The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, May 10, 1915, Image 3

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A trrTUC
Especial preparations are be
Ing made by U19 (Reapers of,
America for 'a, dance t$ be given
at their hall tomorrow evening.
The Misses Haynes of Eugene
will furnish the music.
Tho Prlacllla club held a very
enjoyable mooting Friday after
noon at tho homo of Mrs. Will
iam Donaldson. Dainty rc-
lrs Friday evening. The class
decided tojglve a program and
social the evening. of May i2, to
help pay for the chairs for tho
new addition to the church. A
very enjoyable evenlne was
w ' ... .r.wv ....j .-wunj wmuiD JUI 1110 J.8liW Will
your couK)n cutfrom Ifie leading magazines; calling for a
Liquid Vcneor"biiBt Cloth, with every GOo bottle ot
' ' J 9
Liquid Voneor.
spent In games and music, after
which dainty refreshments wcro
served. Tho entertainment com
Extra Clotha, 25' Cents.
mittee for the evening was Miss
Chlolo Wooley. Byron Smith.
ireNiiiuoniB wore Bcrveu oy vie Miss Mabel Duryeo
and Miss
F7 I
guests of the club wcro Mrs. R.
L. Kirk, Mrs, J. P. Fry, Mrs. M.
M. Lord and Mrs. Milton Bally.
Tho Misses Anna and Ella
A largo number of SnrinRfleld
people, members of tho Order
of Eastern Star, went to Eugene
Friday evening to attend a ban-
Young wcro tho delightful hos-iQuet given In honor of Grand
tosses of tho G. T. Club at Its 'worthy Matron McGowan of
social gathering Friday evening iMedford. Miss Marjorie Ma-
at thd Young home. Needle- emm was initiated Into the order.
: Tales of the Town
Allen Stowart Is quite sick at
his homo hero.
Henry Swnrts is 111 with an ut-
tUClC Of tOUBllltlB.
Shoo and hnrncsB repairing
nt Wolf & Miller's.
Mrs. W. II. Pollurd Is suffering
froma ua ttnek of qnliiBy.
J. A. Mcllenry has removed
from Thurston to Springfield.
0. E. Sales of tho Toggery is
suffering from an attack of tho
n m
Tho Nows Is Indebted to Will
BlBhop for a handsome bouquet,
of lino early roses.
Goro & Rowo yesterday sold
two more lots on Seventh street
to a man in Alaska.
t o o
All klnuB of Chick supplies
at the Feed Store. Wo sell good
quality and we sell it cheap.
Born On Wednesday. Mav.G.
JsfiG,. to Mr, and Mrs. George
Lahdls of West Sprlngfiold', a
Aluminum ware special GO
ccnts'tho piece. See our window.
Tho homo furnishers. Hayden
& Metcalf.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fry left
by automobile Saturday morn
ing, and will visit thoro for sev
eral days with friends.
Hall, tho Shoo Doctor, Fifth
and Main street.
Now is tho tlmo to got your
sweat pads cheap. Wolf & Millor.
Will Young Is confined to his
bed with an attack of tonsllltls.
J. N. Key of Wultervlllo was
down Saturday to got his now
Ford car.
It will pay you to Investi
gate our CO cont aluminum ware
special. Hayden & Metcalf.
Mm. S. Yrilimr linn linnn 111
with an attack of tonsllltls, but;e8hneInt,wc,S. scrved-
work was tho pastime, and later
tho hostesses served luncheon.
Miss Laura Heed and Mrs. Jules
Demlck were bidden to Join with
tho club members in the even
ing's enjoyment. The club
members present were Miss
Vcva Dunlap, Miss Sarah Mra-
tln, Miss Lena Newton, Miss
Florence Coffln, Miss Edna
Swarts, Miss Stella Martin, Miss
Helen Barkman, Miss Ann Rut-
Iedgc, Miss Velma Gentry. Miss
auco Kester. miss Lacy Coucn
liavcr, Miss Myrtle Copcnhaver,
Miss Anna Young, Miss Ella
A most enjoyable time was
spent by the ladles of tho Pino
Needle club at tho home of Mrs.
Nina McPhcrson Thursday af
ternoon. Needlework was the
order of tho day, and at the closo
of the afternoon delicious re-
Is now ablo to bo up and about.
U p w
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davis wont
to Jasper this morning to help
L. J. Lcploy In his mill there.
Norwood Cox made a fishing
trip up tho McKenzIo yesterday.
and had a very successful day.
W. G. Campbell has been giv
en a contract to paint tho inter
ior of her house at Sixth and C
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bally, Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Durrln and Mrs.
Collins went to tho fish hatchery
i .
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Godman and
.family of Eugene spent Sunday
with tho former's mother, Mrs.
'J. A. Godman.
Cupid Flour (hardwheaO
$1.75. Albany Flour (Blend),
$1.G0 at tho Feed Store.
ity guaranteed.
Dr. J. E. Richmond will bo
out of town from May 14 to 22.
mi.. n III l .1 .l 1.1,. I " wuowi -"' uu-
nnalHnn no rinllvnronirm fnr tlii.,,"'au"' ul wcn.
Sprlngfiold laundry and Robert
Jlayso takes his place.
Good reliable fire Insurance.
Tomseth, Mrs. King, Mrs. Long
and Mrs. Mullen were guests of
tne ciuu, and the following
members were present: Mrs. A.
D. Ruddlman, Mrs. Arne Nelson,
Mrs. J. H. Brummette, Mrs. John
Tomseth, Mrs. Klzer, Mrs. Ohl
sen, and Mrs. J. E. Richmond.
The Christian Endeavor so
clcty of the Christian church
held a very enjoyable social In
tho class room of the church on
Friday evening. Different games
furnished tho amusement of the
evening. While refreshments
wero being served Miss Gertrude
Williams entertained the siuesta
bvith Instrumenal music;
Roses in profusion decorated
the house when Mrs. W. H. Pol
lard entertained the ladles of the
Needlecraft Thursday after
noon. Sewing was the occupa
tion of the afternoon, which cul
minated in a very dainty lunch-
Qual- eon. Mrs. S. H. Baker, Mrs.
iuary Stevenson and Mrs. M. M.
Lord wero guests of tho after
noon. The Ekkleslan class of the
Methodist Sunday school held Its
regular monthly business and
Those who went from Spring
field were Mrs. C. E. Whcaton,
Mrs. J. L. Clark, Mrs. Elizabeth
Stewart, Mrs. Carl Fischer, Mrs.
L. E. Bass, Mrs. A. Mlddleton,
Mrs. W. L. McCulloch, Mrs. R. P.
Mortensen, Airs. William Rouse,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bower, Mr.
ana wrs. m. J. McKlIn, Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Swarts, Mrs. L. M.
Bcebe, Miss Edna Swarts, Miss
uneua Perkins, Miss Anna
Young and Miss Ella Young,
The Freshman class of the
Springfield High school held a
very enjoyable class party Friday
evening at tne Home of F. B.
Chase. Ice cream and cake
were served at a late hour, as
the enjoyable evening drew to a
sAll ladles aro requested to
call at Walker & Rico's hard
ware storo and seo tho Rotary
. , sewing machine demonstrated
No assessments; no membership
fee. Pay onco and you aro done. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Sldwell,
II. E. Walker at tho City Hall. Grace and Fern went to Harris
I burg Saturday to visit tho family
Mrs. Zella Cantrell, chief op-, of Robert Stroda. They returned
erators'at the local telephone , Sunday.
social meeting In the church par- lng'at 7:30,
Epworth League Banquet
tn Epworth League Conven
tion Rally was held in the Meth
odist church Saturday evening
to boost for the Eugene District
convention at Cottage Grove,
May 14, 15, 1G. lasting from
Friday evening to Sunday evening.
At supper time a banquet was
served which was followed by a
program consisting of musical
numbers and rousing talks by
past delegates, and "by Lewis
Kletzing and Velma Rupert.
guests from the Eugene Second
Chapter. A business meetinc
and election of delegates follow
ed.' Regular delegates are Mae
Lyon, Leota McCracken, Chloie
Woolley, Randal Scott. Alter
nates In their order of nhnfpfi
are1 Lewis Grandy, Olive Smith.
Mrs. Pollard, Nora Olson. Mabel
Duryee, Mrs. Vaughn, Florence
Coflln, Orson Vaughn. The
Chapter voted to invite next
year's convention to Springfield.
Tho local chapter is this year
entitled to four regular and four
alternate delegates but a num
ber of others are planning to go,
so that Springfield will be well
There will be a meeting of all
delegates and others wishing to
go m the church Thursday even-
exchange, has moved from C
and Sixth street to Mill and D.
How would a llttlo Ico
cream go with that Sunday dln-
Cow owners will note wo nor. Phono 41, tho Palaco of
aro. soiling Dairy chop at $1 per ( Sweets' and have it delivered at
cwt Our other feeds aro low your door.
priced m 'proportion Spring
field Feed Co.
W. J, Godman
of Falmouth,
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Miller of
Cottage Grovo and Mrs. M. R.
Wagner of Junction City, wero
guests at tho Win, Donaldson
Kentucky, went to Eugene yes- ?.n
mn SJnturrtnv nl flit mill Run
torday after spending a week in day Mrs Wagnor ls a 8ister of
RnrlncflAliI with liln nlntor-ln-Iaw -.r. 1.1 "
? , . ' .ivira, uuuuiuuuu.
Mrs. J.J A. Godman, I v
I. b A I
E. E. Morrison shipped a car-1 Walter Mountjoy was called
load of hops last week for tho to Portland Sunday morning on
C. E. Werner Co. of Portland. (account pf tho sickness of his
ThnrnrmimlnB about one car- brother. Another brother, Smith
" - - K m 1 f 1 I B A 1
Aiountioy, iouk mm ua iur us ai
bany by automobile, so ho could
catch an early train.
W. L. McCulloch and Dalo
load in the warehouse.
Dr. W. C. Rebhan, Welby
Stevens, Jess Seavey and John
Graham secured two fine salmon
yesterday Nyhllc fishing in tho Mummoy went fishing In tho
McKonzlo north of Springfield. I Willamette yesterday and se-
icurou tour lino nsn. Mr. jucuuii
Vanilla, strawberry and loch declares that when the raln
chocolato Ico cream at tho Pal-. storm camo up laBt evening the
uco of Sweets Saturday and drops bounced off the river into
Sundav. Tho strawberry lsihisuoat.
made of tho fresh fruit. Will
deliver to any part of tho city.
Call Phone 41,
Miss Theda Perkins of Spring
field, a teacher In tho Eugene
public schools, was elected as
bno of tho vice-presidents of
the Eugene Grade Teachers' as
sociation at their annual moot
Irig.held last week. , ,
Persons having odd Jobs of
work to bo done may get stu
dents help on short notice and
at tho Bame tlmo render a ser
vlco to Btudens working their
way through college by calling
up tho University Y. M. 0. A
Eugene 504, Work of afternoons
and Saturdays is especially de
sired, - ' a K
Hall, tho Shoe Doctor, Fifth
and Main street.
Polk & Co. directory gives
Astoria 17,000 population, .
Now is the time to get that
old suit cleaned and repaired or
have a now ono made at Jen
kins, Fourth Street. m
Conkoy's Starting Food for
llttlo Chlx. Makes the little fel
lows Btrong and healthy. Pre
vents disease. Springfield Feed
Mr. and Mrs. William Light-
foot, former residents here, are
up from Portland for a visit with
relatives. Mr. LIghtfoot was
formerly on the switch engine
hero, and Is now on tho night
You can get harness cheap
er at Wolf & Miller's:
4 The Brilliant Vacuum
Cleaner for sale $19.50, or for
rent $1.25 per day. See Dale
Mummey. 14
There is nothing that will
give you more comfort and
pleasure for the money invest
ed than a good hammock. We
have them for $1.75 and up.
Hayden & Metcalf.
Miss-Erma Barkman went to
Corvallls Saturday to accept a
position in the office of the Ben
ton county assessor.
M. C. Bressler and wife have
moved here from Ashland to re
side, and have taken the Rych
ard house at Sixth and D. Mr.
(thc rntt MAsew wmai thc to5fjZmZc
THE uert of "Right-Cut," the Rial
lobacco Chew would buy it it it
cost twice the money, and it would cot
less to chew it even then.
"Right-Cut" is real tobacco--mellow
sappy age-ripened leaf, seasoned and
sweetened just enough.
You get the real tobacce taste that men find so
satisfying. Get a pouch from your dealer.
Take a very mtll ekewlet than eae-tfuarter the
eld Mze. It Trill be more MtMjrwg tha mouthifal
oi oriliaary toWeo. Jutt nibble uaiit yen ad
the ttreagtk ohevr that wit yen. Tuck it away.
Then let it nmt. See bavr eotilv ami MhI a
tebaeeo tajtc comet, how it Mtiwe wiiketit L.
aiieh IeM you bare to pit, bow krr ebevr yen take te
be tobeceo tt&t4. That' why it it The Rtal Tim
Chtw. Tbat' wby it eotti IeM a tbe end.
UU rtdr ctcir. rt tsm tni thart riwed to tfcit ytm woa'l han
to triad on it rrhh your tttA. Gna&at o onita.rr Maic4 lohMoo
maku you ttfo too ama.
Tbe tttu o( pare, rich tobacco dvtt aot t h tttftrtd as nih mohimn
Oritc. Noties bow the taH briafa oat tbe riab tebaeeo Mm is fchJ-Cirt."
One small chew takes the place of two Iwr
cnews ox in; old km a.
SO Union Square, New York
On the Lane County News'
Classified Column. It Is the
"mutual benefit salesman o '
Springfield, for it profits both,
buyer and seller.
Advertise if you want to sell:
advertise for what you' need.
The Classified Column reaches
the people you want to reach.
Lane County News
switching crew in the Portland Bressler and his son, Fred V.
yards. Bressler, who is manger of the
. store of M. C, Bressler & Son,
Parties wishing to contribute went to their ranch near Salem
clothing to the Asociated Char- by automobile Sunday, returning
ities will please ask their gro- tlie same day-
eery delivorymen to take tho Mrs. R. P. Mortensen had a
supplies to B. B. Morrison's, narrow escape from injury at
where they will bo taken care of. the Mercy hospital in Eugene
itiiMviiii TrroMwirur iasi ween wnen a runaway norse
n, . , . , ' , ... appeared around a corner just
Pres. Associated Charities. aB she was starting her automo-1
hllf Tlio nnlsn nt tlift nirmlnc 1
Jesse Seavey, local renresen- motor caused the horse to turn
tativo of the Franklin car this aside and miss Mrs. Mortensen
weok received advices showing and the women who were with
tho results of 137 tests made In her. The road was steep and
various parts of tho United curved at that point, and If the
States to determine the distance horse had not been scared into
.that could .be covered per gallon turning would have run some of
or gasoline, ah sorts or roaa tne women uowiu un me omer
and weather conditions were en- hand, had tho horse been a lit
all was 32.1 miles. The 40 best have had the car under way and fe0rt ibdutbly. Vo are "mighty
records sravo an averaste of 40 would havo met head-on at,i nm SnrintifioU scents for Ad
mllesf and tho best was 65 miles, sharp turn. ikr.i k'o. M. m; Tcoiy, drueaist.
This Will Whet Your Appetite
This store Is filled with the choicest groceries money can
buy with groceries entirely free from all adulterations
with groceries of the most absolute and unquestioned pur
ity with groceries that build up the system and instill that
remarkable energy which insures success in life.
Opposite Commercial State Bank Phone 9
It is surprising tho amount of old.
foul matter thq simple mixture of
liuckhorn bark, glycerine, etc., known
as Adler-i-ka, drains from tho system.
This remedy became famous by curing
nppendicltis and acts on BOTH the
upper and lower bowels so thoroughly
that ONE DOSE relievos sow stomach
Business Directory
Plrectory of each City, Town and
Village, (tvloa deacrlptlvo sketch of
each place, location, population, tlo
BTapb, ahlpptntr and banklue points
also Clajaltled Directory, compiled by
bualneaa and profesalon.