The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, September 13, 1915, Image 3

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Remedy WHfefet
When you want boiuo
Medicinal of tollot prepara
. Hon you huvo hcoii ndver-"tlHOd-or
been told of, como
i horo for It, whether adver
tised uh Hold ly tin or not.
: Wo nave all tho goodB for
which there Ih any doniand
In IhlH locality, Including
Jinnify not to bo found elso-Avhoro.
JDay and Night Phono 31
Tho mooting or the Cleaners
Ib poHtpoued until further notice.
,IIcnry Coblno of Coburg was
"admitted to tho Sprlngileld hos
pital yeHterday for nn operation.
u o
Bornto. Mr. and Mrs. Ira
inflow. September 13,. 1015, a
.1, L. Clark canto from Salem.
iKrlday on business.
. "Jlall for chcapor soloi. and
"Uff ' j;i
Mrrf, Joint Fltfchileh of riohurff
Wann Springfield Hillurpay bn
business and-vlsltlng friends.
Madam LnMa'iVClarlvoyant,
Ih fltlll located at 'Uio Plymouth
Houso, 303 WJllametto street,
Eugono, Rooms 14-15.
W. B. Thurlow of Portland
stopped In Springfield thto
morning for a Bhort visit with
Dr. and Mm. Eugene KeiAor.
a v n
Mr. and Mr. C. F. Egglninnn
worn dinner gfiostB last ovonlng
it tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Knott of West Springfield.
Good reliable fire IiiHitranco.
No aHseHsmentK; no membership
fee. Pay once and you arc done.
II. 13, Wnlkof aV the City Hall.
L. M. MeDanloIs was operated
on last night at 11 o'clock at tho
Mercy hospital Eugene for ap
pendicitis. IIo was reported as
resting nicely today. ,
Mrs. Lorena Fox and Mrs.
Tholma Fox who live southeast i
of Eugene, spent tho week with
fiends In Springfield returning
home Saturday.
M. C. Snores of Coburg Is- In
Springfield to day on business.
Mr. Snores recently sold his
Mlsa Dorothy Leo of Albany
la visiting with Miss'Bcatrica
IJplbrook. I
... JCcJ.-Tlbbetts and Harold Pcery
loft Friday aftcrnott foia hunt-
Ocrtrudo Parrlsh
Allen Hockwcll teacher of
Arithmetic In tho Sixth, Seventh
Htld Eighth grades In tho Lincoln
school arlved In SnrlnKflcld thftf
w n w
Airs. Gladys Smith who suc
ceeds Mrs. Ida Richardson at
returned ..the Lincoln bulldlilghas moved
Thursday evening Xioin a .visit fin to the McCFSckcii house on
wtiu menus m roruanu.
Chas. Stark returned horiio
Friday from StjirbUok. Walsh,,'
where ho has been employed for
"Hrvfin Tlifunnrtnn nitd Arthur
Goulard of Brownsville spent r money
rnursuay nignt witn menus in, sons.
Walter Ilemdon and family
have moved from their summer
8th street.
,; -You don't pay a big
Iprlcc to get a good flour, we
,havo an Eastdrn Oregon flour at
$1.40 Sk. or $G.0 Ublf Try a
sack, you can't jldmf If It don't
jiloasc, we will .-'refund your
Mrs. Ei V. Shced &
The. Springfield Feed Com
Iiany Is In position to supply you
Willi ft vltifr nntitilv nf P.Mnlrnn
camp near the river bridge to jr at tho jowcst ,)rIccB, u
F street near Seventh. v von r invini in n mmniv nf
...... . Kraln and hav. inve US a chance Notes of other national banks
Mrs. i'. A. tMCKtrHon oi fliiu- in BU,)niy vo t wiii COBt vou , lawful money reserve In bank:
In nritiin lmtrti Qdlnrliiv fnf n lw U". It Will I.UBI. JUU ' ,,,.,
HI) tYirW nml SifTt.- ..! iUMll Will U11U tVI HHMl;n
coinodatloit8 that others do not.
We have the Stock, Guarantee
tho quality and offer you the
lowest prices possible. All we
ask Is that you give us a chance
Report 0 the Condltlefi ef the
First Natioual Bank
At Sprlngnold, In tho S(al6 of Orctcon, at tho ctoso ot bualnfiSB gopt,2, "i616:
ioans ana dincountst except those shown on 09fS88.VtI ?
Overdrafts, secured, $ ; unsocwed, $131.00,...,. tv
V. 11. Iionds deposited to sccuro circulation (par value) C,
lionds other than U. S, bonds pledged to secure postal -c'
savings deposits 3,000.00
flonds and securities pledged as collateral for State, or
other deposits or bills payable (postal excluded).. 3,200.00
Securities other than U. ft. Donds (not Including stocks)
owned, unplodgod ,12,091.92
Total bonds, securities, etc ,
Subscription to stock of Federal Kcservo Dank $1,700.00
Less amount unpaid . ., 850.00
Value of banking house (If unencumbered)
Furniture and fixtures
Ileal cstnto owned other than, banklng-houso
Net amount duo from Federal JUfscrve'llank
Net amount duo from approved reserve agents In
Now York, Chicago, and St. Louis .if..., 2,350.1:3
Net amount duo from approved reserve agents In
other resorvo cities
Net amount duo from banks and bankers (other than
Included In 9 or 10) ,
Other checks on banks In the jiamo city or town as
reporting bank
T. .1 1 ... . . n .. -IA,n1 .1 .........
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Durrin were
dinner guests at the M. J. Mc- ranch near Coburg for an apart-
iiwiiiu yuniuruay.
MIsbcs Anna and Ella Young
and Miss Estella Martin were
guests of Miss Iiura Reed yes
terday afternoon.
cola came down Saturday for a
visit with her daughter Mrs.
Jules DcMlck.
The Gilflln-IIatlcy sisters
of the Eugcno Bible university
sank at the Christian church
hero last evening.
Miss Florence Collin and Miss
Lillian Gorric returned last night
from a two week's vacation
spent at the San Francisco fair.
Frank Moore who was injured
In an automobile accident near,
Irving several months ago is null
confined to the hospital but is
reported as doing nicely. ,
John Tomseth, isuperlntend-
icnt of the Booth-Kelly mill.j
: loft Saturday night for Astoria,
'where ho took tho Hill steamer
i today for San Francisco.
Legal-tender notes , ; .....f.
Kcderaptlon fund with U. S. Treasurer (not more than
C per cent on circulation) ,
Mrs. C. E. S warts, Mrs. O. B.
Kessey and son Dwlght retjirned
Saturday afternoon from an
outing at iVewport.
1 Mrs. J. P Fry, and Mrs. Jessie
Nowman spent Saturday after
noon and Sunday In Jasper as
guests of Mrs.'Bort Doane.
Mrs. C. A. Swnrta and baby
- came down from Donna this
morning. The baby will spend a
. week with Its grandparents,' Mr.
and Mrs. C. 15. Swarts, while
Mrs. Swarts will return homo
Y this afternoon.
mcnt bonne in Portland.
Mrs. Pearl Hutchinson of Cot
tage Grove was taken to the
local hospital Friday night. Mrs.
Hutchinson has been picking
hops at the Scavcy yard.
Salo on Porch Furniture.
$2.00 child swing $1.25, hung to past two years returned home
suit. $n.50'Porch. Swings 53,00, : to Springfield last Thursday,
humc ui). $5.00 Porqh Seat $2.50. '
IIAYDEN & METCALF Store,: Mis3 Mary Bartlctt of Port
Springfleld. Phone S3. 2tiland who has been visiting the
past week at the homo of li6r
v..i..., parents Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bart-
Frank Parrlsh and Virgil Wil
liams who have been employed
at StarbUck, Washington for tho
pncih 50 cent ensh nirnlinsn avo
...til r . ...
Bell Theatre free, and with
each $1 cash purchase a 10 cent
elcket free. WALKER & HOL-
nnooic. ,
t -
"Cupid" and "Johnson's
Flour and save money.
Total ,
(onllnl ulnnlr rv.1,1 fn t 2(1.(100.00
to make you a price on what 'surplus fund , ; 2,600.00
you need and we will quote a undivided vronia $3,176.85 3,i70.85
figure that will Interest you.'Try .f,?""6"1, "pen8e8' Intcrc8t' and UXC8 paId ' 4 ttllil
Less amount on hand and In Treasury for redemp
tion or In transit 300.00-
Demand deposits:
individual deposits subject to check 77,825.34
C ertiflcatcs of deposit due in less than 30 days 30,208.70
Cashier's checks outstanding 124.11
Postal savings deposits 1,213.41
Total deposits. Items 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Time deposits (payable aftr 30 days, or subject to 30
days or more notice) :
Certificates of deposit 22.3G2.94
Notes and bills rediscounted elsewhere than at Federal
Iteservo Dank 4,800.00
Dills payable, including obligations representing mon-
borrowed .
Letters of credit
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc.
FOR SALE At a bargain close
in residence lot. Browning
iy?alty Co.
, , 25.00
FQR SALE Good young team,
i welcht about 1350 aniece:
also good wagon, also har
ness. Inquire of L. M. Cag
lcy. G4
FOR SALE One new 17-ft. ce
dar boat, for $1G, or will trade
fdr "a' 'gtidd bicycle or wood de
livered! Enquire, Springfield
Phone-130W3. 64-5
six room bungalow fan im-
Total $17G,376.72
State of Oregon, County of Lane, ss:
I, Chas. L. Scott, Cashier of tho above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
CHAS. L. SCOTT, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo CullUECT Attest:
this 9th day of September. 1915. , J. F. SMITH,
(Seal) Notary Public. E. E. BRATTAIN
My commission expires Mar. 9, 191C. Directors.
proved lot 50x150, trees, out-,
side city limits, city water,,
sewerage, wired for electric;
lights,' one block from mac-'
adam street. Will trade for
Springfield property. Address
E..R. Spencer, Cottage Gro?e
Oregon. .
A Message
for You-
From Headguatters!
Post Toasties
for Breakfast,
v - '
? A delicious food different from ordinary "corn
flakes."' Each (take has a body and firmness doesn't
mush down, but keeps crisp when cream is added.
New Post Toasties are tho tender meats of white
Indian Corn, skilfully cooked, daintily 'seasoned, and
toasted to ah appetizing golden-brown. They come to
you 6 veil -fresh, In tight-sealed, wax-wrappeel packages
ready to'oat "with cream, milk or fruit. '
New Post Toasties
T ,
the Superior Corn Flako9
Your grocer has them ?iow.y, ,
Thos. Slkes and soir Lowell
went to" Walterville yesterday
on their bicycles for a visit with
friends yesterday afternoon.
iThoy reoort severe rain between
5 and 7 o'clock last evening in !
that neighborhood.
There will be a meeting of the
Knights and Ladies of Security
at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Reynolds, B street between
Sixtii and Seventh, on Friday
evening of this week.
Miss Laura Rec( returned
yesterday from CleEIum, Wash.,
where she has been enjoying an
outing for sometime. She has
again taken up her work as
nurse at the Springfield hospital.
Mr. Cuunigham of Seattle and
Win Benhnm of Portland visited
with W. L. Benhnm of tho Bnn
'!5i Irrigation Co., last week.
Mr. Cunningham was inspecting
tho irrigating works north of
1 Springfield.
I Jess Lawrence, lormerly nn
employe of The No,ws, passed
through last week on his way
to Junction City with the body
of his father; Alden Lawrence.
The Lawrences have been liv-
iing at Richmond, California.
I Mr. Walker of San Francisco
who has been visiting at the
Robert Sidwell home the past
l week left this morning for
points in Washington and aion-
itana where lie will visit before
I returning to his home.
j Mrs. E. J. .Tarvis and daugh
ter af Portland returned to their
p homo yesterday after a visit of
several weeits at tno 1101110 01 ner
mother, Mrs. Dr. Kestor, She
,wns accompanied by Mrs. Keitor
who expects to return to Spring
field tonight.
! A number of business mon of
iSpringeflld gnjhored at the S.
P. depot Thursday evening upon
a report that Presldont Sproulo j
would bo here in his private ,
train, on a trln of insnectlon. i
Later information was that "Mr.
Sproulo's train turned back to
tho main lino from Brownsville.
Mr. and Mrs, F L. Beard of
Yoncalla arrived in Springfield
Saturday to visit at tho homo of
Dr. and Mrs. R. P, Mortonsen.
Mr. Beard recently sold his store
,of General Merchandise in Yon
, calla and is looking for a' favof
i able location and may decide to
1 locate. In Springfield. Tie return
ed to Yoncalla last hifrht biit
JiMrs. Beard remained for a long-
I ft.. tttaU .jv " ;
1 Made in Springfield
I Patronize the Payroll of Your Home Town
The r
House of Quality
When you want good candy ,
J,.'..-. call at Eggimann's Candy Kit-
' chen. Best by Test.
: Eggimann's Candy Kitchen'
m ,i. i- 'l-
: Springfield Bakery :
Bread, Pie3, Cakes, Cookies, etc.
Wedding and Party Cakes a
S; Young, - Proprietor
The Springfield Creamery I
. '
For good values, .
For good bread,
Use Bakore and Knoxall Flour.
All kinds of Feed cheap.
Will do feed chopping for $ 1.50 a ton.
' '
Try is and be convinced that it pays to
patronize" home industries.
The Lane County News divided its
expenditures last year, thus:
Supplies boujjht outsida of Spring-
field, including paper and new
machinery . . .20,4 p. C
Supplies bought in Springfield, in
cluding rent, etc , 19.1 p. C
, Payroll, entirely In Springfield 60.5 p. C.
80 Spent. at Home
Springfield Planing Mill
. Company
Manufacturers of
Extension Tables. Drop Leaf Tables, BBreak
fast Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards,
Safes,, Step Ladders, Fruit Boxes
"erry Crates, Folding Clothes Racks.
For light, heat and power.
"Made in Springfield."
Oregon Power Co.
Another Springfield industry to
place their card in this space.
v noil..