fp m Jenkins Suit House ss Cleaning' Works 3. si 9 .F I f X JJ if ;c s X ! -I 2 Announces, the arrival of 2200 all-wool fabrics for fall and winter Suits and Overcoats. Made-to-measure garments at prices that will wipe Eugene off the map. Telephone for .appointment for taking your measure at any time. The prices are from $1Q to $4QjQ0. eiephones 75-J; 75-M Font til S t. Just Off of Man dCHE JLA3SIE COUNTY NEWS tWi A. DILL Editor and - Manager Publisaed'.EyeryMonday.and Thursday by the Lane County.Pub- Usbing Association. ggne Year RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. . Jt.60 SixyMonths - - .75 Threo Months Advertising Rates Furnished on Application. ..6u Member of the State. Editorial Association. Member of the Willamette Valley Editorial Association. And Remember to Get a Stop-Over for Springfield. .SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1915 OF COURSE WE COULD DO IT. The Springfield spirit is not dead. The Go Getters are not forgotten. Pep, snap, and ginger of former days sparkled in' the fine community effort to provide in Springfield a suitable camping ground for travelling autoists. Less than a week .ago the plan took form. Monday one of the local organiza tions offered its rooms for a meeting, and a lot of personal solicitation, added to the call published Monday in The News brought out a fine representative crowd Tuesday evening. Wednesday morning the work was under way, and before noon the first tourist had been captured and welcomed as the guest of Springfield. Snap and ginger characterized the printing of handbills for use on the main highway until proper signs could be painted and erected. The news is going fprward that Springfield offers ac commodations to the traveller accomodations that are su perior, and worth making an effort to reach. Three parties the first night is just a beginning. The news will be spread to the north and to the south and to the east and the west. Others will hear of Springfield and will be her guests. Treat them right and they will send others. The measure of the success of the plan is the measure of public Interest in the comfort and welfare of the travelers. The particularly pleasing thing about the whole project is the spirit ,of co-operation in which the work is being ac complished. Citizens with a little spare time, and citizens who have to take a few .moments from nn already busy day have joined in the work of making the needed preparations. All of the .details have been grasped at once, and as soon as a feas ible detail .is suggested, it has been put Into execution. The effort and .the spirit that prompts it are splendid. And right here we want to pay a tribute to the man who has made possible the plan in many of its desirable features. Mr. Simon Klovdahl of Eugene is a man. lie is a big, broad man. The property, use of which he has donated, Is in litiga tion at this time over a sidewalk assessment. Mr. Klovdahl objected to the amount of the assessment and declined to pay It, saying he would depend upon the action of the courts. The case Is now in the state supreme court, but Mr. Klovdahl, instead of being resentful at his lack of success In the lower court, offers the property, rent-free, for the benefit of the community. Mr. Klovdahl is a gentleman, and he has the hearty appreciation of the citizens of Springfield. m 10 Days Stopover at iSan-Francisco and 10 DAYS AT LOS, ANGELES are allowed on all tickets to the East. This will enable you to see the two wonderful .world Expositions without loss or time or extra expense. Scenery enroute is unsurpassed. Every mile protected by Block Signals. Four fine trains each way daily Portland to San Francisco, making connections for the South and' East. Let; us fjend you our illustrated folders, "Wayside otes," and ' California and Its Two Expositions." SOUTHERN PACIFIC and an itinerary of your trip, or yqu may address pur local agent will te glad to give you lull information .;John M.-Scott, -General Passenger AgentMPortland, Ore. DO YOU KNOW That there are irrigated lands In every county in Oregon with two exceptions? That there are interesting Irrigation projects at West Stayton, Brownsville and near Medford, and that others are contemplated in the vicinity of Roseburg? . That about 50 per cent of all farms in Eastern Oregon are wholly or in part irrigated? That about 50 per cent of the tillable land In Eastern Oregon requires irrigation to produce "paying crops? That there are only two "Carey Act" projects in the state now selling land? That Oregon is the only state In the union that has appropriated funds and completed an irrigation project? That raw land, with full water right, can be purchased at $40 an acre, 10 years' time? That irrigated land makes alfalfa, alfalfa makes hogs, and hogs make money? That some of Oregon's irrigated lands produce more corn per acre than do lands in Iowa? That east of the Cascade range there are hundreds of thousands of acres of lands where water, sunshine and sqil await capital for creating a gre at trade center for Portland? Portland Chamber of Commerce News. There does not appear to have been any mad rush to put into effect The News' suggestion of Monday that Springfield bond itself for half a million or so In order to encourage the Southern Pacific to finish .the Natron cutoff. That might be going a little strong, still, the only way for a community to get anything is to go after it with inducements. Start a Bank Account on ONE nnd ww . Watch it DOLLAR crow First National Bank Will furnish to everyone who will become a depositor to the amount of one dollar or more, a handsomo Home Savings Bank to use. You are Invited tocall and ask for one of these safes, n you are already a depositor you are entitled to one to Use. ' Very lew people can save In large amounts. If you wait 1 until you can deposit a large amount you may never begin. Everyone can save In a small way. He who drifts Into the hitblt of spending ns he goes will always remain poor. The Bank Keeps the Key This Homo Savings Hunk Is loaned to you froo of charge. One dollar of your account is to bo held to insure Its return; 1 but remember this dollar belongs to you; can bo drawn by you at uny tlmu on return of thu Sufo. est groceries For Less Money The merry whistle of the thresher calling the husband man to his labor can be heard at four thirty these mornings If you are up in time. And to think that a man is not safe in Georgia, even when behind bars and the ward of the state! For shame, Georgia! MIS PLAN OFC IQEVELOPHT By MORRIS J. DURYEA It Is a common practice for mun- Ing timber and thousands upon thou- Idealities to bond themselves for civic Bands of undeveloped horsepower, improvements and to provide funds these great and potent factors in tho for sites and bonuses to induce new commercial, industrial and agrlcul industries to locate within the city. 'turul progress of tho State, to glvo Seldom, if over, has a city bonded much thought to tho wealth of ro- itself for the purpose of changing the sources the Stato has in Its wonderful entire course of Its history and mak ing ltsolf over Into a new kind of town, A city in tho Southern part of Oregon, tho City of Ashland, is tho first city In the country, it la be lieved, to do tills remarkable thing, Tho interesting feature of what is being done by this Oregon city is the incidental development of n, great nat-. ural resource of the State itself. The people of Oregou have been too busy thinking about their rich heri tage In the way ,of, millions of. acres of fortilo soil, billions of feet of stand? ucenery and abundance of healing waters. Tons of llteraturo, proclaim ing jtho advantages, tho State pos sesses for tho lioniesoekor and inves tor, havo been sent broadcast over tho World, Only In tho past few years have wo begun to lay mucli Btreas on the advantages the State offers the tourist and .sightseer, and to se forth in our, llteraturo tho fact Oregon in tho peer and equal of any state in the Union in tho variety and ggijdc,ur of Us scenic, attractions., Wo (Continued on Pago ) The Fifth Street Grocery1 Thos. Sikes, Prop. Phone 22 OUR GROCERIES aro famous for quality and : wo savo you money on i what you buy here. Wo ' sell Dependable Coffees and Teas and everything else Is ' dependable which, wo sell. ' Nice & Miller Op Commercial State Bank Phono 9 W YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED THE SPRINGFIELD CREAMERY Chas. Barkman, ManagOr. Try ub and be convinced that It pays to patronize home Industries. Office In City Hall, Springfield, Ore. HERBERT E. WALKER ): notary J. Hf BOWER Lawyor. tWono4J221 i . ewc ... . 831(.WIIIametta;8t. Eugene, Oregon