The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, June 03, 1915, Image 3

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The Mosf.Popular Girl Con
i i1 '
tho winner row a Motuinu no, ha li&stman.KtH
VhIuo $20.00 it A I
Names Votes
MI8B Winona Piatt 74,735
MIhh Franco Truvlii. . . , , .51,005
MIhh Elliol Conloy. ,.;. .i 7(035
MIhh Grace Mule. ....... .4,085
u in your JSaBtiiiiiii Kodalc ana rogiatcr u for
' , Kodaks bought during Contcul count double
: Tales of the Town i
Hall for cheaper hoIcb and
Colgate's Talcums 15c at
11. H. Tholfrlch of VIda wns In
SprlnKOcld WodnoBdny on busi
ness. a
Lap duHtcrs, gloves and
shoo HudJngB at the llarnesB
t t) o
MIhh Until Scott has been sick
for the iaBt few days with ton-
Wo are now In our new
location 5th und Main streets.
Sneed's Grocery.
-2200 nll-wool, up-to-dato
fabrics to choose from at Jen
kins' Place. Fourth Street. t
Joe Fowler, of Joler on the
Willamette-Pacific, was renew
ing acquaintances in Springlleld
a o
John A. Ewlng who has been
a resident of Eugene Is moving
Ills family today to his ranch
near Lcaburg.
P. J. McKec, Frank Fisher and
Dr. W. II. Pollard loft this fore-
noon.for a day's fishing trip up
the McKcnzlo.
tt .
Good reliable fire insurance.
No assessments; no membership
fee. Pay once and you are done.
II. E. Walker at the City Hall.
Miss Ingeborg Solcim, niece
of Thos Solelm, and living in the
Prunevillo neighborhood, died
at the tubcrculoBls sanitarium
at Salem early yesterday.
W. L. Godman, uncle of Mrs.
Thos. Slices, who has been visit
ing relatives in Springfield and
Eugene for sovoral weeks past,
left yesterday for his homo at
Falmouth, Kentucky.
I. Clluo Is building a new
horse barn at his farm In tho
Prunovllle neighborhood. This
Ib to replace one destroyed by
fire several months ago. His
boh, Fred Cllno, Is also arrang
ing to put up a barn,
Grocery Buying
Doesn 't Require
the time and thought and attention
that it used to. t
Nowadays, at this modern store,
we take care of the "worry part" of
your grocery buying we stand be
tween you and impure foods and un
desirable goods,-and the cost is no
more than for inferior' goods.
Get the Habit
k ,
1 Hear tho new Edison Disc
Phonographs at Pccry's.
J Tho Springfield Feed store ro-
Icclvcd a car of feed yesterday.
Have your suit mado to
measure at Jenkins' Fourth St.t
o d
E. P. Curry of Tillamook was
in Springfield the first of the
City Recorder II. E. Walker Is
confined to his homo with an
attack of tonsilitls.
Robert Drury of the Spring
field Planing mill is under u doc
tor h care for an attack or ton
Bllitls. j o o
Milk und cream, produced
under moHt sanitary conditions.
For prompt delivery call 1MF12
Springfield Dairy. 34-5
Mr. 11111I Mrs. Norwood Cox
j leave this afternoon for Oak-
' ..t .1 .... in ...,...,1 1A .tnrt mi n tin
catlon lii the mountains.
Mrs. Thos. Solelm and Mrs.
Olo Solelm of Prunevillo went to
Salem Saturday on account of
the serious illluess there of Miss
Ingnborg Solelm.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Iladley of
Jasner. left Tuesday morning
!for San Francisco to visit the
j exposition. They expect to be
gone for two or tnree wecus.
Chns. Bnrkman, manager of
tho Springfield Creamery, Inflict
ed a rather painful wound on the
Index finger of his left hand
Wednesday when he Btruck that
member with an ice pick.
In tho write up of the Memor
ial Day celebration, through in
advertance, The News omitted
mention of the opening exercise
of the afternoon program the
decorating 01 a soldier's grave
:by Florence Kayser, Marjorie
t 1-V f
KUiKiuuaii ana uorns luyurs.
Mrs. Harry Stewart and Mrs.
Carl Fischer went to Marcola
last week for a visit with Mrs.
Fred Fischer. They returned
Saturday. The first night tbey
were there the house caught firo
iinnr n. flue mid It was oxtln-
I rr.ilul.rwl nrlflt dlfltniiltv Tlin firo
occurred In the early morning
hours, and how It started Is a
of Trading
IS, f?
Ono of tho most enjoyable
hpbbIoiib of" (ho ,FIyo. Hundred
Club was that field
afternoon at tlio Itomb Ot Mrs.
M. M. Pcory. Maiden hair ferns
and wild roses In profusion
brought a woodsy flavor Into
tho pleasant rooms, while the
..... ... ,.!.' it t...I
members of the club tho whole
membership and the guests,
gathered about tho tables for tho
last meeting of tho Beason. Fol
lowing the games, Mrs. Pcery
served a dainty two course lun
cheon. Honors of the gume fell
to MrB. I. D. Larimer, Mrs. W. L.
McCulloch, Mrs. A. P. McKenzIc
and Mrs. Harry Whitney. Tho
guests of tho club were Mrs. J.
W. Mnchen, Mrs. W. L. McCul
loch, Mrs. J. R. linrr, Mrs. I. D.
Larimer, Mrs. W. T. Thurlow,
(Portland), Mrs. Welby Stevens,
Mrs. Al. Perkins, Mrs. J. C. Mul
len and Mrs. A. F. Herrlck.
The Oregon Trail Girls enter
tained tho other girls of the
High school with a hike to Seav
oys Ferry Monday afternoon. A
picnic luncheon was served near
the roaring McKenzIc and the
girls returned In tho early even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Al Montgomery
were the IiobIs for the Progres- j Kester, Gladys Jones, Eva Man
sive Five Hundred club at Its us-warring, Earl McCulloch, Albert
uul session at the favorite game Redding, Thelma Stark, Wilbur
Wednesday evening. After theiHayden, Crystal Bryan, Lila
course at cards had been finished
dancing was indulged In until a
Hall for cheaper soles and
A new Colgate soap at
Mrs. C. It. Mead is among the
sick this week.
Bom On Tuesday June 1,
1915, to Mr. and Mrs.' Win.
linger, a son, weight lOVfe
Mrs. N. J. Harbit and Mrs.
Rose Harbit returned Tuesday
from a business and pleasure
trip to Wilbur.
Misses Avis Thompson and
Lcota McCracken spent the
week-end at the Bertsch ranch
near Thurston.
O. W. Johnson Is suffering
from an attack or tOnsilltls ahd
the lumber truck, as a result, Is
not running today.
Tho recular monthly meeting
of the Development League will
be licit at the club rooms next
Tuesday evening.
E. M. Blenls, local manager
for tho Oregon, Power Company
at Independence was In Spring
field Wednesday calling on Chief
Engineer W. L. McCulloch.
Ask for Cupid Flour, It
makes better bread. Your
neighbor uses it. You pay only
$1.75 for the Best Flour In town
and you buy It at the Feed Store.
Johnson's Best (Blend) $1.00.
Special prices on quantities.
Ed TIbbctts, Harold Peery and
Ray Lemley went up above Lo
well lust Sunday and came down
the Willamette in a boat, taking
It leisurely and arrived here
Monday evening. They secur
ed an exceptionally large string
of trout and also one fine salmon
Tho case of S. Klovdahl
ngalnst the Town of Springfield.
jto restrain tho town from col
ilecting nn assessment for tho
construction of a cement side
walk was argued before Judge
1 Hamilton in the circuit court
1 last week. The attorneys In the
case filed briefs and now are
awaiting the decision of the
Trial of the case of J. M. Stark
against George Perkins, tho
Town of Springfield and its of
ficials has been set for 9 o'clock
a. m. Monday, Juno 14. Stark
claims $1500 for personal injur
ies and for damages to his auto
mobile, alleging that by reason
of lack of lights ho did not see
a pile of gravel In the street,
and his car was overturned.
Word has been received stat
ing that little Anita Martin, the
West Springfield cripplo, who
was recently operated on in
Portland, is rapidly recovering
and Is ablo to be wheeled about
In a chair on tho hospital veran
da. Sho will bo able to return
within a few days and -wIiqii she
gets back another Eucono erlii-
plo will be sent by tho Thurs-
uay onanty cuio, behind tins un-
late hour, The next meeting,
which will bo the last one of tho
season will be held at tho home
of Mrs. Jessie Newman on Wed
nesday, June 23, when Mrs.
Newman and Mrs, Zella Cantrcll
will be hostesses. A dainty two
course luncheon was served to
tho following members: Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Edwards, Mr, and Mrs.
Qllbcrt Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Catching,
Mr. und MrB. L. E. Durrin, Mr.
and Mrs. A. T. Drum, Mr. and
Mrs. Al. Montgomery and Mrs.
Jessie Newman. Mrs. M. M.
Lord of Seattle, was the only
Pupils of MIbs Alice Stanlgcr's
class In the Lincoln school sur
prised her at her home last even
ing, paying their respects to
their teacher, who Is not to be
here next year. Games were
played until it was time to en
Joy the luncheon that the young
people had brought with them.
Miss Staniger's guests were:
Erie Knighton, Ralph Love, Lula
Kelly, Clarence Redding, Agnes
Hayse, Dwight Kessey, Goldie
Pratt, Alice Mortensen, Walter
! Campbell, Zllla Shafer, Tommy
Brattaln, Anna Yeager, PhlUIs
Kelly, Theron Newman, Virgil
Shoe and harness repairing
at Wqlf & Miller's.
Save 1-3 by buying Rexall
School Tablets at Peery's.
If you are not trading with
us. we are both losers. Spring
field Feed Co.
We are now i)i our new
location 5th and Main streets.
Sneed's Grocery.
We are closing out our
stock of Drifted Snow and of
White River Flour at $1.75 per
sack or $0.80 per bbl.
a p o
W. A. Dill, editor of The News,
is suffering from a sore hand,
caused probably by a bruise
while" fixing a machine in the
-rGoi your Chick supplies at
the Feed Store. You have the
advantage of choosing from a
complete line of Poultry Sup
plies and Remedies.
' Teachers in the Springfield
schools report that grades better
than expected, are being made
by the pupils in the final exam-
, inatlons, which closed this af ter-
1 noon.
--Tlie Ladies of the G. A. R.
will hold a, food sale at the Elite
icafgtoria Saturday, June 5. Buy
your Sunday dinner of them and
help a good cause: the money
raised is to help the old soldiers.
.Walter Bailey will speak Sun
day evening at the Baptist
church on the subject, "Hell This
Side of Death." The text will be
"When He Thought Thereon,
He Went." Mark 14:72. Come
hear a high school lad deal with
one of life's greatest problems.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice 1b hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed, by tho
county court, executrir of tha estnto
of William M. Moore, deceased. All
persons birring claims against said
estate) are hereby notified to present
the Bdme, duly verified and with the
pro per vouchers, to the administra
trix & tho office of Woodcock, Smith
& Bryson, in Eugene, Oregon, within
six months from the date of the first
publication of this notfee.
Data of first publication of this no
tice is April 26, 191P.
Executrix of the estate of William JV.
Mooro, deceased. m M24
Court House, Lane County, Eugene,
Notlco Is hereby given that sealed
bids will bo received by tho County
Court of Lane County, Oregon, at Eu
gene, up to II o'clock a, m., Juno 15,
lOlfi. nt which tlmo said bids shall bo
(opened, for tho improvement by grad
ing of 3450 linear feet of roau. on
"ntv noad No. 6C. In TP. 17 S.. H.
3 13,, W. M., in nccordanco with plans
and specifications on file vrUh the
County Clerk of Lano County.
Cocios of the plans and specifica
tions may be obtalnod from tho
County Surveyor by a deposit of $1.00
which deposit will bo returned uppn
tho return of tho plans and specifica
tions In good condition in ton days.
; Each bid must bo accompanied by
n certified check of 5 per cent of the
umount bid.
Tho right is resorved to. reject any
, or all bids.
Dono by order of tho County Court
tot Lane County, Oregon, tms zn aay
nt Mnv 101K'
i stfAOY M. miSSELL. '
(33-6-7 . County Clerk
Hot Weather Warning1
Eat little meat
Don't drink ice water
Pick the shady side of the street
Wear Stephenson cool, light, comfortable
Underwear $1.00 a suit ' ,
You'll wake feeling
Union Pajamas. $1.50 and $2.00 at
C Ee Sales, Toggery
than the
Ostermoor Mattress. Weigh 50 pounds,
5 pounds more than regular, and are even
more luxuriously comfortable. Coverings
are the most expensive Tickings made,
both Dust-Proof Satin Finish and French
Mercerized Art TwilL One of the bfcgest
opportunities ever offered our customers.
The Home Furnishers
Court House, Lane County, Eugene,
Notice Is hereby given tnat sealed
bids will bo received by the County
Court of Lane County, Oregon, at Eu
gene, Oregon, up to 11 o'clock a. m..
Juno 15, 1915, at which time said bids
shall be opened, for the improvement
by grading of 1100 linear feet of road
on County Road No. 309 in Tp. 17
S., H 1 E., W. M.f in accordance with
plans and specifications on file with
the County Clerk of Lane County.
Copies of the plans, and, specifica
tion's may be obtained from the County
Surveyor by a deposit of J1.00 which
deposit will be returned upon the re
turn of tho plans and specifications
in good condition in ten days.
Each bid must be accompanied by
a certified check for 6 per cent of the
amount bid.
Tho right is reserved to reject any
or all bids.
Done by order of the County Court
of Lane County, Oregon, this 24th day
of May, 1915.
33.5.7 County (JierK
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Offico at Itoseburg, Ore
gon, May 5, 1915.
Mnllra Is hnrnhv elven that 1KB P.
Whlteley, of Leaburg, Oregon, who.
on Juno 7, 1S12, maue womesieau
Culiv Snrlnl Vn 0K103. for the SWU
nr CnnHnn 9i Tnwnftliln 1G S. RanCC
I E., Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to mane num
three-year proof to esiannsn cmim
a lnnr? nlinrn riaaprihnri. beforO L
P. Howitt, U. S. Commissioner, at his
office, at Eugene. Oregon, on the 18th
day of June iait.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William Shoning, of Leaburg, Oregon.
Albert Gravos. of Vida, Oregon.
Albert J. Ward, of Leaburg, Oregon.
C. W. Southwlck, of Leaburg, Oregon.
J. Al. unun,
MGJE10 Register.
Notice is hereby given that tho un-
tnnj v..e mod thnlr final account
in the estate of P. J. Boiler, deceased.
and Monday, tne, a,i8i aay oi uuu.
.n.s in n'olnMr n nv. has been BOt
as the Umo (or hearing-bald final a
count, ana mo boiuuujoui. ukiu
persons Interested In said estate are
r v.. .iiHi,i n Ma thntr nnlectlons
to said final account, or any particular
item thereof, specuyius ujou"
a. ..,111, tha Pnnntv p.lerk on or
before said 21st day of June, 1915, at
10 o clock a. m.
Executrlces of tho Estate of P. J.
Boiler, Deceased.
Tho mint makes It and under the terms
COMPANY you can secure It at 6 per
cont for any legal purpose on approy
n,i ml estate. Terms easy, tell us
your wants and wo will co-operato
With you. PETTY & UU., 013 lieu
ham Bldg. Denver. t-tA5
78, A. M. P., Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rlto Unl
varani inn Mvmnona jtou
Masons meeiB naay uvea-
W. MM. " -
Int. In W. D. W. nail. VISll
ine brothers welcome. .. 1
P. A. JohnBon, L. E. Durrin,
Secretary. R- W, M
We print bi'tter wrappers.
fine if you sleep in Olus
Special Sale
Full Size 6 ft. 3 in. x 4 ft. 6 in.
All built (not stuffed) layer-wise, in the
Ostermoor way, and are much better even.
Sale Price
$1 50
Office Phone 62; Residence 67-J
West Main St.
iPHONES: Office, 3; Residence, 11 1-J
Over Commercial Bank,
Springfield, Oregon.
Edwards &Brattaii
For Farm and City Property
. Exchanges a Specialty
Springfield - Oregon
Phone 30
Office In City Hall, Springfield, Ore.
Phone 1221
831 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon
Springfield Garage
Repairing a Specialty
Main, bet Fourth and Fifth. Phono 11
The Greatest Optalic
A Rimless glass, mounting:
made with lense rigidly fastened,
to metal with Lense Solder. No
loose lense if you wear the Sol
der on mountings.
Sold' and Guaranteed
Telephone Springfield 2 for
butter wrappers.
': Vaook ron tm. ... y ::::'';Jyf