The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, July 26, 1915, Image 3

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The Kodak That Goes With You
on your vacatioh will
oomo buck with a com
ploto otory of tho sum
mor's fun a otory that
will hnvo n froohonlng
Intoroot with each ouc
coodlrig yoar.
Tales of the Town
of Wond-datfghtcrj
Mrd. Montgomery
ling is visiting her
Mrs. correr.
W. D. Traynor, a CrcBwell
merchant, was : In Springfield
today on business.
Mrs. Dr. KcBtcr left Uiln af
ternoon for Portland, where alio
will vlBlt for two wccIcb.
Mrs. Lee Davis, who lives
cast of town, Injured her ankle
Friday, but Is getting along all
Good -reliable fire Insurance
No assessments; no membership
fee. Pay onco and you arc donei
II. E. Walker at the City Hall.
"" tiki runuant n( Palmist-'
1 Thd Famous Llfo Reader,
Madame LbMar has arrived In
Springfield and is located at the
Elite Hotel. This well known
medium has read the past and
future of thousands; she guar
antees to do the same for you,
or make no charge. Call and
see her at once. Low fee this
week. 0Hcc hours, 10 A. M. to
U P. M. Elite Hotel.
Attontion Young Pooplo
AH tho young people of the M.
E. church arc invited to take a
lilko to Seavey's Ferry, Tuesday
evening July 27. All wishing to
go please meet at the home of
Mabel Duryec on Gth and F St.
at 0:30 promptly. Bring your
lunch and we will enjoy the
n.intl n .1 1. t. .... rt ti-.
M'i. n.i.rii,. wvhihk mm nuw Munuru. uy
u ' V" .?",V, "r" ? order of Committee.
coolers and drinking fountains
ror the use of employes or the
Mrs. Hoy Love and two child
ren returned home yesterday
having Bpcnt several days at the
home of Mrs. Bert Doanc at
Hall for cheaper soles and
Havo your suit mado to
measure at Jenkins' Fourth St.t
Master Lola Slices Is vlnltlng
at tho home of his uncle, J. 13.
Uodinan at Dexter.
Mrs. David Jordan went to
Goshen Sunday to visit Mrs.
Chapman for the day.
Hall for cheaper soles and
t m o
-2200 all-wool, up-to-date
fabrics to choose from at Jen
kins Place, Fourth Street. t
Mrs. Etna Gentry left Friday
morning for Albany where she
may decide to locate.
Mrs. Tom Ohlsen and children
returned Sunday from an outing
of a month at Newport.
Airs. I'Jrncst conic v of Walter-
vlllo was in Springfield shopping' 'Mf8- T J. Redding, who lives
south of the U.-K. mill, has been
seriously sick for a few days, but
is now Improving.
Try a sack of eastern Ore
gon Hour at $1.50 a sack. $5.80
Leave orders with Walker S1- '"our guaranteed.
and vlBltlng relatives Friday.
The Springlleld Flour mills re
ceived a carload of eastern Ore
gon hard wheat last week.
II. .7.' Cox, assistant account
ant In
I Booth-Kelly Co., went to Coburg
! Sunday to attend to some of-
llco work there.
F. R. Russell, car repairer for
tlie S. P. Co.. went to Oakrldgc
Sunday evening to make some
repairs on the equipment of the
Oakrldge-Albany train.
George Ohlsen, accountant
for the Booth-Kelly Co., who
has been employed In the Eu
gene olllco for tho past two
months, Is again at his desk in
the Springfield office.
i o o
Dr. Zimmerman of Eugene
went to oakrldgc Sunday even
Arthur Roberts came down
Sunday from Waltcrvlllc.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Bowman
moved today Into the Crouch
house at C and Gts street from
F between Gth and 7th streets.
ITS A qrcat up tine
W. L. McCulIoch, chief engin
eer of the Oregon Power com-
tmtiv wnnt in Alhrmv IiVlilnv in
the local olllco of thoj,nake Bonie rei,airs to the tur-
mnu HiKiiL in uie piam lucre.
Chief of Police Staniger and
Arthur Vallier put a second coat
of oil on east Main street today
and then took a number of loads
of oil to the Springfield-Eugene
road along the Palmer Bros.
ranch. The Palmers found that
the dust was injuring their hops
and so preferred the expense of
having the road oiled.
John Walsh son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. II. Brummette, who has
been In the hospital at Portland
the last two months, was brou
ght to Springfield Friday even
Y"OU would rather take a clean, small
chew of course!
Users of Real Tobacco Chew get !
real tobacco satisfaction from less than a
quarter their old size chew and they are
passing the word along to their friends..
It surely is the Real Tobacco Chew.
A little chew of pure, rich, mellow tobacco seasoned
and sweetened just enough-cuts out so much of the
grinding and spitting.
-? 1
ing to attend a Mrs. Walker !ing and is at the Brummette
who is ill there. The doctor was
brought back later in the even
ing by Forest Ranger Landis.
& Holbrook, phone 70, for wood
Rawing. Here to saw all winter.
. ft a
Have your hay weighed on
our scalCB on 2nd street and It
will save you money. Spring
field Feed Company.
Ladles of the Christian
Christian church will give a 10c
tea at the church parlors on
Thursday afternoon. All ladies
Charles Jack of Camp Creek
surrereu tno fracture of both
Mrs. Robert Drury, who was1?" u ino iraciuro o uotn
operated on at a Eugene hosp- 5S,?fJ' fo5eanli Saturday
ital ten days ago, was brought ?"lni?" he 'Vas thrown
home convalescent yesterday.
" Try Conkey's Fly Knocker.
It to tho best on the market. We
can furnish this at eastern prices
this year. Buy it at the Feed
from a horse.
Mrs. G. Simon who has been
visiting at the homo of her aunt
Mr. and Mrs. George Graves
of Los Angeles, who have been
visiting for the past two weeks
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.
C. Brassier, left this morning for p and around.
other friends.
fhome. Mr. Walch's back was
hurt several years ago when the
Jasper bridge fell, and he has
been1 uhder a doctor's care in a
Portland hospital for a number
of months. Treatments will be
continued for several months
yet before he will be able to be
Mrs. J. E. Clark of Yoncalla,
who has been visiting at the Dr,
Mortenscu homo for several
days went lo Creswell this after
noon to visit with relatives and
friends before returning home.
Mrs. Mortensen took Mrs. Clark
to Creswell In the automobile.
i, "w1",! Ash hatchery Friday in Mr
visltiiiK at the homo of her mo
ther, Mrs. Mary McPherson, and
with other relatives in Spring
field. Albert S. Porgcs, traveling
representative of tho Majestic
tailors of Chicago, was in town
Sautrday calling on Roy Jen
kins. Miss Gladys Wagner of Junc
tion City, returned home Friday
after a week's visit at the home Eugene visiting her aunt Mrs.
of her aunt, Mrs. William Don- 13. E. Darling and Mrs. C. B.
aldson. Hemingway,
Mrs. L. K. Page for a few weeks, .G; T. Hesthfn of Newport,
left Saturday night for her W,a8hl"8to'!' was in Springfield
home at Sacramento, Calif. Thursday for a short visit with
m 0 o Mr. and Mrs. William Donald-
Dan Gore and family and W. son' Mr HestIem llas ,,een t0 the
O. Hill and family went to the S Francisco Fair and is on his
way nome. l-te was an oiu mend
of the Donaldsons in Maiden
Rock, Wisconsin.
Rev. M. F. Childs came down
from Marcola today to make
some arrangements for tke
camp meeting which the Free
Methodists arc to hold here or in
West Springfield. They are now
holding tent meetings at Fisch
er's camp near Marcola, and will
bo there .for a week more.
Take less than one-quarter the old size chevr. It
will be more tstiifyiag than a mouthful of ordinary
tobacco. Just take a nibble of it until you find tho
strength chew that suits you, then see how easily and:
evenly the real tobacco taste comes, how it satisfies,
how much less you have to spit, how few chews youi
take to be tobacco satisfied. That's why it is Thf
RralTobacco Chew. Tiiat'n whv if mai. ;n .1,.
l ne taste ot pure, rich tobacco does not need to be covered up. Aai
excess of licorice and sweetening makes you spit too much.
One small chew takes the place of two big
chews of the old kind
(Notice bow the salt brings
oat the rich tobacco taste.))
WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Uhk.h Sqnare, New York Cy
Warren Construction Co. re-. Kendall Bros, announce act
ceive contract to pave VIrigina Ual construction on their $800,
Avenue in North Bend. 1 000 railroad out di Roseburg
Hood River will have a freewill start on or before August
municipal swimming pool. 15.
uoro's machine for a hollduv
trip, which was greatly enjoyed.
Arthur Roberts, Claude and
Adnn Signor go to Oakridge this
afternoon and expect to fack
back some ten miles up Salmon
creek for an outing of two
Mrs. II. B.Moyer of Browns
ville returned home Friday after
spending a few days hero and in
Made in Springfield
I Patronize the Payroll of Your Home Town
! a.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mc
Cracken of Oakridge spent
Monday and Tuesuay at the
i home of tho former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McCracken
v; Samples of fine strawberries
of tho second crop were brought
"to the News ofilcQ last week by
,1. Cllne. The berries were grown
"by his daughter-in-law, Mrs. W
F. Cllne.
it Mrs. L. E. Durrln went to Al
bany Friday In responso to a
telephone message from Mr.
Durrln, who was there on busi
ness for the Oregon Power
Mrs. Ray Lomloy underwent
an operation Saturday to havo a
needle removed from her hand.
Tho little bit of steel had been
giving her considerable trouble
for some time.
Mrs. J. P. Fry received a mes
sago Saturday announcing tho
arrival of a daughter at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Splatter of Portland. Mrs. Splat
ter is a niece of Mrs. Fry's and
formerly lived In Springfield.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Neot and
Ora Neot left Saturday for Cal-
fornia, via automobile. They
ad reached Medford last ovon-nc-
Thov oxnect to bo cono
for a month, vislfing relatives
in various narta of California,
and in visiting tho exposition,
o o '
Mrs. Ella McBce and daugh
ter Hazel of Seattle, who havo
been visiting friends and rela
tives in Springfield for some
time, left this morning "for Sti
ver, Oregon, to visit there for
a time before returning homo.
Stop! WAIT! Do not buy
outBlde flour at present prices.
New wheat will be in soon and
flour will bo lower. I am pre
pared to make as good a flour
men as now, and will guarantee
it. Buy home flour. It will pay
you to do so. Sprincfleld Flour
Alius, s. H, -Baker, prop.
do ,
The effects of Irrigation on
blackberries are shown In- the
crop being gathered by L. K.
Pago from his vines on his place
near the rock quarry. Sunnlled
with abundant water, tho berries
aro filling out beautifully, and
tno crop promises to continue
for a long time, as there aro yet
blossoms on tho vines.
Gravel has been hauled under
direction of Councilman Fen-
wlck to divert a flow of water
from tho mill raco into tlie riv
er channel along tho east bank,
so as to carry sewaco away
from tho ond of tho sower at
U street. This work has to be
done each summer as tlie high
water taices out mo trravol
dams that aro ' constructed. A
plan, is being considered to pro
vide a permanent flow of water
through this channel,
Mrs. M. M. Lord of Seattle.
who has been spending the past
several months at the home of
her brother, J. P. Fry, leaves
tonight for San Francisco
where she will meet a friend, a
Mrs. A. L. Koch of Santa Cruz,
California, and they two will
visit the exposition together. Af
terward Mrs. Lord will go to
Santa Cruz with Mrs. Koch, and
then go to Denver, Colorado, to
see her daughter, Mrs. W. E.
We will receive a largo ship
ment, of Johnson's Best Flou
soon and will be glad to book
orders for those who wish to lay
in a supply of tho "old wheat"
Hour. This is a fine Blend, mill
ed in Albany and Ave guarantee
every sack of It. When It comes
to price wo havo a surprise for
you. One farmer purchased 40
sacks of this Hour last winter.
Let us book your order at once.
Remember It is tho "China
Pheasant" "brand, Springfield
Feed Company.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as ttioy cannot rtach
tbo dlacased portion' of tlm tr, Tberu Is
only one way to oure dpafntM, and tbat I
by constitutional' remedies. Ueufuefi U
caused by an Intlamed condition of the mu
mus llnlnK of the Eustachian Tube, When
tills tube Is Intlamed you have a rumbling
uund or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is
entirely closed. Deafness U the result, and
unlets the Inflammation can be taken out,
nml this tube restored to Its normal candl.
Hon, hearing will be destroyod forever! nine
cases out of ton are caused by Catarrh,
which Is nothing but an Intlamed csndltlon
of tho mucous surfaces.
Wo will give One Hundred Rollim for any
case of Ueafnens (caused by cntmib) that
cannot be , cured by Hall's CaUnii Cme.
8.nd for circulars, free.
,V- J. nilUNKT & CO., Toledo, phlo.
Bold by DrugnlMi. ,r,n. -
Tak Jlsll's Family l'llls for constipation
House of Quality
You get your money's worth
when you trade at
Eggimann's Candy Kitchen
Bread, Ple3, Cakes, Cookies, etc.
Wedding and Party Cakes a
S. Young, - Proprietor
There vras a miller by the name of Brook,
He was running the mill down in a sly little
He was making flour to supply the demand,
.As the flour was so good he couldn't keep any
on hand.
The name of this flour was Bakoro and
You bet it just suited them all.
Sold by all grocers and Springfield Flour
S. H. BAKER, Prop.
ss Jt s A a t
s ss ts sjs sjs
Try Is and be convinced that it pays to
patronize home industries.
Springfield Planing Mill
Manufacturers ot
Extension Tables, Drop Leaf Tables, BBreak
fast Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards,
Safes, Step Ladders, Fruit Boxes
Berry Crates, Folding Clothes Racks.
t 4
For light, heat and power.
"Made in Springfield."
Oregon Power Co.
Tho Lane County News divided Its
expenditures last year, thus:
Suppllos bdught outside of Spring
field, including paper and new
machinery 20.4 p. C.
Supplies bought in Springfield, in
cluding rent, etc , , .19.1 p. c.
Peyroll, entirely In Springfield,,.,,. 60.5 p. 0.
Spent at Home
v ''
. : i . w ,
. ',(-,
Another Springfield industry to ..
, , place their card In this space.
. . i-
- . -
, . ','