THE LANE COUNTY NEWS -Mr OUR PUBLIC FORUM W. A. DILL m Published Every Monday and Thursdafiy'ftfS Lanoounty Pub lishing Association. iJiii RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. t . . Ono Year $l.6b ' Six Months .75 Threo Months . , Advertising Rates Furnished on Application. .60 Member of the State Editorial Association. Member of the Willametto Valley Editorial Association. And "Remember to Get a Stop-Ovor for Springfield. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1915. NEWSPAPERS AND THEIR POLICIES In the course of an address at the University of Missouri recently, G. B. Dealey, general manager of the Dallas, Texas, Morning News, Galveston Daily News, and allied publications, said: "There is a popular idea abroad that a newspaper should give the people what they want that is to say, that a news paper should be made by its readers. I do not believe this to be true in its entirety. "Generally the. readers should be given 'what they want so long as what they want is good for them. But a newspaper always has a moral responsibility, whether it appreciates it or not, to help its readers to higher standards. It is all right to .be popular and keep close to the people, but a newspaper should not cater to the baser mind and prostitute, its columns-" into sensationalism and uncleanness. Its aim always should be to uplift to point the way to better and. nobler things. "The policy of any enduring newspaper must necessarily be based on what is true and what is right, even though it may sometimes come in conflict with the opinions and pre judices of its readers.. To apply this statement to our own papers let me say that with them the effort has always been to avoid morbid sensationalism and all that class of news which-depends on idle or prurient curiosity for its interest. "The News does not make a display of public executions, lynchings, murder trials, divorce cases, scandals of salacious personal news of any kind. No doubt, however, there is a demand for this class of news and it attracts a certain kind of. readers, but at the, same time it has a demoralizing effect. "I believe that the control of newspaper policies by ad vertisers is practically negligible, the only exception being in the very indirect way which I have pointed out namely, that - an honest policy means not only large circulation, but high -grade circulation. But as for direct influence, no publisher can grshape his policies at the behest of any advertiser or class of advertisers for the sake of the revenue to b'e derived from these without immediately endangering his enterprise. "There is no business on which a closer watch-is kept by the public than that of the newspaper. What the publisher does and what his paper's opinion is goes before the public every day. That same public is merciless in its criticism, 1 J Johnson Haul NCW ADMINIftTMATlON DutLtHHC Ul Ql THE "GREATER OREGON" AVI Hi new buildlnci. better equipment, en. larceil crruuniU. and many niMItlous to lt faculty, the Unlvemltr of Ore con will becln 11 fortieth year. Tueiwlajr, September 14, 11)10. Special trnlnluc In Commerce, Joumnlliui. Architecture. I-aw.SIedlclne.Teaclilnc Libra ry Work. Munlc, I'hjilcal Trulnloc mill Tine Art. Idirce mid (troiii; department of Liber al Education. Library of more than fiC.000 volumes, thir teen bulldlne fully equipped, two upleudld cyinnaidumH. Tuition Free. IJonultorlen for men and for women. Kxpene Lowest. Write for free catalocn,nddrelnc ItecUtrnr UNIVERSITY OF OREGON KUOKNK. OKKGON Panama-Pacific Exposition Is the Most Wonderful The Most Beautiful The Most Important 'n History I It is artistic, it is symetrical, it is world wide, it is complete. Only three months more will it lie opened. ' -No intelligent person can afford to miss the opportunity of visiting this exposition. Low Round Trip Fares to San Francisco on sale daily from all points ' If you contenjplate a trip East you can travel through California in one direction ;at small additional expense, '10 DAYS AT SAN FRANCISCO and, 10 DAYS AT LOS' ANGELES and 1 0 days at, El Paso fire allowed on all tickets to the East reading over the Southern Pacific - Lot our nearest Agent outllno a trip for 611, Our . folders "Waysido Notes," and "Cali'fbrnja KxJJoBj; v ' - . lons" will be of Interest They arotfrueu , ' j' ,(j Ralph Peters . On Railway Mall Pay A Controversy Imi been rnRlntt In tho columns of tho press botwocii tho rnllronds and tho Federal I'ost Ofllco Department over tho question of proper compensation for handling the Unltod Btatos malls, Mr. Ralph rotors. Chairman of tho Hallway Mall Commlttco, when uskod to 8tao tho railroad sldo, of tho controversy to tho American farmer, said In part: "Tho rnllwr.y mall pay question will ho settled and Bottled permanently and with, JuBtlco to all concerned as soon as tho Amorlcan pooplo realUo thut tho whole subject, while seemlnRly complicated and technical, bolls down to n tow Rlmplo points of fair business doalluK which hn nnn nnfil bo n rato oxnort to understand. "Thn nret Is tlmt tho Post oillco Dannitmont woIrIis tho malls, and re adjusts tho pay of tho railroads, only onco In four years, This compels tho railroads ta carry tho Incroaso In tho mall tonnngo durlntt thd IntorvonlnR vcars without pay manifestly an Injustice In tho caso oO rapidly crowtnn business, Ono coiiRequenco has been that last year tho rallrouds carried fully half tho parcel post for nothing. "A second point is this: In addition to carry In?; tho malh. tho rail roads aro required to oporato many trnvollnp post offlces for nortlnit and distributing tho malls whllo In transit. Hut tho l'ost OtPco Department paya for such post ofllces only whom they occupy wholo cars, and paya nothing in tho many cases In which It merely requires tho uso of post otllco apart ments in combination cars, nltho.ich such apartments differ from tho full railway post otllco cars only in slse, Moro than 4,200 npnttnonta of thin character havo been fitted up, and aro maintained for tho oxcluntvo uso of tho Post Ofllco Department. Falluro to payx for them has beon an especial hardship to tho smaller roads on which tho Department docs not find It uoccssary to utilize wholo cars. "Ono last point? In thoucands of Instances (though not In all) tho Tost Ofllco Department requires tho railroads to carry tho malls back and forth between railroad stations and post olllces, but pays thorn nothing for (his extra service beyond tho rates covering tho rail transportation. Tho rail loads havo no choice but to perform this additional scrvlco gratis, or retusu to carry tho malls at all. "Now for tho remedies tho railroads ask: Thoy do not ask to havo tho I mans wcigncu uaiiy, or to navo cacn snipmcni woigneu nnu pain tor sep arately, as l done In tho caso of privato shippers. They merely ask to have the malls weighed, and tho'pay of tho railroads adjusted, at least onco a year. Instead of onco in four years. Thoy also ask that apartment post ofllco cars bo paid for, at reasonable rates, according to alio. Lastly, they ask that tho Post Ofllco Department ceaso to rcqulro of thorn freo messenger servlco between stations and post ofllccs, and. either relievo them of this sorvlco or pay fairly for It. These aro tho reforms tho railroads jisk of Con gress. They gladly lay theso reforms beforo tho public, confident that they will appeal to tho common sense and fairness of Amorlcan voters." quick to jump at conclusions and frequently unjust in its judgment. A newspaper may deceive a part of Its readers for a while, but none of them for a veiy long time. "Summing up, I should say that a newspaper's policies should forbid it from needlessly offending good customers or good morals. It should be true to the right, but it need not be fussy' or suspicious or meddlesome or intolerant, it should be a good neighbor honest, courageous, virtuous and friend ly but not like a bad neighbor vindictive, spying, gossipy and mischievous. It should say: My policy Is to do right and to be a good merchant, which is to sriy, to deal in honest goods and give good measure.' " Start a Bank Account on and Watch if DOLLAR orow First National Bank ri O Will furnish o everyona who" will become a depositor to tho amount of ono dollar or more, a handsonio Homo Savings Bnnlc to use. You are Invited to call and ask for one of these' safes. If you are already a depositor you are entitled to one to use. Very tew people can save In largo amounts. If you wait until yowcan deposit a large amount you may never begin. Everyone can save In a small way. He who drifts Into the hitblt of spending as he goes will always remain poor, The Bank Keeps tho Key This Homo Savings Hank Is loaned to you freo of charge Ono dollar of your account Is to bo hold to Insuro Its. return ; but remember thla dollar belongs to you; can bo drawn by you at any t lino on return of tho Safe. The Best Groceries For Less Money THE COMING LAND GRANT CONFERENCE I 1 1 ! f 1 1 ... ' . I j fa ' j Considerable comment has been aroused in some quar ters over the plan to limit preliminary discussion beforo the state-wide conference on the Oregon-California railroad land grant case, which is to be held, at Salem next Wednesday. The preliminary plans as adopted by the' rules committee, sum moned by Governor Withycoinbe, provide for the introduction of resolutions by title and author, and their immediate re ference to the resolutions committee. All set speeches are to tbe barred until after the committee on resolutions has form ulatd its report. The Portland Journal and the Pendleton East Oregonian, raise objections to any plan that in any way limits discussion. Their point, it would seem, is not well tak en. The conference is, of course, a voluntary one, with no re muneration for the time of the delegates. Naturally, then, procedure should be so .mapped as to take the least possible, time to secure the best possible consideration of .the subject at hand. Speeches made before and definite question is before the conference would, of necessity, be general in their nature, and would lack direct bearing. Proper parliamentary proced ure requires a motion, made nnd seconded, before it can be open for discussion. The Fifth Street Grocery Thos. Sikes, Prop. Phone 22 OUR GROCERIES arc famous for quality and wo savo you money on what you buy hero. We sell Dependable Coffees and Teas nnd everything clso is dependable which wo boll. Nice & Miller' Oj Commercial Stato Bank Phone 5) There is a tendency, also, in some quarters, to decide beforehand what should be the outcome of the conference. To attempt to dictate the lines that shall bo followed defeats the very purpose of the conference, which Is to bring together divergent opinions and plans, and co-ordinate them. There are a number of large interests which have claims that are worthy of consideration, but to enumerate two or three or half a dozen and declare them the only factors worthy of con sideration is to display a spirit of narrowness that would de feat the purposes of any conference. The counties, which have advanced to the state tax money not yet collected from the railroad, have a large right to be heard. They also have a claim to attention on account of the roads and the schools they will have to construct when this land is settled. The people of Oregon see in this vast tract of land an opportunity to recoup the state school fund, depleated by the wasting of former grants of public land. Easterners see in tho lands an opportunity to add to the reserved forest wealth of the nation. Lumbermen, on the other hand, see vast areas of timber, ripe Icr the axe, and deteriorating unless cut and utilized. These are just a fqw of the factors that will have to be -considered in the conference. It would be foolish to rule out, beforehand, any pertinent suggestion, else the judgment of the conference would be hampered to just that extent, a FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON. Established 1883 Capital and Surplus $303,000.00 Interests on Savings Accountssnnd Time Certificates t' John M. Scottr General Passenger Agent , Portland; Ore?" NOTICE TO WOOD CONTRACTORS ! GOOD ENGLISH 1 Notice Is herehy Riven Uiat sealed j FOR EVERYONE bUH will ho received by. H, I. Walkerj , . : Jiecordor or tno lown or wnnBiiPig.jDa you g k amJ Wrjto Oregon, until 8 o'clock I, SI, Monday! j. , . . 13 September .13, 1!)15, for tho delivery tp the Tqwp of Sjirjngfleld, Oregon, at tho City Hall in uald town, Fifteen (15) Qords of four foot wood. Hidden aro requested to bid on oltlior Oak, Anil, ilaplo and Fir. Said vood to be' delivered at tho City Hall In uald" jtpwn within ten days after tho eiUnK of .the contract Council reservoa tlioriglit to reject any or all bids i.VM2.V- course of study. Thou1 buiiub Jiecu ii juuiu uiuii wiuy need anything else. It will teach HERBERT E. WALK Ell. - jn S2-13 ' ' Town Recorder, lish Correctly By our method we .teach good English in a clear, practical and interesting way, Not the dry and tiresome kind of grammar you studied at school, but in steJadftj)plpar and easy way, of learningito speak and. write cor rectly. " Everyone wbuld profit you to put into good, clear Eng lish what you want. It will leach you to put in words just what you mean. It will teach you how to use the Dictionary. Something very few persons know how to use even college graduates. Let me send you our "Booklet" telling all about this good English for every one. It costs you nothing and you will be under no obligation by usklng for it. A. E. CHAMBERS. Manager International Correspondence Schools, 897, Willamette St. Eugene, .Oregon. Harness,, Gloves Harness and Shoes Repaired at The Harness Shop 1 See Edwards & Br attain For Farm and City Proporty Exchanges n Specialty ' i Springfield - Orogon Phone 30 Office In City Hall, SprlnQfleld, Ore. I Lltrrtorrni r m,i irn NOTARY PUBLIC We Sell The Hamilton Watch us D.U0F, Jeweler & Optician W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Office Phone 62; fjesldcnce (57-J ' West Main 8t. J J. H. BOWER Lawyor. I'hono 1221 B31 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon CAREFUL, CONSCIENTI6US Dentistry UK. J. fc. KlUI-irVJUNU PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 116-J jjt Ovor Commercial Bank. vl Springfield, Oregon. . if 3 Butter Wrarnera--Call Snrlnc- , field 2. '