lYou Need Tailoring that combines fair prices jivtth good workmanship pnd serviceable fabrics. SVou need a tailor "whose taste and skill you can clepend on. k-E Anderson & Co. Tailors-Chicago are the makers of de pendable tailoring. The up-to-dateness of their garments show both skill and taste. lTie Tailoring You Need" AMPTO WOOD WASTE IS , BEING UTILIZED Portland, Ore, July 25. Since the Inauguration of its wood Waste Exchange, on April 1 15 Inst, tho Forest Sorvlco hno 'been requested to list 117 mills and factories as having wnato I material for sale, whllo during tlio snmo timo 70 other wood using concerns hnve asked to be listed as desiring to purchase wnsto of a wido range of species in specified dimensions or ns mill or factory run. Tho latter havo been Included in the list of "Op portunities to Soil Wnsto" which is sent monthly to concerns which have wnsto mnterinl for snlo. This list Is growing stead ily, but tho Forest Servico is anxious to accelerate its rate of growth inasmuch ns It com prises only nbout half ns many buyers as there are sellers listed under "Opportunities to Buy Waste." The Foretc Service hns just been notified by a Inrgo novelty manufacturing concern in New York City that the Wood Waste Exchange hns enabled it to ob tain Us raw material at a con- ' otflnmliln cvJiic nf mnnnv Thlo factory uses smnll, semi- finish-! .ed blocks of dogwood which it! wood prices nro now Belling It at n fnlr profit. Tho Forest Sorvlco desires tho co-onorntton of nil manUfubtUi' ers of smnll woodon commodi ties nud Invites them to list their requirements with tho Wood Wnsto Exchnngo. There Is no charge for this sorvlco. makes into patent spool holders, The fnctory's requirements wore published under "Opportunities to Sell Waste" and n manufac turer of shuttle blocks promptly seized the opportunity to disnose of the pieces of dogwood which previously were discarded as waste in his factory. Similarly, other buyers are now, through the Wood Waste Exchange, obtaining material of ! Kood quality at a cost lower than they had been paying for raw material in the form of logs on standard lumber, INDUSTRIAL NOTES Snlom, July 2G. Ground hnB been broken for tho now $5J,000 building nt Monmouth Normal School. Los Angeles Compnny pur chases Kugeno Brick Co. nnd will mnko high gmdo building and lire uricK. Hood River Manufacturing Co., of Hood Rlvor hns organ ized to mnnufneture tho Fridny Electric Cooker, tho Hood Rlvor Orchnrd Cultivator, nnd tho Fcnthcrwclght Spray nozzle, Contract has been lot for erection nnd '10 cnrlonds of ma chinery for tho now Kendall Bros, sawmill nt Roseburg. Try n snck of eastern Ore gon Hour nt $1.50 a sack, $5.80 a barrel. This flour guaranteed. SNKKD & SONS. wo Good reliable lire Insurance. No assessments: up membership fee. Pay once and you nro done. II. E. Walker nt tho City Hall. 0 Card of Thanks. We desire to Minnie tho many friends for their nets of kindness nnd Mowers during the illness nnd death of our beloved hus- husbaml and father, Thomas J. Morrison. MRS. TIIOS. J. MORRISON AND FAMILY I THE CHAUrgU flSTS &0M6rEplNffcKSMfOM THE Q00D jQ'bbfc" ") ( The Rt'AL tobacco 1 ( and, nctt a puNcnmO cMfew hry' y V in it ) "JET the taste of the richest v-r tobacco grovvn. It is the Real Tobacco Chew that' you hear men boosting to their friends. ; You'll be glad, too, that you've found it and to pass the word along to men that you know. A little chew of pure, rich, mellow tobacco seasoned and sweetened just enough cuts out so much of (ho grinding imd spitting. Baptist Church. Sunday Sabbnth school at 10:00 A. M., Gilbert Millor, sup erintendent. No morning or evening serv ice in August unless uotillcd. and without ' 10 a in,; 110 preaching service at A bow-facing oarlock has r The voters of Oregon are go Tbeen invented by F. T. Living- 'ing to be asked to vote $10,000, stone of Salem which he says 000 bonds for good roads. That's tories which were burning their -will revolutionize rowing. tsome money. "waste or disposing of it at fire- themselvcs having to accumu late waste by cutting raw mater ial into required sizes. On the other hand, many mills and fac- 1 Made in Springfield PMronize the Payroll of Your Home Town The House of Quality You get your money's voih when you trade at Eggimann's Candy Kitchen There was a miller by tho name of Brook, He was running the mill down la a sly little nook. . He was making flour to supply the demand, As the flour was so good he couldn't keep any on hand. The name of this flour was 'Dakore and Knoxall. You bet it Just suited them all. Sold by all grocers and Springfield Flour Mill S. II. BAKER, Prop. Sp'ringfieldBa'kery : Bread, Pie3, Cakes, Cookies, etc. Wedding and Party Cakes a Specialty S. Young, - Proprietor The Springfield Planing Mill Company Manufacturers of SASH, DOORS. MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, TURNING, STAIR BUILDINGG, Extension Tables, Drop Leaf Tables, IJUreak fast Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards, Safes, Step Ladders, Fruit Boxes Berry Crates, Folding Clothes Racks. IF YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED THE SPRINGFIELD CREAMERY : h CHAS. BARKMAN, Manager i m . i i i fi i ,iry is aim uu cuuvuiceu uiul il pays 10 patronize home industries. i ) : SPENDS ITS MONEY "AT HOME : ELECTRICITY For light, heat and power. "Made in Springfield." Oregon Power Co. The Lane County News divided its expenditures last year, thus: Supplies bought outside of Spring field, including paper and now machinery 20.4 p. c. Supplies bought in Springfield, in cluding rent, otc 19.1 p. c. Payroll, entirely In 8prlngfleld 60.5 p, c. 80 Spent at Home '' WANTED Another Springfield industry to place their card in this space. ' . 11 .7:00 p. m. Young People's meeting. Junior H P. M., Mrs. tendent. Wednesday, Prayer meeting nl 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Choir re hearsal at S p. m. Y. P. U. also at 7 Fitzgerald, superln- CHURCH NOTICES Methodist Church. Corner Second and B streets James T. Moore, pastor, phone 117-W. Next Sunday 10 A. M. Sun day School. 11:00 A.M. Sermon. 7:00 P. M. Epworth League. 8:00 P.M. Sermon. Wednesday 2:30 Ladles' Aid. W-7- THZ HtA.1 TOBACCO CHEW IS NOW CUT TWO WAY3II Yi'O CUT u WHO vmto. RIGHT-CUr is shoot jhiud. Tnko than oncquartor (he old ulto cliqw. It will bo noro itiiUfyfnil tlmu a mouthful of ordinary tobucco. Jutt take a nlbblo of It until you find tho itrcntflh chew that tulti you, tlieu hco how eatlly and evenly the real toWcu taito comci, hoy il tatiifie. how much leys you havo to tpit, how few ehewi you l o,to "o tobacco nalisficd. 'Iliat's why it ii Tkt HtaiTobartti Chew. Tlial'v ulv It I... I K. ..i The lato of pure, rich (ulmcco ilocn not need id bo covered up, Aa execti cf licorice uiid jrcetcniu makes you tpit too much. One small chew takes the place of two biff chews of the oltl kind. ((Notice how lUc nail tirlnfja out the rich lobticcu intc.)9 TEYMAH-3RUT0N COMPAr 50 Union Square, New York Cily (BUY FROM DEALER 0RSEND tO75TAMP3T0Us3 Weduosday lS.oo P. M. Choir Hehersal. riitiratluy S:00 P. M. Prayer meeting. Froo Mothoaist Church. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Preaching services at 11 a.m. in., song sorvlco and sermon at 7 'ISO p. in., prayer meeting every Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. 13. C. WIOMOKE, Pnpor. The Prayer and praise service at SDrinCfnela Garaffe 7:30 p. m., preaching at 8 p. m. . v VJCli aBc CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS Dentistry DR. J. E. RICHMOND PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 11C-J Over Commorcial Bank, Springfield, Oregon. Tuesday, S p. m.. Youmr neo jde's prayer meeting. Midweek prayer meeting on Thursdny at 8:00 p. m. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all. M. P. CIIILDS Pastor. H. SANDGATHE Proprietor Repairing a Specialty Main, hot. Fourth and Fifth. Phono 11 SPRINGFIELD - OREGON Church of Chrnt. Bible School, 9:45 a. in., com munion and sermon at 11 a. in.. Christian Endeavor nt 0:30 p. We Sell The Hamilton Watch I 0. W. ROOF, Jeweler & Optician i como. P. A. Johnson Secrotnry. ItOnEKT I1UHN8 Lodgo, No. 78, A. M. F Anclont nnd Accepted Scottish Rltu Uni versal nnd Symbolic Free MnsonB moots first nnd third Friday ovenlng in W. O. W. hall. Visiting brothors wol- U K. Pago, It. W. M. Information nnd Cata logues Froo International Correspondence Schools A. E. CHAMBERS, Manager C97 Willamette St. Cor. E 9th Eugono, Oregon We Print Butter Wrappers Telephone Us Your Order Today The Lane County News: PhohV2 V Notice Water for Irrigating and sprinkling purposes can bo used only during the HOURS specified G:00 to ' i 8:00 a. m. and 5:00 to 9:00 p. m. Thereforo if tho water is used for such purposes at other intervals during the day tho company will Install meters whore this abuse is being practiced. It is a duly involved ' upon the company to protect the city from lire and . furnish an adequate supply of water to all, therefore we will thank our patronB if they will assist us In try- 1 ' lng to protect tho interest of themsolves as well as tho city at largo. )t t( Oregon !PawerQarM 1. 1 a U ,