The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, May 24, 1915, Image 2

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Editor and MajMgtjf
Published Bvry Monday sad Tfcurmkiy by the' Lane Cdflntv IAh-
. lisWng Association. r
$U6 Six Mm Iks - - .75 J Throe M Willis
Aivertte4BK Rates Furnished on Application.
And Remember to Get a Stop-Over for Springfield.
A wcgk ago one of. the detectives for the Southern Paclfc
coaipany ws jn iDflngefik to 'investigate tjie najter of car
Windows being broken by small boys.
A few days, ago the city and sclipol authorities were grapplng
with the problem of ihe smajl boys yho were gpin into dther
people's yards and. stealing strawberries.
Last week a number, of young women women old eugh
to know better were brought into he recoier's'cqurb because
they haQ persisted n breaking down shrubbery in other peppje's
yards while helping themselves to rfpwers tpat did noVberpn'to
them. A gentle flint had; been conveyed through' the paper a
little time before that, but they "did not heed.
Warnings, and gentle hints have not sulliced. Plain publicity
is a cure tha i remarkably efficacious at times, and the News
hereby announces is intention to publish all cales thai' get into
the local courts. The News nevjr "has, and never expects to
publish, gossip and scandal, but court records are public property,
and the transactions, of the courts are the business of the whole
people. A kindly feeling for the erring often impels silence when
publicity was. due. The individual, however, is not supreme jn
the state or city. The common good is the thing to be sought
Disregard o private rights is against the common good, and
therefore measures should be taken that will instill a respect
for the proper rights Qf each citizen. If publicity will do it, The
News is ready to join with the officers of the law.
The qp.e sure way to keep mention of aft unpleasant event
out of The ?Iews is to avoid doing that which' would'get4 one into
the clutches of the law.
trtflcatlon of the Portland. Xuiene ft Bastern Railway. 100
miles from Portland to wtiitUon; the building of a double track
the p-aclkfl reotMtruojtpjji of tk OorvaUjB & Eastern rktowj,
also kre MOiauWi railway. ImMmvMaiaitta. ' ' i v"
The pn-Washtat. RallroaJ
the amount expended: the taures m
I toads all .th.r,li, in,
imltted showmje the com
pany to have spent $5,4.14,71?. Conftructfop of 'the eighty nillea
from Vale to Rivertoa coat $4,8Q0,QftQ.
Eugene business men are explaining to tiojiiHl'cs hr,qi)g).i
the public press how great Is the demand of the'eounty a8 a wholo
that feiigqnp conduct a big celebration this Fpur) of July. It
used to bo that Eugene cfelbmtcd at home In alternate yeai-s,
and in ihe on years won't visiting in the amaliot' connnunltlos'. Tills
wpmu scepi 10 uo a vcry suusinctory way anu ope inai was emm-
eiuiy mir 10 an copcerueut
All 'the ncV laws passed by the Inst legislature wont Into
effect aSturdajv
Bound to Grow
in puns
fun. Wo would go on picnics,
and I would ride a bicycle.
Mnrnll Newman
Grade 3 B. Ago 8.
My Vacation
I would like to ko Canada
duirin my vacation to visit my
leranrlnm shn Is nlBrhtvfnur veaHs
.l". B t' .r ro.oid. I write a Utter to her opep
(North American Review.)
t Great Brittain, which in 1877 had cleared decks for action in
a determined, effort to prevent Russia from aproarching one step
farther toward the forbidden strait, is huriihg'its sea forces at the
forts which TPurkey has erected' in its endeavors tb conserve its
........ i j 1 . -y t i i ' i.
existence ana carry 'out tne manuaes oi migianu m ine past.
"France, which precipitated the Crimean 'War 'because she could
not tolerate even the prospect of Russian Mastery In the Near
-t i i m . i
iasc suggestea Dy xtussia s. ciaim to me ngni oi protectorate
over the Christians of. the Ottoman Empire, is Dacking the Brit
ish ally in. the terrific bombardment, with the obsolete Russian
cruiser in the role ascribed in Scripture to the "little child."
Verily, an almost unbelievable contradiction, which might well
cause Disraeli to lie uneasy in the peaceful, shadows of 'Vysetmin-
ster Abtoey and break the repose or Alexander I. in the Kremlin.
And these operations have been undertaken at this stage
o the general war because of a commercial necessity, the same
necessity which has been the real motive beneath all the senti
ment, religious and political, that has actuated the perpetual
southward pressure of the Colossus of the Nortfe The guns of
the allied fleet are beating down the barrier tha,t is keeping the
Russian wheat crop of "last year cooped up in ihe Black 'Sea. It
is the argunVent 6 bread, the'most powerful of all, arguments,
that, is directing the, fire of the gunners and, the policies of their
governments, in the great assault upon the Dardanelles. It -is
precisely the same motive the motive; of self-preservation
that has vitalized and perpetuated Rlussia's' amDitibn to unfurl
her flag over the towers of Constantinople.
it -
The tendency throughout tye country is clear. The Ameri
can people are Ihcned,'tq plunge deeper and. deeper into debt.
This trait, made1 conspicuous from the report of the census bu-
feau, u suf e De-reif,eci.eq. lnoigQer taxes, rne qmcKer tne peo
IJie as a wnpie, come to reail
-s . d tat
iot tne presenl
Lincoln ScbooI.V
Vjy Vacatioq. ,
During 'Vacation i wish to -go
to the farm. " "
l'thinlt we will pack and go
up' there; " '
1 think ; the charries are ripe and picking Mowers
but I don't know, Inga said they snak3 kri(f pjcKlng
are but I don't know if thevi r
are or not. do you think So?
i line scuuui uui i iiku vaca
tion too.
I "think I will have a nlpe ride
up to iann.
e now. i r," '".zr'C", ;.rrr. rr.,
But when I have been there'"0" W -VT 4 v,u uliVO u buu
nm enUitr tri TrtlWlo T think. T.UUIU 11 1 8
Alot largo buBi?)C88 entorprlBes of to
day were bogUii In a sinaU way.
Proper banking facilities" will hpltj
your business to grow and proBp'or.
This Bank glvca thp aamo enreful at
tention to the small accounts that It
furnished t)p larger oiieswo knoW
they wll grow.
wo SviU Hpprcclato your account
wh'othor sinall or largo. '
a week. 1 can't go to see this
grant)ma becaXiso'she is to far
away, out I expect to go to see
my other grandma not far from
Springfield. I will have lot of
ftm there clyming tree and
mountain and running races
and Killing
Carl Lewis
Grade 3 B. Ago 8.
My Vacation
I would like to go to Portland
y papa Is splitting shake up ? " ??Lm&?" ""i" iSl0"
there now. ' ' i""uA "u Lim"l"
a DB
yill have 'a good time at Toledo
arid the 'farm.
My father will catch fish arid
I eat the fish. Good-by Ingi
Chester Myers.
Grade 3 B. Age 9.
My Vacation
During my vacation I would
Hike to go back to Ohio and visid
Mv Vacation. i my dear old grandmother., I
V(iH -n avnnM in cn in llRVGnt SCCU her for Six VCflra
the springs, but we don't1 know Woud like to, stay all summer,
what springs we go ip. We'U ,ut ? w?n t0 cdme back when
go to tne ;ouy springs or tue.D"uu. ""o
The Best Groceries
For Less Money
The Fifth Street Grocery
Thoa. SiIcm, Prop. Phone 22
bell nan snrinEs. I'm come to
wer my Ihdiri sut if we 'o; ' t
expect we will nieet a lot 'of In
din. Last year when we went
to he bell nap springs we met
a "lot pf, Indiri. yoU been
to 'the springs? ''
My Vacation. : h
I ani gong,. to, yasbington
during vacation. '
I ani going where wheat
grows and work on' a' farm. I
like to live on a farm.
1 will have a good time.
I am going to redd and study
my lessons some during vaca
tion, too.
3B, age 9.
Grade 3 B.
Vernon Jones
Age 10.
(fly Vacation
wncn vacation comes I am
going Junction City ahd visit my
lilUls tAl.r. " Tin War. U...J
Their name are Bock and Dlclc.
I will drlvQ the horses. Ho has
fivp cows too. "Their name are
' ' Grade 3 B.
My Vacation.
I am going to spend my var
cation on my grandpa's farm. ,
I can drive the cows and. learn,
to milk.
' My grandpa lets me rld9;
norseoacK anu it is great run
My Vacation.
I am going out In the country
when vacation. And I'm going
to see the traps in the woods.
4 A T ( lit-, -til t 1 .. 1 1 1. "
uiu i win Kin miuirruiH aim tueii
Iin going" to the cost and play.
And I will get in the big rocks.
And then I well get hold of a
big rock and let the big waves
go over me. And I well catch
fish and go in bathing.
Verl Pegles.
Grade 3
Safe Deposit $&xes
Valuable papers deposited In o,u '
Safe Deposit boxes can' nop burn
up, cannot geflost or destroyed!
Coinmercial State Bank
Capital $30,000.00
rl - - I- :1'JL1lJ!
My Vacation
Durinc my vacation I expect
I can drive the horse too, and to go to New port with my cou
sin ixuumi is guing tou. we will
have lotd of fun. Wo will go in
bathing in' the ocean every day
aim picK. uji siuuest anu sneus
When I come home' I will help
Stella Harblt.
Grade 3 B. Age 8.
hoe corn, arid pick berries.
3B, age 9.
My Vacation.
When school is out my mam
ma and sister and brother and
my; slserfs baby and I are going
to the coast. ' ' ;
ram going to have a little pail
ana, snoyei.
I haye tb the cpas before.
Arid rwant'to'gtf very badlv.u
My little cousln'iH going with
me to. Have you ver been
This Witt Whet Yottr Appetite
This store is filled with the choicest groceries money can
buy with groceries entirely free from all adulterations
with irrocerles of the mnnt nlinnln fnnnrl itinnti tint Invwil vii
Ity with gr'oceries that' build, up the system and Instill that
remarKauie energy wmcn insures success In llf,e.
Opposite Commercial S'tafe Bank
Phpna. ft
vpQifr como to realize what they are doing, the better V
eseht e'eneratfon arid' for n'osteritv. ' j there
Win tTrAv.Kii.-u ' i , m. i
xnc TVUOU1UKI.U11 JEW.iBiui.urt! hub suuiiiiLieu a conBiimuonni o n a
amendment, to ljmit debt, and to Umh, the. franchise at elections
to those payjnc taxes. My Vacation.
In OregpiTa law lias been enacted4 limiting, annual, increase h Runx ' i V?
in tax'le'vles'to slx'er cent' except by special vote "of the'nemiifi. &lB,XWty?d
q 'X special buifetin of tie V. S, census bureau, shows that in UncnZZ&
l3',he c?tVes' Vipges, towns, townships, school, districts, drain-1 I, could havp a good, time, rld-
M nprsepacK on my uncle's,
?I.8M884743 or "11$$ per je'p,t, pvgr t)pt total, fpr 1902,
small part bf'the increas6 is doubtless due to a more comp
canvass in the later year.'
complete '
age 9.
y - . .
Labor wqulfl haye had but littlp employment last year in
Oregori but for the railroads, r
Tvvelve million dollars was spent in Oregon last year by
railroatls irf'tt'aking. 'extensions' and 'betterments; a'ceording to"
the annual report' of the railroad commission.. ' .
Among the more important items was the building of 68
miles of traclc-'ohtne WiMamefte -Pacific Railroadho giuslaw
' The dreWastlirigto'ri ltiiUroad ; feigaUon vCo.'s con-'VBtructiob-''oPieItlitleo4ra.Vlf
frnm vlo tn nt,;. -
My Ya.catjQn
When school ' is out,
T t - -r lj I
vhere L am gplng. ' I. dih gplri1
to Marcplla where my 'friends
dfb. Twi!l llave lofs df fun1 wlttt
th'e goat's ' When tltey' aid' eoliVe1
tp be taken from the fields. We"
are. gpmg to visitMri ind, Mrs.
Smith. Don't you wish ypu
could go.? r
' ' ' Inga Solefm
Grade 3 B. Age' 8. r
. MY, Vacation
1 l&t tf. so. t6 see? my, papa. If I
My. Vacation.
I expect to ed to Junction
City i& fist my uncle fed.' I will
koe corn and" help cut hay and
tatpe care, qif tne nprjep. I ex
to,;haye ,a gpoA time,
MV Vacation
I wantto.'fco to Helen McCorr
$K R flOftM tony.
T' would llkn to en nroiinri fhn
woHd'o'A water! fWultt'llkn rfo
gm,'raIrplain'andg6,t0Erigiand. H.0' of Eighth Qrade Final Exam
' " Eterl Rnlirirta ' " r "I
?rade B, Ago 7 o&mffiK.SS
mi Ti Tr School aiatrlcta wMBro thot- arouplla'
I would ijfce' to 'Wo back east ana i, misuP Vr th foildW-
and Visit my graridri'a. 1 1,'-would THunBDAY ArinimnHo .
uird fn afnv aittf th.a mnnv.a 'L THURSnAX Arltlimotlc, Writing,
" - """. urammar, Agrjpuiturp ana. Hpou ng,
I am colnc to study mv leoROria piiiuay. I'lfvHitliriv. uiainwyhVn.
In vacation, I expect to have a Bwhy, civil1 GbVerhmunt, and Jtoad.
good, time, K J. MOORE.
Sphjiol Sunt,
m warn mk mm,
Sstablishe. 83
Capital and Surplus - . . $300,000.00
Interests on Savlnaccounts. a.nAhne,Car4flpateB.
Edwards &t
Fqrarmd Cijty, Property, .
T Pliono 30
Lawrence Bruco
1 31-2
B. J,
Call for Warrants.
Notice Is hereby given that I
wJl4 pay, ajlt outstanding General
cease after' May 13, 1915: BV f 3f 1'waewa,
order of the Town-Council. ' Over Commercial, lanki
1 Rfifi mv Twnn If T'lL TlTTtAM n -mtt-ttti . ' '. 'IT ' '
WW prinBf.oId, Orsgon.
Wwt Min at,
In 5 ty ri
CAiw UJ n 1 1 QH.t..ti.i.
! t wfry
d, Ore
Phone 1221
" - s t " . v' w iuvuiiUJl,'
couid- go I