The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, May 06, 1915, Image 1

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Cetlnintf ThrltfiffM Miws 'Lmi tty SUr,- WWcfc Wir'i CMtlMatfl Frry If, 1914.
KtitVri& rebrtiarr AIOOa. at RprlnRReld. Oroenn. m Mo'iii'd'
eiMttcr imiUr nctof CoiirrtM0llrch,lB7.
VOL. XIV. NO. 27.
Assistant State Superintendent Points
Out Lack of a Little Apparatus
and a Few Library Books.
jOn Mpmlqy of tills week tho
local Illgh-f$cliool underwent Its
first annual inspection at tho
hands -of tho Stnto Department
of Education. Tho Inspecting
otUcer wub ABt. Stato Supt.
Frank K. Welles of Salem. Mr.
Welles was accompanied to
Springfield by County Supt. E.
J. Moore and thoy were Joined
at the high school by Chairman
Pollard of tho local board and
Mr. Thos. Slices. Third member
of tho board, Mr. Marvin Drury,
waB detained by pressure of
business and unable to assist in
tlio Inspection.
Mr. Welles spoko boforo the
high school assembly In the
afternoon and delighted tho
fltudents with his remarks on
tho status of work in the Oregon
high schoolB. Tho local school
. In speaking to tho school offic
ials after fi(n address JMr, WclleB
remarked that It was seldom
that ho had such close attention
given as was observcrfby the
local high school students.
After visiting tho class rooms
and meeting tho teachers Mr.
Wolles wont Into the details of
Instruction and equipment and
his verbal report to the Board
may bo summarized as follows:
(1.) Teachers: All High
school teachers meet the re
quirements of the State Board of
(2.) Course of Study: Course
of Study, graduation requlro-
in theso departments meet the
requirements of tho Stato Board
tlftj "following flunis will Have to
bo spent: for Physics, $25; for
Phys. Ooog., $50; for Botany,
$35. With, tho expenditure of
this sum sufficient apparatus
will bo added to the laboratories
to make them meet all require
ments of the state board.
(4.) Tho llbary war found
to bo short some 76 volumes of
J.ho state requirement. This
shortage is due largely to the
fact that the selections from tho
stato lists have heretofore been
for the use of tho Grammar
school. Only within the last
two years have the selections
been made to build up tho High
school library.
Tho sum of $G0 to $75 will
have to be expended In the pur
chase of a new set of encyclo
pedias as tho set now in use Is
out of date and does not meet
the state rcquidements.
The shortage of 75 volumes
will bo made up by devoting the
entire state library apportion
ment to tho High school library
this year.
The locul board expressed its
willingness to immediately pur
was complimented on its attcn- High school are Botany, Physi
ments, length of clabs periods 7b v
.i f . nn. 1dnse the needed equipment for
meet the requirements.
(3.) Apparatus: t-The sci
ences at present taught in the
dance, recent growth and tho
strength and vigor of tho Do
mestic Science, Manual Train
ing and Commercial Departments.
cal Geography and Physics. It
seems that about two of th6se
classes must be given each year
to meet the demands of the stu
dents. To make tho equipment
all departments and it is under
stood that such action will re
sult in the local school being
kept on the "standard four-year
High school" list for next year.
Mr. Welles made the state
ment that very few of the small
er schools were at ttils time able
(Continued on Page 3)
San Francisco, May 2. 1'Jitf. -President
William Sprpule of tho
Southern Pacific Company last
Sgturdey made public the con
tghts of a letter written to Hon.
Ifrank P. Walsh, Chairman of
Ue U. S. Commission on Indus
trial Relations, by Julius Krutt-
schnltt, Chairman of the Execu
tive Committee of the company,
In5 which Mr. Kruttschnitt ex
plains and amplifies his answer
tojthe question as to what could
Ik? done to settle labor disputes
ami maintain industrial peace in
the future,
lu this letter, written under
date of April 14, Mr. Kruttschnltt
suggests that the usefulness of
the Newlands Act, providing
mediation, arbitration and con
ciliation in controversies be
tween certain employers and
employes, could be greatly in
creased if it were made to apply
tqall railway employes engaged
In) the interestate business of
the employer, instead of em
pJyes engaged in train service
or. train operation only; and,
furthermore, that the Board of
Mediation and Conciliation
should be co-ordinated with, or
subordinated to the Interstate
Commerce tCommiseion, so that
tta same authority responsible
fwc Increasing expenses of the
Stanley's Quit Business
Eugene's Cut-Price Department Store will soon cease to
exist. The lease and fixtures of this concern have been
carriers should at the same time
incur a corresponding responsi
bility for providing revenue to.
meet the expenditures. He cites
the Canadian Industrial Disputes
Investigation Act, which tats
worked well because it makes' atf
appeal to a mediation board
compulsory and enjoins strikes
and walk-outs until the board
can investigate the facts.
Speaking ofthc Newlands Act,
Mr. Kruttschnitt says: "Its use
fulness would be greatly In
creased if it were made to apply
to all railroad employes engaged
in the interstate business of the
employer, including those en
gaged in keeping in repair cars,
locomotives, appliances, machin
ery, track, roadbed and other itf
strumentalUIes of interestate
commerce." Referring to his
suggestion that the Board of
Meditation and Concilatlon be
co-ordinated with, or subordin
ated to the Interstate Commerce
Commission, Mr. Kruttschnitt
says: "The reasonableness of
such a provision is apparent
when. the complete control of
revenues and almost equally
complete control of expenditures
by Government at the present
time is considered."
"The Newlands Act provides
that when a controversey arises,
either party may apply to tho
Board of Meditation and Concil
iation, and the Board may offer
its services to the parties in the
controversey where interruption
to the public service is imminent.
There is no obligation, however,
than a sense of obligation to the
public on either employer or em
ployee, to submit differences to
Don Jolley Addrd Spring
field Dv(ofmrit League in
the Interest of the Projected
Beet Sugar Factory Irriga
tion' is Advocated.
sold to the Baker-Morrow Co.
Great Closing Out Sale
Has started and will continue until the 22nd of this
(morith when Stanley s store will close forever
Near Wholesale Prices and Less
On Shoes, Dry Goods, Furnishings, Men's and Boys'
Clothing, Hosiery, Underwear, Drugs, Trunks, Suit Cases,
Stationery, Bedding, Neckwear, Ribbons, Embroideries, &c
Men's Shoes
Dress Shoes, Work; Shoes,
High Cut Shoes Oar en
tire stock of $3.50 J fl qc
orrr1i lUU
now W .!-!
"940-946 Willamette St.
Ladies Shoes
Colonials, 3-strap Ptops,
Button Shoes, Lace Shoes
Our entire stock U1A QE
of $3.50!to $450 VU J
grades now ,
Body Located by
Floating Dummy
By constructing a dummy
made of clothing and weighted
to about the same weight of the
lost body, Game Warden E. C.
Hills, was able on Monday to
locate the body of Lester Craig
head who was drowned on Sun-
day. Search was resumed early
on Monday morning by an ex
perienced searcher. At the first
attempt the dummy lodged
some distance below the scene
of the accident, but the body
was not found there. The dum
my waS released and drifted in
to a deep pool of still water half
a mile below the fatal riffles and
just opposite the Railroad cross
ing. At the first cast of the
line in the hands -of James" Gox,
tue uoay was caught ana. in, a'
few minutes the bpdy wastakoji
from the- water.
Funeral services were held at
the Walker Chapel Tuesday
afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. In
terment was made in the Laurel.
Grove cemetery. , .
Associates of H, E. Mtts .ot
the Springfield Planing mill,, who
left last week for South. DakotaJ
to receive surgical treatment,
are in receipt of advices from
him, mailed at Billings, Mon
tana, in which he states his
train had been wrecked, but.tliat
he himself was not injured. The,
car he was in was not derated.
Messrs. Frazier & Kirbv.. who
nave a line dairy rami on (Jamp
Creek, this week completed a
deal whereby they trade their
property. Jq , California .parties
Messrs. Frazier 'and Kirby wjll.
move to that place shortly, h
No Quorum at Fire Meeting; "
, There- was no quorum at tho !
meptmg of tlo .Springfield Fire,
company Tuesday evening, so'
tho electioiuof.afllcers. could not
tnlco jjlncd. Adjournment was
LW W'M: TUWcmy "of next
A plea for more intensive cul
tivation of the land of the Will
amette valley was made byDon
Jolley in a talk before tho mem
bers of the Springfield Devetop-i
ment league at their regular
monthly ineetiHg -Tuesday even
ing. : ;y
"You have the beet land in
the workl, and the most abused
land," declared Mr. Jolley, who
has been making a thorough in
vestigation of the farm lands in
the vicinity of Springfield with.
a view to the construction of a
$500,000 beet sugar factory if
the farmers will grow the sugar
beets. Mr. Jolley's observations
on the value to the land of the
cultivation given sugar beets so
impressed his hearers that the
league voted to appoint a com
mittee to take up with the local
grange the matter of having Mr.
Jolley talk at some session of
that organization. The commit
tee consists of Carl Fischer, R.
W. Smith and Atty. J. H. Bower.
Mr. Jolley's principal thej
was the benefit 'that woukl. "-ac
crue to the lasd by raason of the -
inteasive .
gar beeti.
"There are other' crop that
would do' as well," he said.' The''
main thing is to get away from
the process of fanning that is
constantly taking from the soil,
and never putting anything
back. For too long the process
in the Willamette valley has been
to plow three or four inches
deep and raise grain, probably .
putting not even the straw back
on the land.
"To grow sugar beets, the
ground has to be plowed ten and
12 inches deep and then har
rowed and harrowed until it is
fit for a kitchen garden. It cost's
20 cents an acre to harrow iC
but the harrowing is worth" a
dollar. Wheat planted on ground
that has been in sugar beets for
three' or .four years, yields 'tre
mendously, hot because the
sugarlj'eets have added anything
to the 'grpiiiid, but because 'of
the cultivation the land has re-
ceiyied." .
Just. "Rain at the Right. Time.".
Mr. Joljey quoted figure?, to
show .that sugar beets in the
Willamette, valley are above, the
average la sugar ,pontentf and
are of average purity., Pe alsot
quoted figures, to show the need
o Irrigation . Whereas the beet
region of Belgium receives two
to three' inches of rainfall in
each of the three growing
months of July, August and Sep
tember, in Oregon, there-is less
than half an inch of rainfalhJn
each of these months.
W..L. Benham of the Bonham
rrigation project, spoke briefly
on the value of Irrigation to, the
fanner of tho Willamette valley. '
L'Irrlgatlon Is justraln.iat tho
right tim6rV ho. said.: w.'.-t
Thore was a general discus
sion of the question of intensive
cultivation aud of the beet su
gar .factory proposition partici
pated In by those present, and
the league, deferred' fbW&'ne week
the aklngr'up'of 'business "mat- '
tors It has for 'consideration,
i&my la?