-1 j 3 f:i: ... r na p Vv 'ST Continuing ths Springfield and Lane County Stir, Which Wtre .Consolidated February 10, 1t14 'Intersil Kibriifrai,I909,fflprlngaoM ,0r con, 'clam nutter under noiol Uu'miu.i i ron, 1H7I SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1915. VOL. XIV. N6 3tr FEARS FOR CHILD; ROBBED OF $1 IS Bf Bold Gypsy Women Hold Up Old Gentleman on Bridge in Broad Daylight Fearing that Gypsy women woro trying to kidnap his grand- Hon, j, a. ucrnuou, nmuo moiroe titnl attempts Tuesday evening to prevent tho women taking $1C from his pockets. Tho rob - b6ry occurred on tho river bridge near whero tho Ilorndons havo tholr summer homo, and In tho full light of tho lato afternoon, Some of tho women hold Mr, llorndon who Is an old gontlo inan, whllo tho others wont through his pockets and took. tho money three $G gold pieces, REGOVEP MON One of tho women was arrested .lumber company, and Edward and Herndon idontifled her nsjjordan, a foreman, had deeded oiio of tho thieves, but after four the lands, located In Southern men of tho band had paid him ; Oregon, to tho lumber company back tho sum which ho claimed was taken from him she was released. Herndon, according to his story, was coming along tho Springfield bridge, carrying tho child, when the" Gypsy women approached him and offered to tell his fortune Ho told them tjiat ho did not caro to havo his fortune revealed and started to scd on. but thov trrasncd him bylpremo court. Tho case was the arm and whllo aomo of them hold him, others went through his pockets and took Uie money. llorndon at onco notified Mar shal Stanigor of Springfield, and that ofllcer, accompanied by O. W. Johnson and Herndon, set out in an automobile to look for tho women. They drove to Eu gene before they found any of tho Gypsies. They stopped tho caravan and llorndon picked out a, young woman In tho band as being one of his assailants. She was turned over to the Eugene police. the meantime someone at Sprlngfiold telephoned to Deputy ' Sheriff George Croner at his res idence, telling him of tho robbery and , stating that If ho would .start out ho would meet Stitni-, gor and tho other mon. . Croner got an, automobile and drove with haste to Springfield, but Stnnlger and tuo other mon had already reached tho city, Croner mot some of tho Gypsies but ho know nothing as to who wero the man's assallantB and paid no atontlon to them. Finding nothing at tho Springfield end ofi tho line, Croner returned to Eugeno and in company with tho other ofilcors and Deputy Sheriff Tom Bailey, searched tlio camp in tho northwestern part of- tho city, but without finding any more of tho women whom Herndon recognized. Some of tho men in tho Gypsy band after considerable parley ing, gavo llorndon tho sum hlch ho said was taken from him and tho young woman de tained by tho ofilcors was re leased. There woro a dozen wagons In this caravnn of Gypsies, and it is stated there are 200 wagon loads of them on their way from California. BOOTH-KELLY CO. LOSES Five Patents to Oregon Lands vnuvuioui Washington, May 17. the supremo court today affirmed tho decision of tho ninth Unl- ., IG LOGS BROUGHT FROM WENDLING In tho shipment of lop from Wcmlllng ycatonlay for tho Booth-Kolly mill hero vcro three logs of unusual bIzo. All wore cut from tho Bamo treo In 20 foot lengths; and woro 00 and 02 Inches in dia meter respectively. ted States circuit court of an peals In cancelling flvo natcnts lot 0rcon lands held by tho n00th-Kolly Lumber connmnv 1)0caU80 of frad ontrv. Hbtory of the Cnsp. 1 Portland, May 17.' Tho gov- ernment's case .against tho Booth-Kelly Lumber company , first came up In the United i States district court four years ago. It was charged that Stcphon Alico, Ethel M., and Lucy La Ilaut, relatives of It. A. Booth i who was then manager of the shortly after obtaining patottts !EvIdenco also was introduced to show that each had received $100 for his services Tho district court cancelled the patents of tho La Iiauts, but uphold that of Jordan. On Feb ruary 24, 1013, theTJiiltedStates circuit court of appeals cancell 'ed the patent of Jordan also, and 1 ' L i j. ill . . .the case was carried to-the su campaign of last year when Mr. Bootli was a candidate against George Chamberlain. EXCURSION TRAIN STARTS FROM HERE Advices wero reclved this morning by M. L. Franco, local agent of tho Southern Pacific company, giving tho Information that the Sunday train for tho ex curslon to tho Rhododendron festival will leave Springfield at 0:30 a. m. and will bo back from tho soacoast at 10:45. Two cars are to leave Springfield on Sunday morning, picking up eight more in Eugene. Trains leave Eugene both Saturday and Sunday at 7 a. m., and arrlvo at Mapleton at 9:30. Returning, the trains leavo Ma pleton at 8 p. m, Tho faro for. tho round trip, including tho launch rido from Maploton to Florence, is $3.00 from Springfield and $2.85 from Eugeno. School Asks for Standard Rating At a meeting of tho school board Tuesday evening orders wero placed for tho laboratory equipment, costing some $50 or $75, that was neeucu to bring tho Springfield High Bchool up to tho state requirements for a "standard" four-year high school. II. E. Walker, the clerk, was directed to give tho stato superintendent notices that tho cqulpmont had been ordered, and therefore, according to tho statement of Assistant Superln-. tendont Welles who inspected tho school a welc or more ago, It Is now entitled to bo rated, as ''standard" In tllo records of the stato superintendent's office. Some library books that are poeded will bo purchased when tho district's library allb'wanco from tho state is received. SPRINGFIELD DOCTORS UNDER $500 , BONDS NOT TO WITE PRESGRIP- TfQNS FOR Binding themselves with a bond of $500 not to write pre scriptions calling for spirituous or alcoholic liquors,, the physi cians of Springfield today made tlic announcement that hereaf ter thoy Would cease writing prescriptions of this class. Fol lowing Is the text of the resolu- j lion which they have adopted,! printed copies of which arc post ed In the various offices: "At a special meeting of tho physicians of Springfield, Ore gon, und Lane County, recently held, tho following resolutions wero adopted: "Whereas, The physicians of Springfield havo in the past en deavored to live carefully within tho local option law to tho best SOME THOUGHTS ONTHE PROBLEMS THAT CONFRONT US. By MAJOR F. W. BARBER. In the hcr.t of passion is not the time for deciding momentous questions, and especially if they involve the fate or the welfare of a nation. A waVo of indignation is sweeping over this coun try because a foreign submarine has torpedoed and sunk a passenger ship loaded with 1500 noncombat aht women and children and men, many of whom were citizens of our own country. . In their" hour of anger thouwindi of good im wi.ha.ve, ' But there cornea a time when an hour or silent thought is more productive' of beneficial humanitarian results than a life time of villification and abuse heaped upon other heads. No amount of rage, no hasty action, can bring back the lives of those who went down with the Lusitania. But sober thought and a careful examination of our own internal conditions may save the -lives of many thousands of Americans now living. Let us think before we act. America is a nation of peace,, and we ask only to be allowed to pursue an honorable course undeterred by others. We do not' seek to dominate or oven to interfere In the affairs of the old world, nor do we want to be dominated or interf erred with by them. And yet a duty confronts the government of the United States a duty which is imperative and must be met with courage and fortitude the duty of safe guarding the lives and property of American citizens on tho high seas. If that duty can bo performed, without involving tho United States in a war with a foreign coimtfy, then it becomes the obvious duty of the president to seek a means to that end. For deadly Var should be the court of last resort. And while the president is seeking to uphold the dignity of the United States and' protect our citizens without involving us in U disastrous war, it becomes our solemn duty as citizens to rally to his side, .to pre sent a united front, and to assure him of the loyal, moral and material support of a nation of a hundred million souls. Any act short of this would be unpatriotic, un American, and unworthy of any human being who claims tho Stars and Stripes as his flag. . But there is yet another way' in which we as citi zens may well serve our country and materially strengthen tho hands of our president. " Wo httve many naturalized citizens of German parontage in our midst, good men and true, ., Let us preseryo toward them a sane attitude of fairness and friendship and good will, lest hasty words create discord and strife, among our own citizenship. Lot ub remember that when they came to us they became citizens of qur country, and as loyal citizens lot us continue to regard them. And lot gentlemen of German birth rise equally to tho occasion and remember that thoy are now American citizens, and refrain from criticism pf the land of their adoption, tho laud which gives them food and shelter. Then, If the Inevitable comes '.and war Is forced upon us it must co'o to duj. own shores, whore it will find us a united people fighting stanchly in defense of right, justice and homo.' Take an idle hour,, brother, and think deeply of tho welfare of your country, , 'S . Dwell not upon the angry, passion of today, but rather HipoU tho -higher plane of tomorrow, that the light of justice and reason may guide our footsteps in tho path of honpr. And if war te forced ubon us we will meet It as American manhood has met every crisis In Its history. ALGOHQUC LIQUORS ;df;!thelr knowledge and belief, and Iave endeavored to obey as carefully as possible all of its provisions; and 'Further, That they sincerely desire to uphold all the laws, of thd land and feel that they are entitled to be considered fespoc- tamo citizens of tnis commun ity; and Whereas, Owing to the fact that physicians in various dry parts or uie stato nave Been un Justly arrested and convicted ami fined heavily on purely tech nitjal grounds for writing alco- none prescriptions ana "Whereas, The undersigned physicians have been annoyed by' spotters from time to time, ,who falsely plead sickness and hope by misrepresentation and fraud to entice some unwary doctor Into writing a prescrip lion that they may secure his arerst, thereby placing physic lans in the same category as ordinary criminals; and "wnereas, tho doctors are being continually annoyed by individuals seeking prescriptions for alcohol and alcoholic liquors, often when the doctor Id sitting at his meal or perhaps called out of bed, And, often calling at the doctor's office during his most busy time, causing the doctor to waste valuable time explaining the reason Jie can not write the prescription, and very often the said individual, be it ar stranger, friend or pati ent, leaves the office sore and- angry; therefore, be it "Resolved, That we will in the future positively not write any prescriptions for alcohol or spir ituous liquors for internal or external use or any purpose whatsoever, arid it is understood and agreed by each of the part ies signing this Instrument that in case any one of the parties hereto shall fail, neglect or re fuse to comply with the terms and conditions of Oils resolu tion he shall forfeit to the other parties tke sum of Five Hundred ,($500.00), the same to he col lected in the manner prescribed by law. EUGENE KHSTER R. P. MORTENSEN 4 , W. C. REBH&N W: if. POLLARD Mil 1ST SPRiFIELD Nearly a dozen prizes were awarded to the West Springfield school at the school fair held in Eugene last Friday and Satur day. A corrected list of the awards is as follows: First prize for best collective exhibit from districts of the third class. Prize, a. drinking fountain pump. Advancement in Palmer pen manship, third prize, a copper waste basket Loaf of bread, class A, first prize, sack of flour and half a dozen cans of peas. Mounted wild flowers, class A, third prize, book entitled, "The Oldest of Four," awarded to Florence Lee. Plan for dairy barn, class A, first prize, $3 hat, Kenneth Gos sler. Collection of insects, class' A, third prize, pair of gloves, ''Ches ter Mason. Flowers grown by pupils, in class A, second prize, collection of potted plants, Bennie David son. Plan for two-room school house, dictionary, Price Nixon. Same, third prize, book, en titled "Treasure Island Boys," Richard Collins. Patched Christian Calendar is Theme Prof. F. S. Dunn of tho Uni versity of Oregon, will make tho address at the meeting of the Methodist Brotherhood next Monday evening at the church, His theme will be "Our Patched Christian Calendar." Professo? Dunn is a very interesting seakei His address oc' ctrr at 7:30. followinc tho mommy dinner aim ousmcss meeting at 6:30. KB i mi WM.M1E.II1ED AIDING AUTOMOBILE Severely Bruued When Rtm' Away Horses Drag the Car Over Htm. WJljiam McBee, -ij)!Q lYf.j! Seventh and. G streets, suffered painful muscular bruises, and some cuts about the face attd head at 6 o'clock Monday eyen ing when his horses, with whicji he was aiding a stranded auto mobile, became frightened and ran away. , . . .. T: That Mr., McBee's injuries' were not inore. serious was due to the fact that .. the accident happened in a field qt soft earth1.. The runaway was not for a great distance, but it was spec-" tacular while it lasted. t-,r C. W. Booie of Portland, who. Is on his awy to California, .is. stopping here until the rainsar over ana ne nau rented & Dam near Eighth and G streets. While attpnmpting to drive his car into? the barn, which, is ome distance from the street, &e was caught in the mud, and accordingly sought the assistance of Mr, Mc- Bee. When first the car, was. hauled from the. mud, it ran on, ahead and' struck ,. the horses. whicli were Quieted with" difficul ty. In a moment, the. auto once more, struck the hibrses, and,. with, a bouhq they were 'off. Mr.,, over, oy tne automonue., (, .... Westward, past the barn the. Horses dashed, striking a pilef wood and overturning iL Frigh tened by the crash they hurried on until the automobile caught in a farm wagon. hTc weight did not trouble the animals and the wagon was turned complete ly around and overturned. The horses turned south on Seventh street near the curb, and drag ged the auto over two crossings before coming to a stop. , The front axle of the car was bent .and the wheels 'werei, de cidedly out of alignment, bu otherwise no serious damage. was dane. Mr. McBee was taken into his house and a physician sum moned, but it was fouad.tha&the injuries were riot serious?' If urge mmm N FIRE PREVENTION According to, official reports there has .been an unusual! amount of damage done in the? eastern states this spring on ac-j count of forest fires. As a rer; suit, the government is emphaV sizing its campaign, having forj its main object the co-operation-of the general public in the work of fire prevention and suppres sion. In this work, the west hafj already been very active, for fire, prevention west of the Rocky , mountains has .reached a well established basis. For the past five years, the Northwest has carried on a live campaign of publicity, setting forth the results of forest flresl and urging th'e'heip bf the comS munity in suppressing and pre-3 vending them'. Various kinds? of notices have been freely posta edf and circulars Save been CM tributed amon lR10nLXilSS and oldl eve rant, ere (Continued oo Pago 2.)