The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, May 24, 1915, Image 3

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I We Appreciate Ytfur
At our store we try to give you
fitter )rfihMiKilH t
prices. Our stock Is clean, .resit
and up to the minute. '
We serve to satisfy
- ism
i TiiMlrl
Tales of the Tqwn
Shoe and harness repairing
at Wolf & Miller's. ' " '
5Ia.ll tlio Shoo Doctor's
work Is hard to beat.
- 7;
air. antl Mrs. Johnson wero
among the excijralonlsta to Flor
ence Saturday.
-r-If you need any shop dress
ing, Hul the Shoe Rociqr has
nil varieties.
Born Qu
19i5. to Mr.
Sunday, May 23,
uiid Mrs. Harry
Withers, a spn, velght 7 pounds.
Mrs. Susie Farrlngton left
Sunday for Portland and later
vlll go on t,o her homo at Ta
coma. , -. . t
J. P. Rounds of Portland re
turned Homo Saturday after In
stalling the Ice machine for. the
Swarts & WashbunVeftiarket.'
. 1
Charles Kingwell was busy for
a day last week planting geran
iums and p.tiier plants lh the gar
dons at thd Orego.n com
pany's power plant. "
Mi's. Johanna Woods, -who has
VmvUng at thahpma of her
sonjfDr. W. J I. Pollard, for the
past week," left today for her
homo at Oregon City.
Tho testimony of John J.
Stark of Junction City, who -is
suing George Perkins, tho town
of Springfield and ofllclals of tho
town for damages, was taken
last Friday at a law ofllco In Eu ir. Stork Is, leaving In
a few days for ri visit hi Illinois,
and feared he would not be
back by the time tho caso was
THE CHYMES at the Bell.
When? v
You can get harness cheap
er at Wolf & Miller's.
" . "0
N. A. Howe made a business
trip to Marcola "Friday, gojng
by automobile.
This Bell hqd a good program.
Sunday and wll repeat It'tonlght
What do you know about
this? Hall, the shoe doctor,
haB reduced his prices on shoe
All ladies aro requested to
call at Walker & Rico's hard
ware stprp and sea tho Rotary
sewing maenmo demonstrated.
Mra. M. L. France, son and
daughter, were unions, thpse
Wilts YV.wlll. kVJ VIUIUIILli fc.ilUftU. jr.
to attend tho Rhododendron fes
tival. Mrs. Jesso Hansard returned
to Cottage Grovo Sardajf af?
tcr having, spent a short time, in
Sprng8?ld with" her, mother,
Mrs. Darling.
Ask for Cupid Flour. It
makes better, bread. Your
$1.75 tor tho Best Flour In town
and you buy It at tho Feed Store.
Johnson's Best (Blend) $1.60.
Special prices on quantities.
A. MIddloton is the only per
son living In Springfield who
Was drawn for Jury duty at the
Juno term of the circuit court,
lmmas S?4v9y ard L. L.
Westfall, living on rural routes
out of Springfield, were nlso
listed among the 31 called for
this term.
You May Visit
California Expositions
On your way. tp, oij fropa the East
Summer Excursions Tickets
'f '
.V On' sale May 16 dally to September 38
, permitting stop-overs en route. Ten
u dayu' stop allowed on one way tickets
at Ban Francisco and Los Angeles
-5 -v
,9 '
"Low Round Trip Fares to San
Francisco and San Diego titir-.
ing the ( Exposition Period,
Visit tho Bouthorn Pacific building at tho Pananm-Paclfio
Exposition. Host Itoora, Moving Pictures, Travel Lec
tures, Ticket and Validating Ofllco and Information bureau,
.'.,t .' ' - ', ' j
rSilllnVrmatiofVomn .
John M. Scott General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore,
ill I III ISf I
sheets wefe'Mr, John Dnk
A 'very pUmmit imritjh o the
Pine Need e club wa'fi heW Thum
dy afternoon at .the home trf
Miss Mary Roberts, At the
ckMe of the afternppn of sewing
dainty refreshments were serv
ed by the hoetem. The club
members present were: Mrs.
Mary Maglll, Mrs. W. O. HiU,
Mrs. Arno Nelson, Mrs, L. E.
Thqmpeon, Mrs. Sam Rjchmoml,
Mrs. A. D. Iluddlrnan, Mrs. Al.
MorttKOinery, Mrs. Dr. VanVal
zah, Mrs. I. D. Larimer, Avis
Thompson, Mrs. Horton, Mrf.
13. A. Washburne and Mrs. Nina.
McPhcrsQn. The guests of tl?e
circle wero Mrs. J. Moore,
M,rs. S. Young and Mrs. Jplea
Demlck. The next meeting of
the club will be held at the home
of Mrs. Arne Nelson on June 3.
Tho Priscllla cftib held their
regular meeting at tho home of
Mrs. W. L. punlap on FrWay
afternoon. Great boquets ot
Rhododendrcn blossoms and
roses decorated tho rooms, yery
dainty refreshments were serv-
jo LfMiwflM(wio m cm
Wendnng-Wlllamlna rua,. has
. ; . o . 1
tlWtMttt? cr and cake yrm be
nigk. 10 ceata.
to cm the
had to lay off for a few days on
account of an attack of tbnail
ltis. 4
II. E. Walker ax4 Dr. J. X.
Richmond returned ' Friday af
ternoon from Newport where
they attended the grand todge of
Odd Fellows. They report an
unusually good titne.
Charles Winters suffered, a.
naralytlc stroke at the First
National bank Saturday and
was taken to his home oh E
street between First and Sec
ond by Chief Stanlger.
of Thurston, Mrs. MlHori IJilly.
Mm. Robert Drtiry, Mrs. Harry itig.
wjwiney, Mrs, nry iiorr, anu
Mf. R. h, Klrfc. The next nwetr
m$ will be held at the hotm of
frf. Danlal Gore, on Seventh
number of little people and
their mothers gathered at the
D. S, Rpals "hqmd Saturday af
ternoon when Mrs. Reals enter
tained In honor of the fifth Wrth
day anniversary of John Mervyn
Beals. Games delighted tkf lit
tle people for a titne, and then
dainty refrpshjnents were, serv
ed, The little guests were Glen
Ofclson, Luciks Oiilson, Ralph
Ohleon, Dale Ohlson, Dorothy
Wkhers, Randal WHHfft, Mar
jory BasSf Marlon Baae, Mar
garet Mor'tensen, Alene tqrjfe'n,
sen, Iawrence Rop Murvyn
Dials and Ethel Beals. The
eWr guests were Mrs. Frank
Withers, Mrs- h. A. Bass, Mrs. R.
P. Mortpnsen, Jfrs. Th,oma4 Ohl
son, aubs uutn ynison, Airs. u.
ed by the hostess. Tho Invited W. Roof, Mrs. Beals.
Nothing but tho best leather
used by Hall the Shoe Doctor.
Now Is the time to get your
sweat pads cheap. Wolf & Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sparks
went to Florence Saturday on
the excursion.
That beautiful story, "The
Chimes," In five parts, at the
B.ell Tuesday evening only.
'Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smeed
of Waltervllle are visiting Mrs.
Smeed's parents', Mr. and Mrs.
Al Montgomery..
If you are not trading with 1 . T- Kiiwey, formerly of
Us, we are both losers. Sprang- this place but now living near
field Feed Co. iiwuanu, came in jasc weeK ior
visit with relatives here,
Mrs. J. R. Barr left Sunday
for Grants' Pass to visit Until
Dr. Barr comes through on fcts
way from New Orleans, where
he has been doing post graduate
work in a medical school.
Mrs. S. W. Keller left Sa'tun
day fqr ker home at Oakland,
California after. 9, visit 0 a wtf K
with Mrs. jam Cranmer,"" Mrs.
Keller has been teaching for the
past year at Marshland, Oregon.
J. B. Godman and family of
Eugene and W. L. Godmati of
Falmqijjh,, Kentucky, and. Mra,
Julia A. Godman, uncle and
mother of Mrs. Thomas Sikes,
spent the day yesterday $t uje
Sikeshbrne. "
The EQQth-Kelly mill was not
running today because repairs
are bging made tq the refuse
burner. It Is expected to be ih
operation again by Wdnedy
Tne planer department was not
affected. J
George BoyJe received a card
Alt.. T r tff..1f' ... L I-
Florence Saturday on a business Tfte Ladles Aid of the M. E.
and pleasure trip. j church will hold a 10c tea in the
a , 1 , , , , 'cnuren pariprs Wednesday a?-!t , fm'i tTrT S
A carload of brick arrived on fortinnn fmm 2 itntn k nvinoir f .oaay Irom ur J- arr who
ri. r ii. ti l. y. r --- - " 11 n mot cnmnlpttifl a trmrimtn I
ouiuruay or uiu jjoum-iJiy Rvorvhnilv 1 wi enmo. J : " .P'"""
Lumucr company. ; o
i " 1 AllKR Ann niitlpflerp. nnRRpd th
S. H. Baker went to Florence pxanilnatfnn for th tRRidkhtav
Tba i-wwnU of the
mm mmmn at M
1 " r .
at qmhmi
In Hm Jtw50 Oofirt Sir mm Jim
i Cti, er
Iff, vs. ML K.
id, Ihe aboyenftBiwi
same of ptf SUi of OreM;
fBar ana inswef the cm
fn tlt.
You are ;
e to
alnt M the, alMye. entltMd
within plx weeks fru the" data, ef
Sri iwWIwttfa of Utt mmmrnn
1b. w&,joi are hereby noMB-rf that K
yoa fall so to appear aad aaaWer hr1i
CflfnpMii as hereby ' required . tfee
ktlfttffOHti tattc judwnent agatest
you a jH-aysd for In fyH copItet
row m file !a the saM court, to-wK:
iudgmnt la me sum of 177.65 wMJi
interest there from July 1, .914,
the further Mm of rifteea (tlSM)
Dollars attorney's fs, and for the
costs ani dUHMiraemsats is the alMve
ent(U4 nsttiMi
Thbt aummoa s pttlaim y err
ef Um lfwMfM 3mm Q. We4t,
Judge of the above entitled court, d4y
m4 on the '.tfa jity of jNWtffa, 11S.
HMiuIrtOK pttWcatWw tauttSf oee
ftch wfk tor six sticoeesly- weks
sd rWa that yon ayfMr awl
wwyef sW ppm1slit pts. or beface
sft .week, from th litk ter t AfrM.
tbe fcie f tiM Si puMUtWWeef.
E. O. IMMJ9cJfft'Pee.
Attoraer for Mafcjttf' tkM7
ttemrtrasfit' of tki Itr"r,
U. 8. I&m4 Office at Roe-rgv Ore
gM. Mar S, 1915.
Natiee ta hereby glrH that Ike P.
Wiitle', of Liittr, Ofjpa, whs,
np Jttae 7, 1812, aad afpseatead
tryJlterW No. WlfTtatfa SW
1 L WlasMte Mertltaa;, has flled
nqttw 4 "tstaftjop to raake Fiml
three-year prtn io eetabpeh claim
to the laad abdre descrlbefi, before L
If; HefrHt: Ut CpmmiaiHMer. at his
oHc, at Bee. Orege-n, da the IStk
day of Jaae 1915.
Clataktit' nstraes as witnesses:
WillWuM Shetac. of Leaburg, Oregea.
Albert Gravoc, of Vida, Orggoa.
Albert J. Ward, of Leabarf. Oregoa.
a "W; gpallfwlck, of iJeabarjr. Oregea.
M6JE10 Register.
course in the7 uiedlcal d"epart:
ment of Tulane univeraitv. New
Drloana Tho AMnr avnnnta in ders44 h8 been aspoiated, by WM
v...w... ...v. Uvv..w. -A.wm w :--. -rf ....,,1.1, bo oalo
Notice js herebr given that the a-
Saturday morning to attend the civil service examination for reach Springfield about June 1. j of wnitemM. Moore, deceased: ak
Rhododendron festival. -'.rifVira in rii I . Bersoas ha.vlBr claims aaaiaet siawi
Rhododendron festival
George Ham left Saturday
for Florence after a short visit
With friends iri Springfield.
Jnlavcdound sunervisors In Port-
lanu on oaiuraay. i w? muwi -va uivhib -
i auxiliary nog at tne uregon
Mrs. A. H. Collins, Who has f uw, coiupany a pian., amvea
been vistlpg with Mr. and llrs.
persona havlsg claim, agaiaet saw
estate are hereby notified to praaeat
the- same, duly verified and wRh' tbe
proper Touchers, to the aaiais4nf
trlx at the office, ot Woodcock, SaKh
back from the factory last week. I & Brysoa, la Bagene, Oregoa.
It was damaged when put into
service last, December when the
.-If you want to' enjoy "The L. B, Durrln, left yesterday 'for
I f I 1 feu 'it t PntMllHAM Vi nVi n. -I -nI .. - 1, AH
-iuinie- uo "i mo iiouao wuen ia-uiii-i, u;i uci u. . . , . . , -
til? ?tpry starts at ?:15 or 8:30. husband, who is employe! at.""" uwumus 4UB1 t,UH
Tlfirii An TTVI.lov Mov 01
1915. to Mr. and Mrs. Georee I There will be a special meet-
Ashboiigh of Marcola, a daugli- Ing of the Knights and Ladjes
tar. , . - . . . ! . - , of Security Thursday evening
V o in VvmBirla,. to en.t.l mf 1 "W, CUHeU JiUUer UV IU I-
-Mra. ??llaa Gav and her slater, f rs All momh 9n ronnoit. tl illness of Mr. Boesen, who is.
Mtaa PnnlBV . wnnt in IlnrAnpn n.UA h nmlunf I MTS. Hansen S OrOUier. UUe
on tne excursion Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Hansen6f
Mofp, Sherman, cpunty, are here
visiting , at., the Boesen
nome, caned mtner by the fa
TT 1. t
r xiausen iormeny uvea m u-
A section gang went to the,swc'
gravel pits at Natron this morn-
Trrmt t. i i
There will bo a musical pro- Ihg to put the tracks In repair - f'- nVT,
tho Christian for the gravel trains, which are "HT..w 7X1
cram clven
CUrcH Fday evening $g. Jexpeeted to be in operation once j SSvbSdSn Sam Gran
Everybody invited. Admission 10, more In a few days, hm SaiXtn?E
Imer, started yesterday to work
. . . . - his way back to Renovo, Penn.
AinonK tnose who went trom u
Miss Alice Stanlger left Sat- Springfield to. Florence on the' ; T T
rlnv mnrn nf fnr Rnonhurc tn Cnml.. Mr. Hf o,T XCc I"" " v1'"-"" v-i-i. in r uraUUSlO INUrse
BnrteFYourjTwr dayS 0X1(1 WaS bad1' 30.6, White, Temple, EUee.
oaiumu, win tuuiig unu ins ato-
urday morning for Roseburg to
visit relatives' and to attend the
Strawberry festival. She re
turned last evening.
-r-Qood reliable firo insurance.
No assessments; no membership
fee. Pay once and yo.u, are done,
il, B. Yalkej H .9 City Hall.
six moaths from the date of the
publication of this notice.
Date ot flrst pabHoatiea. ef thfe no
tice Is April 26. 1916.
Executrix of the estate of William M-
Moore, deceased. m M
pit, P.
Veteriiiary, Surgeexi
and Dentiet
Office: Warnock's Feed Barn
Phones: Office 904
. Residence 1122-J 1
O. R. Guliipn, M. D.
Practice LImlteS j
Eye, Ear, Noae andThroat.
Graduate Nurse Attending
ter, Miss Ella Young, George
Baldwin,; Arthur and WilJam
HamA and, Jliss Hattle Stewart.,
Prof. F. S. Dunn of the Uni
versity of Oregon wiy a.ddress
the meetJiK of the Methodist
rmn't twii th mticirnio urotnemooo tonignt. tie win
Friday nign.,a gooa program .fP0" 0ur,Fat&work CB
baa been 'nrenared which wm ,tlan qalendar." The brother
app.ear In f,ull In tk.e next lsue.
Admission 10 cents.
T. H. Smith, a lumberman of
Salt Lake City, Utah, was in
Snrinefield Friday the euest of
Mahagei; A. C. Itaon,' oC the,
Booth-Kolly JLumbejj company.
Three persons guessed the
weight of the roast for which
Swarts & 'Washburne gave a
prise Saturday, and the prize
(waa; accordingly dlYked, aipn .
taein. !-M- winners were m
Withers, Mrs. IJolllngsworth,
and Mrs. A. K. Bartlett.
. '
Persons, having odd jobs of
work to b.o done njay get; st;u
den't help on shpijt notice, and
at the. saniio. time rendej a ser(
vlcc; to students working their
ay througli copgge, by canj'nk
up the Uiilverslty U. C. A?,
-Qugene 50,4. WQr of; a(tern0n
a,fJi, $a,t.yr,days Is, e.sDRRla)ly dp
slred, ? .
E3. W. Ernest, quq of the own,
ors of, t,lm Dgs, jnes,' Iowa,
News, was In Sprlnf field for; a
tlnjo S.aturd'ay afternoon. l?e
iifspectetj. tho, mill? an'd: called., at
tlQ News qfflce, f,9)v a few, mpr
ments.. Mr. Ernest is reat,ly
iritef.QsJ.Qd, ip the, weab' and, ke
spends the winters in California.
e VMi in thin mQfj'Orm
several ywm ago ad mutjk
ipreaaetl, thVgql-, of,
Pfist few years.
hood baaqugt is, set for 7 and
the talk at-7:30.
Ml lii-i
Classiged Atk
9, HM. Etc
Fp.UNOBicy.clQ pa.dlock.
l M, ewB omce.
News ofifce. 27
LOT-On Fifth street, purse
and' sum of' money. Finder
please leave at News oMce.
B. Oi A- f QV. r?n.t- WelL xen-yiaAed-
and lighted, cleaja a,nl
warm. jitcuen, smuy uinig,
rophi, attajohed. Rates, r,easpn
ahls. Apply to Ifred, jfatko,
unoert Davis or w. A. Ha,
-lTLO.OM, HOUSI- and lot for
sale or rent. Modem conven
iences, Easy terms. Call at
News ofUco
9-ROOM rooming house for rent
furniture, for sale. Fifth and
.PiuDne 21
FOR RS3NT Five room furnish
ed house. Eight and D street
FOUNDtt-A stray QOlt
Qwaer may hav same, by
paying for feed' and 'thip na?
tice.lCallmt' HaJe blacksmith.
qhPR, Mill and. Mall. 31-32,
On. the Lane Coun ei
Ckheeifted. Cotema. Itckj' the,.
"mutual benefit salesman of
Snrlngfleld, for it profits hoth
. buyej and, server. '
Advertise if you, waat to sell:
advertise for 'what you eed
. .'
, Tht9 Classified, Column reache;
tefpi?Qple you want to reach.
Ui County News