la Most Popular Girl Contest TJio wlnnor gets a beautiful No. 8A Eastman Kodak, Value $20.P0 Standing of contestants to dato: Tho romillH of tho contest will bo published In tho Thurs day Ibbuo of Tho Nowh 6ach week. s j "$, Hrnu, Votei T4. .t, vMIhb Franco Travte w', , .5775 tylgjf TSthol Coriloy . . v 6030 v. .Mlsa Wouoaa Mitt .. Mpractffoau??:. . . . . Maotf Miss Mkbol Fandruln, withdrawn DEMAND A VOTING. COUPON WHEN YOU PURCHASE YOUR . f : KODAK SUPPLIES I SO CIA L NOTES. As the Women Of Woodcraft Tofn Ohlseh, Mrs. Jdhn Sparks, Were leaving their hall at the" Mrs. Marvlii Dfufy, Mrs. I. V. olose of their session Wednesday Jackson, Mrs. Silas Gay, Miss evening, they were met by theVlna McPhcrson, Miss Ethel Woodmen, bearing a great freez- Conlcy, Mrs. J. B. Fox, Mrs. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmA I Tales of the Town er of led cream, and all returned to tho hail for a social evening. An Impromptu program was ar ranged and provided much plcasuro for tho guests. The Gleaners will hold a so cial BCBpIon this afternoon at the homo of Mrs. D. W. Hoof, at the corner of Ninth and A streets. A very enjoyable meeting of tho Emanon club was held at tho home of Mrs. George Catch ing Wednesday afteriiobn. Spe cial features of entertainment we're provided In honor of Mrs. E. "E. Tyler who leaves tonight for Tillamook, on h,er way to Washington, wliefe she will re side, The club at this session laid plans for a musical enter tainment to be given later In tho month. Tho members pres ent were Mrs. llay Emerson, Mrs. George Flsk, Mrs. M. L. France, Mrs. E. E. Tyler, Mrs. A. Montgomery, and Mrs. Vin Will Hams. Tho next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. A. JJ111. 4 A most enjoyable Invitation dance was given by the Reapers of America at their hall Tues day evening. There were a large Unmher present, and the nlilslc Mas furnished by the Misses llaynes of Eugerie. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Washburne will entertain the Whist club In Its usual session this evening. The Heapqrs gave one of their invitation dances Tuesday even log. Which was enjoyed by ail present The N. G. 0. Sewing club had a very pleasant time Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. L. Clark. The guests of the Valentine. Mrs. tTohn Nice. Mrs. afternoon were Mrs. Harry Stc Ray Lcmley, Mrs. Will Dill. Mrs, 'wart and Mrs. It. P. MortenSen Colgate soap at A iioV Pcory's. " Hear th& now TSdlson Phonographs at Pcdry's'. Disc Tho front part of tho Illll cl gar storo has been rc-lldored. at Talcums lCc at ' Colgate's X'cery'B. You can get harness cheap er at Wolf & Miller's. awe Suvo 1-3 by buying Ilexall School Tablets at Pecry's. v a ii , rt l 1. i -Shoo and harness repairing ' ""V "tiT,V"V m, Ji Wolf & Miller's. I hon10 w,tu Ql of the grip. . I The Hell theatre will be closed All klnuB of Chick (supplied Wednesdays hiid Thursdays un at tho Feed Storo. Wo soil good til furth'cr notice. quality and WO soil It cheap. The Boll Is making special effort t6 &'e strong programs Friday and 'Saturday', also Sub day and Monday. Good reliable fire Insurance. No assessmtihts; hO'mbnibershlp fee. Bay'onccanU.yojji aro done. II. E. Walker at the City Hall. Tho 'World Pflm" features are drawing capacity houses at tho Dell each Tuesday. The nox(. one IsWh BrdkaWay "was a Trail. " ' ' ' ,n o Cow owners will noto wo aro selling' alry'chbp at $1 per cwt. Our Other feeds aro low priced In proportion. Spring field Feed Co. w , A very Interesting session of tho Jasper grange was held last Saturday when "Mother's Day" was observed with a special pro gram. An all-day sosslon will bo held May 22, with speakers from Eugene and Corvallls. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Boolo of Portland are visiting at the homo . II. W. Adrian of tho Adrian Neckwear company of Portland wits In Springfield yesterjlay on business. 0 0 0 Dr. J. "E. TUchmbnd Wll bo out or town from May, 14 to 22. Tho ofilco will bo closed on Wed nesday of ba'ch we'ek. " Cupid Flour (haYdwheat $1.75. Albany Flour (Blend), $1.00 at tho Feed Store, Qual ity guarantoctl. The management-, of the Boll has noted' u 'Marked Im provement In' Che grades of many of the pupils recontly. "W. 12. Knott and "family, who came hero throb weeks ago from Los Angolcs, have taken a house on 15 street between' Eighth and Ninth. Elinor Dover, president of the Oregon Power Co., was In Eugeno from Tacoma today and was expected to como to spring field to Inspect tho planf here. Mr. and Mrs. W, M. Ward, who have boon visiting Mr. Ward's uncle, C. jM. Burgess, Hall, the Shoe Doctor, Fifth and Main street. u Now is the time to get your sweat pads cheap. Wolf & Miller. ' Chas. Itaymorid Snyder is vis iting his couBln Vin Williams to day. . M. Fenwick leaves Saturday for New York on a business trip of Several weeks. 00 Hall, the Shoe Dpctor, Fifth and Main street. Charles Tlaymond Snyder is visiting his cousin, Vin Williams to'day. George WiBhnian of Coburg visited last nlglit and today at the Vin Williams home. Now Is the lime to get that did suit cleaned arid repaired or have a new one made at Jen- All ladies arc requested to kins, Fourth Street. m call fat Walker & Rice's hard-! ware Btdro and see the Rotary , L. M. Becbe, former publisher sewing machine demonstrated, of The News, returned Tuesday a 9 9 evening irom an exienuea mp M. M. Pcery and Howard Par- to the state of Washington. sons were subpoenaed this. mnmlnir in Rcrvp. rin this Federal Marion BainDriage nam a une jury In Portland and will go to pf 2.50 In the recorder's court that city Monday. i fhis morning (Or allc-whig : chlck- 0 ens anu omer siopit to run at How would a little Ice 'large. ' cream go with that Sunday din- . , ' . . nor. Phone 41, the Palace of :Conkey s Starting Food for sweets anu navo it aeuvereu at - iukb me mue w your door. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Weaver and son Of Pdrtland, formerly of OamatinVvftln"!.! 'P.I Actrl A XT ' -V way to Mr, Weaver's father's ranch 'near Waltervllle. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fry and tho former's sister, Mrs. M. M. "Lord of Seattle who is visiting hero re turned last'ovening from an auto trip to But'toville near Aurora. of Dr. and Mrs. Kcstcr for a few left yesterday fbr Milton, pre- - i.u .1 - . t-i i . . n n .i (luyu. iir. uiiu, iu a. uuuiu uio ojou, wiiuru mvy win ounu mu on -an automoniio trip to uaiiror nla, whldh will Occupy about a year. Joo Nekl and wife, former residents 'of Springfield, have returned after an absenco of several months and will make summer. Mrs. McNown of Waltervllle sustained severe bruises on cr loft arm and Choldrer when she Jell whflo attending to duties about tho farm. She was leav- thelr homo here again. Thoyjlng the InCubatoi; hOUso with a have been In tho Heppner country whore Mr Neal lias nad a, number of engagements play ing lor motion plcurb houses. lantern, and in fear "lest the lan tern be broken ana cause a nre, Bho could do nothing to break the forco of hortall. Choeevy Buying Doe?jt't Require the time and thought and attention that it used to. ff$ Nowadays, at this modern store, we take care o the "worry part" of your grocery buying we stand be tween you and impure foods and un desirable goods, -nd the .cost is no more than for inferior goods. 1 ''G'et abii of Trading Here, Larimer's E. A. Bean had the misfortune to lose a horse Wednesday morning whon the animal be came frightened at something arid fell, entangling Itself in the rope arid 'breaking Its neck. -Vanilla, strawberry and chocolate Ice 'cream at the Pal- acd of Sweets Saturday and Sunday. Thb strawberry Is made of the fresh fruit. VWU dellVbr to any part Of tho city. Call Phono 41. I-Iarl McPherson, employed as teamster at the Booth-Kelly mill suffered a painfully lacerated hand Tuesday when lils 'horse, which he h'a'S been driving all winter, Uegan to kick, and struck him on the hand. Mrs. Johanna Woods arrived from Oregon City Mdnday af ternoon arid went on to Mar ti ola, 'to Yislt her daughter, Mrs. Walter 'Price. $he Hvlll Vdtiirn In ,a iftfott flrne a'rid Visit hero -with her son, tor. W.' -fit Pbllara".' . Mr, Scott'S Sunday School class Is arranging to give a' "Fashion ClrdUs" at the, old ga- rage building oil Saturday, May; 22. Great preparations are be-i Ing made for the event, which Is to furnish a number forms of. entertainment. i 0 0 0 I Posters were put up here the; first of the week advertising a big W. O, W. picnic which is to! bo held in Junction City on Sat W. C. Hawley, ono of tho head managers of tho Order, will bo tho nrlnclnal Bneakor. and there Will bo a grand ball In the eve ning. 0 0 0 Persons having odd jobs of WOrk to bo dOrio rimy got stu- fat 'tho same time render a sei vlco to students working their (way through colloge by calling up mo umversuy x. m, u. a., Eugeno 694. Work of aftonioons ari5 Saturdays ""Is 'pspecially desired. low strong and healthy. T?re- yesissase. Springfield Feed Company; , . ' ' -' 0 Ilenry McCollum, Gilbert Da vis and George and Tom Ohlsen made a fishing trip Sunday up tho Willamette, but with indif ferent success. Philip Hohl of Cottage Grove, father of' George Hohl of this place, died at his home Monday, May 10,. at the age of 59 years, G months and 10 days, and the funeral services were held there yesrteday. There were seven children besides the son here, c 0 0 Parties wishing to contribute clothing to the Asociated Char ities will please ask their gro cery dellverymen to take the supplies to E. E. Morrison's, where they will be taken care of. JENNIE FENWICK, Associated Charities. 0 0 4 Frank Goddard's chest and shoulders were severely bruised Tuesday aftenioon a't'Che Booth Colly mill when a timber on the umoer sup. tooK a wrong course and fell across him. Fellow workmen feared for a time that as. had been badlv hurt, but the mjary did not -prove very ser ious. ; ,000 WJaen Gilbert Davis was fish-: insr the other day in tae Wiu- anietet above the junction with tne uoaBt iorK, ne saw two uni versity students In a canoe at tempt to go through a bad bit ot rapids. They were overturned; hut man need to -cl-lne to their caiioe, and came out several rods down stream from trie point or the, acclddnt Everett Lamar, wno lett Snrlnufiaeld about ten years rtKO. was hero yesterday after noon and e'veriirig renewing his boyhood acaualntances. He urday, May 22, Congressman heft this morning for Wendlng for a short visit with his brother George. At present ho is a trav eling salesman for a large paint house ip San Francisco and is forging ahead. Notice to All.nartles knowing themselves to be Indebteded to the firm of Walker & Rice and their ac counts being 30 clays qr more past due are nollfle'd we will riot extend further credit until all oldVccQuhts are. settled in full. -4 V H E H A R D W A R E S T O R E WML PAPER SPECIAL 20& Off On Day Saturday, May 20th Souvenir Free wkh each purchase of Wall Paper. If you need paper take advantage af tlm tale. Largest atock and best selection in town. The very latest pattcrn. Beaver Herndon if Hardware Co. H T H E Y E L L O W F R O N T We Present An Extensive Line Of Spring and Summer WEARING APPAREL Up to'the minute with fashions I&tft decree. The Straw Hat with the flexible brim ami the Tefcyo up Panama. Stephenson Web Sack UiMierwear. Soft Coller: In the latest shapes so popular this season KUPFENKEfMER CLOTHES "Ahead of the Game" in every way G. E. Sales, Toggery Awei tie Wits Will Whet Four This store is filled with the choicest groceries mossy can buy with groceries entirely free from all adulterations; ' with groceries of the most absolute, arid unquestioned jmr ity -with groceries that build up the system and instill thai remarkable energy wliich insures success in life. NICE & MILDER Opposite Commercial. State Bank Phone 9 KEEP YOUR EYE On the Larie County NewsV Classified, Column. ''mutual benefit salesman of. It is. the, Springfield, fpr; it profits both( buyer and seller. Advertise If (you -vyant to -sell: , advertise for what you neecL , The Classified Column reaches he people you want to reach. ; RATES LOW. p Lane Countv News -OA. V 1 HI I WALKER & RICE.