lt Is work that needs to ho done, Tho drango Rally has not quite nnawerod Its purposo unloss tho peo ple who attend go homo with a larger rlslon of life. Tho pooplo should bo ablo to go homcfrom a Grnngo Rally rested, happy In memory of tho old associa tion's renowed, and tho new friend ships formed, but they should also bo t given something now to think about Old truths should havo been given n now sotting, nndsqmo now truth should havo boon gapped. Abovo all, thorn should havo boon somothlng In tho program of tho day to touch tholr hearts. A song, a read ying, or an address that simply Im presses you as n great effort, that ap poals to you only to mako you think of tho porformor, and ask, "How could ho do that?" counts for but llttlo aftor all. Tho things that get hold of people's hoarts, nnd Influence tholr lives aro tho truly great things. Michigan Farmor. Harness, Shoes, Gloves ' Harness and Shoes Repaired at The Harness Shop We Sell The Hamilton Watch D.W.RQOF, Jeweler & Optician the Farmers. ACREAGE OF FARM LAND6 Tho last Federal census shows tho total number of farms In tho United States to bo C.301,502, containing 878, 798,32i acres, Tho land In farms represents 4G.2 per cent, or less than ono-half ot t" totnl hind area of tho country. O: U toUil ucrongo given only 478,45l,7fU acres are clascd as "Improved lend." Tho lmlanco comprises wood land uil othor unimproved land in fanns. Tho Improved land given nbovo is only about SG.l per cent of tho total area ot tho country. Tho average slzo of farms, as shown by tho Inst census, Is 138.1 acres of which an averago of 7C.2 acres nro Improved, and C2.9 acres unimproved. Exchange THE INDIVIDUAL OR THE . COMMUNITY? lly FRANK M. IJBVERI.EY Thd right viow was taken by a mom bor of this community rocontly when a moasuro affecting tho wholo was un dor consideration. Said ho: "This moasuro put in forco would bo to my individual benefit, but Itwould be to tho disadvantage of tho neighborhood as a wholo ;and I'll not bo selfish enough R favor tho measure." That was tho genulno Grange spirit. Each Individual, member of a community Is dopondent in a way upon tho others, nnd ouch should favor wbatovor moas uro would bo Jto tho beneuT of tho wholo. Vlrglnlnn." A llttlo nioro persistence, courago, vim. Success. will dawn o'er fortuno's gol den rim. Then take this honey for tho bitterest cup; There la no failure savo in giving up No real fall as long as ono still trios, For seeming setbacks mako the strong man wlso. Thero'a no defeat, in truth, savo from within; Unless you'rp beaten thoro, you're bound to win. JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY as tho city The Best For Less - The Fifth Street Grocery Thos. Sikes, Prop. Phone 22 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON. Established Capital and Surplus Interests on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates Notice Water for irrigating and sprinkling purposes can bo "used only during the HOURS specified G:00 to 8:00 a. m. and 5:00 to 9:00 p. m. Therefore if the water is used, for sucli purposes at other intervals during tho day the company will install meters where . this abuse is being practiced. It is a duty involved upon tho company to protect the city from fire and furnish an adequate supply of yater to all, therefore wo will thank our patrons If thoy will assist us In try ing to protect the interest of themselves as well at large. Oregon Power Co. OUR GROCERIES are famous for quality and wo save you money on what you buy here. We Bell Dependable Coffees and Teas and everything else Is .dependable which we sell. Nice & Miller Op Commercial State Bank Phone 9 Groceries Money 1883 -- . - $300,000.00