ftirrK r ee uemonsir anon i 9, fftn eater Sott at Ren m dii Sunday, April Iho ltftli at irpeyciouionsirauon wiin tin kouwk mm TaiiK, Coio and boo this modern wny of developing your ncga- yt'Tho oxperiorico 1b Intho taiAr! Wh also wIhIi to announso at thin tlmo that wo aro In a petition to do flrflt cIabb Kodak fliiiBhlng at reasonable NEVER SUBSTITUTE Tales of -4-A now Colgato soap nt Pecry's. V -Ilcar tho now Edison Disc Phonographs at Poory's. ( ;' Wo hnvo Chick Food and Grit. M. G. DroHsIor & Son. X Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nect of Wendllng visited frlcndB hero over Sunday. ( -s-All hinds of Chick supplies at tho Feed Store. Wo sell good quality and wo sell it cheap, j 6 Tho home of Ray Lemloy nt Ninth and E streets was quar untincd Tuesday fever. s ter scarlet P. RaVere, who had a stroke of paralysis about two weeks ago, Is'ablo to be up and around Jlho house., w ", " Mrs. S. Young and daughter Ella'jspent the evening yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomas of Eugene. Cupid Flour (hardwheat) $1.76. Albany Flour (Blend), $1.00 at the Feed Store. Qual ity guaranteed. 7 Captain Dodd slipped on a board at Dr. Van Valzah's Tues day evening and fell, bruising his left shoulder severely. Tho Springfield Feed Com pany unloaded two cars of feed and. one of hay this week and will unload another car of hay Saturday. it O if you pay more than tho priced of a Now Perfection Oil stove you pay too much. If you pay less you get less. Hayden & Metcalf, the Home Furnishers WHlard Bosserman and wife formerly of Springfield; now of Roseburg, where Mr. Bosserman is ticket agent for the S. P. Co., arrived Wednesday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bosserman and family. Grocery Buying Doesn't Require the time and thought and attention that it used to. Nowadays, at this modern store, we take care of the "worry part", of, your grocery buying wo "stand-' be- tween you and impure foods and un desirable godds, -and the cost is no more than for inferior goods. 4 Get the Habit of Trtiding Here. V4, 8 P. ti, Hharpwe 111 give a the Town JL Colgate's Talcums lCc at Peery's. Ground bono and oyster shell. M. C. Dressier & Son. V Remember tho chicken din ner at the Elite Hotel Sunday. 35 cents. Miss Sudlo Lnmbcrt is suf fering from a severe attack of poison oak. Born Friday, April 9, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Miller of Go shen, a son. . Mr. and Mrs.iF. A. Worley 'of Wendllng aro in town for a few days on business. d " 0 Leather is high but we are selling harness cheaper thaif ever. Wolf & Miller. Miss Berrlno Palmer, who was operated on at tho Springfield hospital a week ago, wlli be able to return home soon. o Mr. and Mrs. 'J. It Cox came home Monday from Stayton, whonce thoy had been called by tho Illness of Mr. Cox' mother. , a Conkey's Starting Food for little Chlx. Makes tho little fel lows strong and healthy. Pre vents disease. Springflold Feed Company. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Patterson, who live a short distance west of SprlngAe'ldou the north side of tho river, visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. C, E. Brattain. Mr. Patterson is Just recovering from a long Illness. Mrs. H. E. Walker is In re ceipt of a letter from her lius- lband, who Is on jury duty in tho federal court in Portland, In which he says he has been drawn oh a case which will prob ably tako only a ..few days, and that all Jurqrs; iio on this case have been, excused until the first of May. e , x t t Larimer's ,4 The.tIji Reapers have afV1iW. The nextMMon rU;'W ngeti'a lipecfcSrogram for thVfW a week fronjftoday at the J ... 12 toil.. IVntiin t7".l 14J ' ranged entertainment, bfthe gentlemen tomorrow evening. mere win bo vocal and instrumental r. um bers followed by refreshments. Tho Reapers of. .America an nounce another of their1 deUgSt ful invitation, dances for Tues day evening, April 20. . The Gleaners arc holding their usual session of sewing at the homo of Mrs. Dan Gore OA north Seventh street this after noon. Tho Sunshine club of Prune vlllo met at the home of Mrs. Carlton Wyman Thursday after noon. Fancy work and a read ing from the life of Helen Keller, were features of the afternoon. Ofllcers for the ensuing term were- elected as follows: Presi dent, Mrs. T. A Chase; first vice president, Mrs. Irish; second vice-president, Mrs. McElhaney; sccretary-trpasurer, Mrs. Hook- Tho big sale is still going on at Wolf & "Miller's. Save 1-3 by buying Rexall School Tablets at Peeiy's. . f V Dr. J. E. Richmond wants a' couple kittens for his ,chiTdren. , When you think of old shoes think of Hall, the Shoe Doctor; a " William Hicks, merchant at Donna, was In Springfield on business today.- Mrs. Henry McCollum and' children go. to Jasper tills after- lipon to visit her sister, Mrs. Jl.JHesa of Goshen, a son. R. Baker. Good reliable fire Insurance. No assessments; no membership fee. Pay once and you are done. H. E. Walker at the City Hall. ;.Mrs. Ernest Conley of near 1JaUervlHo Bpent TUeeday -and' Wednesday here with her par - nnfo Mr nnrl Mrs N. H. Slimnr. I -"vw O . Fresh milk delivered night, aiid morning from Pruneville Dairy. Any one wishing milk call 34F3. We have our own milk. 15tf A dollar saved is a dollar earned. Have Hall the Shoe Doctor renair those old shoes and thus save a dollar on the new ones. V Cow owners will note we are selling Dairy chop at $1 per cwt. Our other feeds aro low priced in proportion. ' Spring field Feed Co. Ernest Lyon and Dale Tusslng of tho Springfield Feed Company went to Brownsville last Sunday and brought up Dave Sterling's automobile as far as Springfield. Mr. Sterling Is in the feed busi ness at Cottage Grove. ' M. Fenwlck, representative Jn 1ia lnrrlolntltlA of ta loot Cflflclnn i this week received a large pic ture giving tho photographs of I all of tho meihebrs of the lower j house, placed according to the seating of the house. He has had his picture framed. D. S, Bcals, assistant cashier of the First National bank, has just recently received notice of his appointment as Ideal repre sentative of the U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. of Baltimore. The company does a general bonding business and insures plate glass. w Mel Bnrtlett had on display this week at the bowling alley tho black wolf hide he had mounted for Stacoy Russell, County Clerk. This was tho wolf that had been playing havoc with young stock near Marcqla and was finally i trapped. It was indeed a monster and when made Into a rug by Mr. Bartlett it Is certainly a beauty and qno of which the owner may home of Mrs. Fred CHwt. f1 t 'f ,Mrt and Mrs. Truman Chase oflyruneville entertained at din ner last Tuesday evening Miss Ethel Kingwell, Miss Maude Cse, Mr, Homer Cfaae Mr. H4rry Chase, Mr. Jcsbc Spencer, Mr, Harold Chase, Mr. Elmo ClSase. The evening was very pleasantly spent in social con verter ' A Pic social was, given at the Chase School last Friday evening to raise fund for tae school float. There was a short pregram of music and singing aid an Illustrated lecture ,on Jajwn, following which the pies Were sold to the highest bidders. 4 - The Emanon club held a very delightful session Wednesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. A. Valentine. Fancy work filled In the afternoon hours, and the hokess served dainty luncheon. Mr. C. L. Scott is In Portland onbusiness. ; 0 Airs. W. F. Walkgr is quite ill at)ier home here. .Mrs. J. R. Barr went to Port- lam! Tuesday on a business "trip. ' " t, - - U4s?i"?ow is the time toget"your sweat padB cheap. Wolf & Miller. M The Lebanon paper mill has been merged .with the Crown $Hlam$te group. 1A; . ft'- ' f . Born, on Monday, April 12,, 195rto. Mr. and Mrs. Richard , The Brilliant Vacuum Cleaner for sale $19.50, or lor rerjf $1.25 per day. See Dale Muipmey... 14 The foreman of the S. P. bridfee crew at Oakridge suffered a bwkfenarm Sunday when' va"s struck, by a pitched ball. ' a Broken arm Sunday when'be 1 1. !.!.. HCM1 4 1. i r waa broken down Tuesday when a c6unty road roller crossed it. Repairs were made next day by Marshal Staniger. ; Dr. J. R. Barr left last week ifgrew, Orleans where he will laKea )Cst grauuate course, lie ..expects Ao be gone for two or thre months. 0 . Surprise your wife with a New; Perfection oil stove and she will certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness. Hayden & Metcalf, the home furnishers, Ronald Roberts received word today from his brother Dr. N. Roberts that their grandmother, Mrs.':C.'D. Montague, who is. liv ing with her son, Dr. Bedpath of Olympia, Washington, suf fered a stroke of paralysis last Saturday and attotKer Sunday. Little hopes for her recovery are heklf qut. Classified Ads Forlile, Rent, Wanted, Etc. WANTED Boarders and room ers at the Elite Hotel. FOR SALE Eggs from fancy bred Partridge ' Wyandotts $1,00 per 15 at the house, 6th and D streets Springfield, Ore. Phone 10S R W. L. Dunlap. R. O, A. hall for rent. Well ven tilated and lighted, clean and wa,rm. Kitchen and dining room attached. Rates reason able. , Apply to Fred Watke, Gilbert Davis or W. A. Hall. FOR SALE -17-ft. new boat. Call at Springfield Planing Mill or Phone 130W3. 9tf. 6-RQOM HOUSE and lot for sales or rent. Modern conven iences. Easy terms. Call at News ofllce 9-RO.QM rooming house for rent furniture for sale. Fifth and H E On Saturday We have been asked by several of our customers to put on another Guernsey Wewre Sale This is the New Cooking Dieh H A R D W A R E S T O R E Saturday is the Day 10 Cents15 Cents Exceptional Bargains See Our Window Beaver Herndon Hardware Co. Algona and Long Lake saw mills have reopened employing 225 men. Portland Gas company offi cials have gone east to get mon ey for extensions. Employes of the Portland. Railway, Light & Power com pany voluntarily refuse to un ionize or go on a strike. ' Klamath Falls kicks at buy ing road machinery of mail or der houses. An Albany man is to be super intendent of the state flax plant. Summons. In the Justice Court for Eugene Jus tice District, Lano County, Oregon. W. H. Lynch, plaintiff, vs. M. E. Ed- wards. Defendant. To M. E. Edwards, the above-named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon; You aro hereby summoned and requir ed to appear and answer the CyHs plaint in the above entitled cause within six weeks from the date of first publication of the summons here in, and you are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear and answer said' i complaint as hereby required- the plaintiff ;jwill 'take fedgreenf against !you as prayed for in said complaint now on file In the -said court,, to-wlt: Judgment in the sum of $77.65 with ! interest thereon from July 1, 1914, and I the further sum of- Fifteen ($15.00) tDfillara attorney's fees, and for the costs and disbursements in the above 'entitled action. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable Jesse G. Wells, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made on the 24th day of March, 1916, requiring publication thereof once each week for six successive weeks and requiring that you appear and answer said complaint on or before six weeks from the 15th day of April, the date of the first publication hereoi. JESSE G. WELLS, E. O. IMMEL, Justice of the Peace. Attorney for Plaintiff. thM27 Sheriffs Sale of Real Property on Foreclosure. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an Execution and Order of sale duly issued out of the Clrr-tilf Omrt nt Uia Rtntn nt flrfteivn for Lano County, to me directed, on the 13tn aay O April, isio, on a guagmeni rendered In said Court on the 6th day of April, 1915, in a sutt wherein 'the Plaintiff John H. Seavey recovered Judgment against the Defendants .C. W. Chapman and M. E. Scantlta 'f er the sum of Six Thousand Four Hundred Forty-eight & 66-100 ($6448.66) Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from the said 6th day of April, 1915, and the mm nt Vlvn Hundred and no-100 f$50.09) Dollars Attorneys Fees, and the furth er sum of $22.00 cost ana tne sum ot $22.80 for taxes paid, which Judgment xvna nnrnllpH And docketed in the Clerk's ofHce of said Court in said County on the 6th day of April, me, nnd oniii F!Tfriit Inn " to me directed ..tmtttnn diner mn In thn name of the State of Oregon in order -to satisfy said Judgment, Attorney s lees, sum pam for taxes, costs and accruing costs to sell the following described premises, to-wlt Ttnoinnlnr- nt n nnlnt on the North line of Section 13, Township 18, South Range 3 West of the wiuamotio w ri,iion rlirilns N". 88 Dec. 51 mln. West of the Northeast corner of Bald Section, ana running mence xxorui u Tint, a min. w. 21.13 chains to the inn Tnnnir nt tlm fnfiftt Fork of the Willamette River, thence meandering said River S. 00 ueg, .uz min. io.oo chains; thence S. 32 Deg. 43 mln. E. t ?)R )ininn! tlinnro S. 8 Dok. 57 mln. E. 0.92: chains; thence S. 18 Deg. 26 This Will Whet " 1 ' 0 This store Is filled with the choicest groceries money can UUy Wlth groceries entirely free from all adulterations With groceries of the most absolute and unquestioned pur-tv-with groceries that build up the .system and Instill that remarkable energy whlcli insures successful life,1 " rllCE & MILLER W I T H T H E Y E L "E'' O w F R O N T mln. W. 9.90 chains; theace 8. 6 Deg. 49 mln. E. 4.15 chains; thence S. 11 Deg. 40 mln. E. 1.00 chains; taeaee S, 73 Deg. 51 mia. W. 18.29 chaisa; tiefice N. 1 Deg. .92 Mia. E. parallel to the east line of the -North half of section 13, 21.01 chains to the begin ning, containing 60.50 acres la sec tioaa 7 and 18, Township 18 S. Range 2 W. and sections 12 and 13, Towa ship 18 S Range 3 V., Lane County, Oregon, reserving for road purposes a strip of land 40 feet wide along the South side of Sections 12 and 7, ex tending from the point ef beginning 10.50 chains to the left bank of the Coast Fork of the Willamette River, all in Lane County, Oregon. Now, therfore, in the name of the State of Oregon, and in compliance with said Execution and order of sate, I will on Saturday the 15th day ef May, 1915, between the hours of. 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m to wit, at One o'clock p. m. oh said day, at the Southwest door of the Court House In Eugene, Lane County, Ore gon, oTer for sale for cash, subject t redemption all right, title and interest of the above named Defendants ht and to the above described real preeertgr JAMES a PARKBR, Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon. By D. A. ELKINS, Deputy, RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF LANDS IN NATIONAL F0RB8T. NOTIC8 IS HEREBY GIVBN THAT the lands described below, em bracing 140 acres, within' the, Caa -cade & Slualaw Nat focal Foreeta,Ore-' gon, wiU be subject to settlement ane! -entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of the United States au1 the act of June 11, 1906 (34 Stat. 233) at the United Statee land office . . it Roseburg, Oregon, on June 12,1915. Any settler who was actually .and In good faith claiming any of said lands 'or agricultural purposes prior to Jan uary 1, 1906, and has not abandoned jame, has a preference right to make x homestead entry for the lands ac tually occupied. Said lands were listed upon the applicatioafef the persons Mentioned below, who, have a prefer 2nco right subject te&the prior right of any such settler,, provided such set ter or applicant is qualified to make homestead entry and the preference right Is exercised prior to June 12, 1915, on which date the lands will be 3ubject to settlement and entry by any qualified person. The lands are as follows: The N SWtt SWtf. the NWK-SEK SW. Sec IS, T. 16 a, R. 5 E. W. M., 30 acres, listed upon ap plication of Leonard A. Fowl, Blue fiver, Oregon; List 6-1625. The SE& EW, the SWii NEU SEtf, Sec 27, T. 17 S., R. 11 W 50 acres, application ot T. lit Goenell, Amity; Oregon; List' 6-1649. The E SE NW4 NE, the Stt NK NW4 NE4, Sec. 19, T. 21 S. R. 3 S.; 'except a strip ef land 45 laks wide-described as follows: Beginning at a point 5 chains south and 10 chains east ot the quarter section corner ea the, north Bide of Section 10. extending theace 22& links on each side of a line running- south 5 chains to the place where the end of tho strip closes ou the south boundary of the tract, the net area being 14.78 acres, listed upon, application of Isaac J. Wiley, Oak ridge, Oregon; List 6-1653. The E& NWVi SEU, the S SE SWNE, the NWU SE SW NB,the SW NEU SW NEW. .the. NWVi SWU NE4. the E ' SW SW NE, Sec. 29, T. 16 S., R. 10 W., 45 acres application of S. M. Woosley, Florence, Oregon; List 6-1665. March 22, 1915. C. M. BRUCE', Assistant CoBimlaloner of the General Land. Office. Call for Warrants. Notice Is hereby given that I wiir pay all outstanding Street Improve ment warrants against the Town of Springfield up to and Including num ber 6640. Interest will cease after April 15. 1915. By order of Town Council. LILLIAN GORRIE, t Apr 26 Treasurer. Your Appetite I ( v i i well feel proud. A. Phone 122-M. 21