The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, July 19, 1915, Image 3

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    Don't Ask Us to Recommend
A Patent Medicine
If u dofcct or a dlHoaHod condition cxifHH, (alio your
! trouble frankly to u reputable pbyfilclan, Ho Ih tbe only
one who can help you, and what ever IiIh charge may be,
; It will bo Iuhh In the end than (ho price of the dlBappolnt-
mont, Buffering, huinlllatlon, sorrow or failure you may
othorwlHo have to pay.
The OlcanorH will
Thursday afternoon
home of Mrs,
north C street.
The ItcaporH of
meet on Uarknmn and Mr. Thurman
at the HlggH, followed by MIbb Nell
D. S. IJealH on Nixon, sinter of the bride and
maid of honor, and Mr. Fcnncr
The bride entered on the arm
America an-
fcw. ORE Mfew
i -r, , , , mwmf
nounee a public dance fqr next; of tho groom. Her dress was
Wednesday evening, July 21, at old Ivory duchess satin, with
therr hall. jovcrdreBB of ' sflk chiffon and
! pearl trimming. The bridal veil
The young ladles of the CJ. T. ;was fastened with a wreath of
club enjoyed a basket picnic In 'Miles of the valley and her bou
llendrlcks park, on the hills bo-' quot was a shower of bride's
tween Eugene and Springfield (roes and foniB.
yesterday afternoon and even-, Miss Evelyn Uarkman's dress
lug. MIhs McIIenry was a guest was of pale blue silk crepe de
of tho club, and tho following ichene with bodlco of all-over
members attended: Miss Alice lace.
Kestcr, Miss Florence Collin,1 The bride's sister, Miss Nell 1
Miss Olive Smith, Miss Anna iNIxon's dress was rose pink
Young, Miss Ella Young, Miss 'mcssallne with bodice of white
Marian Harper, and mibb hxina.
why shouujnt 1. AVfAS
CHtw For thc
Boys IM
y. v BoYS IM
Tales of the Town
Hall for cheaper soles and
Have your suit made to
mcoBuro at Jenkins' Fourth St.t
Frank Nlckerson was down
from Marcola Friday and Sat- 1
urday. I
3 ' 1
Mrs. Jules Doinlek spent Sun
day with Miss Mary Itoberts re
turning to Marcola this after
noon. Lillian 'laker rot timed Sat
urday from a visit w'lth her aunt
Mrs. Lydla Moore at tho John
Slavey ranch.
M. Gray, a music teacher of 1
.Marcola, was In Springfield on
Sunday and Monday.
2200 all-wool, up-to-date
fabrics (o choose from at Jen
kins' Place, Fourth Street. t
George Perkins went to Port
land Saturday and will probably
remain there for some time.
Miss Metta Nixon, a popular
Springfield girl, became the
bride of Sarga 13. Sliced, Sunday
evening July 18th, at the First
1 Christian church of Spring
TJ10 soft strains of Mendles-
',.111, ,..., .. ..,1 t-t,.l. .nt..l
The church was artistically
decorated in white and green
with a background of fems and
marguarltes and brides roses.
The bridal party stood under
an elaborate arch of white car
nations and bride's roses.
Rev. McGee of Eugene, per-
Fifth Street FIbIi Market
now open. Fresh fish, poultry,
pressed incuts and vegetables.
It. W. Smith and M. M. Male
left last week for Newport to
spend several days by the sea.
o 0
Try a sack of eastern Ore
gon (lour at $1.00 a sack, $G.80
a barrel. This flour guaranteed.
Charles Finlcy, wife and sev
en children, who have been re
siding at Marcola, left yesterday
sohn's wedding march were ren-, formed the ceremony In an im
dercd by Miss Amy Carson. tpressive manner, after which'
Tho bridal procession was led j the bridal party departed for j
by the bridesmaid Miss Evelyn their home on Emerald Heights.
HE used to switch tobacco every Jji .
few weeks. Then a friend let him, V
try the Real Tobacco Chew, Steady user
now and 1 swears by the Real Tobacco
Quite the regular thing. A man is so glad he
found it that he just naturally passes the word fe
along to other men who chew.
A little chew of pure, rich, mellow tobacco seasoned?
and sweetened just enough cuts out so much of thc
grinding and spitting.
Horn On Sunday, July 18, ' George Walker and Roy Love
1015, to Mr. and Mrs. Willis left this morning for a week's
flshing above Walterville.
C. E. Brattain and family
Knickerbocker, a daughter.
Mrs. Blanche Phelps and her
children, of Goldson, visited ov- leave tonight for a few days'
for Reno, Arizona to reside,
Minn Miirl( Whitn returned on
Thursday after a week's visit ' Try Conkcy's Fly Knocker.
With her uncle, Dick Spring, at It is tho best on the market. Wc
Sullivan, Oregon. ' can furnish this at eastern prices
p (this year. Buy it at the Feed
Have your hay weighed on Store.
our scales on znu street ami it
will save you money
Held Feed Company.
Spring-1 Andy Allen, formerly employ
ed in the liootn-helly mill here,
ibut now of Portland, is here for
Mrs. Ed. Sloan and daughter, .a B,ort visit with Dave and Geo.
Nellie, of Pendleton, arc vlBlting , England,
her father, Mr. Bentley and her ,
brother, Jack Bentloy. Mr. and Mrs. George Catching
returned Friday from an auto-
er Sunday with Mrs. Ruth Brat
O. E. Robertson, the new
proprietor of " the Palace of
Sweets, moved his family from
Eugene last week.
Rev. J. T. Moore of the local
Methodist church, preached at
the First Methodist church of
Eugene Sunday morning.
Mrs. R. L. Drury, who was op
erated on at the Eugene hos
pital last week, Is getting along
nicely and is expected home by
the last of the week.
a v t
Died On Friday, July 16,
1015, Elizabeth Fay Cox, aged
12 days, Infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Norwood Cox. The
funeral services were held Sat
urday. a a
The Oregon Power company
strung new wires on Main street
camping on the McKenzie. They
i ' f . .i 1.1 ' ' r r
uxpuci 10 pick uiacKueiries iori
winter while away.
While In Portland last weeki
Chief Engineer W. L. McCul-I
loch of the Oregon Power Co. I
placed an order for a lathe to be j
installed in their plant here. I
E. E. Brattain received a lef.- j
ter this morning announcing; Herbert Moore and Orson
the death on July 15 at Birm'-i Vaughn are expected home to-
ington, Iowa, of Mrs. Mary J. 'day from Salem where they
Tike lets than one-quarter the old size chew. It
trill be more aatiifying than a mouthful of ordinary
tobacco. Just take a nibble of it until you find tho
strength chew that suits you, then see haw easily and! (
evenly the real tobacco taste comes, how it satisfies,' '
how much less yoa have to spit, how few chews you
take to be tobacco satisfied. That's why it Is The.
RealTcbacco Chew. That's why it costs less in the end.
The taste of pure, rich tobacco does not seed tobe covered up. Aa,.
excess of licorice and sweetening makes you spit too much.
One small chew takes the place of two big
chews of the old kind.
((Notice how thc salt brings n
out the rich tobacco taste. J?
WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, SO Ubwb Square. New Ywk City,
uooert, a sister or Mrs. itutu'were attending an
Brattain and sister-in-law of league institute for
J. A. Ebbert, also of Springfield, week.
Eugene Chase, the little son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chase of
Pruneville, was brought home
Epworth ,esteruay irom the Eugene hos
tile past
lital. where h had unrWfone
an operation for appendicitis.
-Good reliable fire Insurance.' niobilo trip that took them into J1 n JUZJ
No assessments; no membership northern Oregon and western i,ncn,1o,, nt RmWfini.i nwi
fee. Pay once and you arc done. Washington. (store. !
Ii; E. Walker at the City Hall, j M. c dressier went to his Dl. ',. SGntiethe'
V.,,,.1, nt Rni.iiniiiv MnHm, Di. Hopkins, rcpiesentlng the
Thurston was again defeated county, leaving by automobile $ "J d 1 'LSf "T !
ragged game by a score of 8 to 0 I iKS mornin&
... i The Hawaiian singers attract-'lTUl eonlng bunuaj.
Finnic Mullluan and Ray Mc- od a large crowd at the Bell
Phoraon lelt this morning by theatre and they gave a pro
t - - ! J. D. Spencer of Iloueton, provent persons from running
Mr. and Mrs. Em,ory Richard- Texas, who has boon attending lut0 t,ie w,,cs. s
son returned Friday from a two tho Shrlners meeting at Seattle, ; Workmen umlcr tlie direction
weekB' vacation at the Home or stoppeu on ncic ior a visit, wiui of ,rnink Powera spread eight
Mr. Richardson's parents on the his cousin, h. h. Brattain. or (en 1(md8 of crushe(1 rock on
upper Siuslaw river. . Second street from Main to the
Made in Springfield
Patronize the Payroll of Your Home Town
1 The Oregon Power company
"5'ns im'ot two' nfa. U- iucucco last ovon,nB. ISJS",!? ffirKZ"
" unvor joiuiBUii uruvu mu uig ,,,, ,not ,i,i,w, ti,
Ed McBee. who lives near the lumber truck to Priceboro, 10 ;. , u t hnd dUeioned.
Douglas Gardens, reports that miles north of Coburg, Thurs
potato blight has struck his field day afternoon, and return, in
nf oi!it nf.i-ftH. niul has rendered ! four hours. He left at 4 in the
tho crop almost worthless
9 v m
Miss Kato Lansbery, a gradu
ate of tho Springfield . High
school this year, has been en-
afternoon, with a heavy load of
lumber and shingles.
Mrs. and Mrs. Walter Fischer,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nlckerson
trailed to teach the school at land Mrs. Fred Fischer passed
Noti for the coming scnooi year.
Judge Ed. Bryan and wife ar
rived Sunday night by automo
bile from Caldwell, Idahoto see
hlB mother, Grandma Bryan,
who recently fell and broke her
Miss Mao Lyon, who stayed
with her brother, C. E. Lyon of
tho Springfield Feed Storo, last
winter whllo attending High
school, returned to her homo in
Corning, California, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Riddle of
Roseburg and Mrs. M. S. Zlgler
of Portland, motoring from the
metropolis to Roseburg, stopped
at tho Ellto hotel Saturday
Miss Ada Hutchinson camo
down from Cottage Grove Inst
week to visit her brother, M.
07 Hutchinson and family. Sho
has been suffering from an at
tack of tonsilitis since sho has
been hero. Sho states that her
through Springfield last night
on their way home to Mnrcola,
having driven Satimlay by autojth e past week lookin g after busi
to Silverton and Dallas. I mattor8. leave today for the
An operation was performed
Saturday on Frank Moore, who
was Injured In a wreck several
weeks ago, In hopes of relieving
tho paralytic condition. Three
vertrabrao were so crushed to
gether in the accident that they
caused a pressure on tho spinal
corn. A portion of these in
jured vortabrao was removed
to give space for tho cord. The
result of the oporatlon Is yet in
Wo will receive a large ship
ment of Johnson's Best Flom
soon and will bo glad to book
orders for thdbo who wish to -lay
in a 'supply' of' the" "'old wheat"
Hour. This is a fine Blend, mill
ed In Albany and wo guarantee
every Back of It. When It comes
to price wo have a surpriso for
you. One farmer purchased 40
Backs of this flour last winter.
Lot us book your order at onco.
Remomber it is tho "China
slstor. Bess Hutchinson, who
wflo fnrnmrlv nf Rnrlncfflfild. OX-
pects to bo principal of a school i Pheasant" brand. Snringfleld
iieaVSaldiiv nbxj'rr '
have property interests. From
there they will go to San Fran
cisco to tho exposition, visit Oak
land and Sacramento and then
go to their home at San Monica,
whoro they own a: large apart
ment house. Mrs. Noel notices
a number of decided improve
ments in Springfield since leav
ing two years ago, when thoy
sold the flour mills. Mr. Noel
who had been in poor health for
some time, died one year ago.
; !
House of Quality
You get your money's worth
when you trade at
Eggimann's Candy Kitchen
Thore was a miller by the name of Brook,
A He was running the mill down in a sly little
He was ranking flour to supply the demand,
As the flour was so good he couldn't keep any
on .hand.
The name of this flour was Bakore and yqu
bet it just suited them all. Sold by all grocers
and Springfield Flour Mill,
S. H. BAKER,, Prop.
Springfield Bakery :
Bread, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, etc.
Wedding and Party Cakes a
John Fitzgerald and wife and
their son and wife, arrived last
week from Lakeview for a visit
with friends in Springfield. They
with Mrs. Grace Brattain, left
Saturday for Newport for a va
cation by tho sea.
Mrs. Alice Noel and daughter
Berenice, who have been here II a.!..!..)...
S. Young, - Proprietor
Springfield Planing Mill
Manufacturers of
Extension Tables, Drop Leaf Tables, BBrcak
fast Tables, Kitchen Cablnots, Cupboards,
Safes, Step Ladders, Fruit Boxes
Borry Crates, Folding Clothes Racks.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by lornl npiillcallans, nu tlu-y cannot lvuch
thu Uluumd portion f tlx- tar. There la
only une way to euro ilodfui'ts, and tbat Is
by constitutional rcinrilini. Dittlntu It
ctuiic.l uy nn Inflamed condition of the mu
cous llnlnfr of tho Kudachtun Tuuo. Whrti
till tube U lnitumtit you haw u lurnbllni;
omul or Impurfrot hc.irlnc, ami when It la
mittruly closed. Drafmsa U tho mult, nml
unit a the Inflammation can bo taken out
nnrt thla tube rrslorei! to Ha normal condi
tion, hearing will be deatroyrd forever) nlnu
cuaea out or ten nro cuunnd by Catarrh,
which la nothlnir but an Intlained condition
of the mucoua aurfneea.
We will ulve One Hundred Dollar for any
caee of Deafnraa (couird by catnirh) that
cannot be cured by Hall's Cutrrrli Cuio.
Btnd for olrrulara. free.
F. J. aiUINRV A CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Bold by DruftilQla, Ten.
Taks-lUU'rlf&uilrr.'l'IU far couatlpatlou.
Try is and be convinced' that it pays to
patronize home industries.
Tho Lauo County News divided its
expenditures laat year, thus:
Supplies bought outside of Spring
Held, including papor nnd now
machinery 20.4 p, C.
Supplies bought In Springflold, in
cluding rent, etc 19,1 p. c.
Payroll, entirely in Springfield 60.5 p. C.
80 Spent at Home
For light, heat and power. ..
"Made in Springfield."
Oregon Power Co 1 1
. '
Another Springfield industry to
place their card in this space.