The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, June 24, 1915, Image 3

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    I The lost' Popular Girl Contest
Tim winner goln u bountiful No HA JCitHlnmn Kodak,
Valno $20.00
SJumllng of ContwluntH to (Intp: ,
Ml Winona l'lntl .... 101tiSR
Minn Franco Tmvltt . . . 7.25
Mis ICthei Conluy .... 7,810
Drlng in your Matjtman Kodak and roglstar 11 for your
Kodak bought dtirlm; CoiiIohI count (loul)lc.
: Tales of the Town I
" Hall for cheaper soles and
-CoIgato'H Talcnnia lGc at
Have your suit made to
measure at Jenkins Fourth St.t
Carl Fischer returned the first
'"of the wook from a bnnlncHH trip
to Portland.
2200 all-wool, up-to-date
fabrlCH to ehoouu from at Jen
kins' Place, Fourth Street. t
Maud Shirley and AvIh Moore
left Monday morning for Mon
mouth to attend the state nor
mal school.
Good reliable fire Insurance.
No assessments; no membership
fee. Pay oneo and you are done.
II. 13. Walker at the City Hall.
0 O
Iloyd Johnson, Glen Woolley
and Hay Hally spent a few days
this week nt Blue Hlvcr making
the trip on their wheels.
Mrs. It. H. Miller returned
Monday evening from a three
months visit with relatives and
friends at Muntsvllle, Ontario.
Dairy chop at 85? per sack
at the Feed Store. It will pay
you to look over out stock of
Flour. Feed and Poultry Sup-1
Albert Solclin spent Sunday
In Mabel.
For mowing with scythe see
II. C. Hthcll.
Hubert Travis visited friends
In Mabel Sunday.
Hear the new Edison Disc
Phonographs at Peery's.
Save J -3 by buying Rcxall
School Tablets at Peery's.
Master Joe Rally has been
visiting at Jasper the last week.
Lap dusters, gloves and
shoe findings at the Harness
Mabel Weller and Opal Hol
verson are in Mcnmauth attend
ing the normal.
Stroud W. Iong of Camp
Creek was in Springfield Wed
nesday on business.
Andrew Uosscn of Camp
Creek was a business caller In
Springfield on Wednesday.
0 0 0
Ed. Kester is serving on the
police force in the place of J.
13. Green during Ills absence,
this week at Triangle Lake.
Jesse Piatt, road suporvfsor
ion Camp Creek, has had a force
of teams on the roads the past
few days doing some badly
needed road work.
Tho N. Q. O. club was itfost Miss Kate Bolter. Miss Perine
pleasantly entorlalnod Tuesday Palmer, Mis Edna Hill, Ml
uorrai manor, Aims I'crmo
Bruce, Minn lain a Fisher, Miss
Loota McCrackcn, Miss Avis
nftornoon bv Mrri. W. L. MoCul
loch. Mr. It. P. MorteiiBen and
Mra. Llzzlo Goodnle of Portland,
cous.iu of MiM. Welby Slovens, 1 Thompson, Mfs Eva Brown,
were gueals of the club. After a ' Mian Blanche Brown, Miss Bar
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Gay left
Wednesday by team for Eastern
Benson of needlework, G00 was
Indulged, in which Mrs. Mor-
IcnBcn won the honors. The
hoatcBB Bcrvcd a delicious two-
courBe luncheon.
About forty memberB of the
Epworth Loaguo went to tho
Burton butto Friday evonlng for
a social time by tho bonfire.
Games, "suckers," and a gdncr
al good time occupied the even
ing, after which all engaged in
a wenlo roast and departed at
a late hour.
A surpriso party on MIbb Bcrt
tlc Bruce on Wednesday even
ing formed one of the moBt de
lightful society evcntB of the
past week. A number of the
young folks went in "carry-allB'
to tho beautifully-decorated
home of Mr. Nate Hill, three
miles eaBt of town and walked In
upon tho guest of honor, sur
prising her completely. The oc
casion for the party was Miss
Brucc's seventeenth birthday
anniversary. Games were in
dulged in and late in the even
ing delicious refreshments, con
sisting of lemon sherbet and
cake were served from a beau
tiful bower made of pink roses 1
and crepe paper, by Miss iwlna
Hill and Corral Fisher. Those
present were Mss Elsie Ilolvcr
son. MIbb Mable Duryce, Miss
Venia Allen. Miss Sadie Allen,
Miss Mary Smith. Miss Fay An
derson. Miss Ruby Scnsoney.
bara Boiler (Monmouth), Erclll
Itcenc. Delbert Hill, William Ro
denbaugh, William Hill, Norton
Pengra, Myrl Hill, John Smith.
Oscar Lee, George Smith, John
Hill. Bay Bally and Mr. and Mrs.
N. Hill.
Mrs. Zella Cantrell and Mra.
JcsbIc Newman were joitit host
esses of the Progressive Five
Hundred club Wednesday even
ing in the last of a series of very
pleasant cards parties which had
covered the greater part of the
winter. All the club members,
except Mr. and Mrs. Catching
who arc away on a vacation,
with Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Mort'en
sen as guests, gathered at Mrs.
Newman's home, which was de
corated in a color scheme of red
and white. At the conclusion
of the games, accounts were
cast up and it was found that
the first and second prizes had
gone to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Davis. Mrs. George Catching
was awarded the first of the
other prizes and Mr. J. P. Fry the
second. The hostesses served a
fine luncheon in which the col
or scheme of red and white pre
vailed, and the favors were also
in red and white.
Members of the Priscllla club
are enjoying an outing at Hend
ricks' park, Eugene today. The
members took their lunch bas
kets early this morning and will
stav all day.
Hall for cheaper soles and
A new Colgate soap at
W. H. McGilvray was down
from his ranch at Hendricks
bridge Tuesday.
Hazel Scavey, who has been
very 111 with typhoid for the past
four weeks, is now gaining.
Don't forget Charles Chap
lin, tho world renowned comed
ian, at the Bell Friday and Sat
urday nights.
Mrs. W. M. Cox of Hornick,,
Iowa, arrived last evening for a
in iur. uuu
Shoe and harness repairing
at Wolf & Miller's.
Johnson's Best Flour, SG a
barrel at the Feed Store.
. . Your money back if you are
not satisfied with Charles Chap
lin in "His New Job" at the Bell.
o n
Mrs. J. P. Fry and Mrs. M. M.
Lord of Seattle left today for
Newport fto spend two weeks at
tlie seaside. .
J. W. Neet, of West Spring
field, who underwent an opera
; lion last February, has now ful
ly recovered.
visit at the home
Mrs. E. G. Metcalf
plies. We can save you money. , Q T, ' m , ,
T . . . w . .1 Millie
II. W. Whltacre of the Wesco,"1"' 1 . " 10 bpunu DEN & METCALF, Tlie Home
Furnishers of Springfield
--Just Arrived Rugs, 27 new
Tint turns to select from. II AY-
Atty. J. II. Bower, who has
been ill for sevreal weeks with
a .touch of rheumatism, is able
to be down on the street. :
Better than ever our display
Seed Co.. was in Springfield on I Ve time on a ranch near these Fllrnioliers of Springfield. I f ,An fr' Pa S
Tuesday, and he and E. E. MorrI- 'cs. 'nDm!
son, local agent of the company, I ' , r n -With every 25c purchase we - Designs. UA DLN & MET
spent the whole day Inspecting I M Vance Cnglev, formerly of the wiU Kive one bunch Gf fire crack-. VA , ,
M. ln Vmwim' frnin I NOW8 Stall. l)Ut -HOW With tllC llflrnn nnclnr 115 vears . .
w.v. .r 0.-.....0 imi.Q n..,.c.,m .....i i.i v-" vv" .. , x Tlr niu Mrs. It. H. iMortensen
1 111 31151". iln 1UI1U ll.T '
Safety Firgt
Bo Safe rind Sano and Dresa up
In Kupponheimer Suit' dntho
4th of July.
o have the latest colors and
styleo and can f(t you at a price
that will -please. 1 v
Wo also have a lino of Straw
Hat3 that will pleaso tho most
exacting. 4
C. E. Sales, Toggery
Biccesr nuqqet ive struck .thanks judce
J hake)
- ... y r-v e "X.
jo o and two children and Crystal
T- 1 A. .ft 1 1
'lint Ufnunn uwiil
'fllator. Miss Grace Cnclov nf
S. J. Calkins, employed as a Crawfordsville, arrived Tuesday 1N1J,JW a. Bryan drcn to Alvadore, near
trimmer tender at tlie Booth-1 evening for a visit at the Sid- Mr8 w L nolliugsworth, 'JuncUon City, Sunday to visit
.Kelly mill, Buffered an Injured well home. sister "of Mrs. II. M. Nixon of,frlen(ls- . , .
foot Tuesday Just at quitting! 'west SnriUKfleld. who is here , ... ,r . . .
time when a slab fell on it. Ho W. A. Itlddell and wife of I from I-Ioiwtoii, Tex., who is here . Miss Alice Mortensen who has
was able to bo around next day. , Monmouth, visited Sunday at ar ' severe operation at the peen at ,Yonca 11a for the past
. i the home of F."E; Lenhart, and .S.LeTd hospital Tuesday. ,v0 ltlng friends, re-
.... . ..... i ii unurituii T'imr wmrri tnntrinr w .
0n.i,i fr Q,i,,n-ni,i Sunday at Drain and left Tues
Jast Monday from Fort Klamath.. for Foley Springs where
. " . . , . . Minv will ononil n wonlf nr tnii
i iioy expect to no auout mneiv ' 1 , n T
days on the way. Mr. Neet isfy8- rB' RldAute11 w Miss
n inn nt t m nt wa!Cora Green of Monmouth be-
turned Saturday evening suffer
tt ing from a severe attack of
a son of J. W.
Springfield and
planers at Both-Kelly mill.
i,J"- i i m ni.i.i.n
Is one of the fur" mib.
id uiiHinubB in ii wuruiiuuai;
Grocery Buying
Doesn't Require
the time and thought and attention
that it used to.
Nowadays, at this modern store,
we take care of the "worry part" of
your grocery buying we stand be
tween you and impure foods and un
desirable' goods,- and the cost is no
more than for inferior goods.
Get the Habit of Trading
Harlow made a trip into theib,00d no,son;
1 , w,?iLa UnLl thn?thJ Paints of Mrs. Gilbert Miller,
rZ X ufe UnnoJ ffilu CrJek left Tuesday morning for the
tLZ ll i J iSm lhom8 1,1 Iowa after a brief visit
territory may be improved. here Mr Morri80n and Ji W
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKenzle, ' Perkins were schoolmates in
Mrs. Jim Wlthrow and daughter . Iwa years ago.
umuya uutuuu w ATIrs P.hlnrn l?lnnnv who W
OF course it's different! Just as di
ferent as gold and silver. Think of
a little chew giving so much tobacco
It's the Real Tobacco Chew. Pure,
sappy, full-bodied tobacco seasoned
and sweetened just enough.
Different in cut, too. A ready chew that gives
up its tobacco substance steady, withoutgrinding.
Uasier handled, and twice as satisfying.
Take a very small chew less than on--quarter tho
old size. It will be more satisfying than a mouthful
of ordinary tobacco. Jast nibble on lt until you.find "
, the s renith chew that suits von. Tuclc it
Then let it rest. See how easitv and evenfv the ml
tobacco taste comes, how ,it satisfies without grinding, how
much less you have to spit, how few chews you take to
oe tobacco satisfied, lliat's why it is The Real Tobacco
Chew. That's why it costs less in the end.
It ! fMdr.chew. cut Sne nd short thrcd to Ihit yoa roo'f hire
to Innd oo it wiih rour Icctb. Griaiin oa onlunry cinJitJ tobacco
tnaket yoo spit loo much.
The t;e pi pure, rich tobacco iloet not need to be coreml up with moluaca and
IiccrUe. rvvuee how the aalt brinti out the rich tobacco taste in "fctht-Cut."
One small chew takes the place of two big
chews of the old kind.
SO Union Square, New York
Charles Chaplin in "His
New Job" at tlie Bell Friday and
Saturday nights.
G. P. Wooley, brother of P. A.
Wooley, left Monday night for
Bend where he will visit a bro
ther and then he will return to
his home in Buffalo, Minn.
H. S. McGowan left Tuesday
A. S. Walker suffered another
stroke of paralysis this after
noon and his condition is very
With every 25c purchase we
will give one bunch of fire crack
ers to children under 10 years
of -age, as long as they last.
SNEED & SON. 42-3
i a
' ' . . " it. hj. aauauv lUli-
for Olympia, wash, after a visit iand, who has been visiting her
with his daughter, Mrs. Henry mother, Mrs. Dr. Eugene Kes-
Korf. He goes from Olympia ter, returned to her home Tues-
to Orleans, Neb. on business and day night after a visit of six
pleasure. Mrs, McGowan is al- weeks in Snrintrfield.
ready visiting in Olympia. j w
Henry Bristow and family of
Sunday returning in tho even- b ""Dfi vine at Medford left to- Bids for the erection of a new Belief ountaine were in Spriug
ing.Mrs. C. A. Arehart formerly Sav for Tuesday on their way to
or spnnBi eiu . ."Ma few days lire with her cousin
Mrs. Wlthrow returned wIth.Mrs Alded Beavort MIss R1 '
pey lived with the Beavers in
Portland for some time.
Mrs. C. S. Goodalo and daugh
ter of Portland are vistiing her
cousin, Mrs. Welby Stevons'and
family, Mr. Goodalo, who trav
els for the W. C. Allen Candy
Co.. of Portland, was in Spring
Hold two nights this week.
ft w
Dr. and Mrs. T. E. McCaughn
and family aro moving their of Ireton, Iowa, loft yesterday
household goods to tho I-Yalser-1 for San Francisco after a visit
them for a visit.
O. 13. Kessey, cashier of tho
Commercial State bank, accom
panied by Henry Mathews of
Goshen, went to Donna Tues
day to attend the auction at tho
William Parks place. Mr. Kes
sey was clerk of the sale and Mr. was auctioneer.
Mr. and Mrs, It. W. Markinson
Kirhv ranch near Camp Creek
bridge, Mr. Markinson having re
cently purchased the ranch.
Tl'civ son Soy Markinson and
'.auily are also with thorn.
Miss Cosby Gilstrap of Al-
M lmnibra, California, spout Wed-
i'J nnaflfiv nv.tiiliicr mid n twirilm nf
Thursdav with her friond, Mrs.
W. A. Dill. Miss Gilstrap, who is
a formor resident of Eugene, and
who has boon attending the
University of Oregon this so
moBtor, loaves nest week for her
homo In southern California.
of afow days with Mr. and Mrs.
0. 13, Kessey. Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Caughn will visit the fair as a
part of their two-months trip in
tho wost.
o e 9
John II. Knott of West Spring
field died at tlie hospital Wed
nosday morning at G o'clock,, of
cancer. Ho was 59 yars of age
nrt laaves a wife and several
children, The funeral sorvics
wDrc'.held tWs morning from
WaiW.a chapol. Rov. E. C.
Wfeiro oon ducted tho sorv-
Walker place In West Spring- Belknap Springs. Mr. Bristow
field, to replace the building de- Was an old school teacher in
stroyed by fire last August,, are this vicinity and was an old
in the hands of architects in friend of E. E. Brattain, who re
Eugene, but have not been open- cognized him even after 30u
ed as yet. Construction is to be years. -hurried
so tho drier will be in . '
use this fall. J. A, Ebberts, a pioneer of '49;,
and now 84 years of age, suffer-
Mrs. Maiy A. Colo, wife of the ed a stroke of paralysis Tues
founder of Marcola, died at her day evening, and was quite ill
home in Marcola June 22. She the next day. Ho was somewhat
Is survived by one daughter, Mrs. better today. Mr. Ebberts stiff er-
J. T. Whitmore and family, of led a similar stroke a year ago,
BIckerton, Wash. Her husband, but so far recovered that he was
C. Cole, preceded her In death, able a few weeks ago to go "to.
one year ago. The funeral ser- the fair at San Francisco.
vicc3 were held this afternoon
at Marcola being in charge of
Rev. N. R. Workman.
Chief Staniger has had a
i force of men at work In tho old
cemetery on south B street re-
There will bo no services at moving the fallen brush and ath
tho Baptist church on Sunday erwise cleaning up tho place,
morning and many of the mem-; There is some little agitation
hers will attend tho dedication . for having the few bodies re
of the Norkenzle church, whore maining in this cemetery re
Walter Bailey preaches morn-, moved and the ground made in
ings. Rev. 0. 0. Wright, former , to a public park, Last summer
pastor of tho Eugene Baptist; a decree of tho court awarded
Church, and novf sta,to niission-, this tract to the town Qf Spring
ary will preach, in the Spr,ipg- j field, and the town council was
field church in the evening. v 'named as trustee.