The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, July 19, 1915, Image 2

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Editor and Managor
tubllsucd Every Monday and Thursday by tho Lano County Pub
lishing Association.
One Year ?1.50 Six Months ."5 Thrco Months
Advertising Kates Furnished on Application.
Member of tho State Editorial Association.
Member of tho Willamette Valley Editorial , Association.
And Remember to Get a Stop-Over for Springfield.
A man connected with a concern now making war ma
terial remarked a few days ago, that it seemed almost im
possible o get enough skilled workmen. He found that theie
-is a good deal of help that can be had, but only a fraction
of the applicants are men who can do a high grade of mechan
ical adjustment.
In rush times almost any kind of a workman can get
work. His. inferior product slips along. The inspector may
see its defects'. But when customers are clamoring for deliv
ery of orders, many faults sHp through that ought not to pass.
In the dull times of the past few years, inferior work-'
men have found themselves left out of the shuffle. If there
was' work for only a part of the force, the skilled man was
kept at the bench, Avhile the less efficient man' was informed
that there was nothing doing. No complaint might be made
of the quality of his work. But somehow there was never
anything for him.
Just now the rush of war orders is providing work for
many men, whose product is of inferior quality. But when
the war orders stop and before the normal trade of peace
times is re-established there will be many an idle day for
the second rate artisan. These conditions are true not mere
ly of workmen in the lines making war material, but in all
lines of mechanical employment.
The young mechanic should put some brains into ids
work. He should study the philosophy of mechanical pro
cesses and physical forces, and learn the one perfect way of
'performing every motion. If some of the time spent in dis
cussing socialism and baseball were spent In getting informa
tion about the best methods of producing the desired mechan
ical results, there would be more meat for the family and
more clothes for the kidlets. Also in every trade there are
practical books of technical science that give good ideas. If
they cannot be had in a man's own town, they can be borrow
ed at slight cost from circulating libraries. Forest Grove
000 in round numbers, approximately $2.r0 nn aero for 2,000,
000 acres.
Tho $r,000,000 equity, upon which $2,000,000 cxccbb
taxes have been paid, and which cannot bo Hold unvo under
restrictions Which, until modified, practically mnko It im
pdsslblo' to market It, 1b rather poor security for a $2,000,000
bqlfd Issue. ' ' '
' The bond holdors were origlnnlly Europeans. Since the
war tho European holdors hit vo been soiling American securi
ties, and many millions of such secUrlttoH have found their
way back to America on account of tho big balance of trade
in our favor.
Europeans or Americans, the bond-holders on this $20,
OOO.OOD, "arid'tlio Sbutlfern Pacific Co.', whoso guarantee; to
an extent, Is behind the bonds, are probnbly worrying.
If there Is an interested person who isn't worrying as
a result of tho mess we haven't found him. Even those who
were clani6ring loudest to have the government prosecute
tho forfeiture suit are worrying, because the only net result
of the suit to date, so far as Oregon Is concernud, Is to (tut
down the tax revenue of the state and counties affected. -The
Oregon Voter.
The proposed co-operation of the lumber manufactur
ers of the Pacific Northwest under the name of tho Douglas
Fir Exploitation and Export Company, of which much has
been heard during the past month by those most vitally in
terested, is as yet only tentative, so far as several of the nianu-
. facturers who are expected to become members are concern-
. ed, says the Telegram.
v The co-operation by-laws provide for a capital of $200,
000, to be divided among about twenty members. Only lum
ber manufacturers will be stockholders, and any lumber man
ufacturer may get stock by agreeing to turn over exclusively
to the' corporation his entire export trade.
It is carefully set forth by the organization that the cor
poration will engage solely in the foreign trade, and that no
. business will be sought or accepted in the United States or
its possessions. Australia Is said to be the principal objective
point, for in that island province it is believed a good mar
ket awaits the active agent.
The object of the new corporation, however, is worthy
and will undoubtedly have a sufficiently broad field in in
creasing the sale of Douglas fir in the markets of the world,
es that cannot fail to meet withlt will be conducted along lin
the approval of the public and the government, as represented
by the federal trades commission.
The men active in this undertaking are not novices In bus
iness, and will have a strong working agreement, which it
is believed will include a majority of the tidewater mills of
importance in the Northwest. Their sole object is to build
up the export trade, to introduce Douglas fir where it is not
now used, and to increase its use in other countries where a
start has' beeii made.
High-class representatives can be sent to foreign coun
tries to get orders without the expense being a burden to the
individual manufacturer, and all will share equally in their
success. Effective publicity and promotion can be procur
ed more cheaply and to better advantage.
The lumber industry of Oregon and Washington, the
basic industry of these states, needs all the help it can pos
sibly get to put it again upon its feet. Just at present the
expert trade is seriously hampered by the lack of ships. Or
ders could be had abroad, if willing to accept the low prices
everywhere prevailing, but no ships can be chartered to carry
the cargoes.
An active lumber market makes good business in many
other lines, and with the mills running full time this country
has always been prosperous. Anything that will set the saws
going again should be warmly welcomed.
$20,000,000 MORTGAGE.
The Union Trust Co. of New York City is trustee for a
$20,000,000 mortgage the security for which is the unsold
-lands of the 0. & C. Land Grant. " ; ' ' ' '
J'The equity of the O. & C. Railroad is limited to $5,000,-
Government Experiments in the
Manufactur of Products from
Difforent Varieties or Fruit.
of Lowell, Oregon; Lorenzo S. Win
froy. ot Lowell, Oreium; Frank Mu
Mnstora, of Lund Axe, Oregon; Oru
K. Curler of Lowell. Oregon.
J2U.v2y . Iterator.
That the iulce of currants. C. B. Swarts. H. A. Wash-
blackberries, black raspberries, i burne and II. II. Stewart wore
sour cherries, and peaches mayjnniong the local Shrlners who
be nrenarcd and-kent as success- went to Eugene Friday and Snt-
! fully as grape juice and by theturday to greet tho eastern
I same methods has now been de- Shriners who were on their way
monstrated in the course of a from the convention at Seattle
'scries of investigations which to the fair at San Francisco.
ithta ilntmrtmont is oniidnrtlntr In- , .
to the wholo complicated ones- CALL FOR BIDS
I lion oi iruit juices, tne juices mo uuaru or uircetors of
'of the fruits mentioned, it has Springfield School, District No.
!been found, retain their charac- 1!', will receive up to, and in-
lerlstlc color and llavor after be- ciiuung July
' Ing sterilized and stored away o clock P.
19, 19tn. at 7:30
M. bids for SO to 100
can, therefore, be made corns 4 root body fir or slab
available for use throughout the wood, for Lincoln School build
year in households and at soda ing. Delivery to begin not later
fountains, etc In this way it is than Aug. 1. 1915, and be coin
thought much fruit that has plotcd not later than Aug. 20.
hitherto been allowed to go to 1915. Said school board re
waste may be utilized. i serves the right to reject any
I For reasons, however which and all bids.
J are not as yet very thoroughly A. P. McKINZEY, Clerk,
understood, the various fruits iti-8
differ greatly in the effects of
sterili ation upon them. Thus, 1 Roseburg Circuit Court sus
strawberry juice and red rasp- tains legality of $300,000 mil
berry juice lose their distinctive road bond issue,
colors and ilavors very readily: .
and, therefore, can not be put
up on a commercial scale and
marketed as grape Juiqe is.
Lemon and orange juices also
undergo peculiar changes in
flavor after sterilization and no
satisfactory method of overcom-.
Start a
ONE n,ul
. . Watch it
First National Bank
Will furnlih to everyone who will become n depositor to
the amount of one dollar or more, a handsome
Home Savings Bank
to use. You are Invited to call and mk for one of theie
lafei. If you are Already n depositor you are entitled to
one to use.
Very tww people can save In large amount. If you wait
until you can deposit n large amount you may never begin.
Everyone can enve In n email way. He Who drlfte Into tho
habit of spending as ho goes will always remain poor.
The Bank Keeps the Key
This Homo Sittings Hunk la lotiuml In you fruo of elm rue.
Oiui dollar of your account In to bo hold to liuuiro Itn return;
but remember thU dollar belotiKU to you; run bo drawn by
you nt tiny time on return of tho Sufo.
The Best Groceries
For Less Money
Classified Ads
For Sale, Ren Wanted, Eto.
mg tins postacie lias yet been FOR SALE 1-6 hole range al
developed. Lemon juice is the most new. If you want a
more promising, buUthiB,- too, ' good stove for a small urice
mil lint Vflt ho llinimfncf nrixl oin. n t. r. ,
MVV. Ufc U1U ,,uuu oiore nnu
; commercially with success. With take a look at it.
certain precautions, on tue otlier ;
ivlolrl n KrriUffl Inlno nf n Voi.,1UU"U "C't knife
, J..- " "
nltmpt vo fluvnf ivlilMi clinnM
lhave distinct commercial pos-j
'sibilities. The juice, however.
J should be kept in cold storage pqr SALE
;.u iiuiu uugrees to o degrees ' sjx
i' . auer sionnzation, and most ;
of the suspended material should I
jbe removed by means of a milk!
separator or by liUeration. j
Moreover, where atmospheric i
oxygen Is not excluded in the
in shnntli
Call at tills office, ilosorlho
property and pay for this adv.
and take knife. 48
The Fifth Street Grocery
Tnos. Sikes, Prop. Phone 22
Our Bank Money Orders Are
Safe Cost Less Good Everywhere
Our $25.00 or Under Bank Monoy Ordor Costs Only 5c
Our $25.00 to $100.00 Bank Monoy Ordor Costs Only 10c
If lost or destroyed in transmitting through the malls, or
otherwise, we give you a duplicate without any cost or red
tape whatever. .
process of bottling the juice
darkens gradually.
These studies have alreadv re-
suited in the discovery of a!
motnod producing concentrated
or trade-now 1
room bungalow jn lm- :
proved lot 50x150, trees, out- i
side city limits, city water,,'
sewerage, wired for electric'
lights, one block from mac-'
adam street. Will trade for
Springfield property. Addrcsf.
E. R. Spencer, Cottage Grove '
Commercial State Bank
Capital $30,000.00
losses iJsSTiatjyoi'i'4PSJ:
R. O. A. hall for rent. Well ven
tilated and lighted, clean and
warm. Kitchen and dining
room attached. Rates reason
able. Apply to Fred Watke,
Cilbert Davis or W. A. Hall.
apple juice by freezing, which Is
not only easier to shin than or
dinary cider, but which will keep
(much better. In the concentrat
;ed juice, however, the presence
ui Buijur aim aciu retards tne
growth of microorganisms and
lennentation is very slow.
Similiar methods are now be
ing tried out with other fruits.
In the case of Juice of grape
fruits, for example, concentra
tion to a syrun by freezimr is
easily accomplished, and it ap
pears at the present time that
! there are great commercial pbs
I sibilities in this method although
I further experimentation is con
jsidered necessary. In the case
! of fruits whose IuIchr fin nnt :
j su ffer any change of flavor or j office In (Jlty Hall, Springfield, Or
.tuiui iii iiiu iJiuucaB oi sieniiza
; tion this method is not likely to
I prove necessary,
i Details of the experiments
I with u discussion of the effects
upon tho various fruits of ster
ilization, exposure to atmosnher-
' in rv.xm .. il ... til.... II T"l I"l H H II f II I t rl P If r
;storage at low tefnueratures l L "'UX' 1 ' Kl LI 1 ? 1 '
the motor bus. Leave Spring
Hold 25 minutes after the hour
and leave Eugene C before the
hour. Pare 5o. 47-8
FOR SALE Timber claim, for
$0,000. No incumberance,
elear title, 8,800,500 feet if
taken inside of 6 weks. Ad
dress A. P. Nilsen, Springfield.
Oregon. - T- 6t
umo M n in imii rcuri hi
are faniouB for quality and
wo Bavo you money on
what you buy hero. We
sell Dependable Coffees and
Teas and everything else Is
dependable which we sell.
Nice & Miller
Op Commercial State Bank
Phono 9
Established 1883
Capital and Surplus - - - $300,000.00
Interests on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates
Uui imUi .wiiIhmi u'jV'i ' in i mil no liui i
I etc., ar rontained in a new bul-
,etin of the dejiartment, No. 241,
Qfllllll-l! fit, rmili r,.!
Jti null illlluUD,
Dopnrtrnent of tho Intorlor,
U. S. Land Olllco ut HosoburB, Oro
gon, Juno 21, 1915.
NoUco 1b horoby clvon lhat Orlando
0. Vobh, of Lowell Orogon. who, on
Novemnor 20, 1011, made Ilomestond
Entry, Sorlal, No. 071540, for tho 8
of 8E't of Soction !10, Towrmhlp 10 8
Range 1 E., Wlllatnotto Merldan, lias
filed notice of Intention to make Pinal
Three-year Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
1. P. Howltt, U. S. Commissioner, at
lila offlcoTnt Eugono, Oregon, oh. tho
2nd day of August, 191 C. Claimant
names as wltnossQa: Dexter Carter,
Suito 2. Phono 888, EUGENE, ORE
Residence over Dodge's Store
Phone 1221
831 Willamette St. Euflene, Oregon
funeral director,
Office Phone 62; residence R7-J
West fvfaln 8t.
0, 1$. GuHio M. E.
Practice Limited' tl
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Graduate Nurse Attending
306, White Temple, Eugene.
ea i
PHONES: Office, 3; Residence, 111-J
Over Commorcial Bank,
Springfiold, Oregont
Springfield Garage
' Proprietor
Repairing a Specialty
Main, boL Kotirth and Fifth. Phono 11
Commercial printing earefuly
executed at the-NtJWB
printing plant
Edwards & Brat tain
For Farm and City Property
Exchanges a Specialty
Phone 30