The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, June 03, 1915, Image 1

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' If Cpntlnulntf the tprlnffltH unci Lane County Star, Which Wert Consolidated February 10,1114"
Kiitflwd rahru(irr'2l,tni.t4nrliiilplil .Of on,
cit nutter imarctoi Congrt ol M roh, w
vol. xiv. no. m 55
Wlllfurtotto Pnclfio Prophroa for
Plnclne Stool Roopon Natron
Gravol Pits in About Two
The cnglno to bo used by the
Wlljamctto Pacific traok laying
crows will bo brought to Spring
field tonight or tomorrow to
luivp fittings Installed 90 that It
can Secure its water supply from
a tank car. This Is necessary
hqcnuBo the work of the cnglno
will, for tho grontor part of I ho
(lino, bo at hodic dlHtauco from
tho ordinary stationary tank
Tho Wlllamctto Pacific Rail
way company will resume lay
ing rails below Mapleton on Fri
day of this week and expects to
complcto the track as far as tho
big span over tho Sluslaw river
near Acmo In 10 or 11 days, ac
cording to announcement of W.
it. Fontnno, assistant engineer.
Tho gravel pit near Natron
is now being placed In readiness
for operation but no ballast
trains will bo started until after
tho track-layers havo progres
sed sOvoral miles and possibly
not until tho rails are laid to tho
bridge. A large force of men la
now at work laying spur tracks
to different parts of the pit to
tap additional banks of gravol.
Thcro is almost an Inexhaustible
supply of gravel there, but the
sldo of tho pit from which all
tho gravel used to ballast tho
track between Eugene and Map
leton has been taken Is becom
ing pretty well worked out.
"Wo intend to put GO men to nla, which ho just recently trad
work laying rails on Friday," ed for, to A. P. Lyon for another
said Engineer Fontalno, "and wo tract of land in tho Sacramento
expect to crowd It until tho Valloy. Mr. McDaniol will leave
bridge site is reached. Tho grav- at once to take possession. Tho
el trains will follow the track doal was made through Bean &
crow In about two weeks." 'Allen.
The Work of
Miss Anna- Rutleclge
At tho close of tho school year
it is quite fitting that tho
patrons of tho school should
know what work has been done
in tho Domestic Science depart
ment. Thoro have boon three
classes in Domestic Science this
year, tho seventh grade, the
eighth grado, and the freshman
iii high school, making about
fifty-four girls In all. On Mon
day and Thursday tho girls havo
served, and on Wednesday and
Friday they havo, cooked, Tues
day being set aside for lectures.
Tho work in cooking, this
year, has Included tho canning
of fruit, brcadnmklng, vege
tables, meats, cake-making, om
lets and Ice cream. Tlio High
school class 1ms planned and
computed tho cost of Junchoons
and breakfasts, and havo served
tho same. In lectures, tho work
has covored tho oaro of tho sick,
sanitation of tho homo, plumb
ing, markotlng, etc, Two meal
(InmonHtratlons wore irlvon one
at tho school and one tit tlio
meat market, tho glrlS learning
tho cuts of meat, prices and itso.
Local lumber ship
ments for tho month of
Way wero 128 cars, as
Compared with 110 cars
in April. A total of 272
cars of logs Was received
from Landax and Wond
liug. Tho switching crow in
tho local yards handled
C0f cars during tho
month. . This total does
not Include the hundreds
of cars that pass through
here direct to points on
tho branch linos, tho log
cars, nor the cars in tha
wood service.
Gravel from the Natron pit
will also bo used in tho con
struction of tho piers, for the big
bridge which is now under
courso of- construction. Piling
for tho mlddlo pier aro now be
ing driven and tho trestle work,
on tho south sldo of tho river
has been completed. The grade
Is built up to tho north bank of
tho river and there will be little
iroatln ivnrit In tin nn Mint fsliln
Tho track all tho way from .
Mapleton to the Acmo bridge
site extends along tho river
bank, and tho river with its
many turns and twists will bo al
most constantly in sight from
tho trains. Tho trip down tho
lower Sluslaw will be almost as
picturesque as that along tho
upper portions of the stream
whero there aro many cascades
and whero the mountains and
Water meet in many places.
Another Real Estate Deal
A deal was completed Monday
Whereby L. P. McDanlel trades
his ranch near Corning, Califor-
the Domestic
By Miss Anna Rittlcdge
and Her Claci In Domestic Science In
Cut by
Tho Hour mill was also visited
the girls learning the process of
! nn' nutfdng. tho different
;BTloa f flou.r' ot,c .
in sewing, mo giris nave mauo
cooking aprons, sewing aprons,
towels, corset covers, night
gowns, dust-caps, broakfast
caps, underskirts, and outside
skirts. In addition to this tho
High school class made out a
courso of study in sewing for
a rural school, making Bomo of
tuo articles manned, such as
bean bugs, otc.
The two luncheons for "this
term worthy of mention, aside
from thoso served to the class.
wero tho luncheon to tho Busi
ness men, and tho lunchcoir'to
tho State and County School
Superintendent, Tho former
was Interest ing in that tho on-
tlro luncheon, consisting of
three courses, cost only 20 cents
por plate. Tho IIgh schooj girls
cooked and served both hm-
The exnonso for Mm ant Ira
year amounted to $11,0 or apout ,
.$203 for eacli girl. Considering j
the amount of work c6ver,ed,,
Class of 19 Will Receive Diplo
mas Tomorrow Evening. Prof
Earl Kilpatrick Will Deliver
Address to Class.
Prof. Earl Kilpatrick, of tho
Extension Pcpartment ot tlio
University of Oregon, will deliver
the address to the graduating
! class of tho Springfield High
School, at tho High school build
ing tomorrow evening at 8 o'
clock. Mr. Kilpatrick was Su
perintendent of the Springfield
schools when tho present gi-adu-
choice to havo him deliver tho
A program including some fine
musical numbers and parts to bo
taken by graduates has been
prepared. Dr. W. H. Pollard,
chairman of the school hoard
will deliver the diplomas to the
Tho members of the graduat-
,nk' c,n8s afrc:
Walter Lee Bailey, Elmo Dary
Chase, Floy Lcnoro Collins, Wil
fred Henry Cook, Margie Grace
Copenhnver, Grace Edetha
Emery, Herbert Bernard Han
sen, DtQl R. Hinson, Kate B.
Lansbery, Olive Mae Lyon, Mae
Manilla McPherson, Ralph W.
Miller, Stella Pearl Mitchell,
Maudo Moore, Winona Ruth
Piatt, Birdie L. Spencer, Bessie
M. Spencer, Albert Nicholas
Soleim, Robert C. Van Valzah.
Rebekahs Elect Officers
vTusnltaTtebekah lodge. elected
officers at Its meeting Monday
evening, chosing the following:
Mrs. Al. Montgomery, N. G., Mrs.
S. D. Cranmcr, V. G., Mrs. J. E.
Richmond, Recording Secretary,
Mrs. L. E Durrin, Treasurer.
Mrs. E'.cctra Kennedy, aged
105, died June 1, at Healdsburg,
Science Class
tho Sprlngfle d Schools.
courtesy of the Anual Staff.
and the vast amount of good
such a courso is to every girl,
this sum seems exceedingly
small. Every girl, whether she
goes Into a homo of her own, or
tjako up work outside of (the
homo, will find use for the
knowledge of cooking and sew
ing gained in this course, the
$2.03 is well Bpent in helping
the girl to a more capable and
efficient life.
Betver-Herndon Hardware Company 1
Building of Alaskan Railroad
.Will Open Up Marked For
'oign Demand Excoods Avail
able Tonnage.
Prospects for improvement In
the Northwest lumber trade, the
Chief Industry of this cpnier of
tlje United States, arc said by
tho Timbcnnan to be Increased
by the prospective construction
of the Alaska railroad by the
Government immediately at a
cost of $28,000,000. The new
road, 416 miles from Seward to
Fairbanks, with a branch of 38
miles up to Matanuska Valley,
will require a large amount of
lumber, not only for construc
tion purposes, but for the devel
opment of the country to be
opened, which is expected to re
sult in a continued and growing
demand for Coast lumber.
Shipments of lumber to Alas
ka in 1914, as reported by the
Pacific Lumber Inspection Bur
eau, amounted to more than 35,
(MO.OOO feet.
Another helpful element in
the local lumber situation is that
tKe transcontinental railroads
are considering seriously the
question of a reduction in
freight rates so as to be able to
compete successfully with the
Panama Canal. With a reduc
tion in the Pittsburg territory to
equal the Chicago rate of 55
cents, there would undoubtedly
be a marked tendency to in
crease the market for Pacific
Coast lumber: " ,-.
The enlarged wheat acreage
in Western Canada, it is said,
will have the effect of Increasing
the demand for lumber.
The problem facing exporters
of Pacific "Coast lumber Is now
that of tonnage. Every day the
situation becomes more acute.
It is said that as vessels reach
England they are at once com-
nla"ndeered for government use.
Meanwhile large orders have
.cn placed for export railroad
t. iterial at various mills, with
f tonnage in sight to movcit.jsociation at Creswell, Wednes
quires for 10,000,000 feet of
Oregon pine for South Africa
hove- been received.
' ,The total lumber exports
from the Columbia River for the
first four months of 1915 aggre
gate 66,832,000 feet. The heav'
lest buyers have been China and
Quebec. Orders to tho extent
of 10,000,000 feet were dis
patched to China, while those of
Quebec amounted to nearly 5,-
000,000 feet, London and South
Africa took 2,700,000 and 2,000,-
000 feet respectively. Japan's
importations were greatly less
than those of China, aggregat
ing slightly more than 1,000,000
feet. Two cargoes totaling 1,-
700,000 feet wero dispatched to
Mexico. Now Zealand took 680,-
000 feet, and the port of Balboa
(Tanawa) took slightly over
500,000 feet. Telegram.
in woll papor aro best seen in
our show room. To loolt over
our wall papor samples is lllco
n visit to' an art exhibit. All tho
papers aro artistically ,anu tasto
fully designed. Wo know you
will enjoy Beolng them and want
to havo somo ot thorn on your
20 Par Cent Discount Untl Fur
thor Notice.
"Red" Farrow, a Eugene auto
ist, apepared in the Recordcd's
court here this afternoon and
paid a fine of $1 for driving his
car on the streets of Springfiekl
last night without the requested
1st, appeared in the Recorder's
last night without the requisite
lights. He was driving a Ford,
license No, 13513, the same car
that was driven into a gra"vel pile
by J. L. Stark and damaged, sev
eral weeks ago. The car last
night had only one. front light
and no rear light.
Injured by Fall
From Motorcycle
Fred Thomas, aged about 20,
was painfully bruised and cut
about the face when he was
thrown from his motorcycle
near the P. E. & E. bridge on the
Springfield-Eugene road late
Monday afternoon. As he was
approaching the bridge an auto
mobile suddenly appeared before
him and he made too sharp a
turn to the roadside. He was
sent hurtling through, the air
and struck head first His face
was badly cut and his whole
body was shakes by the fall. He
was brought to town by his com
panions and after being given
medical attention was taken to
his home. Because of the shock
he lay in a semi-conscious con
dition for 24 hours, but is now
able to be Hp and about.
The Southern Pacific new
train, the Bxpeeit&o special is
expected to go on the run about
Jupe 15. It will make the trip
from Portland to San Francisco
In 28 hours.
Springfield Has
Place onu Yogram
Rev. E. C. Wigmore and Mrs.
Clara S. Willians of Springfield
are scheduled to make addresses
at the County Convention of the
Lane County Sunday School As-
day and Thursday, June 9 and 10
Mrs. Willians talk is to be on
"Young People's Classes." Pkey.
Wigmore's topic has not been as
The people of Creswell will
provide entertainment for all
delegates who send their names
to Mrs. Mabel Campbell.
The officers of the Lane
County Association are: Presi
dent, C. H. Sedgwick, Creswell;
Vice-President, W. R. Lord, Irv
ing; Secretary and Treasurer,
F. W. Pagej Waltervllle.
Medford, Ore., June 1, Tho
Pnclfio & Eastern railroad, a
section of the Hill system oper
ating between Medford and
Butte Falls in Southern Oregon,
has recently undergone a
change in management. G. E.
Johnson of Portland, has as
sumed charge as local superin
tendent and will bring his family
to Medford the latter part of
this month. It is the intention
of tho pompany to replace tho
wood-burning engines now in
use with oil burners at an early
date. Tri-weokly trips are made
to Butte Falls, and about Juno
10 a gasoline motor will, be in
stalled for daily, mall and pnsr
senger servlcejbo'tween Medford
and Eaulo Point.
Valuable Prizes are Offered for
Exhibits Made by Boys and'
Girl3 in Public Schools of
Lane County.
Rules governing the contest
in the Boys' and Girls' Indus
trial fair, to bo held in connec
tion with the Lano County Fair
this fall have been issued by the
committee in charge, whidh con
sists "of County School Superin
tendent E. J. Moore, Donald
Young, W. B. Dfflard and Super
visor A. I. O'Rt'My.
Superintendent R. L. Kirk has
a qualty of the premium Hats,
which lie is dfetrifeHtftig abng
tke school chiklrea interested.
Any boy or girl In Lane
County, under 20 years of age,
is eligible to enter these con
The contests wilL be divided
Into three cjasse. Class (A) will
include all contestants from and
including the ages of 13 and 20
years, excepting those who will
come under Class (C); Class
(B) will include all under 13
years of age, and class (C) will
include all thoee who have had
over three months' training in
Domestic Science, Domestic Art
or Manual Training i& any
school offering such courses.
Prizes will he offered oa the.
basis of the folWlag uaiiiea
tions: (1) Contestants must certify
that they have preparedithete-. .
" Si-US - - takvMEam'
(2) -Entries must be made? or
blanks furnished by the Fair As
(3) Any child may enter as
Snany competitions as he de
sires, but no child shall mako
more than one entry for each
(4) Collective exhibits cannot
be a part of individual, on indi
vidual exhibits part of collective.
(This rule does not apply to
competition for the Great Nor
thern Silver Cup;)
(5) In case there is no com
petition, the priaes will be
awarded at the discretion of the
(6) Articles exhjbiled atjast,.
year's County Fair will not, bo,
accepted. " "11
(7) Fruit and Vegetables!
must be in pint glass sealers, ex-J
cept in the Girls' Canning Con4
(S) Exhibits' should, bo. inf
place by 11 P. M., Tuesday, Sep-S
temper 21.
(9)' While due care will b
taken tO protect and care for.
all exhibits, the Association will
not be responsible for lost "or!
damaged articles.
(10) Permission cannot be
granted to anyone to remove ex
hiblts till the Fair has closed.
(11) Communications re-t
garding information, etc.,. in this!
department, should be addressed.
to the County Superintendent
of Schools, Eugene, Oregon.
The bulletin indicates the
bases upon which the judges will;
mark exhibits in arrlvingiat
awards, and lists also the prizes't
which, aro to be given for the
different exhibits. Prizes ,ofi
i$2.50, $1.50 and $1.00 are pro
vided for the Individual articles,
and special prizes for collective
. Special Fifty Dollar Lovingl
Cup given by the Great Northern
R, 'R. Co., to the' district having
ir"i-i-iiii-iririi"iririiir ""i-''nrryi()jrifiijn