.11. X 'i - v ft. '"'Iff, H -r -- f "-jf '"If -" 3 IS THf AYTHMW J TIaY JtiD H0tHN4X Il&oit Popular Girl Cdptes1 - Winner gets a beautiful No. 3-AWtiimn Kodak. : VALUE $20.00 t.. If you havo an JSaHtman Kodak you aro entitled to 1 voto for (ivory Cent paid. If you buy during contest you arc on- tillud to voles, for every cont paid. Kodak supplies, ono voto for every cont paid. ' Good on Kodaks and Supplies Only Standing of Candidates Will Be Announced Each Thursday in This Paper w N SUBSTITUTE 1 l Tales of the Town f t f Tho Hippodrome. -.Hall, tho Shoo Doctor, Fifth and Main Btrcct. You can got harness cheap er at Wolf & MlllorV. e V Tho tar roof of tho Budd Mc- Phcrson building was laid today. f , Now Is tho tlmo to get your sweat pads cheap. Wolf & Miller. t ' "Mrs. Earl Moore was In from Griffin's camp at Jasper Friday and' Saturday. ! ( Tom Jones, who suffered a se verely sprained anklo a week ago Ib able to be out on crutches. ' ' jAttorney J. II. Bower loft this morning for Toledo, Lincoln county, on a business trip of two days. if Mr. and. Mrs. II. L. Chllson of Eugene and J. L.. Chilson of Long Beach, California, visited Sun day' at the M. M. Male homo. ? Mrs. W. C. Rebhan returned Saturday from Grants Pass where she had been visiting with friends for the pasfton days. Good reliable jlro, Insurance. No assessments; no membership fee. Pay once and you aro done. II. E. Walker at the City Hall. ''All ladles aro requested lo call at Walker & Rice's hard ware storo and see tho Rotaiy Bewing; machine demonstrated. Conkoy's Starting Pood for llttlo Chlx. Makes tho little fel lows strong and healthy., 'Pro vents Iseaso, Springfield Feed Company. ;, ... What is tho Hippodrome? Hall, tho Shoo Doctor, Fifth and Main street. J. B. Shouso of Bond was reg istered at tho Elite Saturday. J. C. Holbrook of Brownsville was in Springfield on business Friday. t All kinds of Chick supplies at tho Feed Store. We sell good quality and wo, sell It cheap. O 1 M. M. Male, who has been quite sick at his home at Mill and B streets, Is ablo to bo out. it . Mrs. W. S. Thurlow of Port land arrived last evening for n visl with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Keator. mm Miss Nora Sorenson went to Fall Creek Saturday. She will teach a term of school in , that vicinity. , Mrs.. H, E. Walker went to Lowell Saturday evening for a visit until Sunday with her fa ther, H. C. Morgan. If you do not sec tho Hippo-; uromo at tno wen Tuesuay eve ning .your loss .will bo more than '10c the prico of admission. V V 9 ' Dr. J. 13. Richmond will be out of town from May 14 to 22. Tho offlco will bb closed on Wed nesdays until further notice. Mr. and Mrs. James Lano of Corvallls drove up In their au tomobile Sundny to visit Mrs. Lane's mother, Mrs. S. Soren son. Yqu can see tho complete Hippodrome as it is played In New York City 40 weeks in tho year, at tho Bell. Tuesday eve ning. a H. E. Walker, 4, E. McKibben, and George PerkiuB have re turned to Portland to resume SOCTAJi NOTES Dr. and krs, Keater returned Thursday from j. visit of ney.eral days In Portland Mr. and Mrs. A. Middletbn were patron and patroness of the Idlllo club at its regular bl-wcek-ly dancing party Saturday eve ning. A very enjoyable party was held. Mrs., Cliff Lybarger gavo a vry delightful cHlldrea'a 'pariy Saturday afternoon in honor of the. fifth birthday anniversary of hr, daughter LeJa. Tlie yonng- sters enjoyed the game im mensely, and also the dainty lunhceon. Thp guests were Heleno Richmond, Lucll Rich mond, Naomi Ilarblt,, Thelma Fuller, Elene Jenkins, Dorene Larimer, Earl Roberta, Fay Ftohcr. ''Hflnnori Green, formerly in thereBaUrant business' hero, (their duties, as jurors In .the Ufv arrived from Portland Saturday on a business trip, and returned this noon. Mrs. R. A. Rico, who wont to Portland last Friday to under go a serious operation, haB safe ly passed the ordeaj and is now improves. , v .' . Cow owners will note we are selling Dairy chop at $1 per cwt. Our other feeds aro low priced In proportion. Spring field Feed Co. 0 S. court. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smeed of Waltorville spent Sunday in Springfield with Mrs. Smeed's parents, Mr. and Mre. Al, Mont gomery. ' . !J. Teuscher, ' Jr., traveling agent of tho Boys' and Girls Aid society of Portland was in Springfield Friday on business for his institution. Shoe and harness repairing at Wolf & Miller's. C. F. Egglmann made a busi ness trip to Eugcno Saturday. George England went to Wendllng Sunday to accept a position there. Andy Allen returned home to Wendllng Sunday evening after a short visit In Springfield. The Brilliant Vacuum Cleaner for sale $19.50, or for rent $1.25 per day. See Dale Mummoy. 14 Cupid Flour (hardwheatt $1.75. Albany Flour (Blend), $1.G0 at the, Feed Store. Qual ity guaranteed. ' Now is the time to cet that old suit cleaned and repaired or have a new one made at Jen kins, Fourth Street. m Tho. . three-reel feature. "What Could She Do?" at the Bell tonight Is ono every parent and child should see. It deals with the child's practical pre paration for life O W J Parties wishing to contribute clothing to the Asociated Char ities will please ask their gro cery deliverymen to take the supplies to E. E. .Morrison's, where they will be taken care of. JENNIE FENWICK, Pros'. Associated Charities, MrSi Margarete Lepley, recent ly of Oakdalo, Calif., has been visiting with Mrs. Jeajinette Richardson since coming to Springfield ten days: ago, leaves tomorrow monrlng for Jasper, where she will make her home with her son and family, L. J. Lepley. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Browning arrived Saturday evening from Petaluma,, California. where they have been living for the past ten months. They will have apartments at Mrs. Richardson's at Sixth and B streets for the present.. They expect to make their homo here from now on. 'mm Mrs. Al Montgomery of the Hotel Springfield, received yes terday front her daughter, Mrs, Herbert Smeed, of Walterville, an unusually large pansy. The blossom measured three inches across ono way and fpur inches tho other, and the stem was tei) Inches long. ' . , 1 it On and after this date all aqcounts due the undersigned more than, 30 days Will draw 10 per cent interest. All old, ac counts settled within ten days will bo. discounted 10 per cent. Monday, May 3. 1015. WALKER & RICE. ' Persons haying, odd Jobs pt work to' bo, dope may get sttu-; dtints help on (shprt; rioftca ndj av tne same umo renaer a ser vice .to students working their way through college: by calliug up tho University Y. M. C. A., You can buy a 42 piece din ner set for $3.0d at the home furnishers Hayden & Mptcalf. Mrs. A. W. pugan pf Marcola, sliitcr of Mra. Curtis Hayden, came down this' morning to at tend the funeral f he-rvilephew. M DAY'AT 1 : PUBLIC SCHOOLS The May day exercises at the High school Friday, which the students carried out were very interesting. Herbert Hansen, President of the Student Body, crowned the May .Queen. The King artd Queen were attended by their maids and pages. The Freshmen and Junior classes laid, their offerings pf flowers upon the throne, wliich was very artistically arranged beneath the (Spreading maple trees. I At 3 :30 every one attended the ball game at Midway, between Santa Clara and Springfield. The ganje was, very exciting, Santa Clara winning with a score of 12 to 7. At G o'clock they re turned tOjthe high school; where supper was 'served, by the girls. .James were played and prepar ations made from 7 to 8 for the eye'rilng program, which was the last one for this year. The program was as follows: liEntry ,of the king, queen and their attendants, 0$e to May Queen . , ...... Norton Pengra The Flowers That Blodni In the Spring .;...,....... Chorus Series of. Indian Tableaux. , . . ... ......... . Sophomores Duet, Elieh Lambert and Nellie '.CdpenhaVe'r. Santa Lucia Chorus German Play .... "Der Knopf" ( Instrumental solo, i . JL.eota iucuracKen Stereopticon views, Mr. Toy ner. 'At the Lincoln school Alice Mortepsen was the queen with Doris Myers and Mrajorie Rud- atmnnn as ateinuants. itaipn Love was the herald and Earl McCulloch and Dwight Kessey Were the pages. i At) the high school building, Alene, Larimer was the queen, Wjbf,erd Allen and Albert Whit 'riey were pages; Goldie Park, Madge Warner, Allehe Castle arid'Maxine Castle were maids of honpr and ,Alden Hayse was thft Jherald'. Large'numbers of patrons of the schools attended the exer cises and enjoyed the drills by the pupils. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Alices T7 Vi nr?na wnc HI trxrlnv inrl unaoio . to. take, cnarge, or ner classes. . mt ,ni vr a pi(ti ,i Eugbne 504. Work of afternoons Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Grluln and Saturdays Is especially de daughtor Laura were down from f J Mr- nnrl Mrs T P Frv Mrs luu,r ioKB"B cuiup ui JUbpuri . , M.Mr:ffrf?nTBirtt 7tofcnd the Mrthday Tho Bpworth .League of the to.Jasper Sunday for a visit with -fflgSL.B1 for Mr' QMftAa! Mrs. Fry's uncio, i Kinwey, and daughter, Mrs. Doano. ' j ,i, Lloyd L. Mullitt, a national bank examiner, was m aprmg' mother. ltniihtih't n't the eliureh Saturdnv . overilngof tlils week, after which New, parts for tho blower fan delegates will be selected to at that blow up at the Booth-Kelly tepd the dlstritit EpwOrth league in ll Thursday Avero received i convenlton which Is to bo held from Seattle Saturday, and the books of the First National. He planing mill resumed operation iG, Tho Springflpld chapter is entitled to eight delegates. Condition. I ,, , t. tth nr.. J tt i ...m. air. mm ima. vunvui uuu xui. iiuvjuy ucijuuuu luu mini Thompson of Portland, are In imputes from I. CHno and Bert SnrinKfiOld calling on friends' to-1 Snook, tho same will bo'run un- was unintentionally omitted day. Mr. and Mrs. Volkor were ! dor the name of tho Springfield The name of Miss Olive Smith, teacher of tho third grade from tho list of teachers engaged for tho school year 1915-10, as published in tho Thursday issuo of tho.NowB'. ' s , .' Tho regular monthly dlnnor of the G. A. R. and Ladies of the G. A. R. will bo held at the post hall Friday. May 7, at noon, All hero four years ago organizing tho Knights and Ladles of Se curity. v . . . 1 'H. C. 'Barkmah,' manger of tho Springllold creamery, states that ho expects to bo moved into his new quarters by tho last of tho week. Tho concrete uoors Tiinmhnrn iWH ''fnnilii'en if mom- liavo'beon sloW In drying 'f or the bors, and till eligible to member- past few days, and the machln Bhlp in tho post or circle uro In-!ory cannot bo placed until tho Vlted to attend, concrete Is firm. Dairy. Wo intend to give the people of Springfield a first class service, with delivery Jo all parts of tho city twlco daj We have quarter in tho now creamery fpr the sanitary handling of the ndlk and will endeavor to deliver pnly tho very best .articlo, Our aim will bo good -goods and a prompt delivery. Acontliumtlon of your patronagej.Is.reanectf ully solicited. Phono 24-F-12. 2Cr7 WILLARD & THAYER. A number of the students have been'sufferine with ton- solltis .the past, week, Mae Lyon Floyd Bartlett and Herbert Han sen were the first to bo troubled with it but the report today is that John Soleim is also com plaining about his sore and swol len tonsils. Eva Brown was out of school a greater part of last week on account of ' poison oak. -4 A netaLTMAeeo ohcw VWH M OM TATE AC vi rf.l. .. . II,;.. MAN the taite of 'h'M satisfying and so lasting that a. ten cent pouch of the Keaj. Tpbacco Chew lasts yqu twice as long as the same money "will buy in your old kind. - Why the only thing about "Right? Cut' that isn'ta luxury is the price V? You'll be glad of the day you start with the Real Tobacco Chew if you, are' Critical abptit tfifeT tobacco you chew l alee a very imali 9 err lew Ohm oe-qiiTttr,H)t-oW me. It wiH be mote Mttfyiig .titan a meat Mil' of BtSmry toiiK&q. Jutt MMrfe' oa it uViiH yaW itMt' the Hre ft ii ehew tixrt fevks you'; Tuok St Way!1 Then let it rest. See bo it eacilr mi evenly tke rest. tobacco tatte eomet, hoir St aatltfie without grinding, how much lew1 yon have to (pit, howiew ofetws.you lake to be tobae6latSfied. That' nky it m Tht R1 TeWi Cknc. Tbot'f why it; costs kis-ia the es4i . It it a rcd r efcew, cet Sue ad thort thn4 m Ibtl yon wsb'i hire to fried on It whk year tetfcb. Crisdisf oa ordteary caatHcd tobacco ukn too tpit too owed.' Tbe tiete of pare, rich tobacco doe eot need to be covered ap jrWi iwUh(b and. .!- licorice. Notice boW tbe aalt brufj ost tbe rieti tobacco tattc is tijM-Cet. One small fchfcw takes the place jof two big chews of 'the old' kind. , WE YMAN-BRUTON COMPANY SO Ubhi Square, New Yrk (BUY FROttREALER OjlSEND fO55yUPS;T0;Us).fitnr V" i: u C "t to " n.' JJ , W " w' - . ,W?lt .'fia-flf .': r XT T ' ' 1 . XT .tJ Classified Column. K'ls',tlie "mutual benefit salesman of Springfield, for it profits both, buyer and seller. ; . , .Advertise if you want to;selk , advertise for what you "need. . The Classified Column reaches the people you want to reach, RATES LOW.) . if t it it i.j t L-i. '. 'Jr OY -:yjf ft!:"- ane ounty News Mr. Anderson,, proprietor of. tho ' .Tollman Studio of Eugene waB here Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and on these days took the pictures of the various classes iiv groups and the Ath letic teams. Over one hundred copies of tho rilgli School Annual were sold to the high School studonts Thursday. . ' POLK'S OREGON; and WASHINGTON IA -P!rctory pf each City. Town ana Vivace. glvlPS jM9r)pttv sketch ot each iBlaeau -location, poiiulotlon, tele- ,.,whVi.ftWn)t, ana anln ,pitatt bVH v.1 1 Business Directory 'alaaV.piawin'ca' Plrec'tory,, cbnyvlle.a by uuaineia anu pruiavaiuu. K. L. lOUC ft CO., 8KATTLK There is nothing that will HERBERT E. WALKER give you more comfort and notary ;; pleasure for the money invest- puaLjc ' ed than a good hanimock, W.e . w Q have them for $1.75 and up. , t . , V, .... Hayden & Metcalf. t. See -"- "" rrTTTZ" : Edwards &Brattaih. NotltJe to Creditors. Notice is hereby givn that tho un For Farm and City Property11' 4ers!gnea has been ppointod, by the , Ex'cKahiies A Specialty county court, executrUc of tho etjtato 1 . . 7. t. ,r - , ,'r t ot William M. Moore, deceased. All Springfield - Oregon persons having claims against Said " Phone" 30 estate aro hereby notified ta present . m n , i. ; ,'" . 'the same, duly verified and with tho CAREFJUL, CONSCIEN.TIPUS,. I proper vouchers, to the admlnlstra- " , . t . , t- trlx at the oince of Woodcock. Smith "T ' J J & Bryson, in Eugene. Oregon, within I J Q Xl T I QT pTr six- months from the date pf tho first A yJ VJ J, y J, Q V Jm V i publication of this nptlce, . . Wf l Date of first publication of this no- DR. J. p. RICHMOND tlce Is April1 26, 1915. - v T ' MARGARET MOOUB, . . PHONES; Office, V, Residence, 11T-J i Executrix -pf yio etat jqf .wiuiam M, 0vgr Commercial Bank,. -V. Mooro, deceased, , . . m M24 , ,. ' ' , m . Springfield, Oregon. W; . WALKER' , ,. ; r-r 7- UNDERTAKp ; "f , J. H; BOWER 1 .. ,1 funeral director ;' ; , . , ..-Lawyer." Vf, Office Phone 62; , Residence 67-J Phono ,1221 . Mil Wj,B 4 ' &31-Wlllajnette St. Euaene, Oregaii