The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, August 23, 1915, Image 1

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    0r?, notorial Soe,
Continuing tho Sprlngflold and Lano County Star, Which Woro Consolidated February 10, 1914
Rnloryl KtSritttrir J. inl.H tritiiliM ,l)r priiii. Miecomt
clH mUr uuiUmetnl Cnngra of M nrjti, Ib'u
Mombora from Dlotrlot to Mako
Mnko Morry' at Walkor's
Grovo, Woat Springfield,
Program of Sports.
Springfield members of tho
Odd Follows nnd Robeknhs nro
making grout plana for tho pic
nic which Ih to ho hold in Wnlk
or'H grovo, WoHt Springfield on
.next Thursday. Largo numbcra
of tho members of tho order arc
expected to attend from 'Eu
gene, Springfield, Coburg, Go
ahen and other points in tho dis
trict. Tho picnickers nro expected
to assemble in tho morning in
time for the big banket diner at
There will bo no formal pro
' ' . ...
J. P. Fry has on dis
play at hla real estate
office some line onions
raised by P. M. Emery on
Ida place a mile and a
half east of Springfield.
Four of tho onions weigh
over 5 pounds, and ono of
them was 14 Inches In
sorvlcea were directed by Hev.
M. F. Chllds of tho West Spring
field church, and lie was ably as
sisted in various services by Itev.
II. J. Blair, and Hev. 11. C.Ethell
of Springfield.
Tho freight crow handling the
Konoral freight, btisllness on the
Wondllng branch, and also the
bringing of logs to Springfield
from Coburg and Landax, Is
putting In long hours these dayn
i Thursday evcnlnc tliev did not
gram excopt a number of nth-Bet n, from tandnx until nearly
letlc contests, which were an- r, o'clock, and Saturday cvenlnc
. nounced today by Henry Korf of ( wu8 9:50 whcn tney arrivcdi
the committee. Following is thtyn,0 crew arrives from Eugene
KChedulo: Inf. n-nn n. in. mid litis to mnlrn n
Tho Commission having
chnrgo of tho Springfield public
camping ground for auto tour
ists, and the publicity committee
have had signs painted advertis
ing the Springfield camping
ground, and arc having them put
In place. One was placed at
Judklns Point this morning and
one will be placed at McVey
point right away. Other signs
have been' provided to be erected
xt Hoseburg, at Ashland and at
Drain. Dan Gore leaves later
this week for Sisters, to place
a Bign at the forks of the Cen
tral Oregon and the McKenzIe
roads. ,
Despite the lack of road Blgns,
the camping ground has had Its
visitors almost daily since it was
opened last week. There have
been two parties here at noons
Sheriff Parker, who Is now
tax collector under the new law,
lias received detailed Instruc
tions from the state tax commis
sion as to this year's collections
under the now statute, which
Is now in effect. According to
the statement received from the
tax commiHson, the sheriff Is to
make Ids annual statement and
tax return, and also to proceed
to collect delinquent-taxes on
or immediately after October
1915, instead of September 1,
as heretofore. The sheriff Is
also instructed by the commis
sion as follows:
Vital Points Given
"Where one-half of the 1914
taxes on any property was paid
before April 1, 1915, the second
half may be paid any time before
October 1, 1915, without penal-
cation whatever to taxes charg
ed on" tax rolls of the year 1914.
Said section will become effec
tive in 1910, and apply to tho
payment of taxes to be charged
on the 1915 rolls."
Baseball,, Leans vs. Fats
' trip to Coburg, ono to Landax,
that did not register, and some ty or Interest; If the second half
of those hero for a night have is not so paid it will become de-
gone on without registering, nnquent on October 1, and be
Those registering since Thurs- then subject to a penalty of 10
Gold Hill Ilogue .River Pub
lie Service Corporation prepar
ing to resume work on plant
The first mile of hard-surfac
ed road built to Coos County
within 30 days and a $370000
bond issue is proposed.
Hood River plans county flow
er planting campaign.
Halfway Water bond issue
of $20,00 voted on Aug. 17.
Baker will put streamer lights
on Its principal streets.
Medford is promised a $600,
000 sugar beet factory in time
for the crop of 1916.
Marshfield The Courtney
Mill which has been idle for
some time has been reconstruct
ed and made ready for cutting
lumber. At the present time the
owners are negotiating for a
contract for 5,000 ready-to-erect
Eugene Municipal water
commission would -raise rates
for water used by city to keep
rates down for consumers. That
50-yard race, boys under 15. ;anU ono to wendllnu durinir the day were Mr. and Mrs. Edward per cent and interest at the rate : 18 spnerai result or pudhc own-
100-yard race, free for all.
50-yard race, girls under 15.
Potato race.
50-yard race, ladles only.
Sack race.
Tug of war between teams
chosen from tho crowd.
- t i t i . i
.in,, iwt,i r Hamuli anil Mr. am! Mrn. of 12 ner rant tim- annum frnm ,ersiup, 10 maite taxpayers meet
UHJi MliOIUVa Mlill 41 lWi I.IWJI UL X - - .
ti. ti i 1 i 'Prathor and MIrh Maine Prather said date. ideficits caused by supplying con
WV Oil HUillllg) 111 IIIU lULili J (it AO ' r
jof Buena Vista, Oregon, and Mr. ! I "Where
Burlington Sooks Car and
Bridgo Matorial from Mills
v of tho Northwost
I "Wherfi ono-lialf ivjir nnt nnld
I r V- Q , mr8, l,8tcr anu'Mr JJr0TO before April 1, 1915, a penalty
L-OW Fare For O. and child on Portland. '0f one per cent for each calen-
PD' ' j. C1J 'dar month or part thereof, on
.. riCniC at Oalem 'FINISH PICKING EARLY HOPS fhe total amount nnnakl anrn-
, , , , , 'niulates during the period begin-
Picking of the early hops at , April 1 and ending August
the. John Scavey yard, southeast hi, 1D1C For illustration, if a
H.jai... wuu,. l, aa chaiFged on. the roll
day, and will be celebrated by totala $100 and the full amount
A round-trip rate, of $1 from
Eugene to Salem has been made
for tho annual Southern Pacific
employes picnic, which will bo
;hpld on tho Stato Fair grounds!
sumers below cost.
Says Springfield's
t Future is Bright
.Wednesday of this week. The I picking of the late hops will be
Portland, Aug. 20. -Portlnnd
lumber manufacturers are keen
ly Interested lnjtlie invitation of
the Burlington railroad system
for bids on 20,000,000 feet of
.i... uv. w. .w. . employes nnd their friends will
bridge timbers, In both common gnlem ,W8 nrra d to Ive
and clear grades. It is under- gcore Qf flno izc8 Q hQ CQm
alood that the order will be , . . fnp nt Ml(1
1 O.. ....!.... ...! I, ...III,'" "v "..v..
MUUUll OULUIUilJ' , UIIU lllill. 11. Mi 111
A. A. Sawyer and Charles F
Brown, two attorneys of Oak-
lfinri Onllfnnitn wuro In Rnrintr-
the first dance tonight. There l( ,n the monlll of August, field last week on an automobile
were 300 pickers engaged. The ' u c ,r j'-i i u
train will leave Eugeno at 7:00
o'cloQk in the morning, and re
turn into in 'the evening. A
lnrt'n tmmlini nt flw. Inonl H
call for deliveries at mills, the.
railroad company to attend to
tho transporting from mills over
connecting lines or over the
lines of its ally, the Northern
gin In about ten days.
to be added thereto. These cu-
imulatlve penalties are not to be
considerable time in looking ov
!er Springfield and its environs.
J collected on or after September, To Atty. J. C. Mullen they de-
'1, 1915, being superseded on i clared that Springfield seemed
Hurt Imperially When Thrown
Out of Buggy Daughter'Also'
Hurt Internally When Thrown
by Automobile.
Mrs. Ella Farnham died at her
home at Walterville this after
noon at three o'clock.
The planer department of the taxes.
DEER ON THEIR TRIP m tno "lor'dnS ad continues
until 7 in the evening.
Tho hunting party consist-1
ing of M. M. Poory, Dr. W. C. 1
ON A 111-HOUR SHIFT that date by the penalties andlto be the busiest town they had
interest applicable to delinquent visited on their trip. Especially
were they impressed by the
prospects for future growth of
Springfield. Its location in re
lation to present and future rail
road development, gives promise
of the growth here of a city of
commanding importance.
Uooth-Kelly mill began Friday
morning running on a 12-hour
(shift. Work begins at G o'clock
Pacific, to its own system points ;iiobhan, Jess Seavoy and Welby Jr
5 I
of distribution. Stevens returned Saturday,
Considering the low prices from southern Oregon where
prevailing, it Is believed tho Dur-j t hoy had been hunting since;
lington will get extremely low , tho opening of the hunting sea-i
quotations from the large num- son. They secured seven fine , . n of Knrlmrfipid hnvhonnod !
ner Ol muiliuuciurura m wiub"" uvvv iuiiuiib uiuui, n oft whf.h worn cnrvn.l
Subject to Panaity
"Where one-half of' the 1914
taxes on any property was not
paid before April 1, 1915, the en
tire amount unpaid will become
delinquent- on September 1,
1915, and be then subject to a
penalty of 10 per cent and inter
est at rate of 12 per cent per an
num. For instance, the taxes as
originally charged on a certain
Messrs. S warts and Wash-1 property amount to $100; If paid
Carve the Bucks
and Washington Invited to par
ticipate in filling tho order for
tho 20,000,000 foot, which will
require approximately 1,000
cars for carrying tho lumber,
nnd bring hi a revenue of about
$250,000 to tho participating
Camp meetings that havo
.been In progress for tho past ton
days In West Springfield, under
to tho 500 or more members of
the B. P. O, Elks at their annual
high jinks on Row river near
Preparations are going for- Cottnge Grove Sunday. Mr.
ward for tho picnic of tho local Swnrts attended as a guest of
grange, which is to be held at thc order- Members of tho Eu
tho McUeo grove, one-half milo Bono lodge, who went from
south of the" Maple schooj, on Springfield Included II. W. Stew
Saturday, August 28. Arrange- urt' James Stewart, B. A. Wash
ments will bo made for taking burne' James Laxton, George
town members to the grounds. jVallior, M. M. Peery, Al. Perkins,
: 1 !B. Wilmot, W. L. McCulloch, A.
Lexington taking bids on two-; M. Beaver, I. D. Larimer, M. C.
tho auspices of tho Froo Motho-, story $14,000 brick schoolhouse. 'Bressler, C. F. Eggimann, J. J.
dist church, canio to a success- Oregon City Is considering six i Bryan, and J. E. Cross.
ftit end Saturday ovonlng. The more streets.
jin full on September 15, 1915,
the total amount required would
be $110.50, a penalty of 10 per
cent ($10) and interest at the
rate of 12 per cent per annum
for 15 days (50c) being added
to tho original tax.
'ISection 1 of Chapter 158,
Laws of 1915, amending section
36S2, Lord's Oregon Laws, and
providing in part' that 'the first
half of all taxes legally levied
and charged shall be paid on or
before the fifth day of April fol
lowing, and the second half on
or before the fifth day of Oc
tober following.' has no appll-
County Assessor Keehey Disre
gards Suggestion of Ap
praisement ot $2.50 an Acre.
latUo revival of tlia brass
llnocUor. It's tho undent touch
of aristocracy. All our liardwaro
Is popular bocauso It snows its
suuorlorltv ovor other Ulnils." A
wide varlotv of ovorything con-
colrnulo, usoful and ornamontul
in hanlwaro; nt nrlcos that will
stunt comparison to our ovor
lusting crodlt.
Our builders' hardware ia
complete from door bolla to
hliiKos and locks. Seo our lino
before ordering elsewhere.
Beaver-Herndon Hardware Company
The Oregon and California
lands in Lane county have been
placed upon the assessment rolls
at valuations of from $5 to $20
the total appraisement amount
ing to $3,350,000, by County
Assessor B. F. Keeney, disre
garding the recent ruling of the
supreme court of the United
States, which held that tho
Southern Pacific Railroad com
pany's interest in this land
amounted to $2.50 per acre.
"Whether we have a right to
assess these laids, only for the
amount of tho railroad two and
one-Iialf dollars per acre equity,
or whether we have a right to
assess it at all, is a matter for
the board of equalization to de
termine," he said. "This land is
assessed at virtually the same
figure as last year."
Assessor Keeney stated that
tho total assessment this year of
all property in tho county was
not known, but he believes it will
lie approximately the same as in
"Tho tax toll In Lano county
will jidt show mucjli ,,of .'a
Mrs. Joseph Farnham of Wal
terville sustained what are prob
ably fatal injures when she was
thrown from her buggy a half
mile this side of "Walterville at
noon Thursday. She has not re
covered consciousness, and her
death is expected momentarily.
While hurrying to her sister's
side, Thursday night, Mrs. Bullls
of Corvallis, and her husband,
were thrown from their automo
bile at the Cogswell hill, this
side of Hendricks' brdge, and
painfully, though not seriously,
Mrs. Farnham, who is nearly
GO years of age, .was driving
from Walterville, where . her
daughter is postmistress, and
met an autotruck in the road.
The truck drew to one side and
Mrs. Farnham drove by on the
other side, and after she had
fully passed her horse whirled
uddenly, overturning the rig
and throwing Mrs. Farnham out
on her head, breaking her col
lar bone and causing other in
terna) injuries. She was, taken,
to her home near the "Eugene"
power plant and Dr. Trayer of
Walterville summoned. Tele
grams were at once dispatched
to her sister in Corvallis, a
daughter in California, and her
son Emmett Farnham, who was
in eastern Washington. He ar
rived Friday morning and his
sister that evening.
When Mrs. Farnham did not
.respond to treatment Friday,
Eugene physicians were called
in consultation.
bp'en a reduction in some cases
and an increase in others. All
in all, I think it will about even
The 1915 tax rolls were open
ed at the assessor's office for in
spection today. Taxpayers can
examine the rolls at any time be
fore the meeting of the board of
equalization, September 13. It
will not be necessary to take
complaints to the board, if cor
rections can be made by the as
The matter of the assessment
of the O. & C. lands, it is under
stood, has been taken up with
the attorney general by the state
tax commission. No action on
the part of the railroad, suggest
ing any step in connection with
the manner in which the land is
to be assesed is expected, as
such action might have some
bearing on the legal statute of
the land, title to which has long
been in dispute. Guard.
W ' change,''-, he said.-' ; "There Jias;
Linn County clover seed in
dustry yielding 8 bushels to tho
Portland The Willamette
Iron and Steel works employing
day and night shifts. . . f.
St. Helens Columbia mver
Cannery is running steady on
Donald will improve 10,000
feet of streets. t '
Thq manufacture of pepper
mint oil in Linn countsunder
way. v"!V!
Pleasant JIin-e Baptist
church idjdlcjgedre,