The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, July 08, 1915, Image 2

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-r Editor, nnd Manager
Published Every Monday and Thursday by the Lano County Pub-
Ilsning Association.
Cno Year Jt.BO Six Months - - .75 J Thrco Months M
Atlvortlsing Rates Furnished on Application.
Member of the State Editorial Association.
; Member of tho Willamette Valley Editorial Association.
: o . - .
, - And Remember to Get a Stop-Over for Springfield.
"Eugene will continue to be represented at the
San Francisco exposition by E. M. Warren, in the
opinion of members of the promotion board of the
Commercial club, who last night designated V. D.
Callison, formerly of the Eugene Loan & Savings
Bank, to make a personal canvass of Lane county in
an effort to raise the necessary fund." Opening
paragraph of half-column article in Wednesday's
Eugene Daily Guard.
The Guard's article goes on to state that Mr. Callison
will visit all sections of the county, and wherever there are
commercial organizations, representatives of these will be
asked to assist in the canvass for funds. Continuing, in a
quotation from an unnamed member of the Eugene club, it
is stated that Eugene has received between 400 and 500 in
quiries from people Mr. Warren has talked to at San Fran
cisco. Several months ago the Springfield Development League
along with other commercial organizations in the county, re
ceived a letter from the Eugene Commercial club asking co
operation in the raising of a fund to send Mr. Warren to San
Francisco. A committee from Springfield met with a com
mittee of the Eugene club to talk over the matter and to
find out the plan of operation. If it were to be county-wide
in its scope, Springfield felt disposed to help; if the plan called
for the promoting of Eugene's interests alone, Springfield
did not see its way clear to join, and it was to have a definite
understanding that Springfield sent this delegation. Satis
factory assurances were made at that time, that the whole
county was to be represented. The committee was shown
copies of the Willamette Valley booklet, which, it was stated,
was to. be the only literature given out in the Valley exhxibit
that none of the individual towns or counties were to be
allowed to give out literature.
At the same time the matter of contribution was dis
cussed and upon a basis of population it was agreed that
Springfield's fair share would be the payment of Mr. War
ren's salary for one month $135. Eugene and Springfield
were each to endeavor to raise their portions, together with
what was raised by other communities of the county. No
money was raised at-any point for this purpose, and an appeal
was made to the county court. Again Eugene asked the as
sistance of the outside communities, and Springfield, together
with Cottage Grove and Creswell, sent a delegation before the
county court. No funds are available from this source, and
now it is back to individual subscriptions if Mr. Warren is
to be kept at San Francisco, and Eugene is asking the help
of the county at large.
At the meeting of the Springfield Development League
Tuesday evening, the matter was discussed, and it was de
cided that it was for the best interests of Lane county to
keep a live man at the fair. Within a few minutes seven sub
scriptions of $2.50 each were made, payable 50c a month, and
initial payments were made. Springfield is ready and is al
ready doing its share, aid wants to see Lane county repre
sented at the exposition. There is grave doubt, however,
Oregon's Popular Beach Resort
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Half the fun is taking1
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tent-making. Any Tout iuubL stand hard
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a QUALITY Tout -one that will bo ready for
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Say "Willamette" at vour store ak
to scco
your i
Ilirsch-Weis Manufacturing
Company, Makers
Formerly Wltltraett Tent 1- Awning Co.
Eugene In times past has called on Springfield for as
sistance and has received It. A few years ago over $100 was
raised in Springfield for repairs to the McKonzie highway.
The Eugene newspapers do not take any particular pains to
mention Springfield's location on that road. Two years ago
an organization in charge of the Fourth of July celebration
in Eugene came to Springfield and promised, if Springfield
would go there that year, it would come to Springfield the
following year. Last year Springfield prepared a celebration
and so did Eugene. Actions,, you know, speak with a very
loud voice.
The report in the Guard makes the statement that 400
to 500 inquiries have come to 'the Eugene Commercial club
on account of Mr. Warren's interviews with interested vis
itors at the Exposition. So far as known, Springfield has re
ceived no inquiries. Eugene has provided Mr. Warren with
blank postals, requesting literature, and these are signed
by interested persons. If Springfield is entitled to have cards
of this sort distributed, then the failure to have calls for
literature is Springfield's, and there is to ground for com
plaint at the number who are being directed elsewhere. If
Eugene puts up the money and) the literature, she is entitled
to all the glory; if she asks and receives the help of the other
communities, she should be fair and divide the results.
Right now when Eugene is asking help, and Springfield,
seeing the many benefits that can come from co-operation
in county representation at San Francisco, is disposed to help,
now, we say, is a very good time to impress upon the news
papers of Eugene that when they speak for Eugene they are
their own judges of what to say, but when they assume to
speak for Lane county, they should not slight any community
in the county.
If Mr. Callison will bring tv?o or three newspaper men in
contrite captivity, and a representative delegation of Eugene
business men, when lie comes' to Springfield, we will prob
ably be able to talk business in terms of ready cash.
Editorial in this Morning's Register.
"The members of the Springfield Development league
deserve commendation for their prompt response to the ap
peal for funds to keep a Lane county representative at the
exposition in San Francisco. Their action Is evidence that
the Springfield league is determined to do its full share in the
important work of bringing to Lane county the farm popula
tion that is needed if we are to realize the development to
which we are entitled because of our great latent resources.
The example that has been set at Springfield ought to be
followed by the Cottage Grove Commercial club, the Cres
well Commercial club, the Junction City Commercial club,
the Florence Commercial club and every other commercial
organization in the county. I ought to be followed by all the
granges and all the other organizations that are working to
make Lane county greater an'd moro prosperous. If thiB
were done the fund would soon be raised and no one would
have contributed more than he could afford.
The facts are simply these: The exposition at San
Francisco is a gathering place, for people from all over the
United States and a very large number of these people are
farmers. Interest in Oregon is keen because of tho splendid
record that has been made by this state, and all the repre
sentatives of Oregon counties are kept busy answering the
questions. Practically all the other yillamette valley coun
ties are permanently represented, but Lane county will be
without representation from now on unless this fund is raised
We cannot afford to be unrepresented. Wo cannot afford to
.neglect such an opportunity to'ihcrcasti our farm population.
whether Springfield would be a very heavy contributor to
make it possible for "Eugene to continue to bo represented at
the San Francisco exposition . . .
Perhaps the statement in the Guard's opening paragraph
was the work of a careless reporter, allowed to slip into the
paper by an over-worked editor. It may not represent tho
attitude of the businss interests of Eugone, and again it niny
be just the unconscious expression of the usual habit of mind,
just as profanity will slip from the profane man's Hps under
conditions when it would not be expected.
Promises and assurances are delightful to hear, but the
thing that counts is the action. If the newspaper statements,
that go out to the world at large, are at variance with tho
words of the committee conference, the newspaper attitude is
very likely to be taken as the true one.
Start a ANF mul
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Try us and be convinced that It pays to patronizo homo
Springfield Garage
Repairing a Specialty
Main, hot. IJourUi and Fifth. Phono 11
Tho mint makes It and under tho torms
COMPANY you can Bocuro it nt 0 per
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al real ostato. Tonus easy, toll us
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bam Bide. Denver. t-tAG