The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, August 23, 1915, Image 3

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To Htlll further Improve
our service, wo have In
itialled a night telephone
Tor tho henent of our cus
tomers who might bo In
need of medicine after
the regular IntnlnoBB
Day and Night Phono
JTr .rMiw.iici &axxy
I Tales of the Town :
Dan Gore made a trip up the
Willamette on bueslncBS yester
day. Nate Howe made a business
trip to McKcnzle river points
p o
Mrs. C. W. IlaiiHon and daugh
ter of Thurston were In Spring
Held today on business.
Mrs. W. II. Ward and two sons
of Independence arc vlatlng her
daughter, Mrs. William Gott.
Percy TyBon, an oiler at the
Booth-Kelly mill, waB off duty
all last week on account of a
severely sprained hack.
The W. C. T. U. will meet In
the M. ID. church Friday, AugiiBt
27 at 2:30, election of officers.
Bo sure and come. Light re
freshments will be served.
. Mrs. W. G. Spencer, who lives
on North Mill street,;and slater
Mrs. Mary E. Pattow of Goshen,
expect to leave Tuesday for
their old home In Ohio where
they will visit and
friends for about throe mnntin
The Empty Bowl
Tells the Story
The highest compliment that can be paid any food
is to eat It heartily to the last portion . 4ii
Every day there are hundreds of thousands of such
compliments paid to Post Toastios.
This wide appreciation encouraged the bettering of
this delightful food. And the result is
Post Toasties
. The Inner sweet meats of choicest Indian Corn are
skilfully cooked, daintily scasoied and toasted by a now
1 process tliiiV brings out aa wdndeVful "toastlo" corn
These flakes do not mush down when cream or milk
is added, but retain their body and crlspness. They como
to you ready to eat from the Fresh-sealed, duBt-proof,
germ-proof package as sweet and delicious as when
they leave the ovens.
New Post Toasties
The Superior Corn Flakes
YourgrocejtyhaB,tbom. now.
0. L. Parsons of Alpine was In
Springfield Friday. "" '
C. 6. Mulligan of Cobnrg was
In Springfield Saturday night.
Mrs. C, Miller Is moving to
day from Willamette Heights to
Filth and K streets. '
Miss Rcttu Smith and Miss
Madellno Hellls of Coburg spent
Sunday with Mrs. Emma Olson.
Horn On Thursday, August
10, 11)15,. to Mr. and MrB. Perry
Williams of near Dexter, a sop.
I ... (
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lyon ol
the Feed store spent Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Dave Sterling
of Cottage Grove.
,W. Klllani and wife Of Conrad,
Montana, woro In Springfield on
Saturday, and are seriously con
sidering locating on a farm near
hero. ,
Mrs. Laura Frnzer of Eugene
and Mrs. Baker of Cor vail Is
spent Sunday with their moth
er, Mrs. Walker, in Springfield
Thomas SlkcB and son Lowell
and Claud LaiiBbery returned
this morning from Oakridge at
which place they had been since
Born On Wednesday, August
9, 101C, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Carson of Marcola, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Carson,
Springfield, a son.
Supervisor A. I. O'Reilly, su
pervisor for the eastern 'portion
of Lane Conntv. reHiimod his
I work the first of last week for
the sessions of 1915-10.
L. E. Danks, night fireman at
the Oregon Power Co.'s plant,
1 1 i j 1. 1.. ,
leu huh iiiuruuiK uu inn vuuui-
lon. A. F. Ilerrlck o'f the day
trick, takes his place, and Chief
Engineer McCulloch will take
care of Mr. Ilerrick's shift.
Miss Lillian Gorrle, city treas
urer, and Miss Florence Coflln,
of the First National bank, left
this morning for San Francis
co to see the fair. They have
friends at a number of points on
the road, and in vlBltng them,
will bo able to travel days for
the whole trip. They expect to
bo cone a connln of weeks.
Social Notes
The G. TV club held another I The Knights and Ladles of Se
en joyable fcaBt on Uus bar below eUrlty will give an Invitation
Emorald HclghlB Thursday dance at the ReapcrHhall Thurs
cvcnlng, where the gOd supper jdny evening. Special arrangc
ls prepared In camp flic style. ments have been made for the
t jcjo who emoyed inc least
were the MIbbcs Jessie Vyaiuer,
Grace Walker, Lacy CopenhaV
ei. Estella Martin. Helen Bnrk-
man, Myrtle Copcnhavcr, Ednalgenc power plant in honor of
Swarls, Olive Smith, Anna
Young, Florence Coffin, Ella
Young,Allcc KCBter. Tho guests
of (he elub were Marian Harper
and Miss Ohlsen from Eugene.
iucmucrs oi uio ucuaKau
grco team were given an oo fln8 of Spr,n6fled Lee Camp
eream treilt by .1. L. btaulger on Hcl utl(1 wife who ure hcre fronl
Friday cvnlng after practice. Kansas, Claud Campbell and
j family of the power plant, Ar
The Epworth League gave a thur Campbell and family of
most enjoyable Ice cream social iWaltervlle, L. D. Forrest and
on the lawn at the city park on family of Eugene, Mrs. J. H.
Saturday evening, and cleared a Yates of Eugene, Carl Wyman
very satisfactory sum for the and family of Springfield, Glen
benefit of the league. The pro-j Anderson and family of Sprlng
uram wns especially good. field.
Mill street was given another
coat of oil last Friday.
C. J. Smith of Portland was
in Springfield Saturday on busi
ness. . Arl Sneed .returned Krito
...til. r.Un Ac o VMn I
Willi uv ,wt
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McCracken j
and daugnter, auss L.coia, re
turned Friday from an outing at
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cox went to
Landax Friday to attend the
funeral services of the late Mrs.
Louisa Scott.
Jack Rldemon of Philomath.
Oregon, registered at Spring
field hotel last night, and went
on to Foley Springs this morning.
i t. nrnwnfnt? nml fnmilv of'of money, taken from her nurse
Enterprlse. Oregon, traveling by
auto to Klamath Falls and the
San Francisco fair, registered
at the Elite Saturday night,
B. C. Martin, formerlv or , No assessments: no membership intertwined -with joys and sor
Sprlngfield, was down from Mar- fee. Pay once and you are done, rows alike. It Is a tale of stead
cola Saturday nlcht to ko to n u rn,. i. nu.. n fast love and bitter hatred: of
fVio Qiirlmrflnld KIltH Stlllllnv.
f o i
nnrnrdor nnd Mrs. Herbert E
San Francisco where they had
1 cen vlsting the exposition. They
.tioltn.l nlnn til nfUnt Po 1 1 f rr1 Ifl
t lillVll (HOW VILU-i WV..W. ...M. .
cites while on their trip.
0 9
Mr. and Mrs. Al Montgomery
; returned Saturday from a trip of
two weeks to Belknap and Foley
I Swings nnd McKenzie Bridge,
i Their daughter, Mrs. Herbert
Smeed of Waltorvllle, and Mr.
Smecd, went with them.
Repairs are being made to the
refuse burner of the Booth-Kelly
mill, and In the meantime sur
plus refuse is being burned on
the open tract north of the retail
Several furrows were
around the burning -
so the fires could not
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Klntzley of,
in .i miua., iftnt.inv
I iH V1 ttiit 4uiivvi4 maivjj -
of Portland, all former resldentslBoldatareduc
nf Rnr nirfiPlfl. visited Snturdavit wuuter cc noiurooKH.
night with Mr. and Mrs. J. p. advantage of the sale prices to you studied at scnooi, our. m
Frv Thevleft Sundav momlnu do your wa papering. stead a clear and easj way or
i ry . A ncX ,eAr "aa5 Vilb I J i - llonrninc to sneak and write cor-
ini i iiiiiiTi i t ii ! i in mill . . i - - i-J
. ..t., lZ.. i t
louse, wabuuigiuu, uu uutuim
and pleasure.
Repairs at the Wendlinginill
or tne uooin-ieuy company are
nearly completed, and it is ex -
pected that the mill will be ready
to resume operations the first of
September. It has been closed
since July 15. A new dam has
been constructed for the mill
pond and general repairs have
been made to the machinery.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Fitzgerald.
Floy Collins, Miss Bessie Snon -
a au ill n r f " linnA mwl nmiuinc
wi, yjiniwvx: v",oc " "?'"a
Marviir and Chester
i Chase returned rrom viua
Thursday whero they had been
eiuuwniB vm iui, u
U 8U"B '7'" y ir f i
Mrs. Young and family returned
home Friday. !
. . I
Work of constructing new;
furnaces for two of the boilers,1
at tllO plant Of thO OregOll P0W- with' local treutnient. pronounced It Incur
nt. Pn will horrin tho miilflln nf Ohio. Science lias proven Catarrh to ho a
0t CO. Will poglll IIIO lllllUUO Ol i constitutional disease, nnd therefore re
the Week, and Will bO Completed iulres constitutional treatment. Hall's
early in September. With the Wa.TSWuVl.iy
new furnaces It will be possible VV-oM
tO get greater ServiCO from thO blood and mucoua surfaces of tho system.
boilers, and tho additional steam 7ahiyu0?SW ire'resend,forr8ci?,ra
will be needed In a few months ,inArtd?SUcHnNKr & ca. roMo. o.
when tho day power load over- bom ty Dri.Ki.t.. no.
laps the night lighting load. 1 Tk "' ramll, p,lta for """tliloa-
liA most enjoyable family pic
nic was held Sunday at the Eu-
Koiiert is. campbqy. There were
23 of his relatives present to cn-
ipy uic miy in me open, and uo
justice to the bountiful dinner
and supper that were served.
Those In attendance wcre Rob
ert E. Campbell, his daughter,
u-;Mrs. I. E. Stevens and Mr. Stcv
Hall for cheaper soles andlotnntlv recelvlnrr reinforcement
your suit
measure at Jenkins'
a. b mm m
Henry Korf and family spent ,
jFrlday at Uj. FH. hatehery for
luiss avis i nompson visueu tDU
at the W. l.y Wallace home inland mystery flow.
TCitrwno voclorilnv
i monster that Is suckling the vl
2200 all-wool, up-to-date tallty of the terrestlal world has
fabrics to choose from at Jen-lbeen openly defied and crushed:
kins' Place, Fourth Street. t In others It still makes its lair
, with impunty, insolently gorging
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Drury and itself upon the very lifeblood of
eon leave tomorrow for a camp- the community. It is the
lng trip on the McKenzIe. j Truth: It Is a fact: a fact,
t i ' ! fp. t the ramifications of which are
Johnson's Best Flour $1.45 ln(ieed "stranger than fiction."
per sack or $5.60 per bbl. at the Thus: "Prohibition," dealing
Feed Store. Can You Beat It? a8 It does with a series of those
t, ! heart breaking facts takes one
Mrs. Rebhan lost a small sum rfnr.o nvor th wird trails
while she was bathing in the
river Friday. Small boys are
, . ,
uood reliable fire Insurance,
J,. -When In Eugene don't fail
When in Knerpno don't, fail
10 see tne Gloving lecture Baby
IC!ringfield babies are shown in
' .
Mrs. A. m. Kicliardson ar
rived last evening from Richard
son, on tne bmsiaw, to visit at
the home of her son, Emery
The Springfield-Eugene road
nlnnrr fl,o Pnlmor hrothorc linn
yard was given another coat of
oil last week to keep the dust !
from spoilm" tne' hops
Will Sheppard,
lesidcnt of Springfield, now
Lebanon, after spending a short
j time at the home of his sister,
Mrs. E. A. Bean, leaves tonight i
Mrs. E. A. Bean, leaves tonight- v ci, ntt writo Ena
fnrPnmi Pniifnmin Do You Speak and Write tng-
a si
All wall papers, from now
until the stock is gone (except
oatmeals nnd moiresi will be
n i... x ji x
i ouve inuney uy iruuiHg ui
the Feed
our stock is
prices are lower. We are equip-
i i fc i i
ped now to do any kind of Feed
.nrindinc. Rollintr and Cleaninrr.
Grinding, Rolling and Cleaning.
We can make your chicken feed
and cow feed to order. A trial
will prove our work superior.
O. B. Kessey of the Commer
cial State bank, and his family,
and Harry Whitney and family
went to Sutherlln Saturday af -
a -
i h t b havl to back.
track mid take another road at
one point where the rangers
,,,.. ,,... liniBh nion e the
road Ml. hltney vl8,te-d his
,notler nml lis slster anll Mr.
Kersey visited friends.
There la more Calnrrli In this section of
the country tlinn all other diseases put
together, nml until tho lost few years
was supposed to be Incurable. For a
preat many years uooiors proiiounceu u u
nnnl fltninRrt ntiil nretierlbetl local renie
In Order to Reduce My Stock of of Suits I yH Give
! A 20 Discount "
Oh any Suit in the store. That means a saving of
$3.50 to $5 on a Suit. Worth saving, isn't it? Come
in and sec if you can find anything that will fit you.
Wk also have
Gloves for H6ppickiig-Ladies and'
C. E. Sales, Toggery
Not a Sermon or a Lecture. :
The picture, "Prohibition,"!
which comes to the Bell theatre I
Springfield on Tuesday, Septem-1
ber 7, before It Is shown In Eu-.
gene, Is based upon a series of ,
appalling facts. It Is true to life, j
The very old adage that "Truth
Is atraneer than fiction" Is con-;
jin experience: "There is noth-j
tntr now mulni- tha otin " Tiffin '
l.,V.miCoJ?'cannot conceive anything that,
t OUrtll bt.t,v,a nnt nlronHv n hncls In tnot- I
. . . m i m
, "andX" "hate-
j Submarines. Truth is the great
nn,i thnoinrii tho stlrrincr mvster-
ies 0f tmth. It is not a sermon,
not a iecture, but the unfolding
Qf the storj' of the lives or a lew
.unfortunate or blessed as their
cgg may be. whose lives are
. ' . ' i. -
, " ura it ,c rv
tnmic witn
a tnroooing mat oiuy ceuaca
with the end.
Woodburn will vote on $40,000
high school bond issue.
Bend Brooks-Scanion
b conipany 0f Minneapolis, will
rnni 1 'mm on .Deschutes
jriver near here t0 employ 300 f
nn cin,
1 Rth Grocery CO., Salpill, Will .
.erectlSO ;,000 bnck. twotojy.
continues to fight permanent
Ihierhwav construction as con-
.1 i .1 1... irnlliinninli nnilWfV
..GOOD tNULi&n
lish Correctly
By Our method .vre Jchgood
English in a clear, practical ana
, . , TVTf fi T"V
Everyone would profit
:ourse of study. Thou
L" , , lir0o of ctndv. Thou
u' ro' : "
sands need It more than they
J"" w v" Z't 7t T"ni
! llsh. wnat . you .Av.ant:. i! 1 lw"
teach you to put in words just
what you mean. It will teacn
you how to use the Dictionary.
Something very few persons
know how to use even college
graduates. Let me send you
our "Booklet" .telling all about
this good English for every one
uf iavn whin c- mid vou will
for 'it.
A . I'.
A. E. CHAMBERS, Manager
International Correspondence
Schools, 897, Willamette St
ugene, uibu.
Eighth Grndo Exaxminatlons will bo
hclil In Eugene, Springfield anil Cot
tngo Grovo on Thursday and Friday,
September 2 and 3, 1915, according to
the following schedulo, for working off
conditions or taking tho examination
In full. Applicants should report to
tho local school superintendent for in.
Thursday: Arithmetic, Writing", Lan
ffuege, Agriculture, Spelling.
Friday: Physiology, History, Geog
raphy, Civics and Reading.
County School Superintendent.
a full line of
Printed at
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Winted, Etc.
x?rtr o at t? nn rrn k rin -nt
six room bungalow ton im
proved lot 50x150, trees, out
side city limits, city water,,
sewerage, wired for electric
lights, one block from mac
adam street. Will trade for
Springfield property. Address
E. R. Spencer, Cottage Grove
FOUND Belt knife in sheath.
Call at this office, describe
property and pay for this adv.
and take knife. 48
FOUND Curry comb and brush
Call at this office.
Anna H. Uhl, 1798 Columbia
Ave, Eugene. Phone 838-J.
Hours 7 to 9 a. m. and 6 to 10
p. m. th54 t4
FOR SALJ3 Peaches, Early
Charlotte, "an improved early
Crawford" variety. Upland
grown so best flavor. Price
75 cents per bushel delivered,
50 cents at orchard one mile
north, of Springfield. Bring
box. Phone 768-L, Eugene.
F. G. Young.
NOTICE Hop Pickers start
picking hops in the Campbell
Walker yard, Monday August
23. Palmer Bros, It
FOUND Sunday Aug. 22, lady's;
hand-bag. Owner can have
same by proving property and.
paying for this notice.
FOR SALE At rock bottom
price. Close in property in
Springfield, Ore,, on C street
between 6th and 7th streets,
50x119 feet. Small house,
good sized barn and - wagon
shed. City water and sewer
system in and paid for. Title
perfect. The above property
for $500 if sold soon. Terms
$250 down balance one year
at G per cent. I paid over $700
for this property over two
years ago. ' Address, J. O.
Richmond, Newport, Oregon.
Notice of Eighth Grade Exam
ination To whom it may concern:
There will be a special Eighth
grade examination held in the
Lincoln school building, Spring
field, Sept. 2nd and 3rd.
68-59 Clerk.