The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, July 12, 1915, Image 2

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Editor nnd Manngor
Published Every Monday and Thursday by the Lano County Pub
. lishlng Association.
One Vcnr - - $U0 Six Months ,75 Throo Months
Advertising ltntes Furnished on Application.
V,vT V Member of the State Editorial Association.
Member of the Willamette Vnlloy Editorial Association.
J 1 H '
t And Remember to Cot a Stop-Over for Springfield.
- Springfield, oregon, monday, july 12. 1915.
A nuinber- of newspaper men under the name of Wlll-
amette Valley Editorial Association recently met at Spring
field, Ore., and passed resolutions favoring the so-called
"Schpol of Journalism" of the University of Oregon. We
take it for granted that these gentlemen really know what
the work of that journalism school Is, what it Is intended to
. , do, what it has done, etc Why is it that these editorial meet
ings cannot be held without resoluting for something or other?
,An editorial association should do something for the news
papermen directly, talk shop, exchange ideas, and form an or
ganization to handle the problem of foreign advertising and
fight the ready-print advertising pages that rob the small
t papers of the advertising that rightly belongs to them.
Then the organization should be composed exclusively; of the
.publishers of weekly newspapers. No farm or trade journal
editor or publisher should hold membership in the assocla
tion. These latter publications are a different class than the
common country weekly. McMinnvile News-Reporter May
27, 1915.
Had the editor of the News-Reporter attended the edi
torial meeting in Springfield he would have found that it
was indeed a practical session. "The Editorial," "Minor
Troubles of the Newspaper Man," and legislation in which
we are particularly interested were the three particular themes
for discussion and there was little time for political talk.
One editor said his readers did not look at an editorial
- column, and if he wanted to make comment it had to be in
the, news story; another said his paper endeavored to handle
teditorially one local and one general topic, besides the shorter
. u editorial paragraphs. Others gave their experience with the
; "front page" editorial. The other subjects were in a similar
1 way given practical treatment.
Under the discussion of legal printing, it was shown that
in some counties the county court allowances are published,
whereas the law provides that the proceedings of the county
,; court shall be published, at not to exceed a certain rate. H,ere
(in Lane county the official newspapers are charging less than
, the legal rate, and are not receiving the general proceedings
, at all.
The matter of the printing plant for the University of
Oregon School of Journalism was brought up by Prof. E. W.
Allen, head of the department, an honorary member of the
Valley Editorial Association.
It is not the purpose of the department to turn out prac
. tical printers. There are trade schools for that purpose.
Neither is it the purpose of the department to turn loose a
great flock of reporters, seeking work in the big cities. What
. the department is trying to do is to train young men and wo
men to an undorstnndlug of the dignity of the country news
paper and the power that this country editor, In the aggre
gate wields in the United States. When a man htiB nmdo good
in tho country ho isipropnrod1 to advance to the niovo dHU'cult
position in tho city. '
t Tho purpose in Imping u printing plant Is to enable tho
student to got an Insight Into tho wholo newspaper business.
"Tho way to get service-," said ProfoHsor Alien one day
in conversation with tho editor of the News, "Is to bo ublo
to tell an employe who cannot or does not do what is expected
of liliu. Tut that aside, I'll do It when 1 havo time.' "
,'rlly the experience gained In a printing olllco "laboratory"
iiutconnoctton with a course In journalism, tho; young nifth
or. woman will havo.eafnlr idea of what to expect from his
employes, and will neither bu imposing impossible tasks nor,
on4he other.hand, wIllQic bo Imposed upon by careless work
inon. .
Until recent yearav'It has been the belief of newspaper
men generally that the only way to learn tho business was
to "eat ink and sleep on a bundle of newspapers," but tho
results that are being attained by trained men In the schools
of journalism of tho great colleges of the United States In
dicates a neV day in tho training of newspaper men. In
this work the University) of Oregon Is doing a great work, and
should be provided with all equipment needed for eillclont
r. !
On the Lane County News'
Classified Column. It is ,the
"mutual benefit salesman of
Springfield, for it profits both
buyer and seller. ,
Advertise if you want to sell:
advertise for what you need.
The Classified Column reaches
the people you want to reach.
Lane County News
One of the signs of the times is the quality of letters re
ceived from the rural districts, says tho Rural Spirit. It was
only a few years ago that a great many of the storo keepers
discontinued the use of rubber stamps in printing their letter
heads. A printed letter head from a farmer was entirely
unexpected. Today a remarkable largo per centago of letters
received from farmers are on printed stationery. A few of
these, it Is true, are poorly printed, but still they show a pro
gressive spirit. The Rural Spirit receives a great many let
ters from farmers who have as attractive stationery as any
merchant. The element of attractiveness is a most subtlo
influence, no matter where you place it. It Is the element
that brings a premium. There 1s no place where attractive
ness is more essential than In printed stationery. Tho letter
is the representative of the man who sends It. He is judged
by its appearance very frequently.
"I visited the farm of a breeder last month with whom I
corresponded about a year ago, and was surprised at the line
stock that he had. 1 bought inferior stuff from another breed
er because the latter had a neatly printed letter head showing
a sire with whose family .history I was familiar. Had the let
ter from the man I have just called on made a good Impression
on me, I would have purchased from him" This Is the state
ment of a visitor at the ftural Spirit ofllce. The letter head
that Is printed neatly and in type that Is in style for there
is style in type as in everything else creates for Its sender
a good impression. And that is all any letter can do. It is
then only a matter of taking advantage of the good Impres
sion. In a letter to The News today, S. Dike Hooper, of the
Eugene Commercial club.-explains that E. M. Warren, Lane
County representative athe Panama-Pacific exposition, has
" not" been provided with cards asking Eugene literature since
the close of the period for? which Eugene had paid Mr. War
ren's salary, and in conversation, Mr. Hooper further ex
plains that it is the intention to have Mr. Callison confer with
the other towns as to the .methods to be used further in pro
viding Lane County literature. These are facts not included
in the statements published in the Eugene newspapers, and
it was against this Iaxness In statement on the part of the
papers to which the News raised its principal objection. The
word had gone out to the vjrorld that Eugene, in an unspecified
time, had received 500 inquiry cards from Mr. Warren, and,
it was added in the newspapers, an effort was being made to
keep Mr. Warren at San Francisco.
What more natural than an inference that Eugene wanted
to get another 500 letters? That the plan being formulated
was to arrange for the sending on of these inquiries to the
other towns was not indicated in the newspaper stories. We
are glad that plans for something of this sort were in the
making. Undoubtedly sonfe plan can be worked out that will
be the means of distributing throughout the county the bene
fits that are to be secured by bringing in new settlers.
Springfield has in business a man who is issuing pay
checks of $3000 and $400 a month to the farmers of this
vicinity. He came to Oregon directly as a result of what he
saw at the Lewis and Clark exposition. The gaining of such
citizens is an effort decidedly worth while.
For many years past Eugene has provided a large fund
for the exploitation of Eugene and Lane County, and benefit
has undoubtedly come to the whole county. Eugene has, of
course, loomed as the prinplpal factor in this literature, and
it is proper that she should, for she was paying for it. This
matter of keeping a representative at San Francisco is more
particularly a country, and therefore a county-wide matter.
Being such, the tone of th$ news reports, and the literature
should be county wide in its, bearing. It was to this careless
ness in news writing that The News objected. The pbject
the keeping of a county representative at tho fair, undoubt
edly is a sound one, and ones that will receive a ready response
In Springfield.
, jf ,
A town cannot prosper unless the agricultural country
around it prospers. Conversely, the rural districts, if
thrown exclusively upon tjieir own resources, without the
markets supplied by their twn, would be helpless. In other
words, the rural and urbatj! interests arc socially bound to
gether and are Independent, each leaning upon the other.
But neither can attain its full measure of prosperity unless
the, lines of communication between them are -adequate.
Without good roads the farnier loses money, and the merchant
does likewise The townsnmn, the farmer and the visitor all
benefit by'better roads. Nolmatter -whether one drives a one
horse vegetable wagon or a GO-horse power automobile, tho
proportionate benefits are great. If tho average fanner could
figure out accurately the cdst to him of transporting his pro
ducts to town or bringing out his supplies from town, ho would
be astonished at the high mileage of bad roads; and could he
reduce it all to cents, he would convince himself readily that
probably one or two months' use of a bad road would cost
iiim far. more .than the angual upkeep cost of a real first
class road. Governor Withycombtf. '"'' '.'
$ irsf c
06 -23
Start a
Wntnli It
FirstMNational Bank
Will furnlih to everyone who will bcoome.n tiepoiltor to
the amount of one dollar or more, a handsome
Homo Savings Bank
to uio. You are Invited to call and ask for one of theie
safes. If you are already a depositor you are entitled to
one to ute.
Very tw people can save In large amount!. If you wait
until you can deposit a large amount you may never begin.
Everyone can lave In a email way. He who drift into the
habit of spending at he goes will always remain' poor.
Tho Bank Keeps the Key
Th In Homo BnvliiRH Hank In foiinoil to you froo o( choree.
Ono dollar of your nccouut In to bo held to Insuro It ruturn;
but romombur thin dollar Moiige. to you enn bo drawn by,
you nt any (lino on ruturn of tho Bufo.
The Best Groceries
For Less Money
The Fifth Street Grocery
Tnos. Sikes, Prop. Phone 22
Our Bank Money Orders Are
Safe Cost Less Good Everywhere
Our $25.00 or Undor Bank Monoy Ordor Coot3 Only 5c
Our $25.00 to $100.00 Bank Monoy Ordor Costo Only 10c
If lost or destroyed in transmitting through the mails, or
otherwise, we give you a duplicate without any cost or red
tape whatever.
Commercial State Bank
Capital $30,000.00
are famous for quality and
wo savo you money on
what you buy here. Wo
sell Dependable Coffees and
Teas and everything else Is
dependable which we sell.
Nice & Miller
Op Commercial State Bank
Phone 0
Established 1883
Capital and Surplus - -- - - $303,000.00
Interests on Savings Accounts a nd Time Certificates
PHONES: Office, 3; Residence, 111-J
Over Commercial Bank,
Springfield, Oregon.
Phono 1221
831 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon
Office Phone 62;'- - F.'esldence 67J
Springfield Garage
Repairing a Specialty
Main, bot. Fourth nnd Fifth. Phono 11
Edwards & Brat tain
For Farm and City Property
Exchanges a Specialty
,i -c '.. Phone30 ' , ".? -'i
n JtWM'.MItr M .... - -..MM '