The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, August 26, 1915, Image 4

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    Style Means
Good Taste
The -worth of a garment is
not measured by its cost,
but rather by its fitness for
.the time the place the
occasion and the person.
The best time to order
garments is now.
Every day brings an occa
sion to wear them.
''The Tailoring
You Need"
Al G. Bnrnos Wild Animal Circus
to Exhibit Thoro Has 600
Porforming Animals.
Saturday, AumiBt 2S, will bo
circus day In Eugene. The Al 0.
Barnes big three-ring, wild ani
mal circus will bo tho attraction
and will glvo performances at
U and S o'clock on that date.
Many substantial clatmB can
truthfully bo mado about the or
iginality and gcnuluo merit of
tho Barnes show. Its program
Is original becauso given almost
entirely by educated animals.
Its merit Is attested by tho fact
that tho show holds tho rank of
the largest trained animal exhi
bition In all the world.
Whllo a troupo of over GOO
wild and domestic animals give
the show's program, thoro have
still been retained all tho pomp
and splendors of tho old time-
corn, grated ; 4 cupB of potatoes,
cut into small pieces; 2 ounces
salt pork; 1 small onion, chop
ped: ! cuds of skim milk; 1 tea
spoon ful salt; 4 ounces crackers.
Cut the pork into small pieces
and fry It with the onion until
both are a dollcato brown, Add
tho potutocs and com; cover
with water, and cook until the
vegetables aro soft. Add tho
milk and salt, and rohout. It Is
well to allow tho crackers to
soak In tho milk whllo tho pota
toes and corn aro being cooked.
Somo peoplo cook the cobs from
which tho corn has boon remov
ed In wator, and later use this
water for cooking tho potatoes
and com.
Cakos Without Flour
When cottage cheese Is mado
from skim milk, cream or butter
Is very commonly added, to
make it moro palatable. For
some purposes the cottage
cheese curd from skim milk Is
better than that from tho whole
milk, as for example In cakes
honored circus, for thorn's tho
big dazzling parado given each j made from tho following recelpo,
morning at 10:3B, ana there's vynicii is unusual, Bmco it con-
sawdust rings threo of them, , talus no Hour:
and pink lemonade, and peanuts, j Curd Cup Cako3
and clowns and sldo shows, but ! I cup dry curd, 4 oggs, 3-4 cup
when tho big performance sugar, 1-b teaspoon salt.
starts, one instantly recognizes' Beat tho
iTH HOOP dUPm CAflt UVK lilt riWHUl BtTj
HiY.vounutMi nrocr this
Ml WNIT rilU7
ASK your dealer for W-B Cut
Chewing Tobacco. It is the
new "Real Tobacco Chev.'" cut
long shred or send lOo in stamps to us.
WEYMAN-BRUTOH COMPANY, SO Union Squire, New York City
Baptist Church.
Sunday Sabbath school at
yolks of tho eggs! 10:00 A. M Gilbert Miller, sup-
i M .1 .1 A f II.. 1.1 .11. UHt.,.t.l.4 ...1.1 tl. tl M A .1 1 .1 A
rus wnu uuiuwiuru i run i uw uiu uuuuuiii , uuu uiu nuui ami uriiuuiuiuui.
routine or circus entertainment, mo curu iwnicn must, ue very; rrencning morning ami y ur.
Instead of tho usual, tho very dry,) and bent until tho mixture iW. II. Ferris,
unusual prevails. Big, startling, is smooth. Combino this mix-j 7:00 p. m. Young Peoplo'B
thrilling acts are done by feroc- turo by cutting and folding with i meeting.
ious. lnanklllliur Hons, tluers. tho stlllly beaten whites of tho! Junior B. Y. P. U. also at 7
leopards and bears twenty- eggs. Bake for 20 minutes In
four full grown African Hons a moderate oven In which tho
being performed In one act. heat is greater at tho bottom.
Thirty bears aro shown In an- Use unbuttered gem tins This
other. Young women trainers amount should make about 30
present groups tof tigers, leo- cakes.
pards and jaguars In death-defy- In order to prepare the curd,
lng feats. take 2 1-2 or 3 quarts of sour
A special number on the pro- skim milk; heat to the boiling
cram is the troupe of high school point and strain; when no more
horses and nonies. Sixteen of Hriuid runs off. press tho curd be-
fthe world's champion dancing tween cloths or spread It out in
horses, and a company of one a thin layer on a cloth ana dry
hundred military 'ponies aro it in a warming oven. ir tho
among the lot. Trapeze perform- curd from tho quantity of milk
lng monkeys the first ever given amounts to more limn a
and riding os-, cupful, it is too wet.
P. M., Mrs. Fitzgerald, superin
tendent. Wednesday, Prayer mooting at
7:30 p. m. Thuradny, Choir ro
hcarsal at 8 p. m.
shown, racing
triches. a balloon riding Hon. I If a very sweet cake is liked,
horse riding Hons, leopards, bear, cs is the case In parts of South
SABBATH OBSERVANCE iodic rest, it wears longer; no fogs, goats, hyenas ami sea Hons America, where these cheese
(Published by Request.) " less does the engineer need rest, , are aso among the unusual cakes are woH known, two cups
We are living in a Christian as it tends to lengthen his life. sights offered by the Barnes of sugar may be used with two
nation founded by God-fearing ' The employer today is under show. iCups of the cottage cheese and
men, our Sabbath recognized temptation to ket-p the wheels of Fifty clown elephants, pigs, 'four eggs.
,ff,i w Tho nihio production In constant motion, . mi,. rants, nmnltevs. nnnles!
diiU MLULCtlU UJ mn a . . ,, - , - - , t r w 9
is the foundation upon which discarding the exhausted work-iau( tiogs provide fun for the
moral law is huilt. Obedience " " visitors.
to God is clearly demanded in ece, of machinery, supplying.
the Old and New Testiment. One his place with a new one. j SKIM MILK AS FOOD
seventh of our time belongs to . A ?'eekly day of, t and wor-
God that we may rest and work fP s a proper subject for legis-, (Continued froni Pf.Ro jy
,xr-htn H!m toqiio cniri lation and a desirable end to ac-1
JSaSSt mlaul complish. Worship cannot be uable for body-building, is even
thJ Sbbath dTv Not one enforced by legislation, but the greater than in whole milk.
- SLaJefifaH His word rives us to necessary leisure should I Since the nutritive part of
hn? PnroumLement for SdilS be securecl wel1 enforced 'skim milk consists very largely
any encouragement toi seiiis i f j ,t , t b classetl a8
'?wSrt,rv amusement r SR,n n Observance of a day of rest whole milk is, such food mater
hivo rtriftPfl far awav and worship means a building ,ials as eggs, meat, fish, poultry.
f,nm ti,BnWntVnf Cnt Tnnri tiio of character and intellect, a, and cneese ttnougn u is mucn
from the precepts of God and the nliitinn n more delicate than those foods)
practices or our
Jaw remains a
T, 1 DiUIn Unotl
ini nnH V;i ,m thl m.Hon of ol" Sunday has come to mean, as fuel. Two and a half quarts i woodcock, smith & BrjHon. 210 Har
ili1?,"1 Q"eS ml? is just the reverse. of skim milk contain almost afi'nprd ulldinB, Eugono v Oregon , wit hit.
IllOIIlIia iruill IUU IIUIU itiu Ilia.
publication of this notice.
Date of tho first publication of tit Ik
notice August C, 1915.
Administratrix of lha catato of Stan-
Islau K. Nool. deceased.
Marsh field S. P. Co. will
erect now roundhouse here.
J. L. White, manoger of the
Oregon Power Company, Al
bany, Oregon has been elected
Vice President of the Albany
Merchants Association.
Beaverton Plans ready for
$1S,0Q0 school building.
Froo Mothodlst Church.
Sabbnth School at 10 a. m.
Preaching services at 11 a.m.
Prayer and praise service at
7:30 p. m., preaching at S p. m.
Tuesday, S p. m.. Young peo
ple's prayer meeting.
Midweek prayer meeting on
Thursday at 8:00 p. m.
. A cordial Invitation Is extend
ed to all.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istratrix of tho estato of Stanlslau K.
Noel deceased. All persons having
Church of Christ
0:45 a. m. Bible School.
11:00 a. 111. Communion and
11:00 a. in. .Junior C. B.
7:00 p. 111. Senior Endeavor.
8:00 p. m. Sermon.
Wednesday, 8:00 p. m. Prayer
Buttor Wrappors-Call Spring
field 2.
Edwards &Brattaii
For Farm and City Proporty
Exchanges a Specialty
Springfiold - - Orogon
Phono 30
Office In City Hall, Bprlnofteld, Ore.
I'hono 1221
831 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon
Harness, Shoes, Gloves
Harness and Shoes
Repaired at
,The Harness Shop
iclifrns against said estato are horoby
latners, out me . . . . , . ' ,.tun tun .m, c.,..ii a. 1 notlded to present the oamo, duly vor-
strong bulwark, higher sense of duty and honor, lather than with such substan- la am PJth the proper vollJhorH
a uay 01 woriuiy aniuseiuent. as muui n.-io uy , to ti, ,im n atratnx at tno omco 01
F.r Summer Trips
Back East
Direct Lines Fastest Time
Smoothest Track Vial Cal
ifornia One Way.
Oregon Electric By,
The North BanU Bord
Round Trip Fares from all Ore
gon Electric Stations to Any
Eastern City or Points in Can
ada, Dally until Sept. 30.
Two Fine Trains
ED" and the "INLAND EM
PIRE EXPRE3S" electric
lighted throughout, completely
equipped for travel comfort, In
conjunction with the Northern
Pacific Ry. or Great Northern
Ry. and the Burllnrjton Route.
Liberal Stapovcra on Eastern
Trips r.nd wide choice of routes.
N3W Way to California
FRANCISCO, mealo and berth
Included.. Malic early reserva
tions to avoid disappointment..
every Tuesday, Thursday, Sat
urday from both Portland and
San Francisco. (
Send or ask for our new travel
folder. .:
H. R. KNIGHT, Agent.
Kugeno, Oregon.
miVHlCai UIIU IllUlUl tuiiuiuuiii), - ,, , . . . , .,,-,,1 !,,, ,
W find the need of one day in " " "e casi uie i i PPrCv n
...... fnr rp(5f piptipo has employers agreed to give their anie amount or energy as a
nroven that an Inidnl needs rfer- finplojred one-half day for recre-, pound of round of beef. When
?rAatanenffnei5!i ation each week; ami found less milk sells for 4 cents a
inclination among them to go lu. 01 W, , i,OUI1"
out ot town for amusement on a,ul round -of beef for 20 cento
Sunday and a greater attend- a l)OU"d- a dhne' ot,cr
'i "I.,. sum of money spent for skim
a h ultlr U?frvPinpPfnr th? m lilk wi" PIde nearly twice
and better service lor the em- , nrj,, a it w,
ployers during the week. Some- ,f fi t for round Bteak Rou d
thing of tins kind can be done. of beeft of course ls ono of tne
We need a national Sunday lower-priced meats, and when
rest law to protect all laborers compared with the more expen
and secure influence of govern-( give cuts skim milk makes a still
meat. 'better showing from the stand-
We should honor Him who 'point of economy. The fompar
gavc us the day by setting aside jgon with oysters is very signi
as much of it as possible, not as ficant; a quart of oysters con
little, for Him, and receive the tains less than twice as "much
bless'ng from Him which He nourishment as a quart of skim
promises to those who keep His "dlk, and yet it oftens costs sov
comrnandnients. erat times as much. Both are
l'p( ',,s p,jr innu"P"c to "seful, wholesome foods, and in
rroate public sentiment along J,"0 y8tAer on?,Ila a fspecJal
IWo lirs nnd seek to brinir avor- A combination of the
Iwt t ie closing of acel o in oyster stew or creamed
of amtfseYnent and business on GJ : a f'TiS
!nm1nv mid IPt us nrove that we us,nS the oysters, since it makes
. utiuaj.Piui let us prove mat we . ouantitv "eo further
worifin- for tne netterment "WIm1' Im,i, l:.,. mmr tl!
of hnmnnltv because we love
, mankind and desire to make it
ea!v f"r all to be christian citi
zens of a christian nation.
Notice to Creditors.
Notlco 1h horoby given that the un
r-olntod administratrix of tho eBtato I unskimmed milk is not percep
Whole, unskimmed milk lias,
or course, a more pleasing taste
to many people, and those who
do not need to consider the ad
ditional cost will no doubt, al
ways prefer it. When used for
cooking, however, the difference
In taste between skim mod and
of Jahalan T. AVlttor, deceased, hy
tho Probate Court of Lano County,
I A 1 - A - 1 1 .
luregun, mm mm :wi jjuruuun iiuviuk
claims against said estate aro requir
ed to fllo the same, duly vorlfled, with
the said administratrix at Springfield,
Oroiron. or at tho law nillco of Will-
jlams & Ilnn'n Rugeno, Oregon, within
six montlin from tlio date of tho first
publication of this notice.
Dato pf first publication, July 22,
Attornoys for Estato.
Th to8-19. .
Telephone -Sprlngfleld 2 for
butter yrappers.
tible, and there are a r,r'it 'many
uses to which skim milk Cftji be
put in the preparation of ftjpds.
In the making of cereal miimiOH.
for instance, the use of aldm
milk in place of water, odds,
greaty to the nutritive '.value,
particularly by raising 'jie
amount of tis3iie-foriniii;' ni
terials. making milk oili?
chowders, custards, and k'es,
also, it can bo profltablyscd,
In chowders the lack ofjlatin
made up by the use .of saljfmprk.
Corn Cho'wdor
1 caij of corn or 1 pint 6pfrl
We Sell The
Hamilton Watch
D.W. ROOF, Jeweler & Optician
Mothodist Church.
Corner Second and B streets
James T. Moore, pastor, phone
Next Sunday 10 A. M. Sun
day School. !
11 :00 A.M. Sermon.
7:00 P. M. Epworth League, i
8:00 P.M. Sermon. I
8:00 P. M. Wednesday choir j
8:00 P. M. Thursday Prayer
Commercial printing carefully
executed at tho News
nrintintr nlant
PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 110-J
Ovor Commorcinl Bank,
Springfield, Orogon.
78, A. M. V., Anclunt and
Accepted Scottish ltlto Uni
versal and Symbolic Kreo
MiiBOHH ineotu first and third
Monday ovonlng In W. O. W.
hall. Vlaltlni; brothora wol-
V. A. Johnson
U K. Pago,
II. W. M.
We Print Butter Wrappers
Telephone Us Your Order Today
The Lane County News.
'Phone 2
Water for Irrigating and sprinkling purposes can
v bo used only during the HOURS specified -0:00 to
8:00 a. m. and 0:00 to 9:00 p. m. Therefore If the
water ls used for such purposes at other Intervals
during the day the company will Install meters where
this abuse ls being practiced. It Is a duty Involved
upon tho company to protect tho city from fire and
furnish an adequate supply of water to all, therefore
wo will thank our patrons if they will asslatiis in try
ing to protect tho interest of themselves as well
as tho city at large.
Oregon Power C