THE LANE COUNTY NEWS Editor and Manager W. A. DILU - - j . Published Every Monday and Thursday by tho Lano County Pub- I ll8blng Association. ' , . Jl Jr. 1 .va RATES OP SUBSCKIPTJON.rf' " Ono Year J1.5& J lx Months .76 Throo Months Advertising Rates Furnished on Application. Member of tho State Editorial Association. ,i Member of the Wiliamette Valley Editorial Association. irifAndf Romomber to Get a Stop-Over f or -Springfield; SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1915. LOWERING CLOUDS Sober-minded patriotism in this' country must regard the reply of the German imperial government to the American note with profound regret, says the Telegram. Sober-minded patriotism believes that President Wilson meant every wor4 he uttered in that memorable communication; and. so believing is calmly and firmly resolved to uphold the president to the last conclusion. Since the beginning of the European hostilities the president of this great democracy, and the people as well, have maintained an attitude of neutrality as regards any fact, act or condition which has affected the fortunes of war over seas. Neither by official act nor popular attitude has there been any manifest in clination to extend advantage, aid, comfort or sympathy to the one side that, in like circumstances, would not be extended to the other side. All that has been said or done In this country, which could be in any sense sonstrued as bearing the stamp of national indorsement, has been within the full warrant of international friendliness toward all. American hope has been strong and exceedingly earnest that such attitude of friendliness might be maintained toward each belligerent to the end. In this connection there has arisen a new conception of American destiny that has ripened into an ideal de sire to serve the world as no other great nation has served it be fore. The hope has been that when the end of hostilities finally is reached, by American counsel and through American influence international adjustment in Europe and throughout the world might be brought about, in which the heart and the head and not the mailed fist would be the controlling factor. The realization of this hope depends on the continued friendliness of the United States with every one of the nations now at war. By order df, and in accordance with the program of German imperialism, neutral Americans have been sent to their death on the high seas; and when protest is made and notice given that such is not the course that any nation can pursue toward another friendly nation and that it must cease, we get in reply evasion that is coldly contemptuous, and an attempt at justification load ed with- the technical quirks and sophisms of diplomacy. Con cerning that reply there can be but one genuinely American sen .timent, that the just demand we have made be enforced let the consequences be what they may. In that determination there is no occasion for passion, nor should there be any disposition to hamper and embarrass the president in this grave crisis by popular insistence upon this, or that particular course of action. Our faith should be that in his patriotism, his wisdom and his integrity the president will take that course which best will fit the hour's need. There is reason able assurance that the popular faith is such; and there is no doubt whatever that the popular heart and head and arm will support the president In whatever course he takes. Americans do not deplore the possible consequences of the present situation either from a sense of fear or anger; but simply as they threaten to defeat cherished hopes. The United States has done its uttermost to avoid trouble; but If trouble must come, "thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just." The News Is ready to donate half a dozen exchanges, or even some perfectly good wrapping paper to put in the windows of the KNOW THY COUNTRY IllTelegraph and Telephone Our transportation facilities aro tho most perfect product of this grcatxouv merclal ago and tho tolesrnph and id . ophono systoms of this nation crown thO Industrial achievements of the wholo world. Thcso twin messengers of modern civilization, born in ' the ! skies, stand today tho most faithful and I ofnclont imblto servants that over 1 tolled tor tho human race, . They aro of American nativity nnd whllo warm from tho mind of tho In ventlvo genius have, under American supervision, spun a not-work of wires across tho earth and under the- seas. TcleRraphr. In Its early youth, mas- ' tored tho known world and tho tolo- phono has already conquered tho earth's surfaco, and now stands at tho seashore ready to leap across tho ocean. No Industry In tho history of the world has over made such rapid strides In development and usefulness, and nono haB over exerted a uioro powerful influence upon tho civilization of Us day than tho Telegraph and Telephone. Their achievement demonstrates the supremacy of two distinct types of American gonlus Invention and organ ization. Tho industry was peculiarly fortun nto In having powerful Inventive Intel loct at its sourco and tremendous minds to direct its organization and growth. It Is the most porfect fruit of the treo of American industry and vhon compared with its European con temporaries, it thrills ovory patriotic American with prido. Ambitious youth can And no mora in spiring company than tho fellowship of tho glatit Intellects that constructed this marvelous Industry and a Journey along tho pathway of Its dovaJopmtnt, Illuminated at ovory mtlo-poat of Its progress by tho Hghtnlng-flasUos of brilliant minds, will bo taken at a very early date. A brlof statistical rovlow of tho In dustry brings out Its growth and mag nltudo In a most convincing and utv forgctnblo manner. Tho tolophono sorvlco of ttio United States Is tho most popular ami onlclont and its rates aro tho cheapest of the tolcphono systems of tho world. Wo aro tho greatest talkers on earth. Wo send CO per cout of our communi cations over tho tolophono. Tho world has about 15,000,000 telephones and of this number tho Unttcd States has ap proximately 0,5-10,000, Europe -1,020,000 and other countries 1,300,000. Accord ing to tho latest world tolophono con. sus, tho total tolcphono Investment is $1,900,000,000 and of this amount $1, 095,000,000 was credited to tho United States, $030,000,000 In Europe and $175,000,000 in othor countries. Tho annual tolcphono conversations total 21,000,000,000 divided as follows: Unit ed States 15,600,000,000; Europe 6,800, 000,000, and other countries 2,200,000. 000. Tho total world wlro tolophono mllengo Is 33,262,000 miles divided ar follows: United States 20,248,000, Eu ro po 10,335,000, and othor countries 2,679,000. About six per cent of tho world s population and sixty-one per cent of tho telcphono wlro mile age is in tho United States. The remarkable success of commission form of government is shown, says Professor D. C. Sowers of Eugene, by the fact that in not a single instance has a city gone back to the old represen tative council system after the commission plan has been given a fair trial. This success is almost entirely to be attributed to the superior organization which the commission plan affords because in most instances the commissioners have not been men specially trained for the work which they have been called upon to perform. "King George of England said a few words Thursday to his cab inet urging unity. George has about as much to say on how things shall be as the driver of -the sprinkling wagon of this city," unfeelingly remarks the Medford Sun. room where the remnants of a fire-scorched stock are stored, view from Main street Is not pre posesslng. The How About Your Girl? The Cottage Grove Sentinel demand to. bo introduced to In a recent Issue relates a story j those young" men whose' coni from a magazine of the coils pany his daughter was being that are thrown out to snare young girls and follows It up with the statement that an in stance, absolutely paralleling the early parts of the story fell under the notice of the editor. Wlm 1(l't 11V UllHlV Wtl.ll I they come to the thrown Into, demand that girl's home to meet her. One evening the girl went to an entertainment. One of these young men met her on the way The situation is not peculiar to, home. She could hardly refuse magazine stories, or to the to allow him to walk home with "The Whole the Portland World Knows Rose" and the PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL JUNE 9-10-11 A Time of fun and frolic for young and old td forget the cares and worries of the day and join in the spirit of mirth and amusement Special Round Trip Fares movies, or to the Cottage Grove railroad station. It developes In othnr towns, nerhans not at the depot, but in the public park, or7! about the school buildings of evenings, or in other clandestine' places. It is worth the while of parents to read the Sentinal article and ponder. The Sen tlnel says: her. They stopped at a park to sit down and tnlk a few minutes Soon his arm was about her. She allowed him to kiss her. She attempted to stop there, but she thought she loved him, she Was certain ho loved her, she was too inexperienced to judge between animal passion and passionate love, he promised to . , marry her afterward she yield- But a few days ago a news ednd now where l8 tho man Item from a big city told the sad who B t0 h d b story of a little mother who had naIye excuse kept postponing been deserted months before by the prom,8ed day-,1 & tolok he the father of her new-born babe. lto a 8trange clty and there de She was far too young for a serted her. He was a roving mother. She was still in short railroad man, she said. He had dresses. She was not prepared traveled over much of the i to become a mother. She wept. world. Most llkelv this was not for her own mother, whose name.j the first girl to fall his prey, she would not give, for there was His greedy passion Is not yet no wedding ring on her finger, 'satisfied. Perhaps some other There was no wardrobe for the little cirl in some other little unwelcome little stranger. There ; town tlmaglnes she loves him From Albany $3.10 Chemawa 1.80 Corvallis 3.50 Eugene 4.80 Harrisburg 4.14 From Junction City $3.30 Liberal 1.10 Mt Angel 1.50 Molalla 1.20 Salem 2.00 Full With corresponding low round trip fares from all other points. ITIckets on salo from all points south of Hose burg June Cth to 10th, inclusive from rtoseburg and all points north Juno 6th to 11th, Inclusive. Final roturn limit Juno 14th. information from nearest Agent of SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. was no milk in Nature 8 iount Jar the little babe, for the mother had been starved for weeks after I losing her position on account I of her condition. How she had 'borne up and maintained suf- ficlent strength to keep the child j alive until Us birth was a mys tery. ! Here is the little mother's story: ! She lived in a little country , town. Her parents were moder ately well-to-do. They took igood care of her so far as I clothes and food were concern ed. She was happy and con tented and was about to gradu- now perhaps slip Imagines he ldves her. Perhaps she, too, will be his plaything for a few months. Perhaps this human vulture, ;or another like him, is in Cot tage Grove. Have you a girl that might become prey for such as he? As we read this sad story of this little girl, tho same thoughts whirled through our mind as have probably whirled through your mind as we have repeated the story. An hour or so later wo passed the Cottage Grove depot. There was a little girl, not over 18 ate from high school. On her (years of age, leaning agahlst the way home from school, she pas-; depot. She is a sweet little miss sed the postofilce and depot. At of good parents. Her face is both places she stopped to talk'famallar to us. Three men, with girl acquaintances. At strangers to us, but from their both places she got acquainted 'appearance railroad men, were with young men. As time went talking to her. She dropped her on mild friendships developed, head as they bandied her and When her mother questioned nmlrked upon her. As tho head her as to her delay in coming waB drooped she could not see home from school she whined the lust in their oyes. True, It to be allowed to do as other -was broad daylight, but this girls do. The father said: "Oh, little girl was In grave danger, no harm can come Ho her In Her cheeks were rosy. May the broad day light." But he didn't color never fade from them as IS tt&rf AMmM u 'V MM! k2 'oC&Jrtny Bound to Growi Most largo business enterprises of to day wore begun in u small way. Proper banking facllitleo will help your business to grow and prosper. This Hank gives tho Hitino careful at tention to the small accounts that It fumlHhcd tho larger ones wo know t hoy will grow. Wo will appreciate your account whether small or largo. ESTABLISHED 1907 SAFETY-CONVENIENCE-SERVICE The Best Groceries For Less Money The Fifth Street Grocery Thos. Sikcfl, Prop. Phone 22 Safe Deposit Boxes Valuable papers deposited in our Safe Deposit boxes can not burn up, cannot get lost or destroyed. Rental0nly$2perYear Commercial State Bank Capital $30,000.00 This Will Whet Your Appetite This store Is filled with tho choicest groceries money can buy with groceries entirely, free from all adulterations with groceries of tho most absolute and unquestioned pur itywith groceries that build up the syHtem and Instill that remarkable energy which insures success In life. NICE & MILLER Opposite Commercial State Bank Phone 9 IP YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED THE SPRINGFIELD CREAMERY Chas. Barkman, Manager. Try us and be convinced that it pays to. patronize home Industries. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE OREGON. Established 1883 Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 Interests on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates it did frbm tho cheeks of the other little girl to whom wo have referred. This little girl 1s the sunshine of some Cottage Grove homo. She has parents who would have been shocked tohavoTfound her In the ; situation we have de scribed. Perhaps it was not your' jttle girl. We hope not. The parents of this little girl, If they read this, will think it couldn't have been thejlr girl. But she Is somebody's girl. Aro you certain she Isn't your's? Where was your girl between i:0Q and 5:00 p. m. every day of tho past week? Aro you certain (Continued on Pago 4)