Stop at Our Store Your rlrtoH, tliono hoVVvonliiKii or at othfcr Union, will bo umilo moro enjoyable If you (Hop herd for kinio of; tho )$ood thlnyH our Hloro provide). Autoliitu from all over to mi uro innldni; (hl a rofitilur litopplng place. Tho excellence of our dollcloiw, healthful fountain bovoraycH, our exceptionally flno clgara, our frotih, high-grade caudlea, etc., aro tho attraction. , Wo uro entering oHpcclal'.y Jo UiIh cIubh of trado and you'll give your gutwtH an extra delight by bringing them hero for a little treat. WE NEVER SUBSTITUTE Tales of '--Iluvo you tried Cupid Flour?" m N. A. Itowo mndo a buBlncsa itrlp to Marcola Saturday. Have your null made to meaHuro at Jenkins Fourth St.t o Tho town council will meet in regular monthly bcshIou at tho ,'clty hall this evening. Ernest Lyon of tho Springfield Feed company made a business trip to Ilrownsvllle Thursday. a t n Karl Laxton returned Friday from a trip of two months to points In Oregon and Washing ton. , Harry Withers, who resides a fow miles east of Springfield, underwent a nasal operation in Eugene Saturday. m o f Mra. II. S. McGowan of West Stayton arrives this afternoon for a visit of some time at tho home of her daughter, Mrs. II. A. Korf. . Hubert Travis, who nns been employed for some niontliB nt. IS. SalCB' Toggery, nas re-j sinned, and expects to obtain a! - - . .position in Portland. Mrs. Anna Potter, mother of Mrs. F. It. Hussell, was dismiss ed from the Mercy hospital, Ku gene, last Saturday. Mrs. Pot ter has boon finite 111 for sonio little time. ! i R. W. Smith, rural mail car-; rier on the Springfield-Walter-: vllle-Camp Creek route, Is tak- lug his annunl vacation of IB ( days, and Urucc Lnnsbury Is carrying the mall. ! . j The S. I'. Co. ran a sneclnl to Wondllng last evening to ac commodate tho crowds that came from Mohawk points to t attend the Mabel-Thuraton j bnsebnll game. j $ I The decking of the display window of Egt'-iMnnnn's candy , Kitchen was raised a few inches j last week so as to bring the, goods high enough to Do seen across tho street. A enrd from" Mr. and Mrs. George Catching at North Pend, Washington, dated July 7, says they nre on their way homo and that they aro having a flno time on their automobile trip. Sensation assortment of genuine Guernsey cook ware, consisting of casseroles, tea . pots, marmltes, pudding dishes, oval bakers, mixing bowls, etc., etc. All large size at 2B centB and 8B centBcnch. .HAYDEN & METCALF. Joo Burgess of Notl waB In Springfield Saturday looking for, a teacher of the Notl school. Mr. and Mrs. Uurgess leave in n short time for Morccd, Cnlifor- nln, for the benefit of Mrs. Uur- gess' health. , A. J. MoKinzoy, local munng- er of the Hampton store, Is off duty' for his vacation this week. Mr. and Mrs. McKlnzoy expect to spend n part of tho time at tho homo of Mr. McKlnzoy's father at Pleasrtnt Hill. . . G. F, Conloy and family and A. (Gt.'lJrauor and family of Cor vallls, were in Springfield Sat urday afternoon on. their way' to their homes from tho' Belknap springs. Thoy drove on to Co vallls that night in tholr nuto-mobllcB. the Town ; Hall for cheaper soles and hcols. I -2200 nll-wool, up-to-dato -fabrics to choose from at Jen kins' Place, Fourth Street. . t . A A Eugene C. Martin came down 'from Marcola this morning and returns on the afternoon train. A. S. Walker, who has been ill for quite a tlmo, was reported today, as showing no improve ment. Try a Back of eastern Ore gon flour at $1.50 a sack, $5.80 a barrel. This flour guaranteed. SNI3I3D & SON'S. a 6 O Mrs. M. J. McKHn and Mrs. D. Crouch mndo a business trip to Eugeno this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Clark and Mrs. Stowart returned to Salem yesterday after spending sev eral days at home here.. n Perkins & Wlnzenried arc having a concrete pavement laid in Fourth street where the old scales were taken out. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fry, Mrs. T 1 1 l ai. ai. ijom. Airs. Jessie sewinan and sons Theron and MaVnil, spent Sunday at tho fish hatch- ory. Q o Dale Tusslng. employed nt tho Snrlngfield Feed store, left Sntu'rday morning for n fishhm trip near Brownsville, his old home. There will bo a called meeting of the Progressive Five Hundred club nt tho Ellto hotel Wedues dny evening nt S o'clock. All members nre urged to be pres ent. o a Dr. Laurie Van Vnl.nh arriv ed from San Francisco Friday night for a visit with his parents in Springfield. He is n- phvsl eiun in the big S. P. hospital there. W. L. Dunlnp this morning received from Clay Parker of Lnndux u benutiful redside, 17 and n half inches long, that weighed two pounds nftcr It wns dressed. a Miss Mne Lvons. who hns been mnklng her home with Miss Estclln Mnrtln whllo nt tcndlng tho Springfield Illch school, expects to lenvo shortly for tho homo of her pnrents at Corning, California. t n Seo our window for the boBt. value In Guernsey ware over olicretl in sprmglloui. While thoy last, at 2B cents and 3B cents, each. The Home Fur nishers, HAYDEN & METCALF Mrs. Rose Ilarbit and daugh ter Stella, Mrs. N. J. Harbit and daughter, Naomi. J. P. Fry and his Blstor, Mrs. M. M. Lord, wont to Cnlnpooln' springs in Mr. Fry's nutomobilo this morn ing. Mr. Fry and Mrs. Lord will return this evening, and tho Hnrblts will stay for a week or two. a E. J. Thayer, who has been uBsoelnted for Bovcrnl months with Mr. Wlllnrd In tho conduct of tho Springfield Dairy, re ceived a tologram Thursday ad vising him tlioro wns a position open for him as brakomnn on tjio Shasta division, from Ash Innd to Dunsmuir, and ho wont to Portland at onqp to report. Ho wns formerly ' night yard master In SpringfleM. SOCIAL Thursday afternoon Class No. B of tho M. E, Sunday school was royally entertained at tho homo of Mrs. Horning. Members of tho claBH present wore: Eunlco Horning, Doris Smith, Margaret McElhnnoy, Phyllis Heater, Genevieve Co- nenhaver. Flaud Townaond, Stella and Naomi Ilarbit, Mir lam Malo, Minnie Uocson and Mrs. 0, A. Townsend. Guests of tho ebiBH woro Edith Horil- Inir and Alfred Townsend. Var - Ioub games were enjoyed for a they were pleasantly entertaln tlmo then the hostess Berved ed. Needlework formed the en- pop cojn balls, cake and ico cream, whlplt tho young folks appreciated very much and all departed at five o'clock declar ing they had had one flue time. The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gordon, In Springfield, was tho scene of a pleasant surprise on Sunday when a large num ber of relatives gathered, the occasion being a reunion of tho "Wlnzenried Ifamily. A bount eous repast was served. The following relatives woro pre sent: Mr. and Mrs. II. F Gor don, Chris Wlnzenried, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lord, Hall for cheaper soles and heels. Mrs. Charles Dorrlty visited J Saturday and Sunday with her cousin, Lane Morris, at Cedar Flat. In n very hotly contested ball name at Midway park Sunday, Thurston defeated Mabel by a Bcore of G to 0. V D O Mr. and Mrs. Al Perkins, Geo. Perkins and Mrs. Minnie Kahler drove to London Springs on Sunday for the outing. Work of grading G. Street from Eighth to Tenth, for which Bruce Lansbury has the qon- tract, was begun Saturday. Good reliable fire Insurance. , . . t.t No assessments; no membership fee. Pay once and you are done, II. E. Walker at the Cityllall. GOO Rev. IT. C. 11101 went to Latulax and Blakeloyvllle Satuf-, day and returned Monday. Ilei reports that the recent rains' did some little damage to hay that was In the fields. Mary Pickford plays the' lead, supported by her sister Lottie and brother Jack in the five-act Paramount nicture. "Fanchion the Cricket," at the Oregon theatre, Eugene, Mon day and Tuesday. n m w Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lemons, who have been here for six months, left today for Portland. Mr. Lemons has been firing on tho Springfleld-Willai.nina run, and goes to take a run between Portland and Tillamook. A number of the members of tho Snrlngfield lodge of Odd Fel lows went to Coburg Saturday evening to attend the installa tion of the officers of the lodge there. District Deputy Grand Master G. L. Day was installing officer. Miss Blanche McIIcnry of Ro gers, Arkansas, -arrived Satur day for n visit of a month at the homo of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smith. Miss Mclienry has been attending the California fairs, and will return to her home by the northern routes. i Roy Jonkins this morning re roclovd word that his brother; L. 13. Jenkins of Portland, a re cording clerk In' tho main police office, had passed highest in tho civil service examinations and will bo in charge of the police of St. Johns and Linnton, which wero recently annexed to Port land. He will have 18 men un der him. Ho is expected to pay a visit to Springfield early in Aurcust. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local nmillcottori, they cannot reach tb illiraicd portion ot the ear. There la only one way to oure dearnvaa, and that la by conalltullonal remedlr. Ueafneaa la earned by an Inflamed condition of the mu coua lining o( the ljuatachlan Tube. Winn thla tuba la Inllained you have n rumbllne uund or Imperfect htarlnc. and when It la entirely oloied, Deafneea la the reault. und unleea the Inflammation can be taken uut and thla lube reatored to ita normal condi tion, hearing will be dcitroyed forever: nine caeea out of ten are caueed by Catarrh, which la nothing but an Inflamed condltlo.ii of the mucoua nirfncea, We will Rive One Hundred Dollar for any caae of Denfneaa (cauaed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by IUU'b Catarrh Cuiv. Bend'for circular!, free. P. J. CIIKNRY ft CO., Toledo, Ohla. , Bold by DriicalMa. no. Taka Haifa amlry Villa for ooaatlpaUou NOTES Halla Heaver, of Pleasant Hill, Frank Wlnzenried, of Portland, Mrs. fJ. A. Taylor, Mllwaukle. Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. John Wlnzenried, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lemons, Springfield, Mr. and iMrs. W. H. Gilfry,.Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gilfry, Mrs. Lizzie Rine- hart and Maude Gilfry, Crc3 well. The Kensington Club met at tho home of Mrs. II, A. Korfi last Friday afternoon where! tcrtalnment of the afternoon. After which dainty refresh ments were served. Members of the club present were: Mrs. E. J. Browning, Mrs. II. W. Whitney, Mrs. N. W Emery, Mrs. J. W. Coffin, Mrs. M. M. Peery, Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, Mrs. Dr. ISugene Kester, Mrs. 0. B. Kessey, Mrs. L. May, Miss Edna Swarts, Mrs. F. E. Lenhart, Mrs. IT. A. Korf. Guests of the club were Mrs. Clay Parker, (Lan dax), Mrs. W. L. Dunlap, Mrs. J. B. Sowash, Miss Vcrna Morris (Iowa), Mrs. Whitney (Sutherlln.) The club members are planning a picnic to be held July 23 instead of the regular meeting. The Springfield Flour mill to day received a carload of blue stem wheat from eastern Wash ington. Miss Mabel Brabham of San ta Clara spent Friday in Spring field as the guest of Miss Elolah Newman. I,Lr.8;,R' V; Dnn7 WaS. 0??ra on at the Mercy hospital In Eu gent this morning and Is now doing nicely. William and Lillle Ebbertt brother and sister of Mrs. John Wlnzenried and Mrs. J. F. Pow ers, left this morning for their home at Condon, Gilliam coun ty, after attending the funeral of their mother here. Their father, J. W. Ebbert will remain 1U1 IV 11 111 V; Willi 1110 UIUUIU1. Jameg Ebbert who suffered P stroke of paralysis several weeks ago. I j Chautauqua j Don't Forget These Attractions Ciricillo's Grand Opera Company, in Eugene Wednesday afternoon and Evening. Col. Geo. W. Bain, the grand old man of the Chautaqua platorm on Friday. Swiss Alpine Yodlers They played 40 Weeks in New York Hippodrome the largest theatre in America. New and novel as well as entertaining. On Saturday afternoon and evening. Eight Dr. J. H. Barr made a profes sional trip to Marcola Saturday evening. n n Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sidwell,, daughter Grace and son Fern, returned this afternoon from a' vacation trip to Newport. William and Jimmy Young rc roturncd homo this afternoon from Newport where they have spent the last two weeks. Mayor C. L. Scott and family loft this morning for San Fran cisco to attend the fair. They i. t 1 . i. - wjh iju guilt; iur nuvurm wucnu. Classified Ads For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc. FOR SALE OR TRADE New six room bungalow fjn Im proved lot 50x150, trees, out side city limits, city water,, sewerage, wired for electric lights, one block from mac adam street. Will trade for Springfield property. Address E. R. Spencer, Cottage Grove Oregon. LOST Roman gold ear drop with pendant. Leave at this ofilcc. Reward. LOST Last week In Spring field, large envelope contain ing papers of value to owner. Return to this office. lt LOST Gold breast pin on July 5, either on Ninth or Main. Reward. Leave at News of fice. 46 FOUND Bicycle padlock. The News office. At 27 I LOST On Fifth street, purse and sum of money. Finder please leave at News office. It. O. A. hall for rent. Well ven tilated and lighted, clean and warm. Kitchen and dining room attached. Rates reason able. Apply to Fred Watke Gilbert Davis.or W. A. Hall. WANTED 150 MEN TO RIDE the motor bus. Leave Spring field 25 minutes after the hour and leave Eugene 5 before the hour. Fare 5c. 47-8 Eugene Italian Band and other attractions. Call at the Lane County News Officefpi? iPrograms 'f H FOR SALE Timber "claim, for $G,000. No Incuinboranco, clear title, 8,800,500 feet If taken Inside of G woks. Ad- , dress A. P. Nilson, Springfield, Orecon. TGt FOUND One bay marc. Owner may have same by calling, describing, paying for this ad and paying for keeping. A. L. Churchill, Springfield. Ore. R. F.D. 2. ,37-8-S LOST A gold braclet, cameo Bet, between Thurston and. Eugene. Leave at News office' and receive reward. It: FOUND A purse containing a small sum of money. Call at Nice & Miller and pay for this, notice. 42 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Rosoburg, Ore gon, June 21, 1015. Notice Is hereby given that Orlando-. 0. Vob8, of Logroll Oregon, who, on November 201911, made Homestead. Entry, Serial, No. 07C49, for the S of SEV4 of Section 30, Township 19 S Range 1 C, Willamette Merldan, has died notice of intention to make Final Three-year Proof, to establish claim.' to tho land abovo described, beforo 1. P. Hewitt, U. S. Commissioner, at his office at Eugene, Oregon, on tho 2nd day of August, 1915. Claimant, names as witnesses: Dexter Carter, of Lowell, Oregon; Lorenzo S. Wlnt frey, of Lowell, Oregon; Frank Mc Masters, of Land Axe, Oregon; Ora. E. Carter of Lowell, Oregon. J. M. UPTON, J24Jy2l Reglatcr.- Office In City Hall, Springfield, Ore-. HERBERT E. WALKER, NOTARY PUBLIC Office Ninth and I'cftrl 8t. eicrnoneSSJ DR.YI.Y.SHAFFER,D.V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Suite Phone 888, EUGENE. ORE Residence over Dodge's Store O. R. Gullion, M. D. Practice Limited ti Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate Nurse Attending 306, White Temple, Eugene. Commercial printing carefully executed at the NewB printing plant II Trovatore on - 1