rHE.l.ANE COUNTY' 'NEWS W. A. DiLV E tit tor and .Matvufer Published Every Monday and Thursday by the .; lisblng Association. 3 County Pub- Ono Year RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. $Ue Six Woaths - - .75 Throo "Montha Advertising Ratos Furnished on Application. .60 Member of the State Editorial Association. Membor of the Willamette. Valley Editorial Association. not where till a neighbor aak) It Killed his. calf and I had to pay him six and a half ($6.60). I bought some poison to slay some rats, aud a neighbor swr It killed hte cats; and rather than argue- across the fence, I paid hlnv.four dollars and Hfty cents One night I set sailing if W balloon, and norted' It Vollld; soaY till It reached, the moon; but tho caadle fell on a farmer's straw, and ho said 'I must settle or go to law. And that' is the way with the random shot; It never hits In tho proper spot; and the Joke you spring and that think so smart, may lcavo a wound In 801110 fellow's heart. Bandon Recorder. , , Onco again: How about thoso thistles that are growing up on tho vacant lots? Can't they bo cut? And.j Remember to Get a Stop-Over for Springfield. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 10. 1915. GOOD ROADS DAYAND A JOB IN SIGHT. Friday, May 20, has been designated as Good Roads Day by Governor Withycombe, and already the good roads enthusiasts of Lane county are planning on a proper observation of the day. Over at Eugene Walter Griffin is leading a movement to put in the day on the McKenzie highway, and already he has a large number of business men signed up to spend the day with pick and shovel, making repairs to the road. Springfield has a particular interest in this highway and would do well to join in the movement for smoothing out tho rough places in it Expectation Is that this summer will see the passage of vast that it is oxpocted to have tho rails laid to tho bridge slto by tho first of Juno, after which time the steel and other mater ials for tho big structure will bo delivered at tho slto. Good pro gross is being mado on tho grad- Obituary. Lcston Robert Craighead, son of John mid Mlnnlo Craighead, was born about six miles south east of Cottage Grove, February 4, 1898. The family has resid- pfl In tho immnrilntn viclhltv nf Springfield for about 12 years, 4K through thq property of tho tho last few years just southeast I Point Terraco sawmill company of Springfield Junction. Lcston had been in the em ploy of R. E. Davidson for nearly two years, commencing wh.cn. ho was within a month of finishing tho work of the West Springfield school. Ho was a boy of kindly disposition, a steady and reliable worker, and enjoyed the esteem of old and young. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. T. Mooro at Walker's chapel, Wednesday afternoon, May 5. The attend ance was twice the capacity of the chapel. The burial was at Laurel Hill cemetery. Norman Furuset and Ray Alex- nnd through tho rock quarry. Mr. Dixon stated that a large number or men aro employed on the bridge across Coos Day leading into Marshfleld. Itogis ter. $12,000,000 required to fi nance tho salmon pack this year. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land OITlco at Kosoburg, Oro. gon, way o, jyn. Notlco Is horobv elvon that lko P. Whltoloy. of Loaburg. Oregon, who, on juno 7. mauo Ilomoatoad Entry, sorlal No. 08103. for tho BWU Besides of Soctlon 24, Township 10 S, Rnngo i to., wuiainoitQ meridian, u-s filed ander, his companions in the 'reo-Var proof to establish claim fatal adventure, John Alexander, to tho land abovo doscribod, before i. number ot automoMfcts through Oregon, and ot fhf number, XSffVSSlSf'& many will want to cross the Carcades by the McKenzie pass, and Were pallbearers. These, with I claimant names as witnesses: every one that does so must almost of necessity come through Springfield. At present there are some bad places in the McKenzie high way. Not permanently bad places, but rough spots that can be taken care of by the use of a little rock and the leveling of the ground with scraper or road drag. If an eastern tourist, accustomed to brick-paved rural roads, should hit these rough spots, his report will give the McKenzie road a bad name that will require a "vast amount of advertising to overcome. . The road needs repairs. It is one. -of Springfield's big assets this year. It is to Springfield's interest to help put the road in proper repair. Who will take the time to do this for his' town? SOUND WISDOM FROM A MODEST SOURCE 5 From the little town of Palola, Kan., comes words of wisdom touching the amazing difference between practice and ideality in thl development of the city as a municipal home. A Kansas paper relates how Fred C. Trigg of Kansas City, delivered an address before the Mothers' club of Paola on the subject of municipal housekeeping; and the views he represented are so refreshingly out of the ordinary that they deserve wide presentation. . Mr. Trigg, as it appears, is a member of the Kansas City Star staff, and from that we know, of course, that he believes in the greater city just as the rest of us do. But he draws a distinction between magnitude and quality, which is something the rest of us generally fail to do. He insists that if we cannot have but one, it should be the latter; and then he maintains that magnitude of the proper order is best attained by first bringing about the con ditions which make the city the best possible in which to live. Make the city right and it becomes desirable; and desirability is the stepping stone to magnitude, wealth, prosperity and all the rest - Mr. Trigg acknowledges that his gospel is not likely to be popular with booster clubs, promotion bodies and others; but he holds that the error is with the boosters, promoters and others, and not with his view. The big population which increases realty values and is a manifestation of industrial activity is certainly to be striven for, but he argues that real progress is made only When such growth is on the basis of a clean and comfortable city. Otherwise there la always a penalty to pay in slums, disease, pov erty, crime yand their concomitants of public charities, poor houses, jails, police courts and the rest of our scavanging and ren ovating machinery created to correct evils that we might in the first place have avoided if we only had the sense. two or three Others, insisted 011 1 William Shonlng. of Loaburg, Oregon digging and filling the grave and r.D0" V09. 01 v,aa- oKon doing every possible service for their departed friend. The freshman class of the High school, of which Leston's older sister, Stacia, and his younger brother, Ira, are mem bers, attended the funeral In a body, field school, with the principal, Airs. Beaman at the head, at tended both the funeral services and the burial. The floral of ferings were profuse. Many cards of sympathy were pre sented to the family. His mother's parents and a number of other relatives from other points near by were in at tendance. Two uncles from Cot tage Grove took an active part in the search for his body. RAILS WILL REACH ACME " BY THE FIRST OF JUNE Albert J. Ward, of Leaburir. Oreiron. C. W. Southwlck, of Loaburg. Oregon. J. M. UITON, M6JE10 Register. Report of the Condition of the COMMERCIAL STATE BANK Of Scrlncdftlll nt Rnrlnr-nnM In !.. The entire West Spring-J Stato of Oregon, at tho close of busi ness May 1st. 1915: RESOURCES Loans and discounts 940,901.14 uYoruraus, secured anil tin secured 21.41 uonus and warrants 0.045.85 Uauklng Houso 14.905.81- t urnituro and fixtures 5,000.00 Ouo from approved reserve banks 0,770.28 Checks and other cash Items 11.00 Cash on hand ... . , 2.CC4.80 Machinery for the beginning of the work on the big bridge across the Si'uslaw river at Acme has begun to arrive on thp ground, according to Thomas Dixon, superintendent of con Total $77,040. LIAUILITIES Capital stock paid in $30,000.00 Surplus fund 700.00 undivided profits, less ox - ' penses ana, taxes paid .... 1,210.90 individual deposits subject to check 39,880.77 Demand certificates of do posit v C29.17 Certified checks 100.00 Time and savings doposlts . . 4,519.45 Total 177,040.29 State of Oregon, County of Lane, ss. 1, O. D. Kessoy, cashier of tho nbovo. struction for MacArthur. Perks !m?? bnnk- do iHiinly swear that nnrl Pnmno,, tho abovo statement Is truo to tho host " v. or my Knowledge and belief, Eugene last evening from a trip over the new Willamette Pacific line as far as Coos Bay. A pile driver and other equipment is on hand for the work and a camp for a large number of mqn, has been established. ' Superintendent Dixon stated II. KESSBY. Cashier. Correct Attest: M. M. PEERV. WELBY STEVENS, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to boforo me this 7th day of May, 1915, F. L. TRAVIS. Notary Public. Report of tho Condition of tho The First National Bank At Springfield, in the State of Oregon, at tho closo of business May 1st, 1915: Loans and discounts (notes held In bank) $ 92,533.97 Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecured 162.02 U. S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) 6,250.00 Bonds other than U. S. Bonds pledged to socuro postal savings deposits 3 000 00 Securities other than U. S. Bonds (not Including stocks) owned unpledged ; 18,116 08 Total bonds. securiifiR. ntn ' Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve BankV.f YrfOO ? 92,533.97 162.02 6,250.00 21,116.08 Less amount uiroald oka We consider the city thriving where industry is great and i o?r?itr,nn1?0UB,0' ;8'082-: furniture and fixtures 2600 active; where we can show palatial homes, beautiful parks and j Due from Federal Reserve' Bank'!!!!!'.!!!!!!!!!)."!! magnificent public buildings; and according to the standard of our i Duocfarg0n anVuuiT'0 ngent VoVkV Ch)'- practice that is thrift and progress. But the test is to show the inue from approved reserve agent's Yn other reserve clYles 8 55623 other half the back yard of the city the places where the people i Due0f") banltB and bankera (ter than included in 8 Of least revenue live; the places that develop in too rapid growth J Checks on' banks' in'tlio same'cl'ty or "town as" reporting during which the business of acquiring dollars has driven nearly fp,,ptfnnnknVr;VJ;;l' ' , x i xt i ... ''actional currency, nickels, and cents 183 90 all else out of mind the slums, the tenements, the resorts of vice. Notes of other National banks . ". ! !!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Every city begins without these, and there is the dawning belief I Lawful money reserve in bank: x fx, tn I.. .... . i iotai coin and certificates that cities may grow without them and with a net result in sub- Lep-i tender notes !k!!!!,...!!!!!! stantial progress far in excess of that now realized. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer '(not more than " i.r cent on circulation) ....,tj,., . 312.50 THE FARMER CAN DO IT. ! Total ;;vJ;; ' i , . LIABILITIES . ,. T. . Capital stock paid In 4 15...:,'. ;,...). (Editorial in Albany Democrat.) Surplus fund .:.. !......' To what an extent business is dependant unon the farmer nmv Und-vl'led 1'rofits $3,752.09 - . , X.USS cun 850.00 10,582.61 8,110.99 3,000.00 13,730.07 8,148.97 177.07 183.90 695.00 10,593.05 lop.oo 312.50 3.7G2.nfl T.ntlR Pllfrnnf nvnnnuno f ntnt-m.i nnl,l ' n emn nn be well illustrated by the statement of the fact that three-fourths Circuiting ; notes .! 7. 7. IT.ZY::::. oo uuiiiunu ueposits ?. , individual deposits subject to check'.... 84,740,53 Certificates of deposit duo In less thdn:30 days 34,799.60 ..Certified checks ...,,.,....,,,,, 50,00 Cashier's checks outstanding .,.,,,., 1,200.20 Postal savings deposits s:..:.i,., 1,198.54 Time deposits: - Certificates of deposit due on or after 30 days 19,120.14 of the deposits in the Albany banks, and probably in the banks in the other Valley cites of approximatley the size of this city or even larger, are in the names of farmers. They have the money. They have made money and have it in the banks, where they are keeping It, waiting for things to loosen up and confidence be fully restored, when it will come out and in different ways go into cir culation. That will mean a good deal for the country. Whenever a farmer makes up his mlud that there is something special that he wants he has the money to buy it with. The sooner he sets things to going the better It will be for this Valley. He can do it. Will he start something. . :,' : ' ' ' - l' I shot an arrow -into, the air; it fel in the .distance,!! knew fl70.547.49 5,000.00 2,500.00 1,676.30 0,250.00 121,994,99 19,120.14 Boport of tho condition of tho First National Bank of Springfield, In tho Stato of Orogon, at tho closo of busi ness May X, 1015,- condonsod from re port to tho Comptroller of tho Cur rency: RESOURCES Loans and discounts $ 02,01)5.00 U. S, and other Bonds and Warrants , 27.30G.08 Banking houso, real cstato, furnlturo and fixtures . . . 18,003.00 Cash and duo from banks . . 37,701.812 $170,5-17.40 "LIABILITIES Capital Stock ,.$ 25,000.00 Surplusanil Profits 4,170.80 Circulation 0,250.00 ' Doposlts . 141,121.13 fig won The Best Groceries For Less Money The Fifth Street Grocery Thos. Sikcs, Prop. Phono 22 Read Our Statement Of May 1st, published In this is sue. Regardless of dull times w'p aro gradually increasing our business and usefulness In this community by careful, consist ent effort. Commercial State Bank Capital $30,000.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON. Established 1883 Capital and Surplus - - - $300,000.00 Interests on Savings Accounts and TJmo Certificates 1170,547.40 Total State. of Oregon, County, of Lane. ss. I, Chas. L. Scott, Cashier of the above-named bank) do uolomnly swear that tho above statement Is true to the best of my khbwledgo nnd belief. V,;y CHAS, L. SCOTT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me 'Correct Attest:, this 10th day of May; 1915.- ,l!y J,' F. 'SMITH, F. L. TItAVIS, Notary Publlci L. K. PAGE, t E.-B..BIUTTAIN, Newberg W. B. Sims Is growing 90,000 ginseng plants for Chinese market. Eucene asked to enact a $2.25 eight-hour minimum wage law when contractors aro offering $1.00. Siuslaw Commission is auth orized to Issue $100,000 Improve ment bonds, as result of a test case. Railroad trainmen on western roads get wage increase that totals $311,$$$ for a year, in stead of $40,000,000 asked. Notice to Creditors. Notlco Is horohy given that tho un dersigned has been appointed, by tho county court, oxccutrlx ot tho cstato of William M. Mooro, docoasod. All norsons having claims against said uatato aro horoby notified to present tho same, duly verified and with tho proper vouchors, to the administra trix nt tho ofilco of Woodcock, Smith & Dryson, In Eugeno, Oregon, within six months from tho dato of tho first publication of tills notlco. Dato of first publication of this no tlco Is April 26, 1915. MAKOAKI3T MOOIU3, Executrix of tho ostato of William M. Moore, docoasod. in M24 Office In City Hall, Springfield, Orj HERBERT E. WALKER . NOTARY .1 PUBLIC See Edwards & Brattaih For Farm and City Property . Exchnngea a Specialty ' t'j Springfield - Olregon Phono 30 J. H. BOWER Lawyer. Phone 1221 S31 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon Dijtoji-yqENE DR. P. H. EAGAN Veterinary, Surgeon and Dentist Office; Warnock'a feed Barn Phones: Office 904 Residence 11 22-J 1 i. . CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS Dentistrv DR. J. E. RICHMOND PHONES! Office, 3; Residence, 111-J Over Commercial Bank, Springfield, Oregon. OREGON O. R. Gullion, M. D. Practice Limited tl Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate Nurso Attending 306, White Temple, Eugeno. , We print bi'ttor wrappers, 'V t