The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, September 06, 1915, Image 3

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You Sec Satisfaction.
Vtm .nofq llio-plfliUlnKEIfriv
lirovciiKjilt In ytuhi!0rtitilo1(l6li
nftor UitltiK
It ffftK
I'lcilli' Will
wiiii tj
lliu nhlti nmootli,
wlillo Junl nn you
HulnK :roniil8, YtyM'K l'nco
('renin. Ih linnilltiHt to mo. Try
It tohlnht liuroro rotlrliiR.
Nynl'a Fnco Crooni, usoil .
pUmjy, fnmkim tho fnco of forty
loolf,Mk6 twmity.
A '
Ocfd In 20c and 60c Jan.
7-IIr11 for cheaper soles. and
. v J? ilorjt!(l suit at ready-tr
. J IbP-ALhlnAJ T4Viilnn fault irmita
Thus,. L Campbell of Astoria Krv"' -V' V V -;
nlgHQhrwihg Hpohlittrfow yyd MIhs Dollo .Randall of-Wn
Ik A ..I ...I.. A., t I.. i..J . . . . . ... .
111 ;UILUI 11L IJI1 MUMmi'MM1.
uii. miuic dl. jkj: acta
cojinty Ih a gticstM tlid tiomd
uov. una Mrs. Jr'IVMoro.
Do ii Booster for your pwri
town. Buy Knoxall Flour, at
rill groceries, tit only $1.45
'Dr. Van Villznh and son Jerry
returned homo hint week from
Where they nave been In camp
for tho last Hoven weeks.
Good reliable fire Insurance.
No aBHeBBiiionts; no membership
fee. I'ay onco and you are done.
II. IS. Walker at tho Glty Hull.
a sawdust blower for the
Booth-Kelly mill at Wcndllng
was brought on tho lumber
truck from tho Coburg plant
Mr. and Mrs. George Eastern
nf Wnlln Wnlln nrrlvrwl Irrlflnv
Hall for cheaper soles alid to attend the funeral of Mr. Eb-
Call anv time for measuring
foV ullorjtsd suit at ready-made
lWrrv Is sick at the Anderson
lop yard yvtlh .an attack of
m r
Miss Vcva Diinlap hac resign
ed her position in the Springfield
field schools in order to accept
a position at The Dalles,
Mr. rind Mrs. Jules DoMIck
aro n6,w comfortably located In
the Mrs. Jeanetto Richardfl6p
house at Gth and B streets.
Jrf. 8. T. Watson Was oper
ated on at the Mercy hospital.
ufcekc. last jvcok, arjd ft fiowv
well dnnho road to recovery,
Mrs, Q( B. Kesscy and son
DWlght, and Mrs. C. E. Swarts
arid granddaughter left Satur
day for Newport for a vacation.
" V ,
MD. Ebbcrl and wifeof New
. if
Inspector SteWart Returns from
Tour of County
That only 17 pear trees and
two or three apple trees in Lane
pcrg jirove up sunilay to attend cbunt of fire blight this season
lio funeral of the late J. A, Eb wa8 Ul0 Btatcmcnt of C. E. Stew
bort. 'JJiey return homo ,to-Lrt county fruIt jn8pector, yes
n Iterday. Tho inspector has been
;r i , Ivory busy during tho past few
ijr. ami Aire. yoe jjaviflcWCeks serving notices upon own
arc moving today Sromm II nndrs of infected trees to cut them
Main street to thd? woollev..i..., t...., t,, ti
Mrs, S.'AV. H. Ilayncrt of Eii-jhodscon iMjetweon Otfi ana7th,"eJ T T "Mt cg at work and
geuo Is In charge of the IJarl)it 8treeta. uhare doing their best to nr" -
mllllnory store this week during , . j"J " Bnread of the disease
tho absence of Mrs Harbit. , Mr, and Mrs. Chas llBxl otahe
Tacoma. Wash., liuve been vlsit-rt if ,Mn
E. O. Jarvis of Portland-;rc-!ng,Bince Saturday with Mr. andir,"r,:: ' , lnoa -pnm lh(l
tumcd to his home today after Mrs. L. E. Durrinf Mrs. Hart is ' . aU?.!.8t 'r,?ill
Classified AdsJ
For Sale, Bent, Wanted, Etc.
FOR. SALE Tcahi of horses, '
subber tired buggy and har
ness. If you want to buy a
bargain see Martin, C45 A, St.
FOlt SALE 100 acres, 70 lino
river bottom. 40 in cultivation
. fair set of buildings, family
orchard. 10 miles out. Adj
. dress T. C. Thompson, Picas?'
antHill, Ore. 1
NOTICE-IIop Pickers start
picking hops in the Campbell
Walkerard, Monday August
- 23. Palmer Bros. It
spending the week end at Jthe a lister of Mr. Durrin
tiomc or ur. nnu Airs, ivesier.
blight in this country has beent
Jenkins, the home of all
wool fabrics.
bert. They will remain for a
jweek or ten days visiting, rela
tives and menus.
Oliver Johnson went to New
berg on buHlnesa- Thursday.
Oliver Johnson made a trip to
Albany yesterday going down on
Itho Oregon Electric at 7 oclock
Mrs J II llowor Helen Pnrl 1 1,1,10 ,orI,B and driving his
.Mrs. j. ii. uowur, uutn, can ,lllnmni,n ilflk. rrivttur in tch-
anti Mary, aro picking hops at " " " .
im ii i. i mnnann vni t r : . "
J. B. Ebbert of Portland re
turns homo tonight after having
attended the funeral here of his
undo, J. A. Ebbert.
Mrs. Robo Ilarblt and Mrs.
Gmco Ilnrblt left today for
W. I. Ebbert of Condon, Ore
gon"brother of Mrs. John Wln
zenrled and of Mrs. Frank
Powers, came iii Saturday to
attend the funeral of Ids uncle.
He will remain for a time for a
Leonard SIdwell, who has
ItOBOburg Wliero they Will Spend hnnn wnrUtm- n liln t rutin na n
several days on buahiCBS. .barber at San Francisco for the
. - , ,.. . past three years, camo in last
Mrs. Bort Doano ami children week for a visit with his parents
of Jasper wore in Springfield Mr. and Mrs. R. F. -SIdwell. He
Saturday on buslncfls and vlBlted. Wns accompanied bv his friend.
Ray Barger returned to his
home at Brownsville Sunday
nftor spending tho week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lyons.
Salo on Porch Furniture.
$2.00 child swing $1.25, hung to
HOP PICKERS Start picking
on Sept.'l at the old Cheshire
yard, 1 1-2 miles west of,
Springfield. Henry Hukriede
tmilifnrr " afiM Vio nanoprnr
W F. M. Miller of Lebanon !"Wo will be able to complete
returned to her home Saturday our present work within a
after spending a week with Miss week.
Mary Roberta and also Mrs. F. The Inspector and his depu-
A. NIckerson of .Marcola. ties have made a complete cir-h
i cult of the eounty and havej
..The Springfteld Feed Com- learned one thing about the,
pany .is in position to supply you , blight that they did not knpwi
suit. $C.C0 Porch Swings $3.00, wtlh a winter supply of Chicken berore. Tney nave round tnat
hung up. $5.00 Porch Scat $2.50. Feed at the lowest prices. If in the vicinity of low, swampy t
HAYDEN & METCALF Store, you arc laying in a supply of places, the blight flourishes,;
Springfield. Phone 83. 2t grain and hay, give us a chance but in high, dry places, it has not
,to supply you. It will cost you 'gained a foothold. It has been
1 .1 ,... II.. ,1,11 nn mnyn. nn.l nftnr. .mil m fniltll tllflt tVlO 111 I flit AVRtR''
nmn)f Portland, tho former a jcomodations that others do not. principally among the wl d trees, . "f ZmnJ
six room bungalow on im
proved lot 50x150, trees, out
side city limits, city water
sewerage, wired for electric
lights, one block from mac
adam street. Will trade for
Springfield property. Address
E. R. Spencer, Cottage Grove
property' and pay for this adv.
and take knife. 48
brother of A. D. Ruddiman spent! Wo have the Stock, Guarantee such as crabapple and liaw
Saturday and Sunday with Mr. I the quality and offer- you the thorne, which always grows in
ninlillmnn nnil Mr. mid Mriwlowest nrices nosslble. All we low places. Quince trees have
sam Young, Sr., and family. ask Is that you give us a chance also been attacted, but as this IpoUND Curry comb and brush
In the morning and driving his to make you a price on what'erop Is not a valuable one the( call at this office.
vnti iinerl nnd -wo will nnotn a farmers are not complaining 1
Mrs. Van Valzah received a ; figure that will Interest you. Try when they are directed to cut
card last week from her son, DrCupid" and "Johnson's Best" the trees dewn.
S". L. Van Valzah at Chicago, Flour and save money. Inspector Stewart said that if
saying that Mrs. Baxter Young, I the farmers and fruit growers
who is on her way to Baltimore A $G,000 residence, and a $4,- make no bona fide effort to com
frtr nn hnnrnt inn. 1r Rtnndlnfc Ofl0"home to co un at Eucene. ply with the notices posted upon
the trip well. I The Southern Pacific and the their lands to cut down all in-j
vernment-will boost the Cra-."!Bl':u UBe8; lu i'5iui
do tne worK memseives 'ana
witli Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fry.
w w m
Born On Saturday, Septem
ber 4, 1915, to Mr. nnd Mrs.
Gcorgo Kiser of West Spring
Held, n son, weight 12 pounds.
J. W. Ebbert of Condon, Ore-
Mr. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. John Winzen
ricd came home Friday night in
response to a telegram an
nouncing the death of Mr.. Eb
bert. Tho Winzcnried8 liad
been taking an 'automobile trip
gon, brotnor or tuo into jnmcs to Tillamook and along tne
A. Ebbert, nnd who has been Oregon coast and up the ttohun-
at his ucusklo for tho past six.bia river. They were accom
......1... ......... ....... I 11..
win tor hore.
' . Eovernment
'You don't havo to pay a big aerjLake district.
price to get a good Hour, we o. W. R. &,N. Co., has let con
.charge the expenses to the own-
FOR SALE Peaches, Early
Charlotte, "an improved early
Crawford" variety. Upland
grown so best flavor. Price1
75 cents per bushel delivered!,
50 cents at orchard one mile
north of Springfield. J3rteg
box. Phone 768-L, Eugeae.
F G. Young.
iacl.. vou can't lose It it dontl""'"""" lerlook, a thing n tiara not ov
- - a i
wd will
Mrs. E.
refund your j - Tfere li more Catarrh In lhl tcUoa et
II. K. Hockett wiUi his wife
and little son spent Saturday
and Sunday with Mrs. Hockett's
mother, Mrs. Grace Harbit. Mr.
Hockett and family left this
morning for Florence and other
dreds of them are in very bad
erlook," said the inspector. snape, says tne inspector.
V. Sneed & the country thnn ull other dlieuoi put I In Uie IITJlt UlStnciS OI UU-1
wm iu ied to Im; Incurable, For a oclc ' iiMuuu.i. w.n j o.i v nu
TMf'marJyyeara doctors pronounced it a jrane, Mr. Stewart and his depii- corporated to build a smelter.","
SMTM conditions- pretty J Eugene-J. H. Smith and J.
wltlolorol treatment, pronounced It Incur- good and Very little disease.. I.mi-i, .v.t. hninm
nbte. .Science Ima proven Catarrh to be a ,mnn ti,n trooa hut nn firniQ N. Wray establish Chair factory
convtautionoi diBea8e,and therefore re-1 among tne trees, out on iarms '
nuire conatuutionai treatment. Hairs where the owners do not make ! here.
cSS5? ToMo?owoe.d,brhoFonfy a business of raising fruit the I Albany D E. Nebergall & Co.
Constitutional cure on the market. It Is ,nrQr pAtidltlnnn wrp fntirul. o r.i,, onnrofn 'monl-
token Internally. It nets directly on tne " r wm cictu o-owij wuis u.
spend tho'panlod by their daughter, Mrg. coast points where they..wih&' 8S B packing house.
ljcmmons or roruanu. IkhoikI a week's vacation uerore , " it . enii or circulars .ibc Munw
returning to Springfield.
Bringing In
the daintiest, choicest
flavoured flaked food
ever produced-r?
' New .
Post Toasties
Bert NIckum nnd family ex-j
pect to leave Wednesday for!
irlaho where they will reside.
Mr. NIckum' lias been employed
by the Springfield Provision
Company since ho came here
two yours ago. It Is owing to his
poor health that they aro leav
ing here.
I James Auberry died at the
home of his soin J..T. A wherry,
'at. Pleasant Hill;, yesterday
, morning at five- o'clock. Age
sixty years, and the funeral serv
ices were held at Pleasant Hill
; tills morning' ut 11 o'clock,, con
ducted by Rev. J. T. Mooi'e of
Springfield. interment was
nuulo in the" Jasper cemetery. W.
F. Walker had. charge of the
funeral. Mr. A wherry had been
a resident of tho county for a
number of years.
, n w
and testimonials. unc rllennvorail (n cunh nrMinrHs'l rMt-WUenjt iiuncij
AddreMI F. J. CIIENET & CO.. Toledo O. I " ,T" ! A7 OKC Jho frillf of all kinds in
Fold by nriucuit. 76a. , Sin Eugene there were a large ' ids. irun oi an kiuub m
Tans llsll's Family IMIls for conitlpstljn. nnp,!, 0f frjf trees that .ire 'l 91 5.
A Powerful Drama Dealing With a
If vrtii lSlr corn flakes, as most folks (?o,
mm v v '
there's a delightful surprise ahead. The NEW
method of toasting these choice bits of Indian
Corn brings out a wonderful new flavour
A Flavour Beyond Compare
New Post Toasties have a body and crispness
that don't mush down when cream or milk is added,
and they .come FRESH-SEALED sweet
appetizing. ' 'vc ' '
Mrs. R. P. Mortensen enterr
talned with" a surprise event on
Saturday evening in honor of
the birthday anniversary of Dr.
Mortensen. Five Hundred was
the pastime of the evening. The
guests were -Mr. nnd Mrs. Osten
Cox, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beaver,
Mrs. Zella Cantrell, E. A. Holvor
son, and Dr. and Mrs. Morten
sen. Mrs. Vina McLean entertained
at dinner Saturday in honor of
Miss Eva Wentwqrth of Pasa-
dona, California. Tho guests
wore Mrs. Lou Richardson, Dr.
Olive Waller, and Miss Went
Mrs. Waller. Miss Wowtworth
and Mrs. McLean wero teachers !
together in the Geary school,
Eugene, for a uumber of yeVs,
and the dinnc, occasion
of a very happy reunion. '
Card of Thanks.
Wd the' undorsltrnfitl h'rehv
.wish to express our heartfelt
iiianicH to our many menus lor
ineir manv -.uintmesses ' u me
jjiQuSjcKnoss and at (hp .deaths
1 our Deioveu urouier ana
The Photoplay of the Hour
Full of Throbbing Action
SEPTEMBER, 7th, 1915
lilcU), .James A, Ebbert; '
25c Bell Theatre 25C
Get your seats early:-Now on sale at Ketels DrurJStore.