The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, April 19, 1915, Image 3

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it AL
depand o two thing:
1st Tho waylnwhlch your Druggist illte.tho prescrip
tion tho "stuff" ho putu Into it andthe;wayhe.
JUltH it In, o
2nd.1 A great dcnl depends on how carefully you aro
in carrying) tit hlH ardors; whother you tako tho
medicine as lie directs and do as he says or as you
" w
1 I !
Tho big salo l still going on
at Wolf &f Miller's.
' F A. DcPuo 1b confined to his
homo, by reanono flllness.
Tho front of tho Cox: & Cox
storo was repainted last week.
W. II. McGllvray returned
Saturday from a short business
trhhto California.
, All kinds of Chick supplies
at tho Feed Storo. Wo, soil good.
quality and wo sell' It cheap.
Tho Brilliant Vacuum
Cleaner for. salo $19.G0,.or or
rent $1.25 per day. Seo Dnlo
Cupid,. Flour, (bnrdwheat)
$.1.75. Albany, OTourk.(Uland),
$1.00 at tho Feed Store. Qual
ity guaranteed.
Zs T. Klntzley ot Jasper-Is in
Springflold today; on' business:
"and-visiting at tho Eltto Hotel
with Mr. and Airs. J. PrFry.
7 '
;"tMrs. A. JPrJco, and. daughter
Mrs; AlvimPrlce of Marcolaf vis
Ited Sunday nnd Monday with
Mrs. S.Q. Uno-of Springfield.-
-Cow-owners will noto wo
aro selling Dairy chop at $1 per
cwt. Our other feeds aro low
priced in proportion! . Spring
Held Feed Co,
0 0
If you pay more than tho
prlco of a Now Perfection Oil
Btovoyou pay too. much. If you
.pay loss you got less. Hayden &
Mctcalf, tho Homo Furnishers.
Mrs. W. P. Elliott of Fal 3reek
was In- Sprlngfjcld. Friday.
$ "
. . Now Is the tlmo to get your
sweat pads cheap. Wolf & Miller.
The Sprinfigold garago has
sold an automobile to George
S to wart.
0 0 0
Mrs. Carrie Shaub of Creswell
Is visiting Mrs. Charles Towns
end and family.
-Leather Is high but wo' arc
selling harness cheaper than
over. Wolf & Miller.
0 0 0
J. E. McKlbben returned early
last week from Portland, where
ho has boon serving on tho fed
eral, jury,
0 0 0
Repairs arc being mado to tho
floors in tho office and in the
14, express room at the Southern
Pacific station.
o o o
Now is; the time -to get that'
old suit cleaned and repaired or
have a new one made at-Jenkins,
Fourth Street. m
0 0 0
Conkey's Starting Food, for
llttlo Chlx. Makes, tho little fel
lows strong and healthy. Pre-'
vents disease. Springfield-Feed
Aro you one of tho, crowd
that patronizes Hall, the shoe
doctor7 Better get In lino if you
want, a slam-up bang job on
thoso old shoes.
O 0 o
Surprise your wife with a
Now Perfection oil stove and
sho will cortnlnly appreciate
your thoughtfulness.. Hayden
& Motcalf, the home furnishers.
. Am very dVfcftMfcfjil tfmmo
was nvm(-Tifkrtdiiaf, when MriH
N W: H)ry-.ailiMrt, J.AW Cof
fin entertained at the latter'
home on 9 and B street. Purple
and white lilac were used in
profusion abeut the rpeUM and
their fragrance and beauty gave
a very pleasing effect. Piano
selections by Miss Chlolo' Wool
ley and vocal selections by Mrs.
J. T.. Mopre were enjoyed very
much, 'by tho guests. Dainty rd
freshmcnts'iwero served to the
following invited, guests, Mrs. J.
T. Moore; Mra. Melvin Fenwick,
Mrs, A. 8. Walker, Mrs. M. Mv
Male, Mrs. Ei GMetcalf, Mrs. C.
L. Scott, Mrs. C. M. Dorlty, Mr.
L. Thompson, Mrs. J. B. Green,
Mrs, It. WuSteUlb Mt; Ed Kei
ler, Mrs. II. L. Stewart, MrS;
Julia Kennedy, Mrs. N. A. Ash
f worth; Mrs. Sae-GlleJ'Mrt.
kCraMraer, MrsLowe Mrs. Win.
Lanaberry,. Mrs. D. S. Jordan-.
A verypleaaaat evening was
spent by a number of boys at the
Homo of Clarence Hill, on north-
Fifth .street Monday night. After
indulging In music and game.
Hgkt refreshments were served.
Thoso present were: Ray Bally,-
Floyd Bartlott, George Hughes,
Creed Brattaln, Orson Vaughn,
Winfred May, Lewis Grandey,
Fern Sidwell, Herbert Moore,
Mrs. Huckrcld, secretary-trea
Hill. Robert Hays. Clarence Hill.
and Norton Pengra.
Another ofihe pleasant danc
ing parties of the Idllio club was
hold at Reapers hall Saturday,
ovening. Guests of the club for
tho evening were Mr. and Mrs.
h V. JackSon, Mr. and Mrs. I. D.
Larimer, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mc-
Kcnzie, Mr. Ursell Reese, Ar
thur Nlckerson (Marcola) and
Miss Eva Rowling (Eugene).
The Juniors and Sophomores
of tho Springflold. high school
gave a party in thq Pcery-Wln-zenried
hall Saturday night;
Those present were: Frances
Travis, Ethelyn Powers; Eva
Brown, Dorothy Miller, Christine
Miller, Sadie Allen, Bertie Bruce,
Nina, Boeseori, Floyd Bartlett,
Norton Pengra, George, Hughes,
Clarence Hill, Creed Brattainj
Herbert ' Moore, Wfitfred May
Orson VaUghn, Lewis Grandey,
Ray Bally; WUhani Rodenbough:.
Preparations havo been com
pleted, for another, of those en
joyable invitation dances, to be
given by T the. Reapers of Ameri
ca at their hall ' next Tiiesday
C..F, Egglman hasrJmt.liK
stalled, three wall cases for
they display of box candies. Heg,
nas,auH? pm up-.aarscr U"B(
so as to protect the' whole front
of nls store.
A 12-horso-power gasoline en
gino was received by tho Beaver
Herndon Hardware,, -company,
Mrs. C; B, Montague of piym
pln,. Washington, died last
Thursday and was buried Satur--day,
Her son,- J.' A. Roberts,
and grandsbn, Rbnald Roberts,
attonded the funeral,.
W. IL Jenkins,, travoling. pas
senger agent' of the. Southern
Pacific' company, and George
Wild) 'master mechanic, were in
Springfiel4FrIday, but did,inot
disclose-'tlm puniose- oftheir
The B ftftsiiftte teMk i.ofiOPrtine
r jit TikiPtKJr. afternoon at
the hemejoW(rsCjHtoh'.Wy
man for the election of officers.
Those elected were: Mrs. T. A.
ChaBc, preskfentMrsIrisk' first
vicorpretrfdeiit'; Mrs,. U. G. Me
Ellmney, second. vice-president;
Mrs. Hookreld, Bccretary-trea-surgr,
. .
Mrs. Wiegle very pieasantiy
entertained a company of -.ladies
at her homo on Third and EJ
streets Friday afternoon. Car
net rac se wine was the occti na
tion of the afternoon, after
wnicn a dainty lunencon was
served. Those1 present were Mrs.
Rfce; Mrsl Nice, Mrs. DotiaMson,
Atrs Neteon1 Mrs.v Allen Mrs
Richards mliMr.. Uter;
Mrs. Harry, Whitney was. the
charming' horteeai'of 'the Kem
NiMHclukTat itr Jrcgakir ' e
sfon 1 Frf4yfr aKenicKm, There
wro arjiumVjw.of .gueaig of tke
club, Incluakig-Mrs. Ww U Iun-
lap, Mrs, Dalo Mum m ey -a ad M ra .
Hugh Keeter,- and'thevfellowhig
members were in attendaneej
Mrs. Dre Kesterj Mrs, J. Vfc Cof
fin, Mrs. Ar Middleton, Mrs. M.
M. Peery, Mrs. C. D. Swarts,
Miss Edna Swarts, Airs. L. May,
Mrs. F. Lenhart, Mrs. H. Korf,
Mrs. 0. B. Keseey. and. Mrs. H.
W. Whitney. The hostess served
light refreshments.
A hundred and fifty, young
people gathered at the" Woodmen"
hall Friday evening, In a recep
tion given ia honor of J. Bruce
Evans, who conducted a series
of revival meetings hdre earlier
in the year, and who had just
completed a series at Junction
City. Visitors from Eugene and
Creswell joined with the young
people of the three churches of
Springfield in paying their re
spectB to Mr. Evans. There was
special music by a Springfield
orchestra, and a number of very 1
interesting "stunts" were pro-'
vided for the entertainment of
guests. These included Sousa's 1
Band, Scenes from a Railway !
Siatlon, Friday Afternoon Pro--gram
of a CdUntry School; In-t
dlan War .Dance, Sells-FIpto; One '
lung circus; anu a sarayaru
Melody Mr; Evans left1 Satur
day for Grants Pass where he
coijdugt. meetings,. .
Fresh milk delivered night1 fMrsW. C. Myers of Hayden
and. morning . fronu Prunevill Bridge was intown shopping to
Dairy, Any one. wishing milk ,
..11. njm . - UttV.
call 34F3. We have our own
milk. 15tf
0 0 0
Every educated person will
Do you know why business j wan4 ee Rip Van Winkle at
i cominc this wav? Well, the the. ?e" Tuesday evenlqg. 7:15
and s:30.
Mrs. W. H. Pollard returned
Saturday from Oregon City and
Portland, where sho had been
visiting relatives since Wednes
day She spent tho greater part,
"Oregon City.
o 0 0
Saturday for John .Sefcveyior
use In baling heps, at nis rani
nearjSpdagftwW. George-Perklns-and his sister,
'Miss Theda Perkins, returned
Mr. and Mrs. P; H. McDon- froni Portland by automobile 6n
aldr Mrs. S. F. and Bossio Morris Saturday. Mr. Perkins had been
came up from Sclo by automo-, serving on the federal Jury,
bllo Sunday for a visit with Mr. homo by reason of Illness.
the first Monday in May.
and Mrs. M. M. Peery. They re
turned homo Monday morning.
Frank Chaso, night man at tho
Booth-Kelly mill, was taken sick
at his homo Wednesday tand
has not been able to work since.
S. J. Calkins is now attending -to
this work, while Henry Volstodt
continues as night watchman.
Pouring of concrete on the
Bud McPherson building up to
tho. ceiling joists was completed
early In tho afternoon Saturday,
and the forms aro being placed
for the lire walls. Tho concreto
work on tho , building will be
finished In n few days.
This Will Wfiet Your Appetite
TIjIb store Is filled with tho choicest groceries money can
buy with groceries ontlroly free from all adulterations
with groceries of tho nlosC absolute and unquestioned pur
ity with groceries that build up the system and Instill that
remarkable enorgy which Insures success in life.
Opposite Commercial State Bank
Phone 9
Is all coming this way? Well, the
business men bave to follow the
crowd that patronizes Hall, the
shoe doctor.
o o o
Tho Bell presents tho Going
of tho -White Swan tonight In 2
parts. It Is by tho celebrated
author Gilbert Parker. Three
other. good.pictUre8i
Theulato ofe'the sale- oMhe
Brownsvilltfimohalr 'pookwllhbe
Saturday, April, 24, 1915, atl p.
m. Bidding, will bo. open to all.
Mohalr inay 'be listed -with' John
which) ha been dismissed until
City Recorder H. a. Walker,
jurymaH' hY tlier II. S, cottrfc at'
Portia, ret umeChome thii, last
'df ' Ur i wfr&ki to remain -until ithe
ifirMiMbadyln May, twite the
sittings' of the i court "wrM be re
sunie4. Hafcs.Fiiruiet'Of.Wefet Sprhig
lleld diloWe4 hright' sltonW-
cr Friday eveMiagwhefvheitfeHJ
In nte naymow. lie-reacnee;fon
something tQi'Stay. hte'-fali; bnU
failed, and the force or his ew
fort threw thc bone out of Its
Changes at Cliff Lybargor's
restaurant have - been about
completed, a room has been op
ened up In tho rear, for tables,
and the range, has been taken
out of the' lunch- room. New
Bcreens have been placed at' the
front of the building
v o o
I am now located In my new
quartern next to tho News, of
fice. I solicit tho patronage , of
my old customers and of those
who have not hitherto been my
Qustomers. 1 intend to koop a
modern, up-to-date market)
f Parties wishing to contribute
clothing to tho Asoclated Char
ities "will please ask their gro
Miss Mary Roberts has a big
l5ush of Fortune's Favorite rases
in" full bloom at her home at A
and Second streets.
v o
Good reliable fire insurance.
No assessments; no membership
fee.' Pay.once and you are done.
It IB. Walker at the City Hall.
Mrs. C: T. Wilson of Fischer's
camp, Marcola," sister of Mrs.
Thomas -Sikei is visiting at the
home of her mother, Mrs. J.
, Mr.' -and Mrs. Arthur McCrack-
,qn came do.wh, from' OakridgV
,tbte'.monlingjfor5 a visit with'
MrJcCr&cken 'rato MrsV
Fred:tHaago a4 W(.; Mr-
tin; asi4ew t'8uprlntideat8 Of;
the Southern Pacific company,
were In Springfield on: company
btteletess.' this morning)
Miss Ada 'Redman, operator
at the telephone office, wh'qs.e
parents moved to Goshen a short
time1 ago". 'Is' stopping with! Miss,
Mary Hoberts.
0 0 0
Rip Van Winkle Is one of
Washington Irvlng's most pop
ular1 stories1 dramatized. It was
played by Joseph Jefferson 25
years' to packed housed. See It
in five parts at the Bell Tuesday
evening. !
Arthur Niekerson of Marcola i
came down Saturday for a visit
with i his sister, Mrs. Jules De-1
mlck and aunt, Miss Mary Rob
erts. He expects to return to
Marcola in a few days and then
go to Seattle.
Dr. W. C. Rebhan, Emory
Richardson (and Harold Peery
J. i. , At. llflllnHA T)
Tftg-a Mmt tiMm ffimyvk. Met (Mr
of "rire, mellorV tdtwKSod mmojmk! Wd-twMc-!'
ll3ght-Gut7''gocs 'tStice a far as any otiier -tobicco
for ttik same money. Get a-rtuck aat'di
see for You re If I'
lcke a verr imtn chew leu thM o -quarter Mm
oM twei If wlH. be nere ttHMyiai i nkM U
f ihwki w ret i, aw wrweiHryOTfl evemf me;fMl
JV1 w
tWMM wiecome; bow it mcim WHiM-jKiMMf, hnwrr
tsuk-lej cm'fcve'';t3 ifMt, how lew'ehtWi ye tfce to
be toWco-MlSd.-. TTtttn why k JtM TtMti l
Chtw. T)kt' why it coit fe ia esd.
Il ti mii then; CM fcio uJ thart Wcd to tktt tos wm'i tuve
to riAiJ oa Hnith ywfliilli, " C A ttuj em atMrr wt ibie9
make jroa tpH ted amk,-
TbetMtc of emcirMi lhei,e.iwt bWmm camiJ-M milk Wim mit
aoilcc Nolice hoytfke tH hnnf out ike litb Hiura (u U "Aitfe-OK."
One small chew takes the place, of two big
chews of the-old kind.
SO Union-Square, New York
a Cucumber
P bifcHfciNbUiM UUEK WEAK '
" crotch' arid web back.1: . . ,
& ;
Arethecorrect thing 1 this ! s u in hie r. We) harf them
; Priced; $ 1 .50' and Up
C. E. Salesi Toggery
eery dolivervmen ' to tako tho i went out on the Willamette-Pa
supplies to B.' E; Morrison's, 'cjflc train i Saturday morning to ,
m u .i,n - the mouth of Lake Creek on a
" " Zm S . fishing- trip. They secured 90
JENNIE -FENWICK jflne fish all of good size. They
Pres. Associated Charities. returned Sunday evningi ;
On the"Laae: 11 COeatyNewi
Ciaiaiflea Column.1 Uv,ls ihe
"mutual benefltt salesman, ofj ;
Springfield,1 for' It( profits .both-,
buyer and seller.
Advertise if you want td'sell jv v
advertise for -what, you need.p' , r
The Classified Column -reaches'
the people-you want to reach.' .. .
lana County Ms