f 1 w Winner gotn a beautiful No. 8 -A Eastman Kodak. VALUE $&M ypRVO Ru.lCaBtnian Kodak .you aro ontitled to 1 voto for o Very -cent paid. If you huyf during contest ypurc en titled to2 voIcb for. every cent paid. I ; j , V"&? V Kodak impplles, ono vote for every cent paid., . Good on Kodaks and Supplies Only w NEVER SUBSTITUTE Tales of the Town On Saturday afternoon of last wk Mrs. "U." V. Park,, who JIy.es on North Mill fctreel, gave a jmrty in honor of fier daughter doUle ;pjsjk'a .tenth birthday an niversary, The afternoon was spent In playing games after which delightful refreshments were soryed. A number of hand some presents were received. Thoso present were Goldlo Park, 11a Shahan, Helen Stevens, Gol dle Pratt, Unlce Pratt, Verntta Pratt, Grace and Sopha Shahan, Magglo Shahan, Vesta Feglea, Norma and Elma Cox, Claude Pratt, Kenneth Park, Wyuoria Park and Sylvia Pratt. Tuesday evening, April 27, a Jolly company of ladles called on Mrs. M. b' (France to help cele brate her birthday. It was a complete surprise to her, and although she admitted It as tier Mtwuay sue ausoiutey re Um club, and the following club mnibrs .ware Wreaent: Mrs. Has Gay, Mrs. K. K. Morrison, Mrs. Tomas jOUltmi, Mrs. L. A. Baas, Mrs. A. Valentine, Mrs. J. B. Fox, Mr. Henry McColIum, Mrs. Ray Emerson, Mrs. John Sparks, Mrs. I. V. Jackson, Mfse Vina McPherson, Miss Ethel Conlcy, Mrs. Marvin Drury, Mrs. II. E. Walker, airs, J. E, Ed wards. Miss Lola Barr entertained with a. delightful card party at iMwhQin.e Saturday evening. TJie guests were Miss Mary futman, Miss Vera Perkins, Miss Marjory Machen, Miss Anna Young, Miss Ella Young, Miss Esther Furufjet, Jloy Cairns, Claud Slgnor, Har- oa Perkins, Will Machen ana CKnton Gpnley. A score of young people en joyed a "weenje leod" Jaat.ev.en fused to tell her age except.that ing at the Llttell .damp on the sue was au An nnnroniuiu v,i"i" v urogram was .rendered lnWhlch ipr wasihe .center of attraction ! A new Colguto Soap at Pecry's. Mrs. 13. J. Randell of Wlnbor ry Is rcportqd aa quto 111. Hear the now Edison Disc Phonographs at Pocryts. Hull, tho Shoe Doctor, .Fifth and Main street. f 9 Now Is the Mine to get your sweat puds chcup. Wolf & Miller. j " Mr. Sweltzor and daughter of HlakclyvlHo were in Springfield Bhopplng (T.ucJiduy. w Mlltqn ;Ially is Buffering from an nnck p.f rheunVntlBip that is nearly doubling- him up. '' Mrs. C. A. Baker was opcrAted on at the Springfield hospital Tuo8day.and.is how.op the road to recovery. Paul Long suffered a painful fall from his bicyclo at Seventh and p streets twhlle delivering goods "Wednesday evening. Gopd.rellable fire Insurance. No assessments: , no membership fee. Pay once and you are done. II. E. Walker at tho City Hall. ; Forms were romoved from the Budd'McPhorson concrete build ing the first of the week, and tho cnrpontcrB are now doing their share of the work. D. M. McLaughlin, mnster mechanic of the Southern Paci-! flc company, was in 'Springfield this morning on his way to .polntaon the cast side liuq. A fine oil painting of an ocean scene, .painted by Mrs. Oren .Mctcalf, la on display at tho Hayden & Metcalf store, where .ft is attracting a great deal of favorable coinmgnt. My. and Mrs. A. J. Perkins re-i turned jast evening from San Francisco and other California points whero they have been spending the past few months. Mr. Perkins has been Bick for several weeks, but Ib again able tp bdabout. Colgato'a Talcums 15c at Pecry's. Mrs. Fluley of Eugene was In Springfield Wednesday. L. F. McDanlels was in Cros- well on business Tuesday. Mrs. F. A. Worloy returned to her home at Wondling on this morning's train. Leather is high but we are selling harness cheaper than ever. Wolf & Miller. You can buy a 42 piece din ner set for $3.00 at the home furnlshcre Hayden & Metcalf. ' . Additional sprinklers are be ing Installed in the, sheds at the llooth-Kclly plant tp lessen tho fire .risk. Dr. J. E. Richmond will bo out qf town ,frpm May 14 to 22. Tho ofllco will lie closed pn Wed nesdays until further notice. , C, W. Cook, supervisor of tho road district north Jjf ,4ho river and betwe.cn Springfield and Eugene, began road wpric yes terday. , ma Tuesday night is regular time, for the 'mectrng of tho fire company. It Is hoped a lrygo number will bo in'attpnda.nce bo that officers may.be elected. There Ib nothipg that will give you njore comfort and pleasure for tho money Invest ed than a gpod haniiifock. We have them for $1.75 .and up. Hayden & Metcnff. Two motorcycles collided at tho corner of Sixth aind A at noon Wednesday, but no one was hurt to any extent. A bent pedal and a sprung fork were the extent of tho damages. Mrs. J. It. Barr arrived homo last night from Grants Pass, where sho had been visiting for tho past ten days. Mrs. C. E. Gilklson accompanied her to Springfield for a abort visit. Mrs. Gilklson will also visit her brother, H. Neal pf Prunevllle. moat of those .present tqok part. At ten o'clock delicious refresh ments were served after which the self Invited guests adjourned wishing the hostess many more happy blrthdayg. Those present were: Mrs. M. L. Franco, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Webber, Mrs. Jac ribson, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Bow man, Mrs. Ruddiman, Mrs. Townsend, Miss Sneed, and tho little Misses Marjorle Ruddlmau and Ruth Franco. , Mro. C. E. S warts entertained in a charming way the M. C. 0. Fivo Hundred club of Eugene on Tuesday afternoon. Follow ing the hours at tho cjub's fa vorlto pastime, the lmBtess serv ed a fine two-course luncheon. Mrs. J. L. Clark, Mrs. B. A. WflShburne, Mrs. H. W. Whit ney and Mrs. Carl Fiscper were gueBta of tho club. jHonors of the afternoon fell to Mrs. ueorge Dyo of Eugene. tflJss Edna Swarts was the hoatceo of the Emanon club at 18 usual afternoon of needle work Wednesday qf this week. Mrs. .C. H. Swarts and Mrs. H. W. Whitney were the guests of The ladles of the Christian church wll rive- a chicken din ner toplght in honor of the or chestra and choir. The orches tra will provide special music, t The Women of Woodcraft gaye a very enjoyable program 'at the lodge room Wednesday evening. Following Is the pro gram that was rendered: Song by" members. Instrumental '. .Thehna Crouch Reading frs. Dorrlfy Instrumental ..Edwina Parsons Recltatfon , . , .Flautl Townsend Song irs. Tomseth Instrumental duet Miss Shaub pnd Mr. Townsend Recitation Roscqe Perkins Instruine'ntal . Chlora Masterson Soiig A. D. Ruddiman Reading Mrs. Klzer Vocal Duet , Dorothy Masterson anu Mar- ,joro, Ruddiman. Instrumental . . TaSsy Tomseth Dialogue, 4m Want of a Sen'ant.' Neighbors McPherson, Brum mptej Nelson, Tomseth, Ruddiman and Daisy Tom seth. Recitation Florence Klzer Grocery Buying Doegnf t Require the time and thought and attention that it used to. GNowadays, at this modern store, we take care of the "worry part" of your grocery buying we stand be tween you and impure foods and un desirable goods,-and the cost is no more than for inferior goods. i&et the Habit of Trading ffene. as Larimers The big sale Is still going on at Wolf .& Miller's. v m Savo 1-3 by buying Rexall School Tablets at Pcery's. Mrs. H. W. Renne returned yesterday from Creswe.ll where she had peon visiung nor oro tlicr since the first of the week. Atllla Norman, vice-president and general manager of the Ore- con Power company, was in Springfield on business Tuesday. Conkey's Starting Food for little Chlx. Makes the little fel lows strong apd healthy. Pre vents disease. Springfield Feed Company. E. E. Morrison this week ship ped 1000 (pounds of stumping powder to P. ,S'.,Laird of Natron, who Is going to clear several acres, of .'bottom. Jand. . M. J. .Duryea, .manager of the promotion department of tho Eugejio .Cpmihbrcial club, was In Springfield Saturday attending the meeting of grange. Mb. Charles Ward and Mrs. C. Zuald, recently of Garden. Hpme, near Portland, biit iiaw: living up tho McKenzlo, were in Springfield jtoday shopping. . Cow owners will note wo, aro selling. Dairy chop at $1 per cwt. Our other feeds are lowj priced in proportion. Spring field Feed Go. sua Charles Rlvett, owner of con siderable property in Springfield, left today for his home in Lin coln, Nebraska, after having spent several months here. Ho goe3 by way of Oregon City, Portland, Seattle and Spokane. , J, O. BrlBtol, grand worship ful master of tho A. F. & A. M, In Oregon, Frank J. Miller, rail road cQmmislqn.or; Dr. II. B, Leonard, S. M. Yoran and W. C. Ydran of Eugeno, visited the Booth-Kolly mill and tho Oregon Power plant .Monday., Manager J. J. Bryan announc es that ho will give a reward of $5 forlnformationlc'adlng to the .arrest of the prson or persons who defaced pictures placed hi front of his theatre Tuesday, and Chief of "Erilco Staniger. adds another $5 to tho amount. T-Hall, the Shoe Doctor, Fifth and Main street, v-k .vRW. Smith yesterday bought from F. J. Berger anlD. M. P. 30 Roadster. a -Cupid Hour (hardwheatt $l.75. Albany Flour (Blend), $1.60 at the Feed Store. Qual ity guaranteed. oca Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Browning. for a number of years residents or spripgneiu, out rpr tne past yearllving at Petaluma, Califor nia, are .expected to arrive here soon to make their home again, again. Blanks for the taking of the amxUal inventory of stores n the Springfield yards of the South ern" Pacific company were re ceived yesterday. ' Ev.eiy article miist'.be checked up ly midnight of May 1. Mrs. Mary A. Thompson of Los Angles, Calif, and daughter Mrs. Ella Lee of Klamath Falls, are visiting the former's brother J.EASteyens of Springfield, Ijirs. Thompson expects lo spend the sumriier here. ' ' . OkL rubber-belting has been converted. Into tread protectors on the Iron ladders in the boil er room at tho Oregon Power company's plant. The Iron stepB hadibecome worn smooth, but tho belting, bolted on, gives a, perfectly secure foothold. " E. E. Morrison returned last ni glit from Portland where he had been making arrangements for handling potatoes from the Ipiperjal valley, 'California, Ho also arranged for the sale in Portland Of potatoes raised here. H. E. Pitts, president of the Springfield Planing Mill, expects, to leave next Wednesday for Hot Springs, South Dakpta, to take treatment for a cancerous growth 'in his nose. He qxpects to spend several weeks while on tho,r,eirn trip, stopping at var (ous joints to visit friends. w Professor Durrand of Yanktqn solloge of Yankton, SOuth Dai kota was In Springfield Tues day, calling at tho home of ,Mr, and Mrs. D. S. Beals. ..Mrs.JBealB Is an alumna of tho college and was Hated nmnii'sr those whom the professor vlsljed'i0.setelill on mm inn west, no una pe?i connected with the college for thepflst &0 years. ' tr H H A R D f A R E f 3 T O R E vlall aring "Monarch," 14 Jn., Reg, 4.00, Sat. S3.SO "Monarch," lOin., Reg. 4.25, Sat. $3.75 "Wizard," 14 In., Reg. $4.75, . .Sat $4.20 I lain .ufai inc.: Magic, 14 in. Reg. $3.15. . . .-. .Sat. $2,741 , ... j... if you aren jiMd of aaxn.Mowr w(hy not . tak,f advantage of tlii;one1da.y!tcial SaU-7 Saturday, May 1915 Beaver Herndon Hardware Co. 1 T H T H E Y E L L O w F R O N T BELL THEATRE JWMHHIIIIWMiBMIflnMHBMWH SAMUEL H. LONDON'S WORLD-RENOWNED PHOTO PLAY IN FIVE BIG THRILLING REEL'S. The liislde f ike vv nwe siave iramc T.HE MOST -GRAPHIC .EXPOSURE QF THE .WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC EVER ATTEMPTED. PRODUCED AT A COST OF $20,000. "THOU SHALT'NOT. ' v This is the Photo-Play that was seized and stopped by the Seattle police at the Melbourne theatre last week. . It was afterward released without prejudice, and at the ur- gent 'solicitation of reform workers in that city itJhaa,bM, If you sympathize with crooked police work and the ruin of innocent young girls, DON'T COME. You will be offended. If you would know jtbe trail of the serpent from ) homes like your own to the Gateways of" Hell in a city's "restricted district," go to the Bell theatre Friday night and , see a powerful sermon without words. You will come away a cleaner-minded man or woman. Helen Knight, physician in charge of the Mafdaiane Home, New York City, says of this Film: "The precentation . of your picture, 'The Insjde of the White Slave Traffic, in ) every town and hamlet in the United States would mean the elimination-of White Slavery." i YOU CANT MAKE A PICTURE OF A BAT LOOK LIKE A HUMMING BIRD. BUT THERE IS NOTHING IN THESE PICTURES TO OFFEND THE PURE-MINDED : The mayor of Anacortes, Washington, says if there were more such pictures shown, the country would be better for t a mi'. - -'. t " 1 il. - XI. 1 ' u. i nousapus nave saiu iue same uung. Endorsed by Press and Clergy. Friday Night This Will Whet Yqar Appetite) This store is filled with the choicest groceries money can f huy with groceries entirely free from all adulterations '! with groceries of the most absolute and unquestioned pur ity with groceries that build up. the system and instill that ' remarkable energy which insures success in life. 1 n l lE & M I ;L I E ft : Opposite Commercial itafe Bank (fone .j), 9t Jk Mrs, A, T, Drum left Monday for a visit with per parents near Npti. .All kinds 91 Chick .sunnlles atthe F.ee.d,Stbre. WpieJl,gpod quahty and we selllt cheap. W CTiMfjeld Garage, ,pn Mftnday pW a; Studebaker r, for which It is the 'locar agent, The Brilliant Vacuum Cleaner for galo ;$9.50, orfdr r.ept $1.5 per .day eo Dpe umnifey. 4 tEddyyiJle MohaTnpool 22000 lbBvSOjdprg.pejtits. .Halfway The cheese .and butter factory starts-May.l. T ri rrC 'i..' ' til syndicate,