The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, August 23, 1915, Image 4

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    Bill Boards
Offer one of the big means of advertising,
but they lack the ability to get into the
homes of the buyers. That is where the
Lane County News goes twice each week
with its big budget of Springfield News. Tell
your story of bargains in The News and get
Job Printinj
The law requires that all butter offered for
sale shall bear the name and address of the
makea and weight of the package. Writing
these by hand is too slow; get them printed
on vegetable parchment with special non-oil
ink. 100 for $1; 200 for $1.35; 500 $2.40.
The letter head, envelope and statement are
the means by which the business man visits
his customers. Neat printing raises the esti
mate the recipient has of the business house.
Let the News Printery work out a catchy
letter head design for you.
The News has just designed an envelope with
a concise resume of Springfield's advantages.
There is ample space for the address and for
the return card, and the extra cost is nominal
Linotyping for the Trade
Springfield, Oregon
Mainly For the Farmers.
" BEST PLACE FOR SILO off in flesh she is probably get
Silos should be located close ting too little. Cows using the
to the animals to be led ironi average amount of feed require
them, p 'cording' to the Oregon from 50 to GO per cent of their
Agricultural College pla-s. They leed for body maintenance, the
should not be inside t tie barn 'remainder going to make milk,
'feihce they take up a good deal of !
room and may give oif offensive ' 0. A. C. HENS STILL LEAD.
cSors that will taint the milk, i o. A. C. White Leghorns first,
The" would also be inconvenient ,Oregons second and 0. A. C.
to fill, and silos should be where Barred Rocks fourth, is the re
they may most readily be filled. port of the Panama-Pacific Ex-
,11 requires aDoui a quarter ui upositlon egg-laying contest for
ton of ensilage d.iily to feed August i. This Is the same
twelve cows each forty pounus !rank that the three college pens
u day, so that the silage should held at the time of the Jujy re
not have to be moved any fur- j)0rt Dut the leaders have in
ther than is necessary, creased their lead from 120 to
1173, while the Rocks have cut
HOW TO FEED DAIRY COWS .down the lead of their nearest
Many dairymen that wish to I competitors from 30 to J). These
feed liberally go down the line jure the ranks of the three Col
and give each cow a bucketfull 'lege pens among all breeds for
of grain whether she is giving (he entire term of contest to
ten or forty pounds of milk, date. Speaking of this phenom
writes R. R. Graves, head of the inal record the official report of
O. A. C. Dairy department, in the contest says: "Tiie pen or
this way the high producer is White Leghorns from the One
likely to suffer while the low gon College of Agriculture, also
producer gets more than she a pen of I3arred Rocks and one
needs, using the surplus to store produced t by a cross between
fat on the body. Every animal Leghorns 'and Plymouth Rocks,
should be fed according to what are three of the highest pens in
she produces. As general rule, the Egg Laying, Contest, They
if the cow fattens during the first , have ajl been bred according to
tvvp-thlrds of her lactation per- the methods used" by'Prdr'. James
lod she is gQtUl&tomuph feed. iDryden .at the', OYfegoii Agricul
If she in;ocWcpnnd fjillBlural College;- .levhas 'prped
.a great deal about breeding for
egg production as the result of
his many years of experimental
, work at the Oregon Agricultural
.College, and is to deliver an illus
itiated address during the week
'of the Panama-Pacific Poultry
Show on the selection of layers
and the result of his experiments
at the Oregon Station." The
crossbred hens still lead in indi
vidual term contest, and the- first
Eix places are all held by liens
;from Oregon, a Barred Rock of
;P. M. Sherman, Lebanon, being
jiicu wr ijiuu piace wun a record
,of 153 eutrs. the two ln.'wWu r
lA. C. crosses, having a record of
1 1 euun.
actually abimtloned bccmioo of
the Innblllty of the owners to
support their families and moot
the burden of taxes and Interest.
Farm hours wore long and hard,
not only for the fanners them
selves and their wives, but also
for the children who were old
enough to perform tho simplest
kinds of labor. The schools
wore small, ungraded, and poor,
ill-adapted to tho uocds of tho
people. Even the rural churches,
whoro there were any, wore un
Insplrntionnl, and offered Utile
relief from tho monotony of
country life. In a word, tho llfo
of the farmer was characterized
by constant, extreme physical
drudgery, and by Isolation and
"Is It any wonder, then, thnt
tho farmers themselves did not
desire that tholr Children should
follow In tho footsteps of tholr
paronts, but rather that thoy
should engage In any kind of
activity that might take them
away frojn the farm, with Its
narrow, uninviting, unprogres
slve prospects; that their ambi
tion was to have their sons and
daughter follow vocations In
which thero would bo a broader
outlook, fairer prospects, great
er happiness? Tho fact is that
the greater opportunities for ad
vancement found in city life,
whether In tho professions, In
business, In the trades, or even
in common labor, were the mag
netic forces which Irresistibility
drew tho farm youth cityward.
"Of course, the 'statements
Jrst made are not applicable
alike to all parts of tho country,
or to all people engaged In agri
cultural pursuits in any part of
the country, but unquestionably
such conditions did prevail gen
erally, and constituted tho main
reason for the tendency to leave
tho country for- city occupations."
family have gone to tho Springs.
They Intend to bo gone about a
Mrs. A. M. Urown was In Wal
torvllle on business Thursday.
Camp Creek, Ore.. Aug. 22.
Fanners In this vicinity aro
misy threshing their grain.
Dale Chase visited with rela
tives hero this week.
J. A. Crabtreo and J. K. Platts
were Eugene visitors this week.
Mr. amUMrs. W. R. Elliott and
Portland, Ore., August 20.
According to figures Just com
piled by tho Forest Service tho
Forest Supervisors connected
with tho Portland district, Issu
ed during the fiscal year ending
Juno 30, llllli, penults for 68!)
different special uses on the Nat
ional Forests of Oregon, Wash
ington and Alaska.
In tho National Forest Man
ual, special uses aro defined as
"all uses of National Forest
lands" anil resources permitted
by the Secretary of Agriculture,
except thoBo specifically provid
ed for In regulations covering
water powor, timber sales, tim
ber settlement tho free use of
timber ;uid grazing." Those
special uses aro many and var
ied. A glance at the list shows
such uses as boat-landings, resi
dences, log chutes, railroads,
dams, telephones, wagon roads,
dairies, camp sites, tlumcs, dit
ches, stores, schools, churches,
hotels, corrals, cabins, and tho
like. In the forests of Washing
ton are a few uses somewhat
unusual In nature, a water
trolley on the Chelan Forest, an
apiary on the Olympic, a IIbIi
hatchery on the Colvlllo, an aer
ial tram on tho Wenatchee For
est. In Oregon the special uses
are still dlfferont.-a slaughter
houso on tho Cascade, sign
boards on the Deschutes, a
brickkiln on the Milium, smelter
and stamp mill on the Siskiyou
and a cyanide plant on the Um
pqua. Of the number of penults
issued In Washington and Ore
gon for the year, 2(55 were free
and 170 charge permits. To
date, the Forest Service has Is
sued in this District (Oregon.
Washington and Alaska) 807
Hiuri'o nermlts and 10SS free
permits, all for special uses,
Ono of tho most recent uses
of tho National Forests Is that
under the Act of March l, llllfi,
i which authorizes the nonrotary
of Agriculture, upon such terms
im ho muy deem proper, to al
l'jw the occupancy of National
, Forest lands for any period not
.exceeding 30 yours where tho
lands aro to be used for Hum
mer homes, hotels, stores or
other structures needed for rec
reation or public convenience,
i the area used not to exceed f
acres. Prior to tho passago of
this act, permits of this nature
wore Issued but were revocable
at tho discretion of the depart
ment. Under tho now law, a
long term permit or leaso more
completely protects the Inter
ests of tho permittee. An ox
ample of this kind of special use
, Is to be round In T ID 8, H 7 E, on
tho Oregon National Forest, at
tho Junction of Still Creek and
Zigzag Rlvor, where thero Is
quite a summer colony. Tho
tract of land along those two
streams has been surveyed and
laid out In lots, varying In size
rrom (10x125 feet to 81x00 feet.
The1 permit tees have built their
homos and put In Improvements.
Tho Harlow road runs through
this tract, and It Is only three
hours' ride by automobile from
East Portland Is getting now
bank and business men's club
SalcmAug. 23. Old Fair
Grounds to bo paved uulcbs
some ono remonstrates.
Notlco In huroby glvon Hint tho
County Survoyor of Limo County,
OruKon Iiiih I) I ml In (ho Olllru, of tho
County Clork for until County, hla
"Curtlflcato of Completion" of work on
County Itonit No. CO, In nccordnnen
with Contrnct with Hoylntico f.iul Mm.
Hlngor, who luivn romjilulml unM work
ntul nny pornon, firm, or corporation
having olijoctloun to lllii, to tho com
plotlon of mild work nro hereby notl
flt'il to do no within two wooka from
tho iltttn of thin Notlco, In tlm ofllco
of tho County Clork.
Dated Auk- 7, in IB.
r.r 7.n County Clork.
Hade in Springfield
Patronize the Payroll of Your Home Town
House of Quality
Whore they serve Ice Cream,
Sundaes, and Ico Cold Drinks
and the celebrated Loganberry
Eggimann's Candy Kitchen
Oregon Agriculture ( ollege, j
Corvallis, Aug. 23. "The hIs-!
tory of agriculture in America ;
during the period under consid
eration leaves no doubt as to
; the cause of the mI"r,uion in
; this country from the farm to
the city," says President W. J.
Kerr of the Oregon Agricultural
College, speaking of tho rise of
agricultural education. ' Thro
ugh Wie wasteful, iinscii iitific
, methods of agriculture, mid the
j consequent impoverishrii "it of
soil fertility, there was a contin-
. . 1 ,1 ,,..T I ! . e
,14.11 uklui lui.iuuu iii lanu nrops
land depreciaton in tho value of
farm products. With rare ex
ceptions, farm proporitioH were
heavily mortgaged, while in
some sections -many farms yej;e
Springfield Bakery
Broad, Ple3, Cakes, Cookies, etc.
Wedding and Party Cakes a
S. Young, - Proprietor
Try is and bo convinced that it pays to
patronize homo Industries.
The Lane County News divided Its
expenditures last year, thus:
Supplies bought outHldo of Spring
field. Including paper and now
machinery 20.4 p. C.
SupplloH bought In Sprlngflold, In
cluding rent, otc 19.1 p. c.
Payroll, entirely in 8prlngfleld 60.5 p. c,
80 Spent, at, Home
Watch this space for
our next adv. : :
Springfield Planing Mill
Matiufacturorn or
Kxtonulon Tublcs, Drop Loaf 'rubles, Jlllronlc
fust TnbloB, Kltchan CnhluutH, Clipboards,
SufuH, Stop LiuMorH, Kruit Jloxou
Horry CrntoH, Folding Clothes KucUh.
For light, heat and power.
"Made In Springfield."
Oregon Power Co.
Another springflold -industry to
place their card in this space.