THE LANE COUOT'NEWS W. A. DILL Editor,, and MarWr published Every Monday and Thursday by the Lane County Pub 1 lishing Association" "Ceo Year RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION, JL60 Six Months - - .75 J Thrco Months Advertising Rates Furnished on Application. .50 Member of the State Editorial Association. Mombor of the Willametto Valley Editorial- Association. And Remember to Get a Stop-Over for Springfield. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1915 PUBLICITY THE SAFEST METHOD (From the Daily Marshfield Times.) The purpose of the publication of the delinquent tax list is two fold: . t First To give notice to property owners that their taxes are delinquent Second To enforce the payment of those taxes and thus se cure the needed revenue for the conduct of the county and state governments. The Times contends that the publication of the delinquent tax list accomplishes both results at a minimum of expense to the home and plants beds of blowoms, should not be troubled by petty pilfering. Probably the oncs.who took the flowers didn't, suppose tfcey woukTbe mleeed. Tke.lees of. Rifewtylosaoms It riot so ma terial, but the unauthorised t'talring or thorn is the beginning of a course that may lead to difficulty. The United States pays its prcsldont $75,000 a year In order that ho may be frco and Independent in his actions. And senator ial courtesy sews him up with red tape until ho hasn't half tho freedom of a kid playing marbles In a neighbor's back yard. An invalided British soldier has Just reached this country. He is seven feet tall and reports tho wcathor quite sovoro up among the birdmen. Tho modorn vorslori of capital punishment consists of holding congress In session during tho hot months of summer. UNITED STATES S AMONG I competition Salem strcot car POOR POTATO RAISERS 'sorvlco must bo reduced or ono- mnn car scrvlco put on. Flavcl Pacific Light & Powor Co. has established eloctrlo sub station to oporato docks and light city with 25.000 volt sorvlco Public ownership is a beauti ful theory but tho fact remains Only Italy and Australasia Fell Below the 113.4 Bushels Per Acre of This Country 1912 Of tho, potato growing coun tries of the world, the United States stands third from tho;tuut ln tho Oregon town that J lintfnni in vlnlrl rr ncm cave'. . 1" . u I . ,-""-, V , i it T iias pusneu it laruicsi taxes the newly Issued bulletin of tho'iinVA innrncwi 49n ir in University of Oregon entitled 8 ycar8 and aro tho higheat of "Markets for Potatoes." iv i ft,n It is in tho method of culture, nnnu ai t,ni,nn. hniif ,inr- rather than from poor soil con-'In&lu3J wIntor and flvo undor dltibns that the United States construction falls behind other countries.) The now townslto of Powers, Zira? SSLfc 9.?' Coos County, 14 blocks. Jias ro- ui served 30 acres for Industries, bushels: in the United States it. Ju(1 Sklpwortu Ucdde8 Umt was 113.4 bushels. Longer ro-omploycr contractor or sub tation. more fertilizing and more J,rtr,. Mm. ,i, cultivation, and more and better for lnJurleg undor Work. taxpayer. That .newspaper publicity is the most prompt and effective , seed, aro necessary to enable jncmen8 Compensation act. method of disseminating information and giving general notice j r"" " to the public is so generally acknowledged that argument seems nf tffi unnecessary. The newspaper publication gives notice not only to bulletin. 'Th0 m,nl nu9(08,,t nl undor tho tornia , . ... 3 . . , . , i. i . . , ... .. , of tho CONTINENTAL. MORTGAGE lis suuscnuers aim reuuers uul spreuus mti uuuee: uisuu&siuu ; means ox ueucriug uiu guuurui for when Brown read the notice he promptly talks about it with industry in Oregon and else- ...... ...i.i. tt .i 4. ii mi. t ! i ' nrn siicfrfstpfl ns follnwR! itoomson ana aiso wua jones ana iuus it spreaus. i ius is proven. , - - ""l.To " . ' your wants nnd wo will co-opornto by the. fact that other states having a Uvw sim with you petty CO., bis Don statute have reduced the delinquent tax list from six to eight 0f pack; 4. establishing a sys- newspaper pages at nrsi io less man uiree or iour columns in tern or co-operative marKeung. notice for PUBLICATION "MONEY" COMPANY you enn pocuro It at G nor cent for nny legal purpose on approv ed real estate Terms oasy, toll us length, a result that the personal notice could never accomplish. The Belgian average yield per i acre in 1912 was 313 bushels, i U I 11.11 111 1 llllltlllll .O U . llliiu Ul VJt- l" ' Department of tho Intortor, S. Land OIllcu at Hosoburg, Oro- is that if at any time a tax collector was promoted by a desire to profit by not sending a notice to the owner of some valuable pro perty he could easily hold out the notice, have a friend purchase mnnv 9 nf tho Tlnltrd Klne- Notice Is horoby plvcn that Iko I. ""y'jt-5, l"e u, ca-ir 8 Whltoley. or Leaburg, Oregon, who. dom 177, Of Canada 375, of 0n Juno 7, 1913. mado Honiostoad Sweden 173, or Japan 148, or, Entry, Borlal No. 08103., Tor tho SWK the property for the taxes and get possession by tax title. It 1"" V Tn.amotto XrmVn. has n.od true such emergencies may be rare but they do occur and news- surpassing iuo unutu oiuiw notico or intention to mako Final wroro Pmnoo nilllo RuIl7Prmnil l.i ...... ...iiu .1.1.. paper pubUcaUon gives noUee to all the world that cannot be p jg, n escaped, evaded or denied. Everywhere there are men who are Kary and Spain. The only coun- wumig 10 prom Dy anomers carelessness or pressing necessity, i tries railing oeiow were itaiy Such men watch the tax titles which often return them excessive with 79 bushels per acre and YvrnfitH NAWsnnnftr niiMlrntlnn Tnvfnts this TtfifnrlmiR hiiRlnpss .Australasia With 104. . 1 r A i - by the universal scope of the notice, which it makes public. Everywhere that it has been tried newspaper publication has .f proven effective and while the law has not been In effect in Oregon sufficient time to accomplish the same results it is none the less needed for anything in which the people and taxpayers are Inter ested is benefitted by newspaper publicity. TOUCHING THE VERY MARROW OF IT three-year proof to establish claim to tho land above described, boforo I. P. Hewitt, U. S. Commissioner, at his olllco. at Eugeno. Oregon, on tho 18th day or Juno 191C. Claimant names as witnesses: William Shonlng, or Leaburg, Oregon. Albert Gravos, or Vlda, Oregon. Albort J. Ward, or Leaburg, Oregon. Oregon Eastern is Completed, c. W. Southwlck, or Leaburg, Oregon Turned Over to Short Lino R3E2S5 M6JE10 J. M. UPTON. Register. With the completion of the Oregon Eastern line westward from Juntura to Riverton the 20 ' mile stretch was turned over toll the Oregon Short line May 1 for oneratlon. The road was built; lv.r fhn n W ft JP- M hilt fnr mrlMn Tltnvnln nnrllnnlr Tiie News otiice. Classified Ads For Sale, Rent, Wantei, Eto. At 27 trru i ti uBB,,uu,uu,u.B,i convenience in operating It is That Is a very pertinent question, indeed, as it is asked by a tn he considered a nart of the contributor to The Telegram's "Free Lance" column. 'short Line system, which has LOST- The occasion of its propounding was the joy-ride story pub-1 been operating the line from e ,i :.. ...1 i 1 r i , Dntnrifi to Juntura. No more a couple of young girls were involved. The girls were sent home, I wn Jlfnf t h o v. nf ' WANTED Boarders and room i,f m, tt n. ,Jr. i.u ' (this year because of the lack of . f th(i mit. t , luu uujb sum. iu jau, lucucauuu is, wiy 10 nicie nut auui puum; , assurance that large land hold- On Fifth street, purse and sum of money. Finder please leave at News office. ers at the Elite Hotel. interest as would institute official investigation concerning the re sponsibility of the parents of those girls? Included in the contri bution are many more questions which add emphasis to those al ready designated; and every one of them is a center shot touching the matter of parental responsibility and the public interest in that. Upon many occasions The Telegram has maintained that so ciety will never do its full duty toward the boys and the girls until it has found some effectual means for the enforcement of respon sibility on the part of fathers and mothers. It is curious, to say ers in central Oregon will divide their tracts for the encourage ment of settlers. INDUSTRIAL NOTES Salem, tMay 3. Oregon City Work rebuilding locks and canal to begin at once. Riverside and Juntura are rapidly growing towns on the extension of the O. W. R. & N. tne leaBt, tnat we snoum seem to nave no more interest in the' into Harney county. conaiuona tuac give us me stray Doy ana tne stray girl than in those that give uff the stray dog. We hale the boy and the girl into court and send the dog to the city pound. We have talked about holding a sterner hand over delinquent parents, thereby bringing them to some manner of accountability for their delinquent children; but seemingly we are at a loss how to inaugurate such a policy in any practical fashion. There does not appear to be any reason why we should not be a law unto our selves in this matter; provided, of course, that public appreciation orfparcntai delinquency ana tne tnougnt and activities of those building. This firm estimates who have to look after delinquent children could be brought to production for 1915 at $1,000,- bear on the problem with some measure of earnest determination. 0(W. I Garden Home fight for a 5- jcent fare to Portland ia still go ing on. Fare now is 20 cents, : except to commutters. i Klamath Manufacturing Co. igets 12,000,000 fe3t of lumber St. Johns drydock Is to be equipped with wings. Pendleton will issue $40,000 .S'BmaLa MAN (Scandinavian) R, O. A. hall for rent. Well ven tilated and lighted, clean and . warm. Kitchen and dining room attached. Rates reason able. Apply to Fred Watke, Gilbert Davis or W. A. Hall. 5-ROOM HOUSE and lot for sale or rent. Modern conven iences. Easy terms. Call at News office 9-ROOMTOoming-house for rent furniture for sale. Fifth and A. Phone 122-M. 21 May 10, Moon-Williams saw mill, Grants Pass, starts cutting 35,000 per day. Cottage Grove creamery paid out $15,000. last year. Dorenbecher Manufacturing Co., Portland, adds $50,000 with agricultural education and able to do land-clearing. ditchlngt plowing, tree-plant- ing and ' milking, wishes ap pointment. Can take small contract. Send reflection marked Box 73, Matsqul, B. C. Canada, 24-25. WHAT THE RAILROADS HAVE DOME FOR US (Morris H. Crockett in the Inter-Mountain Journal) It has become a popular belief that a railroad 'company is or ganized for the sole purpose of robbing the public. This belief !and box shook order. has not. grown up and flourished in our midst without a vistage of facts for rooting. Still, while they have been, in certain instan ces, taking away from us with one hand, they have been returning to us in the way of taxes, increased land values, wages, service, et cetera, with the other. In short, while they have grabbed a con siderable number of our heard earned dollars, they have given us in return a great, Bplendid country ln which to live. But for the railroatia we would still be wearing coon skin caps, depending on our trusty (?) flint-locks for the next meal, and chasing or being chased by. Indians between while. You and I must not forget these things when we have a little dab of freight' to be hauled. Soma young people whose training has been gpod, have be come a little careless about respecting tho rightji of others when it comes to flowers. The citizen who takes pride in caring for his WANTED A reliable and active man or woman in Springfield to organize neighborhood magazine clubs. Members re ceive their favorite magazines at 1-3 less than tho regular price and pay monthly. New plan. Work of organizing pleasant and highly profitable and caa be done in spare time. Regular monthly Income, In replying give qualifications and reference. Magazine Com pany, Box 155, Times Square Station, Now York City, Oregon City finally adopts bi- tulithic type of paving for Front, street. Building code and Sommers assessment system condemned by Portland business men. Albers Bros., Portland, will add two stories to dock. Willamette locks and canal at , u . Oregon City transferred to U. S. 0fflco ,n c,t' Ha"' 8Prl"o"eld'. 0re Government April 20, and check cP(J for $375,000 paid over to Presi-1 in dent Griffith of Portland, Rail- Edwards & Brattaii way, Light & Power Co. i , " ' 7T, 1 Interstate Commerce Com- ' For Farm nnd c,ty Proporty mission authorizes S, P. Co. tol. Exchanges a Sjieolalty operate Pacific Mail steamers. 'iSpringfioldi - Oregon Owing to unlicensed jitney J Phono. 30 , Report of tho condition of tho First National Bank of Springfield, In tho State of Oregon, at tho cIoho of busl ncsa May 1, 1915, condensed from re port to tho Comptroller of tho Cur rency RESOURCES Loans and discounts $ 2,C0C,99 U, S. nnd other Bonds and Warrants 27,3G0,08 Banking house, real cstato, furniture and fixtures . . . 18,003.00 Cnsh and duo from banka . . 37,701.82 $170,547.49 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus and ProfltB 4,170:30 Circulation 0,250.00 Deposits . , 141,121.13 $170,547.49 The Best Groceries For Less Money The Fifth Street Grocery Thoa. Sikea, Prop. Phone 22 Pay. Your Taxes Here ,Wo aro a depository for ;, County funds nnd aro authoriz ed to rcceivo monoy In payment of taxes. One half may bo paid on or before April 1st. Bring in your tax statements if you havo them, nnd if not ask us, and wo will get them for you. No extra charge. Commercial State Bank Capital $30,000.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON. Established 1883 Capital and 'Surplus - - - $300,000.00 Interests on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates IF YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED THE SPRINGFIELD CREAMERY Chas. Barkman, Manager. Try us and bo convinced that It pays to patronize home .industries. The Greatest Opfalic Improvement in Years I HOLES Jj SCREWS It . " in jioo ton th. y II f i WMt IN TH1 l.l&M. t ' r A Rimless glass, mounting made with lenso rigidly fastened to metal with Lonse Solder. No loose lenso If you wear tho Sol der on mountings. Sold and Guaranteed D.W.R.OOF JEWELER & OPTICIAN TllUUKilT IJUJtNH lMdgO, NO. 78, A. M. P., Anclont and Accepted Scottish Ititu Uni versal and Symbollo Frea Masone moots Friday ovon lng In V. O. W, hall. Visit- me urothors woIcowq. P, A. Johnson, L. B. Durrln, Socrotary, n. W. M. range CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS Dentistry DR. J. E. RICHMOND PHONfeSjOfflce, 3; Residence, 111-J Over Commercial Bank, Springfield, Oregon. W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Office: Phone 02; FJenldence 07O West' Main 8t. J, H. BOWER Lawyor. i mono lzzi 831 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon HERBERT E. WALKER NOTARY PUBLIC I