The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, April 19, 1915, Image 4

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Mainly For the Farmers.
cooking or supper ono ovonlng.
Tho mnchtno wnB set up In a
dug-out furnace in tho backyard
and Mrs. Koyt asked us if wo
could cook potatoes in it. Ono
thing led to another until wo
had potatoes, beets, a piece of
meat, and, to top it off, a cako
The canning with which wo in tho machine. Wo left theso
did this year was in tho way of
an experiment
for 40 minutes under 10 pounds
pressure and they were all well
During 0. B. Benson's visit to , cooked. Tho cako was flno and
Oregon in 1914 I had the pleas- the kitchen was not heated up.
ureof hearing him lecture at After this, we did quite a bit of
Dallas on the possibilities of can- - C00king.
aalnlg: and decided then that I
Every farm home should have
should like to see it tried out0ne of these machines, which
liere. I succeeded in getting Cost from $5 to $15, to save tho
some girls at Perrydale, Ore., to vegetables and fruits which
plaint a garden to furnish pro- would otherwise go to waste,
ducts to be canned. They plant- j a number of tho schools of
ed tomatoes, beans and corn, as this county .are organizing can
those were the vegetables that I Uing clubs and they have great
thought best to try. The toma-j possibilities. Some are prcpar
toes were a failure, owing to the jng to gather wild blackberries,
dry season, bugs, etc. The com which aro quite plentiful in tho
did little better, but we put up a "mountains, and, which will un
few jars just to try our luck, and doubtedly be good sale. Other
they keep perfectly. Everyone schools are planning to raise veg
who lias eaten tills corn says it etables and can them during va-
Miss Clark, tho slator of
was a high school visitor Friday.
Mr. Favener, teachor or Phy
sical Geography will give an Il
lustrated locturo In tho labora
tory this nfaomoon.
Walter Gossler was n high
school visitor Wednesday after
noon. .
is far superior to the canned
corn put on the market.
The beans did well and I sue
ceeded in trying my canning ex
periment with them with the
following results. There were
10 rows 150 feet long and three
feet apart, using 5,000 feet of
ground, or approximately one
eighth, of an acre. I figure it at
this order to allow for what
ground must be left at .the end
of the rows, edges, etc., From
this patch we sold 150 pounds
of green heans in the market at
4 cents per pound, which
brought us $6.50. This sum,
with what was used for the
table, 1 considered ample to pay
for rent on the ground, cultivat
iag, harvesting etc. So what the
canned product brought above
the cost of jars, cans, etc., was
aet profit. It was as follows:
Canning Profits
72 No. 2 cans at eight for J1....5 9.00
13 one-half gallon cans at 35c
-v each 4.20
33 quart lara at 20c each!;'. 7.80
Total sales canned .:! $21.00
Cost of cans and jars
'72 No. 2 cans . .'. ? 1.80
33 one-half gallon cans CO
33 one-half gallon cans 60
33 quart Jars 2.30
Total $ 4.7G
Ket proat on one-eight acre . ...J1G.24
At this rate, one acre of beans
uvould 'bring in $129.92 net,
which I should not call bad.
This does not take into consid
eration some late beans which
cation for hot lunches during
the coming school year. This,
I am very much interested in,
for the hot lunch idea Is spread
ing fast in this county and this
will give plenty of good, cheap
materials and a use for the veg
etables that the school garden
ers grow, of which, so many are
(Continued from Page 1.)
cree of forfeiture was returned
in the district court of Oregon,
and that since that decree no
taxes have been paid by the rail
road company.
The total assessed tax still un
paid now totals $466,872. The
state, as intervenor, will ask that
the decree of the. Supreme
Court, in the. event forfeiture is
sustained, require the railroad
company to pay all accured tax
es to the date of the final de
cision of the court. If the Su
preme Court decides in favor of
the railroad company, the lands
will be subject to taxation and
accrued taxes will have to be
In one sense, the intervention
of the State of Oregon is at
cross purposes with the plea of
the Atorney-General of the
United States, who asks for for
feiture, and that the lands in
here lost berause they could not i volved revert to tue pUbUc do-
IIorbert Hanson and Blanche
Brown took nn examination
about six weeks ago to secure
certificates of membership in tho
Order of Gregg Artists." Last
madowcek tho two sstudent
were mado exceedingly happy
when the mall brought them tho
news of tholr success and tho
The O. G. A. is a select com
pany of artists, and membership
is granted only to those whose
notes show unquestionable ar
tistic merit.
111. J O 1 Z Ijl
n naue in aDramneia
i . .m -r ,i
Vtolnli d J J.I D. 11 V I J I
i l clli viii&c liic i ayiuu ui luur iiuiuc lumii
I: ' . :
The tennis enthuslasUs ap
peared on the Court for tho first
time last "Monday evening. Since
that time the Court has been a
scene of activity at morning,
noon and "night.
Next Saturday the Botony and
Physical Geography classes will
take an al day hike. All other
members of the school aro invlt
ed to join in with tKo company.
The plan of tho classes Is to
climb Spencer's Butte.
Maud Moore was absent from
school Friday on account of Ill
ness. '
This school year is quickly
drawing to a close. This week
brings the last six weeks quizy.
Six weeks hence will come the
I Springfield Bakery :
U can get moore satis
faction for ure $ $ if u
by Bakore or Noxall
flour. All grocers have
it to sell.
Bread, Pics, Cakes, Cookies, etc.
Wedding and Party Cakes a
S. Young, - Proprietor I t Eggimann's Candy Kitchen
, 'fjf,A
The i
House of Quality
You got your money's worth
when you trade at
1915 Rose Festival Receive Work of
Art from Famous Oregon Boy. 0
he looked after.
The "canned product was sold
to a Store and to a boarding
house. Those sold to the board
ing house were placed after a
.sample had been left for trial.
' The canning was done prin
eipally "by Miss Jessie Keyt, who
"vyon the trip to the Panama
Patific Exposition on canning.
She canned a variety of pro-
main. It is the desire of Attorney-General
Gregory, in the
event the lower court is sustain
ed, that the lands forfeited be
held until Congress provides
specifically for their disposition.
Attorntey-General Brown, under
authority of the Legislature, will
ask the court, if it declares for
feiture, to go further and decree
that these lands shall be so dls-
ducts in a steam pressure can- j posed of that they may be im
ner with excellent success, and,
at a great saving of time. The
act that the beans were canned
5b 20 minutes in the canner,
against three or four hours by
the open kettle method, demon
strates very clearly the superior
ity of this method. Miss Keyt
wound up her canning this year
with a public demonstration at
iihe Polk County Fair. This was
the first demonstration of Its
Idnd ever held in the state that
I have ever heard of, and, this
done by an 11-year-old girl.
One of the novel things we
mediately opened to settlement
and thereby become subject to
There are 299,G0G acres of the
land grant within Lane county,
on which the railroad company
is delinquent $80,527 in taxes.
Since the lower court had de
cided that the railroad should
forfeit the lands, the company
has declined to pay any more
taxes, yet the county is compell
ed to make up from other
sources an amount for the state
tax equal to the state tax on the
did -with this machine was the '300,000 acres.
.1 Call for Warrants.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured Notice is hereby given that I win
0,Miun. n. hv r-nnnnt reach ' Dav all outstanding Street Imnrnvn.
uum.fd portion of the ear. There i mont warrants against tho Town of
Springfield up to and Including nura
her CQ40. Interest will cease after
April 10, 1915.
By order of Town Council.
t Apr 20 Treasurer.
OKI one wny to cure deafnett. and that 1
-cau.ea by an Inflamed condition of the mu
us lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
lUli tube If Inflamed you have a rumbling
sound or Imperfect hearlnK, and when It li
entirely doted, Dcafne fa the reault. and
unleai the Inflammation can be taken out
sand thl tube reitortd to Its normal condi
tion, hearlns will be destroyed forever; nine
-casce out of ten are cauued by Catarrh,
-which Is nothing but an Jnltamed condition
ol the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
cae of Deafns (caused by catarrh) that
cannot be cured by IIall'sBCatfcTrh Cute,
-Send for circulars. :1ret. tLa
F. J. CJIENEV & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Bold by Drugalots, 78c.
ITalie Hall's Filially J'llls for constipation.
Salem, Auril 19. If the Par
ent-Teacher "..Association will
help lower, Oregon schools taxes,
f i ,11 . T - I f . '
it -win uo limping more people
Orleans Oreuon Electric avIII
build a station at this point.
Hood River is nromotlmr a
Swimming pool.
Klamath Falls Desmond &
Co. meat plant to be enlarged.
Portland Irving to have an
$80,000 community club house.
Jordan Dramatic hall 3G by
72 feet building here.
Astoria voted down ordinances
creating plumbing inspector.
Tll A 1 1 f It f 1.1
uaima 10 uxiumi pipe une eigut
miles to Slab creek for water
Portland's 1915 Rose Festival has n
unique poster the most artistic over
used and it is the work of an Oregon
boy, Fred G. Cooper, now one ol tho
world's foremost artists. Hln father,
J. C. Cooper, of McMinnville, Oregon,
wrote the winning slogan, "The Whole
World Knows the Portland Itoae." At
his father's personal request young
Cooper donated the poster td incorpor
ate the slogan. Portland has co
operated with Seattle, Tacoma, Walla
Walla and Spokane in securing con
ventions that will bring more than
250,000 Tisltors to Washington and
Grants Pass Twohy Bros.
have contract to complete rail
road to Crescent City, Califor
nia. To cost $5,000,000.
Ashland building a park bou
England going "war-dry" will'
boost Oregon Joganberry juice.
Western union Teiegrapn Co.,;
are installing suustations on
Oregon Electric system.
Albany Herald: The Wlllam-s
ette Valley should be selling the
world canned goods instead of;
buying them,
Allegany Telephone line to
Loon Lake will be built.
Glendale is promoting a fruit
drying and canning plant.
Enterprise May 1, Eastern
Oregon Lumber Co. starts build
mg z-uanu sawnuii. 5 s
Portland Hallway Light
Power Co. pays one-sixth tax of.
Clackamas Co.
Linnton CJark-Wilspp Lumber
uo. erects.,warenouse
Albany-C LO Anderson ,.-111
negm uie manuiaciurcoi jew'
elry, ' . " r
. -Enira Fanners wMreclainjj
several nunqreu acres wiui;a'
.1 , i
uramuge vunui.
4- SI
Try is and bo convinced that it pays to
' patronize home industries.
Springfield Planing Mill
Manufacturers of
sash, noons, mouldings, hkackets,
Kxtonslon Tablos, Drop Leaf Tallinn, lUlronlt
fast Tables, Kitchen CnblnoU, Cupboards,
Safes, Stop Ladders, Fruit Doxen
Horry Crates, Folding Clothes Hacks.
The Lane County Nows divided its
expenditures last year, thus:
Supplies bought outside of Spring
field. Including: papor and now
machinery , -20.4 p. C.
Supplies bought In Springfield, in
cluding rent, etc 19.1 p. c.
Payroll, entirely In Springfield .60.&D-. C
For light, heat and powor,
"Mado in Springfield."
80 Spent, at Home I . : Oregon Power Co. :
Wo wont to toll those in Sprinf,'finld
nufforiiiL' from stomach or bowel' trou
ble that wo are nfentn for tho simple
mixturo of buckthorn bark, glyecriuo,
etc., known as Adler-i-kn, the remedy
which became famous by curing ap
I'Oinlieitis. This is tho most thorough
bowel cleanser known and JUST ONH
T)OSE roliovcs sour stomach, gas on
the stomach and constipation almost
.IMMEDIATELY. You will b sur
prised at tho QUICK action of Adler-
i-ka. M. M, i'eory, druxgist.
In tho County Court of tho Stnto of
For Lano County
In the Matter of the Estuto of
John It. Innis, Deceased.
Notico is hereby given that tho tin
derslgnod hus beun appointed admin
istrator of tho estate of John II. Inula,
deceased, and all persons hnving
claims ngnlnsi the estate of John I).
Inuls, dcceaaeil aro hereby required
to present such claims duly voriflod
as by law required to mo at tho olllco
jof John C. Mullen, Springfield, Oregon,
within six months from tho date of
this first publication hereof,
first publication April 12, 1015.
Last publication May 10, II) 1C.
Squlro Innis
John C. Million
Attorney for Administrator.
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc.
WANTED Boarders and room
ers at the Elite Hotel.
Olllco Ninth Hint lVsrl Km. elHone P9
8ulto 2. Phono 88S, 13UQENB, OllB
Residence over Dodge's Storo
Springfield Garage
Main, hot. Fourth and Fifth. Phono 11
We Print Butter Wrappers
Telephone Us Your Order Today
FOR SALE Eggs from fancy
bred Partridge Wyandotts
$1.00 per 15 at thp house, Gth
and D streets Springfield, Ore.
Phone 108 R W. L. Dunlap.
R. O. A. hall for rent. " Well ven
tilated and lighted, clean' and
warm. Kitchen and dining
room attached. Rates reason
able. Apply to Fred Watlce,
Gilbert Davis or W. A. Hall. , i
FOR SALE 17-ft. new boafc
Call at Springfield Planing
Mill or Phone 130W3. 9tf.
5-ROOM HOUSE and lot for.
sale or rent. Mouern conven
iences. Etsy terijas.' Call 'at
JVfl office " Y '
9-TtOOM rooming houso for rent
- 4
The ifearie, County Nejvs;
l3 IIP'
Phone 2
. furniture fpr.salpJSJflh Mmm&&tJ tJ:J .t
A Phone 122-M, yjvW?S f''' f Vf