The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, April 25, 1915, Image 3

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    W ar f oinf to givi" tii
moit popular girl in
Springfitld biAutiful
No. 3-A Eastman
Folding Pocket
Valued at $20,00
See this space for full particulars of Kodak Contest
in next issue of this paper. Contest begins May 1st,
and continues until 9:00 p. m. sharp, Sune 30th
MImj Ethlyn Power entertain
ed a few of her girl friends, at a
dinner arty Friday night. The
girls had a jolly time at cards,
music and general good fun. The
house was tastefully decorated
with rones and ferns, the color
scheme, pink and white, being
carried out successfully. At a
lato hour a four course dinner
wus served. Covers were laid
for: Gertrude Williams, Ruby
Scnscncy, Irma Barkman, Elsie
Ilolverson, Evelyn Barkman,
Opal Ilolverson, France Travis,
Ethlyn Powers.
On Thursday evening of last
week Miss Lena. Newton enter
tained the at the homo
of Mrs. N. W, Emery. A jolly time
was spent in Bowing and con
Tomscth sang solos, and there
were Instrumental. numbers by
ubh anarp anu Airs, dcmick and
a vocnl duet by Mrs. Tomscth
anu miss Daisy Tomscth. Da
llghlful refreshments were serv
ed, The guests of the club were
Mrs. S. Young, Mrs. Jules Dc-
micK, Mrs. King, Miss Shorn and
Miss Tomscth. The members of
the club present were Mrs. AI.
Montgomery, Miss Mary Rob
erts, Mrs. Arne Nelson. Mrs.
Thomas Ohlscn, Mrs, J. E. Rich
mond, Mrs, Hill, Mrs. John Tom
scth, Mrs. Ilorton, Mrs. Charles
Dorrlty, Airs. J. II. Brummette,
Mrs. Townsend. Airs. A. D. Rud
dlman and Mrs. Mastcrson.
Ralph Barkman and Harold
France had a Joint birthday par
ty aaturuay at seavey's ferry.
444444 4444444444444444444
t Tales of the Town
Hall, the Shoo Doctor, Fifth
and Main street.
Maxlno Snodcrass Is nulto sick
, with an attack of tonsllltis.
' Tfr.ll 1 1. Cl, T1l 1.11,11. I '
' ijuu, lmu uuu uuuiui , r 11 ill 1 a r
n...1 Xtul.. tnnt
uuu nu,, , rog8tcrcd at the EIUo hotcj FrJ
WOlldllllg,"11 . m .
Mrs. Emery assisted
Miss Newton in serving delicous Barring a little difficulty In get
ruiruBHimjiuu. xnose present ting all of the guests to the
were: the Misses Veya Dunlap, game place, a most enjoyable
Sarah Martin, Jessie Walker, vdav wm went. tha vnnnra
Lacy Copenhaver, Myrtle Cop-(played games. and ate all the Ice
omiavur, unco sraiin, jmhir cream they wished. Mrs. Bark
S warts, Anna Young, Ella man and Mrs. France diaper
xuuiiK,. nurenco wjmn,flnn& 0ned them. The guests were:
Rutledge, and Effie Rhoadea. Ralph Barkman, Harold France,
The guests of the club were Miss Frederick Mullen, Ansel Barker,
Vera Tagg and Mrs. Jules De- Tommv nnvnnVia. Aiimrt tw
,11111.11. iubwuu iucuw iivAbuuiB noius, Airreu Townsend, Marnil
l with the Misses Anna and Ella Newman. Ruth France. Theron
Renham of Portland .was , Young. Newman, Wilbur Hayse, Gerald
mi m , , t l Sclllffcr and Carl Bauer.
The Pino Needle club met at . 4 4 4 4 -
the home of Mrs. A. D. Ruddl- Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Danks and
lnlm rinwiiliiir rf
11M1U lit Mtirlttirfl,ll1 Cn(lll-lni I
" I" B" uuimimu;! 11 ,.. 1. ,n I'..1arrtl.l,l.varinnnnnnnn1n. MVc Ht T ATMI.,
- . . - . I 1 ll I .11 t , i 11 I . . .
; uroia ine uiruiaay anniversaries mio uie nnstenes or tno Knights
V Now is the time to got your a$ 11,0 Boll 's n strong thrilling
,Bweat pads cheup. Wolf & Miller. , 8tory- 7 :1G and 8 :30.
Miss Grace Sldwcll and Miss . a- Mikado, a Japanese
(Mnybel Duryeo visited In Coburg '0""F 8ale8,a was at the
hiBt week.
F. A. Worloy and wlfo of
Wcndllng wcro In town Saturday
ou business,
Welby Stevens, ex-mayor of
Springfield,, was in Crcsswcll on
business Tuesday.
J. B. Godmnn and family and
1 lEIIto Saturdayr
Leather Is high but wo nro
selling harness cheaper than
over. Wolf & Miller.
' w o
You can buy a 42 piece din
ner set for 93.00 at the home
furnishers Ilaydcn & Mctcalf.
Miss Tinn Collins, operator at
of Mrs. Ruddiman and of Mrs.
Brummette. Embroidery form
ed the basis of the afternoon's
occupation and there were a
number of musical selections.
Mrs. S. Young and Mrs. John
and Ladles of Security last
Thursday evening. After the
business session a number of In
vited guests enjoyed dancing
after which Ice cream and cake
was served.
nnclo. W. L. Godmnn. tmnnt tho the local telephone ofllce. re-
day atf the homo of Thos. SIkes sumed work this morning after
,r Wnlter P. Porcp, general agent
Uior tho Agricultural Insuranco
company, was in 'Springfield on
business Saturday.
& r .
3f J. P. PVy, Mr. Llvesloy of Salem
.and Mrs. M. M. Lord of Scattlo
went to Lowell today on a trip
pf combined, business and pleas-
Good reliable fire Insurance.
No assessments: no membership
fee. Pay once and you are done.
, il. E. Walker ut tho City Hall.
$ 0
Fresh milk delivered night
and morning from PruuevlUe
Dairy. Any ono wishing milk
call 3-1F3. Wo have our own
milk. 15tf
IT. G. Myer and C. II. Kelly,
members of the state board of
a short vacation.
a e
Harry Raymond was a visitor
at L. E. Durrin's yesterday. He
Is employed on tho Wlllamette-
Paclflc railroad at Acme.
Mrs. O. V. Barkman cnmcln
from Brownsville Saturday. Her
home is at Mabel, but she has
been visiting at Brownsville.
Mrs. Hugh Kester and daugh
ter Isalone were called to Mabel
last week by the illness of Mrs.
Kcstor'B mother, Mrs. lleene
George England of Portland Is
again registered nt the Elite Ho
tel, coming to take Andy Allen's
placo at tho mill. Allen goes to
tno wcndllng mill.
Mrs. Ed. Collins returned last
week from Mill City where sho
lmu been called by the Illness of
The big sale Is still going on
at Wolf & Miller's.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox mov
ed to Willamette Heights last
William I. Clodfelter and fam
ily have moved to Yrcka, Cali
fornia. Two 2 reel features in the
Bell program for Wednesday and
Thursday don't miss them.
Mrs. Benncr and children of
Eugene spent Saturday with
Mrs. Charles Eggiman.
Mrs. Rose Harbit and Mrs.
Grace Harbit were in Eugene
yesterday visiting their brother,
S. W. B. Haynes.
All kinds of Chick supplies
at the Feed Store. We sell good
quality and we sell It cheap.
Dr. and Mrs. Kester went to
Portland Saturday by automo-'
bile and will bo away for several
iHCac'S HftffNTHATl
barber examiners, wero In her granddaughter with an at-
sprmgnciu Kriuay examining tno.tacic or appendicitis.
local barbers. Troy found no Ir
regularities here.
Ed TIbbetts and Dad With
row made a fishing trip up tho of tho BaptiBt church, 25 cents.
Tho Brilliant Vacuum
Cleaner for sale $19.50, or for
rent $l'.25 per day. See Dale
Mummey. 14
The tennis court at Fifth and
A chicken pie dinner will be u ! L? "TV"Buru Ai
served Thursday evening trom'? Ul"
h IIIIIH 7 n'olnpir in rlin hnnnmmit ,mw. ...v-.j vwmvow.
Miss Alice Staniger was un
able to teach today on account
of sickness..
Judge and Mrs. C. A. Winter
mi er and children of Eugene vis
ited In Springfield Sunday.
Now Is the time to get that
old suit cleaned and repaired or
have a new one made at Jen
kins, Fourth Street. m
'Cupid Flour (hardwheaO
$1.75. Albany Flour (Blend),
il.'GO at the Feed Store... Qual
ity guaranteed. -
Tuesday evening the Bell
Theatre presents Protea II.. a
strong, gripping, tlirllllng picture . Body Association last week,
In five parts. This is a World Freda Stacy was elected "May
feature which. insures its quality. ! Queen." The Association also
'elected "Bill" Machen as "May
Cow owners will note we King." v
are selling Dairy chop at $1 per ' Following the May Day ex
cwt. Our other feeds are low HiSh school Friday
, . .. . afternoon there will be a base-
priced in proportion. Spring- lba game The teams contest.
field Feed Co. ling and place of game will be
announced later.
Persons having odd Jobs of Ruth Scott, after several
work to be done may get stu- ; weeks absence retiimprt tn
dents help on short notice and school this morning. Miss Scott
ut uie same ume renuer a ser- u
vice to stu.dents working their t
ATEN, you chew tobacco for the sati-
faction and comfortyoti gefcfromit.
"RighfcCut " the Real Tobacco Chtw
does satisfy. Gives you the taste, the sub
stance of rich, sappy, mellow tobacco.
Seasoned and sweetened. just enough.;
? That's why "Right-Cut" users tell
others about it. You'll like it better
than the old kind.
Take a very mmH ew-hfi &m oat-quarter the
eld tze. It will be more MtMyMj Ums a aioathfal
el erefcsarrtobaeeo. JuttafeMe ea it itetit ye Hm4
Mj (tresjth efaerr tbt wtit T. Tiwk k away".
Tbea let It rett. Sm knw ull aA l tL.
toboeee tte come, how it rttitSea without jrmdwi, hew
rauefa lew you have to pit, how eweeewa ye tote7 to
be tobacco Mtwficd. That's why k it Hit Kl Tdo
dew. That's why it eottt let ia the ead. e,ti
to triad on if Mha yoer teeth. GriwfeM os ontiauy nwiicd teWcai
nitkei ros idi too mach.
Tb UMt of pore, rich tobacco dot not vtti to b corerrd m with aolasse aU
uconcc. Nc4cc how ts H briat out the rich tobtcco btMii "KittK-Cet."
One small chew takes the place of two biff - fUI
chews of the old kind.
SO Union Squcure, New York
The Seniors will ko to the
Tallman Studio In Eugene this
week and get their pictures for
tne ti. s. Annual.
Today is the first day of the
last six weeks of school.
In a meeting of the Student
miss, school on account of? pro
longed illness. The students wel
come her presence again and.
trust she will be able to finiak
this year's "work without aay
further trouble.
The Literary Society will hold
its last program next Friday
night. All are welcome.
Mr. Blades, a blind student at
the University read and explain
ed representative poems of Kij
llng and Service to the Wk
school last Wednesday. Mr.
Blades is an excellent reader aWd
his interpretation of the virile
strength of twentieth! century
poetry was highly appreciated
by his audience. "Gungha Din."
and "Manlalay were favorites,
and the students have since beea
enjoying a musical record of the
latter at Peery's.
Linn County will put in a $15.
000 steel bridge at Lebanon. It
will probably send the money to
Pittsburg instead of using its
own timber.
Powers will build S18.000
unfortunately was compdlled to school house.
McKenzIo Thursday and return
ed' with 2D fine fish, 19 of which
were :largo redsldes. Ono red
sldo was' 20 inches" long.
A chicken pie supper will be
given In tho Baptist church
basament Thursday ovenlng,
April 20, from 5 until 7. Din
ner 25c. Free entertainment at
8 o'clock.
It: ' SnodgraBB and family
Entertainment aftcrwardj Every
uouy inviieu.
There is nothing that will
glvo you more comfort and
pleasure for the money Invest
ed than a good hammock. Wo
have tkem for $1.75 and up.
Hayden & Metcalf.
Pino Circle No. 45, Women
of Woodcraft will give a social
at tho W. O. W. hall Wednesday
moved from Coburg to Spring-, ovenlng, April 28. An Interesting
liem last week and nave taken program mas been prepared and
their house on E street between refreshments will bo served.
Seventh and Eighth. Mr. Snod- como and have a good time with
grass is omployed on tho Wend
Ilng run,
Mrs. J. Baker and daughter
Lilly, and Theron Coglll went to
Natron Saturday and drove from
there to Fall Creek whoro they
us. Admission 10 c.
Georgo Howard, who lives In
Douglas Gardens, summoned a
number of friends from Spring
field and Eugene Saturday even
ing to celebrate tho birthday an-
wero joined by Mr. and Mrs. Earl nlversary of Mrs. Howard. A
Moore, Cal Burns and Dick j very delightful time was enjoy
Grlffln, nntl all attended a party ed by tho guesJts, and nt a lato
nt that place, hour luncheon was served.
This Will Whet Your Appetite
This store Is filled with tho choicest groceries monoy can
buy with groceries entirely froo from nil adulterations
with groceries of tho moBt absolute and unquestioned pur
ity with groceries that build up tho system and Instill that
remarkable energy which insures success in life.
Opposite Commercial State Bank Phone 9
Ruth Patman came up From
Hlllsboro Saturday for a visit
with Mrs. C. E. Wheaton. She
expects to leave for home to
morrow. I)
Conkey's Starting Food for
little Chlx. Makes the little fel
lows strong and healthy. Pre
vents disease. Springfield Feed
I am now located In my new
quarters next to tho N.ews of
fice. I solicit 'tho patrbnage of
my old customers and of those
Who have not hitherto been my
OUBtomers. 1 Intend to keep a
lhodcrn, up-to-date market.
Parties wishing to contribute
clothing to the Asoclated Char
ities will please ask their gro
cery dellvorymen to take tho
supplies to E. E. Morrison's, I
where they will bo taken care of.
Pres. Associated Charities.
j W. L. McCulloch, chief engin
eer of the Oregon Power plant.
and J. W. Machen of Springfield
way through college by calling Jj
up me university x. u. a.,
Eugene 504. Work of afternoons
and Saturdays is especially desired.
On the afternoon of Wednes
day, April 29, from 2 to 5:30, the
ladles of the M. E. church will
serve a ten cent tea in the
church parlore. The rooms will
be prettily decorated and made
attractive. An interesting pro
gram , will be rendered, after
which tea will be served. A de
lightful occasion is assured. All
W. L. Godman of Falmouth,
Kentucky, who has been spend
ing the winter in southern Cali
fornia, .and 1r tinw nn hlti w9v
back to Kentucky, is' stopping
over to visit relatives In Eugene
and Springfield. He took dinner
with his sister. Mrs. Thos. Slkes
Sunday. For the past three years
he has spent the winter in Flor
ida, and likes that country. His
Florida home is at St, Peters
burg, on Tampa bay.
If the state tax commission
keeps on taxing things there will
bo nothing free but salvation.
La Grande Evening Observer.
Even salvation, we fear, being
beyond the reach of our La
Grande brother. Weston Leader
Eddyvllle Mohair wool, 22,
uuu lbs. sold for 32Vj cents,
On the Lane County NeW?H
Classified Column. -It isthe
"mutual benefit salesman-'of
Springfield, for it profits; both ,,
buyer and seller. . ' ?
Advertise if you want to sell;
advertise for what you need.
The Clasfled Column. reaches
the people you want to reach. fj
Many counties turnlnc down
anu a. u mgais, auditor of the farm management experts
uregon x'ower company, made a
fishing trip to Lake Creek, go
ing out Saturday mornlnc and
rotnmlmr q,,,,,!,,,, .m, fl,,rtllm' uu puisinnuwK ireei improve
letlirnmg bunday with 70 flno m0nt warrants against the Town of
fish. Mr. Ingals hooked a thirty- ' Sprlngnold up to and Including uura
Inch salmon and was yanked off lJor C04- interest will coaso atter
a rock Into tho river. Subse- ApnrJ.1 "ii9!?-
quently the fish got away with Dy ,orter tiZB,
his hook, splnnor and lino. , t Apr 2C Treasuror.
Call for Warrants.
Notlco Ib hereby given that I will
pay all outstanding Stroet Improve
' " '4
Lane County News