The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, June 28, 1915, Image 3

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W A; N T E D !
On next Friday HitlUHIuy evening, July 2iu and 3nC at
8:!10 P. M. "S I '
100 Boys and Girls
to liolp iih doiiioiiHlrfito Tho Amorioan Eloctrlc Spiuklor
Tho only wife ami sane firework,, Uod for all fontlvo
otcaHlonn, Indoors or outdoor.
No danger of burning even the finest fabric.
A Sparklor FREE to the first 100 Boyo and Glrlo that
call at our utoro on tho above datoa at statod timo.
TLB -k. CDOimcici r
Tales of the Town
-rllttvo Vou tried Cupid Flour?
Shoo and harnosB repairing
at Wolf. & Miller's. 5 ' '
-Lnp dUBtorn, gloveB and
shoo findings at tho IlarneuH
Hall for cheaper hoIcs and
Bruce Lanshury completed a
barn for 01oHolclm Saturday.
Hull for cheaper solea and
For mowing with scythe sec
II. C. IStholl.
B. A. WaBhhurne went to Au
rora on uuhIuchh IuhL ThurHday.
Mrs. M, A. Harrott and Mrs. V.
A. Wothorbco of Jflugono wore
luncheon guests of Mr.i. W. A.
1)111 Friday noon.
Class No. G of tho Methodliit
Sunday school hied themselves
la tho woodH near Prunovlllo
last Thursday unci pont tho day
in picnic Htylo, with games and
othi'i- forniH of outdoor uimmo
inent, Including a fine picnic
luncheon. Members of tho class
who went wore Hazel Jones,
Ocnovlovo Copenhavor, (loldlo
Park, Uorls Smith, Maud Town
Bend, Mlnnlo Booson, Phyllis
,Kestor, Miriam Male, Margaret
McICIhaney and Mrs. TownBond.
Mrs. S. II. Baker and Mrs.
W. II. Pollard were tho charm
ing hoBteBBCB Friday afternoon
to forty of their friends at the
homo of Mrs. Baker on Fifth
and A streets. Tho decorating
scheme was in green and white.
White llllles being used in pro
fusion. Fancy work was the
order of tho afternoon at tho
close of which funny contests
afforded much amusement. Mrs.
Mac Stevenson and Mrs. N. W.
Emery assisted tho hostess In
serving the dainty luncheon to
the following guests: Mrs. N.
W. Emery, Mrs. J. VV. Coflln.
Leonard Leploy
was In Sprlnglleld Saturday on
bUBlllCKB. .
Mr. Ada Barr came over from
her home near Junction City
Friday for a viBlt with friends.
Mrs. P. M. Stroud and child
ren returned Friday from a visit
of Jasper j of two weekB with her parents
in Portland.
. o o
Platform sealeB are being put
Mrs. J. T. Mooro, Mrs. Tt. W.
Smith, MrB. Carl Fischer, Mrs.
It. L. Kirk, MIob Kirk, Mrs. itobt.
Drury, Mr. W. F. Walker, Mrs.
II. 13. Walker, Mr. J. M. MI!br,
(Eugene) Mrs. Tally, (Uugeno)
MrB. 0. I). KoMflPV. Mrs. Stewart.
I MrB. TIioh. SlkcH, 'Mrs. D. S.
ijhw. Aim. ii. A. Korr, Mn. P.
A. Woolley, Aire. 11. Jenkins,
MtH W ItluhM. Miu IV T Mill
lap,-Mrs. C. A. Lenhart, Mrs. L.
(Aiay, .Mrs. n. Koster, Mrs. H, P.
jMollMmon, Mrs. W. C. Rcbham,
I Mrs. H. Whitney. Mrs. Milton
JJally, Mrs. Dr. KeBter, Mrs. J.
E. Richmond, Mrs. J. P. Vaughn,
Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. M. C. Bres
Bler, Mrs. F. W. Brcssler, Mrs.
D. W. Hoof, Mrs. Julia Kennedy,
Mra. L. K. Page, Mrs. Ada Barr,
Mrs. H. Sandgathe.
A most enjoyable invitation
dance was given Thursday eve
ning by the Knights and Ladieu
of Security at their lodge hall,
In lieu of the regular meeting.
A large number enjoyed the
evening as guests of the lodge.
Refreshments were served.
The Reapers of America gave
another of their very successful
Invitation dances Friday even
ing, that date being the regular
ladleB' night.
Headquarters For
Headquarters for Flogs. Bunt
ing, and Decorative Malarial of
evdry description for your autos,
floats and houses.
From 5c a dozen to $3.5t) each
Full Line of Fishing Tackle
Post Cards of Local Views
Springfield Racket Store
Born On Monday. June 21, Mn on the east Bide of Second
hu cl'i, uviir iMiuii, uy mu opriii(,-
field Feed company.
lain, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald It.
Roberts, a daughter.
Olo Soleim went to Portland
yesterday on a business trip, and
is exptccted back tonight.
Minor repairs were made last
week to the loading platform at
the Southrn Pad lie station.
Mrs. D. Crouch returned from
Portland last week after a brief
business trip to the metropolis.
WilLBlBhop-has In-hls garden
at Second and Mill Btrccts, gar
den peas that are all of six feet
tall. '
W. A. Hall is making a num
ber of changes In tho arrange
ment of the interior of his shoe
repair shop.
City Engineer II. F. Parsons
went to Portland Saturday on
his motorcycle. He is serving
on the federal grand Jury.
Dwlght Kessey, son of Mr.
and Mrs. O. B. Kessey under
went an operation this morning
for the removal of adnolds.
Good reliable flro Insurance.
No assessments; no membership
fee. Pay once and you arc done.
H. E. Walker at the City Hall.'
CharleB and Harry Bowman.
Fred and Ike Hake completed
the work Saturday of training
tho hop vines at the James Senv
ey hop yards.
R. D, Murray, boiler inspector
for the Insurance companies, in
spected boilers 1, 2, and 3, at
tho local plant of the Oregon
Power Co., Sunday.
Just arrived from Hong
Kong, China, a complete line of
grass Furniture. See dlBplay at
tho home-furnishers, IIAYDEN
H. J. Cox, assistant account
Ed. Wilson, Oregon Power Co. nt in the local office of the
engineer at Dallas, was In ( Booth-Kelly Co.. went to Coburg
Springfield for several days last j Sunday to do what bookkeeping
week watching the operation of is required at the plant there.
the big plant here. ,, , ,
j J. C. Shlnn, proprietor oi tho
Work of spring training was Cottage Grove Electric Co.. and
completed at tho James Leonard his friend. H. R. Rowe of La
hop ranch a week ago. and now C.raude, visited the local plant of
all that remains to be done Is the , He Oregon Power Co. this
giving of a spraying.
Bruce aLnsbuiy has the eon-
Rev. II. C.
went to
place. Rev. Mr. Loeb Is the lo
cal pastor.
G l .
Miss Sarah Martin, who was
among the teachers re-elected
tract for the erection of a small (Landax Saturday to assist In
inllnirr fnr Mrs. T.mlvlirson of .the bnntlsilinl Service for SCVCll
Portland, who Js now visiting at accessions to. the church at that
tho Ed. Soleim place.
Miss Altha Shaub, who has
been staying with her sister,
Mm f! A. TnwnROiid. for the
past year, returned to her home by the Springfield school board,
at CreBwell last Saturday. has submitted her resignation.
'as she wishes to accent a more
Rov Lovo. Georco Walkor and lucrative position at The Dalles.
Harold Luther were successful j .... , .... .
Wlllllllil 11111, IIU WilO DU Oli-
vorely Injured at the Booth-Kelly
mill a few weeks ago, was
able to be on tho street yester
day. He finds dlilieulty In read
ing, or In doing close work with
his eyes, but is otherwise well
recovered from his nccident.
Emery Richardson, fireman
on the morning shift at the
Oregon Power Co.'o plant, goes
on his vacation tho first of the
month. Mr. and Mrs. Richard
son will spend tho tlmo at the
homo of his parents on tho SIub
law river.
Joo Jones and his brother
Goo.rgo camo down from their
work on th road being con
structed on tho Oakrldgo lino.
Mr, Jones says tho work is pro
gressing nno ami will bo com
in landing five salmon yesterday
from the McKenzlo. Tho largest
of tho fish measured 42 Inches.
E. L. Blossof, a fruit grower of
West Springfield, reports that
his raspberry and peach crops
are going to be unusually good,
but that tho cherry crop will bo
Manager 1. V. Jackson of the
local ofllco of tho Pacific Tele
phone & Telegraph company,
and family, also Mrs. Jackson's
mother, Mrs. Ilickox and Miss
Volma Gonlry returned Satur
day from an outing of two wooks
at Newport.
Ilolvor Nysten, a lumber
stacker at tho Booth-Kelly mill,
received formal notice last week
of tho summer ninnoouvers of
Mrs. 0. Brabham of Santa
Chya waa in Springfield on busi
ness Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos Hum
phrey and daughter Mable of
the Seavey hop yard are In town
today shopping.
Try a sack of eastern Ore
gon flour at $1.55 a sack, $5.90
la barrel. This flour guaranteed.
o e o
Stockholders of the Booth-
Kolly company are expected to
be here some time this week to
inspect the local plant.
Mrs. Jules DcMIck is suffer
ing from an Infection of Her
right arm. It may have been
caused by a pin scratch.
F. Renne and his grandson,
Douglas Renne, returned Satur
day from a stay of ten days at
the ranch near Creswell.
Mrs. Lulu Fitzhugh has been
appointed postmistress at Co-
Iburg, taking the place of Mrs. C.
IL. Stearns whose time has ex
! pired. !
m w
An excellent program, beau
tifully rendered, was given Sun-!
day evening at the Christian
I church in observance of Child
Iren's day. j
W V V ,
A fuse in the transformer in .
front of the Beavcr-IIerndon
store was out this morning audi
motors served from that line
were out of commission for
about an hour.
1 i Ci
N. Olness, who has been part
ner of M. M. Mackey in the
conduct of the skating and
dancing pavilion, has taken over
tho full charge of the place. He
announces dances for Saturday
and Monday evenings, July 3
and 5.
Mrs. A. C. Taylor and two
sons have been visiting relatives
hero a few days and will leave in
a short tlmo for San Francisco
Jto attend a reunionof tho Scott
family. Mrs. Taylor is a sister
i of C. L. Scott, mayor, and cash
jier of the First National, bank.
A car of lumber from the
Coast Range mill at Mabel was
reloaded in the Springfield yards
last week. Long timbers on a
steel car had been allowed to
overhang an old wooden car,
and when the latter was loaded
with short timbers In the mid
dle, tho end was sprung up until
there was not sufllcient clear
ance between the car and tho
long timbers. A second steel
car was brought, and tho ship
ment went forward.
Mrs. Joe Neal, who was oper
ated on a week ago, is getting
along nicely.
Mrs. 0, C. Wolf came up from
Albany Saturday on account of
the illness of her father, A.
Mrs. F. A. Nickerson of Mar
cola came down this morning
and is a guest at the home oi
Miss Mary Roberts.
a m m
Rev. M. F. Chllds of the Free
Methodist church of West
Sprjngfield, conducted services
at Fall Creek Sunday.
It is reported here that A. T.
Brewer, formerly in business in
Springfield, has traded his store
and, old residence at Fall Creek
for property near Albany. He
retains his new residence and
the feed mill at Fall Creek.
Mrs. M. Johnson was down
from Marcola Saturday to have
an operation performed for the
removal of adnolds.
Robert Van Valzah came in
from Fall Creek Sunday after
a visit with Klrt Neet. He will
return this afternoon.
Herbert Moon, who was oper
ated on at the Springfield hos
pital ten days ago because of
injuries caused by a kick of a
fhorse, is well on the road to re
covery. His case was consider
ed critical at one time.
Tax reduction this year $2,
131,000 and limit of six per cent
per year as largest possible in
crease means better business
Coquille County takes bids
July 8 for bridge across Coquille
It Is a great thing to cause
pople to think but to see them
thinking on wrong lines is also
a responsibility.
Klamath county has a new
paper, the Merrill Times, by Geo.
E. Bradnack.
Now that the new Hill steam
ship line is In operation between
the mouth of the Columbia and
San. Francisco, and after the
Hill people have spent upwards
of $5,000,000 on this new indust
ry, the United States Interstate
Commerce Commission takes an
expensive trip to Portland to see
if i cannot in some way prove
that the Hill system put these
boats on contrary to law. This
j kind of an overhauling naturally
j makes private investors want to
'go right ahead and spend money
The Hill people should have been.
1 given a vote of thanks for estab
lishing this line of steamers and
;the government should oncour
'age instead of discouraging
j Baker will use two million
j gallons water per day this sum
mer. i O. W. R. & N. Co., has put on
daily train service to Juntura.
Astoria Street car service es
tablished Monday to Taylor's
Yamhill will spend $5,000 on
street improvement.
I Baker White Pine Lumber Co.
adds dry kiln.
Eugene's Annual
' RIvervlow Pavilion. Satur
day, July 3. Free automobiles
from Eugene.
.'i - i
July 12 to 17 Inclusive
Bigger and Better Than Ever
tho Norwegian army in which lylotocl about AuguBt 1. all being
ho Is an officer. 'As ho Is on n.muBiieu run. jmmyiuyvn u io
leavo of absence, he does not j Carter. There yet remains a
expect to go few days' work near Jasper,
Dcafucss Cannot Be Cured
ly loinl ftpnllcnllons, oj ttic)' cannot lunch
llii' illeon.iu portion ui the i'r. Thvro la
unly nu way to euro (l. utin.0. mid Hint It
by eoiiiitltiitloim) ronitillim Deatnei I
I'Uutut ty mi lmlmncct oomHtlon u tho mu
mm lUilnir of tlio nuxtuollln.i Tulif. Win u
thli to tin W Intldnml you have a ruinulliiK
i.oinil or liniH rfoil hemlni, nml wlu'n H I
iiitlrily vloioil, Uwifin'n u tho result, umt
i.nku tliu Inllnininatlon ran he taken out
Mid thl mho rut or imI u ll normal comli
iion, hoar In i: mil ho iKxlroyod forvvcr; nlno
(nn out uf ton urn unuijtil hy Oitnrrli
which la nothing but nn liitlairiod condition
of tho mucnuu .urlnccn.
VSu will hIvo One Hundred Unllnm for any
cn'jo of Ihafneei (iitu.itl hy ontuirti) tlint
cannot b cornt by Hall'n Catt-rrli Cuiu.
Heltd for alrrulnrj. free.
P. J. "HKXBV A CO,wToledo, Ohio.
Bold by DruHHlniK, Jn.
TaUg-Hair i-uinlly lli for coaitlpatlon.
This Space