The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, May 10, 1915, Image 4

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The News la In receipt of a
letter from Richard Harding
Davis, asking that the following
appeal bo given spaco in The
"In behalf of the soldiers and
sailors at the front and in the
hospitals, The British American
War Relief Fund Issues tills ap
peal to those, who in this strug
gle sympathize with Great
"They are lighting not only
for the British Empire but also
for tho liberation of Belgium.
"The men in the trenches are
urgently in need of the follow
ing:Socks (sizes 10 to 11)
colored handkerchiefs, shirts,
sweaters, drawers, and for the
Hospitals: Old linen, bandages,
antiseptic gauze, anaesthetics,
antitoxins, and iodine.
"Any cash donations will be
spent In this country in the pur
chase of the above. Further
money contributions are' most
earnestly solicited. We parti
cularly appeal to large manu
facturing and industrial houses
for gifts in kind.
"The British American War
Relief Fund, of 200 Fifth Avenue
New York, was organized last
October for the purpose of pro
viding -warm clothing, comforts
and necessities for British Sol
diers nd sailors on active ser
vice and in the hospitals. The
Fund has already received and
despatched over 200,000 articles
to the troops. These include
purchases made in this country
with money contributed. Each
parcel contains a gift-card with
the name and address of the
sender. The Cause is a most
worthy one. Will you help? A
dollar will make some poor sol
dier's lot a little easier to bear.
The assured appreciation of the
British Soldier who is the recip
ient more than repays the giver."
given out that a. steam shovel
is ready on board cars at San
Francisco and will bo shipped
to tins city atience. mo nrat
work will botlfe ballasting of
tho constructedaO-mlle, unit, bo
ns to take caro of construction
trains and logging trains. Two
sawmills arc now running in this
city on the new railroad, thoro
are many logs to bo shipped
from tho end of the 10-mile unit,
and logging equipment will bo
here as soon ns tho road is in
shape to handle that trafllc.
Portland, Oro., May G.In a
recont publication of tho Federal
Govormnont, some Interesting
statistics are brought out, cov
ering the exports of lumber and
lumber products for tho fiscal
year ending Juno 30, 1914. It
may bo of Interest to tho North
west to know that of tho total
amount of fir exported from the
United States, (G80.3S0.000 ft.).
Oregon and Washington f urnish-
ca over 630,000,000 ft,, valued
at 8,059,940. It may be of still
further interest to know that
nearly 260 million foot of this
fir went to Australia, Now Zea
land and the Islands of Oceanlca,
over 145 million feet wont to j
Asiatic points, nearly 120 million i
feet went to South America, and
approximately 23 million feet to j
Panama. European countries i
took not quite 40 million feet, 1
Made in Springfield
Patronize the Payroll of Your Home Town
Disposal of Revenues From Nat-
tonal Forests will bo uno ot
the Half Dozen Topics.
May 28 and 29 are tho dates
chosen for the seventh annual
commonwealth conference of
the stato of Oregon, which will
be held in the University of Ore
gon buildings.
One branch of the conference
will consider ideas for returning
to the state profits made by tho
national government from hold
ings within the state. Franklin England lending with 27 million :
P. Lane, secretary of tho Inter-! feet and Germany ranking scc-j
ior, will bo asked to take part, (ond with 2 million, j I
Another conference session According to tno report, Can- W
will consider a plan for classlfl- ada and Mexico, our nearest iH
ing to quality. "At present the! south, took tho bulk ot tho rail-
investor is afraid of buying a road ties exported from tills
U can get moore satis
faction for ure $ $ if u
by Bakore or Noxall
flour. All grocers have
it to sell. t
, ;
. '
Pledge Themselves at Weekly
Dinner Thursday Night.
A large number of business
men of Eugene, at the weekly
dinner at the Hotel Osburn last
Thursday night pledged them
selves to spend May 20, good
roads day, working on the Mc
Kenzie road above Walterville,
where there is a particularly bad
stretch that needs repairing.
Walter Griffin, who is one of the
greatest road enthusiasts in the
county was present and asked
those in attendance to assist in
this work. Nearly everyone
there agreed to join him.
They will leave in automobiles
which will be lined up. in front
of the court house on Eighth
avenue east at - 7 o'clock that
morning and ride to the scene of
operations, expecting to arrive!
at 8 o'clock. Returning they 33rd St.
gold brick: listed lands would country, the former taking tip-IB
materially strengthen his con
fidence," says F. G. Young, pro
fessor of economics in the Uni
versity of Oregon.
A step is to be taken at the
conference toward amalgamat
ing all the good roads associa
tion movements in Oregon.
A reorganization of the effic
iency and economy movements
in the state will be attempted.
Another conference topic will
be city planning: how to interest
the women and the civic bodies
of the state. A session for wo
men will be held on the topic.
A plan for more scientific
credit will be discussed.
Salem, Ore., May 10. Work
started on $20,000 extension of
Chicago store.
Carleton dairymen launch
$5,000 creamery enterprise.
Fairfield The mill ditch to
drain district here will cost $10,
000. Portland civil service officials
launch publication of their own.
Having taken referendum on
jitney regulation ordinance, the
Portland city commission pro
poses to repeal the same and en
act another.
Toledo County court re
ceived bids for five bridges May
S. P. Co., has started laying
rails north from Coos Bay
Portland Home builders
erects large warehouse at East
Twill leave their work at 5 o'clock
anu arrive at home at 6.
: Either Mr. Griffin or Helmus
iy. Thompson, former county
judge, will have charge of this
piece of work and others promi
nent in road construction In the
Xjast and at present will look
after work in other parts of the
county on that day.
. Grants Pass, Ore., May 6.
Judge John F. Twohy and his!
son Robert E., were in confer
ence with the city council and
"the utilities commission lae
yesterday relative to the con
tract for the construction of the
Oregon-California railroad. An
absolute understanding was ar
rived at, and all that remains is
a ratification by the city coun
cil at the regular meeting to
night. By the deal the Twohys
take over the 10-mile unit con
structed by the city of Grants
Tass, complete four miles and
a half within six months and
will continue construction work
from that on.
Judge Twohy announced that
xangements with the Southern
Pacific in this city. It was also
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
kjr local application!, a. they cannot reach
tba OleiasfU portion of the ear. There )
only one way to cure deafness, and that )
by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
cuuil by an inflamed condition of the mu
;ou lining of the Eustachian Tube. Win n
this tube Is Irtlained you have a rumbling
sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is
entirely closed, Deafness Is the result, and
unless the Inflammation can be taken out
sind this tube restored to Us normal condi
tion, hearing- will be destroyed forever; nine
cases .out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
-which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that
cannot .be cured by Hall's Cat&rrn Cure.
iSend for circulars, free.
Wji 'CJIEMHY & CO.; Toledo, Ohio.
Bold by Drug-nlots. 75c.
3alse Hall's 1'amliy rills for constipation.
May 15 Seaside votes on es
tablishing union high school.
Empire Simpson Lumber Co
has started Tarheel logging
camp near here.
Milwaukee electors voted
down purchasing water system.
Referendum on 19th judicial
district law if taken will cost
.. L. F. Cronemiller succeeds
Ralph E. Koozer as managing
editor of the Lake County Ex
Oregon Voter by C. C. Chap
man, Portland, advocates low
er taxes and beter business con
ditions. Gilbert New $15,000 com
munity school center built.
Gresham Fruit Growers As
sociation puts in Ice plant.
Portland -Western Sash and
Door Co., are adding a two-story
frame 56 by 98 and a one-story
200 by 125.
Dallas Contract let to oil 100
miles of road. Last year Polk
county oiled fifty miles and it
was considered the best road
Investment made,
Salem Drager Fruit Co., will
build $15,000 plant with capaci
ty to pack 2,500 boxes prunes
per day.
Portland Tabor heights hard
surface paving to cost $39,000.
Salem By will of Wm. W.
Brown, wealty cattleman from
Bend, Willamette University gets
$500,000 for boys industrial
school and home for aged min
isters. Roads from Halsey to Jeffer
son to, bo oiled at cost of $5,000.
Multnomah county will em
ploy 2,000 men on permanent
Portland Odd Fellows have
bought site and' will erect $150.
000 building.
proximately three and one-half
million and the latter about half
a million. South America ranks
next in the quality of ties from
the United States, using over
3uo,ooo. The countries of
Europe evidently prefer their
own ties, for France Is tho only
nation who takes from us an
amount worthy of record, and
that amount is only 592 ties,
exported (over five million,) the
State of Washington alone furn
ished nearly half a million.
In the matter of American
shingles used, Canada and Mex
ico again take the lead, the for
mer importing from the United
States nearly 34,000,000 and the
latter over 2,000,000, valued re
spectively at $70,000, and $6,7G5.
Australia and the Oceanic Is
lands ranked next in quality of
shingles from the United States,
nearly 5,000,000 being shipped
to that part of the world.
But when It comes to the use
of wood pulp from the United
States, Europe springs into pro
minence with over eighteen mil
lion pounds to her credit, rank
ing next to Canada, who leads
with approximately twenty mil
lion pounds.
The total amount of box
shooks exported from the United
States was 11,150,000. Approx
imately two and one-half million
of these shooks went to Cuba
and nearly two million to Mexico
Another two million went to the
Straits Settlements in the East
Indies. The bulk of the shooks
sent to Oceanlca (271,000) were
taken by Australia and Tasman
ia. Of the shooks sent to Europe
Italy took over 473,000, or more
than half. Of those sent to Soiith
America, Argentine took more
than half, or 425,000. Although
Canda imported nearly 900,000
shooks from the United States,
she does not lead in the use of
box shooks.
Springfield Bakery
Broad, Pio3, Calces, Cookies, otc.
Wedding and Party CaUda n
S. Young, - Proprietor" t Eggimann's Candy Kitchen
House of Quality
You get your money's worth
when you trade at
Try is and be convinced that It pays to
patronize homo industries.
patronize homo industries.
The Lano County News divided Its
expenditures last year, thus:
Supplies bought outside of Spring.
Hold, Including paper nnd now
machinery 20.4 p. c.
Supplies bought In Springfield, In
cluding ront, otc ... ,19.1 n. e.
Payroll, entirely In Sprlnflfletd 60.5 p. C.
4 ,. ,i
Springfield Planing Mill
Manufacturers of
sash, noons, mouldings, iirackets,
KxUmikIoh Tubles, Drop Loaf Table, Dllrcnk
fast TablcH, Kitchen Ciiblnotn, Cupboard..
Safon, Stop l4iddurH, Krult Jloxoa
Horry Crates, 1'oldlw; CIoUiub Hacks.
For light, heat and power.
"Mado In Springfield."
80 Spent at Home t t Oregon Power Co. I
Motorcycle tandem seats are
manufactured at Ontario..
Prlnevlllt Wm. Black has
contract, for brick 25 by 50 feet.
Pendleton and Salem arc
moving for Junior high schools,
Senator Cusick of Linn
county defends resolution di
recting Attorney General to in
tervene in landgrant suit to pre
vent 2,300,000 acres being added
to forest reserve in Western Ore
gon. Canby shipped carload of rhu
barb to San Francisco the past
"Coos Bay wagon road to have
$25,000 planking in 11 mile canyon.
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc.
FOUND Bicycle padlock. At
JTlie News office. 27
LOST On Fiftli street, purso
and sum of money. Finder
please leave at News ofilce.
WANTED Boarders and room
ers at the Elite Hotel,
It. O. A. hall for rent. Well ven
tilated and lighted, clean and
warm. Kitchen and dining
room attached. Rates reason
able. Apply to Fred Watke,
Gilbert Davis or W. A. Hall..
5-IIOOM HOUSE and lot for
sale or rent. Modern conven
iences. Easy terms. Call at
News qfilce
9-ROOM rooming house for rent
furnituro' for sale. Fifth and
A. Phone 122-M. 21
Office Phone 62; Residence 67-J
West Main St,
$26.75 TO SAN
15 Day Limit
Meals and Berth Included.
Salo dates May 0 to 11 In-elusive.
De luxe "Palace of the Pa
cific," S. S.
Sails May 7, 11, 15, 10, 23,
and 27.
Stoampr train leavos Portland
9:00 A. M arrives Flavol 12:30,
Luncheon on ship. Steamer ar
rives San Francisco 3:30 P. M.
next day.
Low Ilqund Trip Fares
East Dally, May 1C, Spo
kane and East or via Pa
latial Stcaniors to San
Francisco. Stopovors at
Fair. '
All particulars given by
Oregon Elec
tric Ry,
Eugono, Orq,
wem Is
In tho County Court "of tho State of
For Lano County
In tho Mnttor of tho Estato of
John II. Innls, Deceased.
Notlco Is Iioroby given that tho un
dorslgnod lias been appointed admin
istrator of tho estato ot John 11. Innls,
doceased, nnd all porsotiB having
claims ngalnsi tho ostnto of John II.
Innls, deceased uro hereby required
to prosont such claims duly verified
as by law required to mo at tho oll'.co
of John C. Mullon, Springfield, Oregon,
within six months from tho date of
this first publication hereof.
First publication April 12, 101(5.
Last publication May 10, 1016.
Squire Innls
John C, Mullen
Attorney for Administrator.
Olll co Ninth ami j'cBtl Hit. vlephono M9
Sulto 2. Phono 888, EUGENE, ORB
Rcsidenco over Dodgo'a Store
Springfield Garage
Repairing a Specialty
Main, boL Fourth and Fifth. Phono 11
We Print Butter Wrappers
Telephone Us Your Order Today
The LanetCounty 'Nejs,
Rhone 2
',' .
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