Pi THE LANE COUNTY NEWS W. A. DILL 1 - Editor and Mnnngor Published EvoryiMonday'hnd Thursday by tlfS LahoTCauntyPub , J j. ' Hshing Associatiqn. , : f ? ; One Year RATES OK SUBSCRIPTION. $t.50 Six Months - .75 Throo Months AilTortlslnR ltatos Furnished on Application. ii. (lyiomber of tho State Editorinl Association. jMferttfcpir okf tho Willamette Valley Editorial Association. mm And, Remember to Get a Stop-Over for Springfield. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1915. WHY WE DEMAND RESPECT FOR INTERNATIONAL LAW. It has seemed to many citizens that the American gov ernment, in insisting that international law be respected, was blind to the fact" that warfare has changed since these laws were framed. The refusal of tho United States to accept Britain's blockade by manifesto in lieu of actual blockade, the demand upon Germany that the lives of non-combatants be safe guarded these appeared to ignore the fact that a block ade of the old encircling form was impossible in these days of mines, that it was obviously impossible for a sub-marine to remove to itself the crews and passengers of vessels sank. The world moves, the critics of our government's position say, and international law must conform to the changing world. The American government fully recognizzes that inter national law will have to be modified, but it believes these modifications must be brought about formally, in such wise that they may be solemnly discussed and agreed to by nations concernd. For if two or three or four laws and agreements are to be thrown into the discard at the convenience of be ligerents, why should any of the rest of the laws and agree ments be observed and respected? What shall prevent the lot of them going overboard? Britain proposes to starve Germany without running such risks as the North ran in our Civil war when it undertook to starve the South. That law overridden, then there is no reason why the United States should uphold the law which provides Canada with protection from invasion through the United States. Germany is sinking ships without seeing to it that innocent men, women, and children are removed to places of safety, or allowed to take to the boats. Since Amer ica has suffered by reason of this defiance of a long-standing international law, she might if she choose, say that British men-of-war may enter our harbors and destroy interned Ger man merchantmen and sink the three German warships which have come to us for asylum. Our government is seeking to uphold international law and custom in order that the mass of it be saved. It is filing protests, making demands, in order that the world shall not sink to that level of barbarism existing before treaties were signed, compacts sworn to, conferences held to mitigate the horrors and the ferocity of war. Forest Grove News-Times. LARGER PUBLIC UTILITY PLANTS. The tendency all over the United States is the consolida tion of utility plants into larger units. At a Panama Exposition convention June 10, it was shown KEEP EYE BESET On the Lane County News' Classified Column. It is the "mutual benefit salesman of Springfield, for It profits both buyer and seller. Advertise if you want to sell: advertise for what you need. The Classified Column reaches the people you want to reach. RATES LOW. by statistics that tho telephone companies with an nnntinl income of $5,000 or moro, have decreased in number 53.8 per cent in tho last ton yearsbut the number of telephones haa increased 216.1 per dent and tho number per 1000 of popula tion from 30 to 90. " At tho satuo time tho estimated number of mosHngos or talks clussllled as local exchange, has Increased 170.fi per cent nnd those classified as long dlstanco or toll, 182.3 per cent. While tho companies taken as a wholo have shown mich a marked decrease in number along with an extraordinary growth in equipment, nun'tbor of patrons, otc, the smaller sysioma reporting an annual liur.me of lest than $fi,0Q0 In cluding farmer or rural lltuja, have also shown a lubatnntliil incveaso both as to number and equipment. The growth of luteruruan mileage of both telephone com panies and electric railways, the growth of the electric light and power industry, including development of water powers, and especially the marked tondenVy In the latter industry for w tho large central generating plant with transmission lines to displace tho small Independent plant, are all facts uolthor fully known nor appreciated by the public generally. - CANAL BUSINESS y - wirw"' t (ft m iss one m sr"" The amount of ocean trallle which is being sent through the Panama Canal is regarded as highly satisfactory, all things considered. Preliminary reports Indicate that the tolls received from vessels passing through the canal for tho fiscal year that will end on June 30 will be sufficient to meet nil run ning expenses and lay the foundation for n surplus. Business through the canal has been Increasing stendily in the last few months. Under ordinary circumstances tho canal would have been a profit earner from the first, but the world's commerce was disorganized by the European war. The success of the canal in the first year of its operation is a complete vindication of the action of congress in repealing the tolls exemption clause of the Panama canal act. Had coastwise shipping been permitted to use the canal without tonage charge there would have been a large deficit Instead of a modest surplus at tho close of the first year's operations. As it is, the canal promises to be a successful commercial ven ture and a benefit to trade. Polk County Observer. WHEN RAILROADS PROSPER. and Wtoh it DOLLAR Grow First National Bank Will furnish to everyone who will ueeemo n drpwltor to tha amount of one tlollnr or more, a handsome Home Savings Bank to ute. You nro Invited to call unci mk for ono of these safe9. If you are already a depositor you nre entitled to ono to use. Very low people can save In larne nmount. If you wajt until you can depoilt a largo amount you may neyer begin. Everyone can iavo In a amall way. He who drifts Into the habit of spending at he goes will always remain poor. The Bank Keeps tho Key Thin Homo BnTliiRrt Hank In loiinoi! to you froii of clinrKo. Ono dollar or your account la to bo hold (o Innuro Itn ruturn; but romonibor this dollar bolongH to you; enn bo ilrnwu by you at any tlmo on return of tho 8ufo. The Best Groceries For Less Money ft "Crop prospects are fine, and with the gathering of the great harvest, times ought to become prosperous again," says W. It. Scott, general manger of the Southern Pacific sys tem. "The prosperity of the country depends to a remarkable extent on the railroadB," -cdhtinucd Mr. Scot. "When the railroads prosper, the influence extends to all branches of bus iness and industry. Mines, forests, mills and farms all supply greater demands when the railroads are active. When returns on investments are assured, funds for development and ex tension on railroad lines will be available." Under opposite conditions, when railroads have empty trains, there are no funds for improvements. And it was just a year ago today that the European war really began with the assaslnStlon of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife. A 'IN EARLY DAYS" By Fred LocJdey, Special Staff Writer Tho Oregon Journal, Portland The Fifth Street Grocery Tnos. Sikes, Prop. Phone 22 5a Our Bank Money Orders Are Safe Cost Less Good Everywhere Our $25.00 or Undor Bank Monoy Ordor Costs Only 5c Our $25.00 to $100.00 Bank Monoy Ordor Cost3 Only 10c If lost or destroyed In transmitting through the malls, or otherwise, we give you a duplicate without any cost or red tape whatever. A few days ago at Springfield I fell into talk with John Sidney Montgomery, an Oregon pioneer of 1S53. "I was born in old Mis souri on August 1G. 183G," said Mr. Montgomery- "My mother died when I was 2 years old. When I was 13 years old my two older brothers and myself start ed for California. Andrew, my oldest brother, was 25 years old off and pulled the arrow out and went on fighting. I tied up the wound, but my leg began swell ing. My leg got so big my trous ers were skin tight. They took me to a barn and I lay on the barn floor for 22 days. The doe tor said I had blood poison and he got out his kit of saws and knives to take off my leg near the hip. I refused to have it cut We crossed the Missouri at , off. He insisted and said I would Council Bulffs on the second of Idle if it didn't come off. I said May, 1S50, and we pulled into I would die with all my legs on, Hangtown, Calif., on the twelfth .so he said all right, go ahead and day of October. All three of us j die. An old German came in went to work in the mines, but land saw me. He said, "Don't I was too frail to handle a pick let them saw your leg off." He and shovel, so they put me to came back with some stuff in a hunting. I got good prices for i big bottle that smelled like horse all the deer and other game I .liniment. He made a fire and got some water scalding hot and put a blanket around my leg and nourcd that hot water on. For hours he kept soaking my leg in water so hot it nearly took the skin off. He would pour the medicine into the wound and he told me to keep the cloth on the wound soaked with the medi cine. It burnt like fire but I kept the cloth wet with it. Next day my leg was all over wrinkles, but it was a heap smaller. In a day or two it was the same size as the other leg, and pretty soon the wound quit running and Commercial . State Bank Capital $30,000.00 vmmmmmMnMu. u sji s I ft Suit ne County sjE22Z2U2i killed. "In 1853 I came up to the Wil lamette valley on horseback. I stopped near the present town of Cottage Grove. I was only 17, but I took up a claim. I built a cabin and batched. I split rails for all the neighbors there abouts. I didn't look over 15, in fact, I never weighed a hun dred pounds until I was over 21. Some of tho newcomers fussed about me trying to hold a claim when 1 wouldn't be of age for four years, so I turned my claim over to my brother Martin. I ! hired out to Partou & Calbreath. I healed un. f who sent me down Into the "After the Rogue River war Kogiie river country to n era was over, Krank Drew, tne Mi stook for them. Martin went.dlan agent, asked for an escort back to California. He went to of soldiers to take Old Rain's work in a cinnabar mine nnd got jband of Indians to the Sllelx res quick s'lvcred and died. jervation. I was one of the "In 1S55 I enlisted at Eugene ; guards. Old Sum was a well in Captain Matlock's company built man and stout as a ljorse. for the Rogue River Indian war. He looked like a thoroughbred See this scar on my head ' That and was very bravo. If ho hadn't was made by one of those black been a pesky Indian ho would obsidian arrow heads going; have been considered a hand through my hand. This broad j some and courageous man. scar on my arm was where an I "I didn't think so then, but I arrow went through. It had an l know now that tho Rogue River arrow head made out of hoop Indian war was tho white man's iron. The nastiest wound I got; fault. If I had been an Indian I in a fight on the Big Meadows on : would have fought, too. The Evans creek.. U got.. an arrow ibad white men would get full of through my leg. It stuck out booze and bother the young about eight inches. I broke it squaws and pretty young girls, OUR GROCERIES arc famous for quality and we save you money on what you buy here. Wo Hell Dependable Coffees and Teas and everything else Is dependable which we sell. Nice & Miller Op Commercial State Rank Phono J) FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON. Established 1883 Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 Interests on Savings Accounts a nd Time Certificates and when the Indian men would resent It, the drunken white would shoot tho Indians. Some of those Indians wero certainly good fighters. I'll say this for them: The Indians always kept their word. The white men never did. In 1858 1 was married to Eliza .lane Roren of Cottage Grove." Ono Indian fight of tho Rogue River war that has been describ ed to mo by soveral different In dian war veterans is tho battle of Log Cabins, on the south fork of Applegalo creek, near the lino of Jackson and Jose phine counties. In the full of 1855 two prospectors built two log cabins to winter in. While they were In Jacksonville tret- ting supplies about 80 Indians went into tho cabins and forti fied tliomsolves against attack. I he prospectors, upon return llltf. found Dm liriutii.. i.. .ii . , ""u minium In possess ion nf timi,. iliey went to Sterllngvlllo, 30 miles d stunt n u,,...,,.,. i i.. 1 !.. Ill . . IIUIJI, ,Dr; Mycin, John Dcadmon, Rob ert Opp, Jack Rogard, George nW?1, tS' ,A mwIoh, John 'on 1(Mby' Im MnyflelU mid about 10 others came with them to dls iposo of tho IndlaiiB. The volun j leers laid slego to the cabin. Dr. I ttiyore crawled up to a tree that forked about five feet from tho I ground. Ho put his gun through i tho forks. Ah im ,.,.. i.if: Bight ho was shot through the forehead and killed. Georgo SLSUll Bomo others cut a (Contlnuod on Pago 4) 0