The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, April 15, 1915, Image 4

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    Fridayand Saturday
All 6 and 7c Calicoes at
Sc Yd.
Men's 50c Work Shirts,
All Colors
Aiul onis female; Cobiirg, tlirco
females and one male; Florence,
two males; Maploton, two fe
males; Glonatlii; twoffeinllos;
Row River, two females; He5bta,
ono male; Junction City, oho fe
mulo ami ono male; Lowell,; one
male; Donlm, ono foninlo;s,yidn,
one female; county at large,
seven males and three females.
There wero 18 deaths, Unlfor
mally distributed over tho coun
ty, according to tho report. -
Contagious diseases wore as
follows: Chickonpox, 20 cases,
19 of which wero reported' from
Eugene; measles, three cases;
mumps, two cases; typhoid fev
er, three cases; scarlet fever,
two cases; poliomyelitis anterior
(infantile paralysis), ono case.
ated that of shifting reserves
to distressed sections.
By making use of the Federal
Reserve bank under its present
operation, which is chiefly the
re-discounting of 30, 60 and 90
day paper, local depression may
r . r- j i easily be relieved, especially in
Deputy Governor of the Federal ,communities where the credit is
' SStofHon ExpIa ns the'plaCedwitl1 Varled industrics' MatUson of Irving, Ore.; Robert
Guest of Honor fcxpiains tne f whlh at nll ilmpR arfi ln f a ,., ' . . T
UorUJrtrr.: nf the Svstem. I . . .. . T. . I xoung ui weiiuims, ua- aim i.
w f w " J
At tho home of his son 1. T.
Young, in this city Wednesday,
April 14, 1915, at 3:00 p. m., L. 13.
Young, aged S2 years, 9 months
and 2G days. Deceased was born
in Pickens county, South Caro
lina in July 1833, and in the year
1SG5 removed to Carlton, Green
county, Illinois. After living
there twenty-two years he re
moved to Oregon and located on
the Brattain place just east of
Springfield. Mr. Young followed
fanning until a few years ago
when, owing to failing health, he
was compelled to retire. Al
though he has been in poor
health for two years it was not
until four weeks ago that he was
thought to be seriously ill. Death
came peacefully yesterday after
noon, he apparently going to
sleep from which lie never
Mr. Young was the father of
seven children , three of whom
have departed thi3 life. Those
living are Mrs. Elizabeth Camp
bell of Carlton, 111.; Mrs. C. O
Wlllamotto Paelfie engineers
aro on the ground to establish
a camp preparatory to beglnnlg
tho construction of tho big stool
bridge that Is to span tho lower
Sluslaw river a short dlstanco
above Acme, whoro tho road
turns southward to Coos bay.
Engineer O. R. Uroughton,
who has chargcot all steel brldgo
work on tho now road, haH se
lected his camp site and has be
gun to nssomblo his camp equip
age and materials.
Actual construction upon tho
big span will not Btart, however,
until tho track Is laid to tho
bridge slto. Tho work of grad
ing through the quarry prop
erty and through tho property
of the Tolnt Torraco Lumber
company, tho right-of-way for
which was only recently obtain
ed, is being rushed. It will be
several weeks before tho rails
can bo laid through these prop-
, crtlcs.
A large amount of piling for
tho south approach of tho now
brldgo has been put in, but asldo
from that, nothing has yet been
done on tho structure Register.
a state of nossible llnuidation. In
(fact it would seem that bank
A very optimistic view of the
ultimate and advantageous
working out of the Federal Re-
pnVira Knn!rin"o' CtrOom CPATYlPfl
To: -amon; .e Lane I"
county bankers at the close of
an address delivered by Ruddell
failures would cease under the
Federal system, and as Mr. Low
ery says, "The Federal bank 'is
to be the shock-absorber of the
The evident tendency of the
member banks has been to hesi-
T. Young of this city. - f. k
Funeral services will be held
tomorrow afternoon" at 2:30
from Walkers' chapel and- the
remains laid to rest in the Laurel
Grove cemetery beside those of
his wife who died six years ago.
Froight Agent Promotod.
C. W. Andrews, traveling
freight agent of the Southern
Pacific at Seattle, has been pro
moted to a similar position cov
ering the Willamette valley and
branch lines, with headquarters
In Portland.
Lowery, deputy governor of the , if ".f. .. , . . , j
7. u of o relations with the Federal bank
Reserve system, who spoke at a .. .... . .
, . : ,' rn,,. for the reason that it s new, but
day evening at the Osburn. Fol
lowing his address many ques
The funeral of B. F. Hendricks
it is pointed out that this timid- a pIoneer of Lane county, was
ity will be overcome when the held at the peasant Hill church
J SV5tpm is woll linrlnrcf nnrl nnil . .... . . n.i. -e ...ut.
tions concerning the working , , , at xi o ciock una IOrenuun wuu
details of the system were put madef " ' Md " is alf arS" interment in the Pleasant Hill
to the denutv governor by the Ued that the re-discounnS cemetery. Rev. E. C, Wigmore
bankers resent and Us safe to paper With the Federal bank un" of the Christian church conduct
say auiSreiileS Stder theIr regUlatIn Wi" haVe ai the obsequies.
m to ttfSflSStroSs tend6nCy t0 inCreaSe the I Mr- Hendricks, who died
ahd Genuine usef the law was imeift f member bank paper' Tuesday, was one of the earliest
Shf.fnpT 1 of the significant facts jsetuers of the county, having
ODtameu. nointed out at the bannuet
m . - . - mave wider scope with their city vears Qf aee in 1848. At this
SS;?-SJ?:iJ.tec"n? obtained by the city tIon of tUe county was Elijah
L Z.i ::e:,: ibanks from tne Federal reserve Rristow. He remained with Jiis
bank and in this regard the parents until he was 21 years of
siaie oamis wno are not mem- !age an(i then took up a donation
uers win also derive oeneilt
Portland has public improve
ments of $G,OG5,900 extent
Corvallls women will build a
club house.
That auto truck line between
Baker and the valleys of Eagle
and Pine Is now a certainty. The
cars are on the way front the
factory and will be put in coin
mission on their arrival.
Malheur county lets contract
for a $23,000 steel bridge.
Central Point Packing com
pany will improve its plant.
Bank deposits declined since
January 1, $408,249 and for the
past year $7,204,957.
The I9155tadebaKei
A Superior Car
Studebaker Service Station at the
Springfield Garage
1 -t
. r
r 'A i
Methodist Church.
Corner Second and B streets
James T. Moore, pastor, phone
1117-W. For next Sunday: 10
A. M. Sunday school.
With the Increased accommo
dations afforded by the large
new room upstairs and the
smaller rooms in the basement,
the school is in better position
r- i i.
TTUNGRY for tob accor
A A Take a chew of "Right
Gut" and you'll get the solace and
comfort you are after.
Everybody says it is the Real Tobacco
Chew. Lasts longer than the old kind
gives you the substance of the finest to
bacco grown. Gut a new way the taste
comes the way you want it.
o x muu ciierr icn inn onequrter Hie
old . size li will be more Mlhfyintf than a mouthful
of ordinary tobacco. Juit nibble on it until you find
, the ftrcnjth chew that lultt you Tuok it away
Then let it reit. See how eaiilv and evcnlv the real
tobeceo taate comti. bow it latiifiei wiiliout rimlim. haw
much le,tt you have to (pit, bow few chewt you take to
bo tobacco satitfied. That 'a why it U 73S, keel Ttbacn
Lttw. llint'i why it cottt leu in the end.
It It ret iy cStw, cm 6n and ihort thrrJ ta that rou woo'l hi
to rlcj oo it nlih your ttccb. Crindlo cu onllaary CiuJIcJ tobueo
uukct voti ipil too much.
Tin tint at pure, rich tobtcco Joc not ntcJ to tt rortrnl np wllh moU,e mai
licorice. Notice hon Ibc lt brio, out th rich tobtcco Kilo la "IUtht-Cul.M
One email clicw takes the place of two big
chews of the old kind.
SO Union Square, New York
the one that country banks will j, M. Hendricks, when he was 12 ,;to do fiood work- and Is doSit
of the.SCommercial State bank,
attended from Springfield.
On. account of early discus
sions of the Federal system, the
idea gained ground that through
the Federal Reserve system
Tnember banks would be in a po
sition to iloat long ,time paper
on farm lands, thus enabling the
Jarnier to develop his farm and
increase its capacity. However,
; this is not the case in the work
ing out of the Federal system.
TThe Federal Reserve banks are
rather for the purpose of reliev
'n,g stringencies which are apt.
to. occur in differnt sections of
the district at any time, and in
order to perform this important
. function the Federal bank must
t he kept in a liquid condition. The
treason is obvious, for should the
.Federal bank let out enormous
funds on long-time paper which,
; -while being perfectly good was
hiot liquid, they would be placed
' in a predicament in times of a
' lianicwmd would be unable to
"llerform 'tile very function for
''which' they were primarily cre-
It Is generally believed that in
the working out of this present
system, banks and communities
will be benefitted and safeguard
ed, and times of panic and strin
gency of money be a thing of the
New Health Officer, Dr. W. L.
Cheshire Submits His First
Monthly Report.
Dr. V. L. Cheshire, the new
county health officer,' yesterday
submitted his first report upon
the -births, deaths and contag
ious diseases in the county. He
gives the following figures for
the month of March:
Rirths, 28 females and 10
males from the following cities
and communities: Eugene six
males and three females; Mar
cola, four females and one male;
Cottage Grove, two females and
one male; Springfield, ono male
land claim at Pleasant Hill.
Later he became a gunsmith,
blacksmith, machinist and me
chanical engineer. He'
Springfield a few years ago and'
his wife died there. He then
went to California and remained
a short time, coming back to
Oregon and. taking up his resi
dence in Eugene. He leaves
seven children ln Washington,
Oregon and California.
Stayton voted $15,000 bonds
for a high school.
Heppner new Star theatre Js
nearly completd. jj
North Bend will operate' a,
municipal warehouse.
Albany Tom Ferrell will 'put'
up seven one-story brick stores.-
Eugene Omar Gullion jstto
build a $2000 brick store. '
Astoria killed plumbing bjrdlr
nance and ydu can washera
faucet without committing a;
crime. "
You are welcome.
11:00 a. m. Sermon. Subject,
"The Body of Christ."
2:00 p. m. Junior League.
G ;30 p. m. Epworth League.
7:30 p. m. Song service and
The school board will hold an
adjourned meeting tomorrow
night for the purpose of giving
further consideration to tho jie
lection of teachers for tho gram
mar grades of the Springfield
Free Mothodist Church.
Sabbath School at 10 a. m.
Preaching sorvices at 11 a.m.
Evening Services 7:30 p. m.
Children's meeting at 3 p. m.
Midweek prayer meeting on
Thursday at 7:30 p, m.
A cordial Invitation Is extend
ed to all.
Church of durst.
Bible School, 9:45 a. m com
munion and sermon at 11 a. m.,
Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p.
m., song service and sermon at
7:30 p. in., prayer meeting every
Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.
Baptist Church.
Sunday Sabbath school at
10 a. m;; preaching servico at
11 a. ni.;B, Y. P. U. at 0:30 p. m.
Preaching servico at 7:30 p. m.
Wednesday, Prayer mooting at
7:30 p; m. Thursday, Choir re
hearsal at 8 p. m.
r -
CAS ROOM HEATERS aro inoxponsivo to buy cheap to operate.. They, are
tholr cost over and over again in the colds, sore throat3 and othor ailments
they prevont. ' (
For Fall and Spring Heating they are ideal, Usoful during the colder months
for auxiliary purpososi-to help out tho regular stoves or furnacesto wa'm
rooms quickly in the morning.
See them at tho Gas office, 957 Willamette Street, or Fellman-Nowland Co.,
625-49 Willamette Stroet, Eugene.